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Train Schedules of Sri Lanka 1.19
Asela Leelaratne
Retrieves' results as quickly aspossiblewithminimum effort.Features:1. Auto complete station names.2. Search the full schedule/trains departing with a giventimeperiodor next scheduled train.3. Ticket prices are also shown with schedule.4. Last 10 searches are saved as search history.5. Save frequently used search parameters to favourites.Searches can be saved to favourites (while in search taborresultsview) by tapping menu key->"Add to favourites".6. Rename/Delete Favourites by long tapping on an item.7. Send/Share a search result or all results with friends.Icons & Market Graphics by Ranganath GunawardaneNote:Train schedule data is read from ICTA'srailwayserviceAPI.( note that the application displays train timetabledataandticket prices received from the government server,whicharesometimes inaccurate which is beyond my control.Source Code available at: you encounter a "Force Close" please uninstallandreinstallthe application. If you still encounter problemspleaseemail mewith the details.I would like to thank everyone who installed theapplicationandwho gave valuable feedback to make this asuccess.Disclaimer of Warranty.THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENTPERMITTEDBYAPPLICABLE LAW.EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHTHOLDERSAND/OROTHER PARTIESPROVIDE THE PROGRAM AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANYKIND,EITHEREXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIESOFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THEQUALITYANDPERFORMANCE OF THEPROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE,YOUASSUMETHE COST OF ALLNECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION.