Top 5 Apps Similar to TeachUp Lite

TAPUCATE - Teacher App
TAPUCATE - Grades. Mobile. Easy. Gradebook, Teacher-App,SeatingPlan and more!
Lehrer App 1.2.6
4teachers GmbH
Die LehrerApp ist der digitale Lehrerkalender,dem größten Portal für Lehrer in Deutschland undmacht dasLehrerleben leichter.Einzige Voraussetzung zur Nutzung dieser App ist diekostenloseRegistrierung unter für Sie:+ Sparen Sie Zeit. Die LehrerApp ist immer dabei. So könnenSieauch zwischendurch von überall Ihren Unterricht planen,Notizenmachen, Noten vergeben oder Fehlzeiten aktualisieren.+ Sicherheit wird bei uns großgeschrieben. Ihre Daten werdennachden aktuellsten Verschlüsselungstechnologienverschlüsseltübertragen und gespeichert!+ Die clevere Unterrichtsplanung, bei der Sie zu jeder StundedasMaterial hinzufügen können.+ Zur Zeitersparnis können Sie alle Daten ins neueSchuljahr(z.B. die Unterrichtsplanung) übernehmen.+ Im praktischen Kalender können Sie private undschulischeTermine komfortabel und übersichtlich verwalten!+ Die LehrerApp ist im Offlinemodus bedienbar. SobaldeineOnline-Verbindung verfügbar ist, synchronisiert sich dieAppautomatisch mit der Internetseite und bringt den Anwender aufdenaktuellen Stand der Daten.Hinweis: Negative Kommentare werden häufig sehr schnellabgegeben.Bitte geben Sie uns die Möglichkeit auf etwaige Problemeüberunseren Support unter support.lehrerapp.dezu reagieren, bevor Sie die LehrerApp vorschnell schlechtbewerten.In den meisten Fällen konnten Probleme bisher zeitnahbehobenwerden. Gerne können Sie uns auch per Mail unter service@lehrerapp.debenachrichtigenoder anrufen unter: Tel.: 0261 / 9218791. Ideen undWünsche sammelnwir unter support.lehrerapp.deThedoctrine Rapp is the digital Teachers Calendar,the largest portal for teachers in Germany andmakes life easierfor teachers.The only requirement for using this app is the freeregistrationunder for you: + Save time. The doctrine Rapp is always there. Youcanalso plan from anywhere in between your lessons, take notes,assigngrades or update absenteeism.+ Security is important to us. Your data is encrypted usingthelatest encryption technologies and once stored!+ Smarter lesson planning, in which you can add the materialatany hour.+ To save time, you can take all the data to the new schoolyear(eg, lesson planning).+ In practical calendar helps you and extracurriculareventscomfortable and easy to manage!+ The doctrine Rapp is operated in offline mode. As soon asanonline connection is available, the app automatically syncswiththe web site, and returns the user to the current state ofthedata.Note: Negative comments are submitted often very quickly.Pleasegive us the opportunity to any issues about our supportatsupport.lehrerapp.deto react before evaluating the teaching Rapp hastily bad. Inmostcases, problems have been resolved in a timely manner. Ofcourseyou can also notify us by email at or call:Tel.: 0261 / 9,218,791th ideas and wishes we
TeacherStudio - Teacher App
Danny Wernicke
TeacherStudio: lesson planning,calendar,seating plan and class register in one Teacher App forAndroid andWindows.* TeacherStudio aspires to improve your dailyorganisationradically.* All data in one integrated app: TeacherStudio unifies yourgrade,student and lesson planning and management. You find allcourse andlesson data in a single integrated place.* Lesson schedule overview: the integrated calendar enables youtoeasily manage school related appointments and lessons.Theseappointments can be created, moved and cancelled hassle freeandwith a few clicks* You can easily lookup who forgot his her her materialorhomeworks. If there is something that you want to remember,addcomments for students, lessons and grades.* Calculate grades on the fly: TeacherStudio will calculategradesfor you based on a fully customizable grading scheme. Ifthecalculated grade doesn't properly reflect the studentsperformance,you can override calculated grades easily.* Works for all school types: TeacherStudio comes with a varietyofcommon german and austrian grade systems and can be usedatelementary schools, grammar schools and vocational schools.* Easy reporting: whenever you need a report, be itforparent-teacher-conferences or semester finalizations, youcancreate printable course reports. These reports list thelessontopics, notable lessons and all grades.* TeacherStudio can be used under Android 4.3+, Windows 8andWindows 10. A simple, encrypted data sync feature via OneDriveandGoogleDrive is build in and allows you to sync databetweendifferent devices - even across platform borders!TeacherStudio is available in english and german. 2 courses canbemanaged for free allowing teachers and teachers in training totryall features and discover TeacherStudio.A license covers an unlimited number of devices of the sameplatformand is bound to the user account that initiated thepurchase.Example: a license purchased from the Google Play Storeallowsunlimited Android devices, a license purchased from theMicrosoftApp Store is valid for an unlimited amount of Microsoft 8deviceslike laptops, tablets and PCs.
Timetable 3.1.1
Moritz Iseke
With this app you can easily manage your school life withyourphoneor your tablet. You can create a timetable, homework,exams,gradesand holidays easily. Timetable - Choose between day-andweekview -Enable saturday and/or AB week - Your phone getsmutedduring thelessons Homework - Choose a subject and the datewill becalculatedautomatically - Attach multiple pictures withyourcamera or fromthe gallery - Add a reminder Exams - Attachmultiplepictures - Adda exam type, a grade and a note - getnotified whenthere is an examin the upcoming days Grades - You canweight yourgrades and addgrade types - You can even weight yoursubjects (e.gwhen a subjectis more important than another) - Theaverage willbe calculatedautomatically Hours absent - Add hoursabsent and getnotified whenyou got unexcused absences - Categorizeyou absences- The app willautomatically calculate the amount ofabsences afteryou selectedyour timeinterval Widgets -Homeworkwidget -Timetablewidget - ExamWidget - Next lesson widget - showsyour next twoclasses -Timetable clock widget - shows the remainingtime of thecurrentlesson - shows the next two classes TranslationsItalianAndreaSartorello Russian Vitaly Snytsa Korean Bomi ChungAlpha&Betatesters:
Hindi Keyboard 17.0
Fancy Font For U
Hindi keyboard app which allow you to type in Hindi and Englishatsame time.