Top 6 Apps Similar to ExV Selection

QuickFinder 4.0
Carel Industries
CAREL presents QuickFinder, the selectiontoolfor refrigeration applications.This has been designed and developed for distributorsandinstallers, with the following objectives:-To provide a useful contribution in the field, whenproductinformation is needed during installation or maintenance,such asparameter tables, alarm tables, connection diagrams andinstructionsheets, thus helping the installer in their every daywork, andmaking access to this information faster (and thereforelesscostly).-To offer a tool for selecting the most suitable solution:startingfrom the application (e.g. cold room, bottle cooler orrefrigeratedcabinet), the App suggests the most suitable product,consequentlysimplifying the selection process for the distributorandinstaller.-To offer a CAREL alternative to other products available onthemarket. Distributors or installers who want to use aCARELcontroller for a specific application can now refer to a tablewithcomplete comparison of compatible instruments.The current version included: easy, ir33, ir33+ and MasterCella.New Languages version --> COMING SOON!
QuickFinder AUS/NZ 4.0
CAREL presents QuickFinder, the selection tool forrefrigerationapplications. This has been designed and developed fordistributorsand installers, with the following objectives: - Toprovide auseful contribution in the field, when product informationisneeded during installation or maintenance, such asparametertables, alarm tables, connection diagrams and instructionsheets,thus helping the installer in their every day work, andmakingaccess to this information faster (and therefore lesscostly). - Tooffer a tool for selecting the most suitable solution:startingfrom the application (e.g. cold room, bottle cooler orrefrigeratedcabinet), the App suggests the most suitable product,consequentlysimplifying the selection process for the distributorandinstaller. - To offer a CAREL alternative to otherproductsavailable on the market. Distributors or installers whowant to usea CAREL controller for a specific application can nowrefer to atable with complete comparison of compatible instruments.Thecurrent version included: easy, ir33, ir33+ and MasterCella.
Klíma-Kontroll Hungary 1.2
Az alkalmazás segítségével a CARELPlantWatchkészülékünket távolról elérhetjük telefonkészülékünkről.A PlantWatch adatgyűjtő csatlakozhat vezetékes vagy mobilhálózaton,így lehetővé válik vezetékes hálózattól távol lévő vagynehezenelérhető hűtőberendezések megfigyelése, elérése.The application allowsyouto remotely access your device CAREL PlantWatch device toyourphone.The PlantWatch data acquisition can connect to wired orcellularnetwork, allowing chillers absent or difficult to accessfixed-linenetwork monitoring to achieve.
pRack size&more 1.0
Carel Industries
CAREL presents pRack size&more, thepRacktool for retail applications.This app has been designed with the following objectives:- SIZE To suggest the most matching codes andarchitectureaccording to the information provided. It is alsopossible toexport a pdf file with summary information about yourchoice.- FIND To quickly find information starting from: Carel codes,MaskIndex, Supervisory name and Alarm codes.- MORE To provide a useful contribution both in the office andinthe field, when product information is needed during selectionorinstallation or maintenance.Supported pRack:-pR300-pR300T
Climate tools 4.1
The ultimate app for air psychometrics and evaporative cooling!Whatare the air characteristics given the current values oftemperatureand humidity? How can I calculate the mix of two airstream? What isthe humidification load for my AHU? These are someof the questionsthis app can provide answers for, and, on top,also estimates ofpower saved by evaporative cooling. There are 9functions availableinside the app: · AIR calculates thecharacteristic parameters ofthe air by entering 2 of the following4 values: dry-bulbtemperature (DBT), wet-bulb temperature (WBT),%rh, humidity ratio.The outputs are: dew-point temperature,specific enthalpy, density,specific volume, vapor pressure, vapordensity · MIX calculates thecharacteristics of the mixture fromthe properties of two airstreams (DBT, WBT, %rh, W, flow rate) ·HUMIDIFICATION LOAD 1calculates the humidification load based onan air current upstreamof the humidifier and a set point. Theoutputs are: thehumidification load, the flow rate of the atomizedwater (only inthe case of adiabatic humidification) and theconditions ofpre-heating · HUMIDIFICATION LOAD MIX calculates thehumidificationload from the mixture of 2 air streams upstream ofthe humidifierand a set point. The outputs are: the humidificationload, the flowrate of the atomized water (only in the case ofadiabatichumidification), the conditions of pre-heating, thecharacteristicsof the mixture of the two air streams upstream ofthe humidifier ·DEC (Direct Evaporative Cooling) calculates thecooling, astemperature and as power, of an air stream by theevaporation ofwater sprayed in it · IEC (Indirect EvaporativeCooling) calculatesthe cooling, as temperature and as power, of aprimary air stream byevaporation of water sprayed in a secondaryair stream that does NOTmix with the primary stream. The primaryand secondary streams passthrough a cross-flow heat exchanger ·DEC + IEC calculates thecooling, as temperature and as power, of aprimary air stream byevaporation of water sprayed both in theprimary stream and in asecondary air stream. The primary andsecondary streams pass througha cross-flow heat exchanger WITHOUTmixing. The secondary stream isthe exhausted part of the returnair. If the exhaust flow is lessthan the primary flow, the part ofreturn air not exhausted is mixedwith the cooled primary air afterthe heat exchanger. · EVAPORATIVECOOLING calculates the additionalheat rejected by a condensercoil/dry cooler when they are sprayedby water, assuming that watercompletely wets the exposed surfaceof the heat-rejection coil. ·AFTER THE AIR HUMIDIFIER IN AHU/DUCTcalculates the conditionsdownstream of the humidifier in AHU/ductonce the environment’s setpoint and internal sensible and latentloads are entered.
HERZ FBH - Floor Heating Calc 2.1.3
Herz Armaturen
Optimal dimensioning, appliance and setup of a floorheatingelementsare keywords for perfectly functional floorheatingsystem. Thesystem has to be designed, managed andexecutedstrictly followingrecent standard procedures. HERZ FHcalculatesand visuallyrepresents output information: maximaloverall floorheating surfacearea heated with single heating loop(pipe lengthup to 100m) overallpipe length for complete floorheating systemnumber of heating loops(for choosing distributors)The mostimportant and most usefuloutputs are: overall heatingmediun flowheating capacity of thefloor heating system pressuredrop (forcirculation pump sizing)