Top 24 Apps Similar to FX168财经外汇行情

汇通财经 - FX678外汇交易大师 6.1.6
金十数据(jin10.com出品) 2.0
Sina Finance Finance is the leading brand in China, hundredsofmillions of investors' choice
华尔街见闻 6.8.4
华尔街见闻-中国领先的金融和商业信息服务商,首创财经信息“实时”模式,重要信息秒级推送。7*24小时全年不间断为用户提供资讯、数据、行情、研究和社区等服务。【使命】帮助投资者理解世界,更好地投资【荣誉】 多次入选AppStore新闻类精品推荐;华尔街投资大鳄罗杰斯盛赞、3000位分析师与基金经理的首选APP;连续多年位列各应用市场财经资讯排行榜榜首,成为影响力超群的财经市场风向标;AppStore全球十个国家与地区新闻类付费榜前十名。【优势】全球视野,专业快速华尔街见闻团队分驻纽约华尔街、伦敦金融城、香港中环、上海陆家嘴、北京金融街,7*24小时实时推送,紧盯金融市场行情,资讯内容覆盖股票(A股、美股、港股等)、外汇(人民币、美元、欧元、日元等汇率)、基金、债券、大宗商品、期货、贵金属、黄金、白银、石油、房地产等。【联系我们】官方微信:wallstreetcn新浪微博:@华尔街见闻APP建议电话:021-60675200联系邮箱
佳投环球 -港美股交易软件 1.5.6
Kaisa Developer
佳投环球是为海内外广大投资者专门打造的集在线开户、行情、交易和实时资讯为一体的手机应用,是投资者玩转全球的投资利器。【免费开户】3分钟在线极速开户,方便快捷【交易品种丰富】港股、ETF、美股、沪深股通、海外基金一站式投资【实时行情】登录即送港股LV2、美股、沪深股通实时行情,市场先机快人一步【一键打新】港股一键打新,银行融资高至十倍【智能选股】提供基本面、技术面多维智能选股,助您优选股票佳兆业金融集团有限公司是一家历史悠久的香港券商,多年来以优质与专业服务深受客户信赖。在香港证券及期货事务监察委员会规管下(中央编号为 AQD216),提供第一类等受规管活动牌照,多年以来秉承着诚信、高效、共赢的宗旨,为海内外广大投资者提供优质高效的金融服务。如有任何疑问或建议,欢迎通过以下方式联系:官网:www.kaisafin.com联络电话:香港(852) 3965 7228,内地4008418008
链闻 2.4.4
链闻 ChainNews 凭借遍布全球的丰富报道资源与数据挖掘能力,旨在为中国的FinTech金融科技菁英与决策者们提供每日不可或缺的区块链行业资讯与深度分析。【新闻】每天全面、准确地为你推荐区块链新闻资讯和深度解读,帮你快速了解行业动态,为你的投资决策提供参考;【快讯】24小时为你提供及时准确的链圈币圈最新动态,助你及时调整投资决策; 【专栏】区块链行业作者专栏,收录 500+行业大咖的最新文章。【联系我们】 官方网站:www.chainnews.com微信公众号:链闻ChainNews(chainnewscom)微博:@链闻ChainNews 商务合作
同花顺至尊版-免费炒股 股票软件 10.16.02
Youyu Stock
“Youyu Stock” is a securities trading platform underYunfengFinancial Group and provides one-stop securities informationandtrading services for investors. Through the mobileapplication“Youyu Stock”, investors can enquire real-time quotesand conducttransactions online. Yunfeng Financial Group, listed onthe HongKong Stock Exchange Main Board, is a pioneer infinancialtechnology. The subsidiaries of Yunfeng Financial Grouparelicensed corporations which are granted a licence to carry onTypes1, 4, 6 and/or 9 regulated activities under the SecuritiesandFutures Ordinance in Hong Kong.  With strongtechnicalstrength and sensitive market sense, “Youyu Stock” willbecome agood partner on your investment journey, and help youaccuratelygrasp market opportunities. Why choose “Youyu Stock”?[Onlineaccount opening] You only need a valid ID to apply for anaccountonline, which is simple and convenient. [All-In-One account]Withone securities account, you can trade stock in Hong Kong andtheU.S. markets, as well as stocks and Shanghai and Shenzhenstocksvia the Stock Connect program. [Transparent fee] Duringthepromotion period, the Hong Kong stocks commission rate is as lowas0.1%, and the U.S. stocks commission is as low as 1 cent/share.Thefees are objective and transparent. [Real-time quotes] Weprovidereal-time quotes from HKEX, NASDAQ, Shenzhen Stock ExchangeandShanghai Stock Exchange [Online operation] Deposit andwithdrawalof cash and securities as well as foreign exchange, canbe operatedonline at one go. The processes are handy and speedy.[Safe andSecure] We are a listed brokerage firm with comprehensivelicensesand transparent information. [Youyu E-cash] You can earnyield byusing idle funds in the account. If you have any questions,pleasecontact us by the following ways: Hong Kong, China: +85228431422Mainland China: 4008439666 WeChat Official Account“YunfengFinancial Group”: majikwealth
1690 STOCK-港股即時報價交易亞洲實盤競技 2.9.210915901
1690STOCK是香江證券(中央編號:BJB477)獨家研發的股票報價及交易軟件。支持港股及全球指數報價、到價提示、港股交易、新股認購、資金提存等功能。香江金融集團是香江集團的成員公司,為客戶提供一站式的專業金融服務。香江證券擁有一支經驗豐富的專業團隊,熟悉國際股票市場,精通交易流程,提供客戶買賣股票,債券,全權委託投資,資產管理等服務。公司致力為客戶提供快捷安全可靠穩定的交易平台。投資有風險,需小心謹慎。如有查詢,歡迎以以下方式聯絡我們:官網: 客服熱線:+852 39720708 | +86 400 1209293 傳真: +852 3972 0736
Caixin News 8.0.1
High-quality financial news coverage, exclusive and in-depthreports
World Index - Stock.Bond.Fund 2.5
The simplest tools for you to trackglobalmarket indices.Declaration:This APP provide simple interface to access data from StockQandIndexQ.All the contents do not belong to us.You can obtain the web reference
FX Rate Calculator - Currency Exchange Rate Search 1.24
Just SW
FX Rate Calculator, Exchange Rate Calculator app, Forex Rate, Itisareal time FX Rate query helper. Available Offline,withoutinternetyou can still use last FX rate to calculate.Whentraveling,shopping, Don't worry how to exchange currency. UseFXRateCalculator to easy exchange. + Friendly UI(User Interface)+Moveyour favorite currency to first priority + First timelaunchAPP, itwill update FX Rate immediately. Support Currency:NewTaiwan Dollar(TWD) American Dollar/United Statesdollar/U.S.dollar (USD) HongKong Dollar (HKD) British Pound (GBP)AustralianDollar (AUD)Canadian Dollar (CAD) Singapore Dollar (SGD)SwissFranc (CHF)Japanese Yen (JPY) South African Rand (ZAR)SwedishKrona (SEK) NewZealand Dollar (NZD) Thai Baht (THB)PhilippinePeso (PHP) IndonesianRupiah (IDR) Euro (EUR) Korean Won(KRW)Vietnam Dong (VND) MalaysianRinggit (MYR) China Yen (CNY)Source :Bank of Taiwan Cash Selling FXRate
港股360 2.5.0
「港股360」重點內容包括:一)互動圖表即時報價除了股票即時報價外,旋轉手機至橫向熒幕即顯示多功能選項,自動「趨勢線」及「蟹貨區」一目了然,助您掌握股票走勢及「睇位」,制定買入賣出策略。二)即市異動包括「20大升幅」、「20大跌幅」 、「20大成交量」、「20大成交額」排名,助您即市捕捉投資機會。三)360選股器您除可按基本或技術分析「DIY選股」外,更可以參考由《信報》投資研究部編制的「策略選股」,根據不同投資策略為您預先篩選股票清單。四)股票管理將心水股票儲存至組合,設定目標/止蝕、買入/賣出價,隨時查看組合即日/累積賺蝕表現,管理股票組合話咁易。五)港股直擊即時發布最新港股資訊,直擊大巿動向,追蹤異動股票,緊貼專家即市教路、滬/深港通新聞、企業通告和日誌等。
彭博商業周刊繁体版 3.4.7
《彭博商業周刊》繁體中文版(BloombergBusinessweekChinese)是一本為大中華商業精英量身定制的國際商業雜誌,借助彭博社(Bloomberg)遍布全球72個國家與地區的 146個記者站與2,300多名新聞和多媒體專業人員,以及一流本土採編團隊,提供即時及富有洞見的原創商業報道, 助您在全球範圍內更好地發現與把握投資與商業機遇。 《彭博商業周刊/中文版》注重新聞性、前瞻性、深度和觀點,以洞見和趣味服務於全球化新經濟時代的讀者。 精心設計的《彭博商業周刊/中文版》iPhone/iPad版不只是一本周刊 ,而是助您擁有國際視野,在全球化時代保持領先、不跟隨的流動商業智慧。除了每日為您推送來自彭博社(Bloomberg)的新鮮財經商業資訊外,《彭博商業周刊/中文版》iPhone/iPad版整合多媒體技術,為您帶來印刷版內容外更具互動性的內容及《彭博商業周刊/中文版》讀者專屬的頂級商業活動資訊。 
FSM Mobile - UT & Mutual Funds
Invest globally and profitablywithFundsupermart’s mobile application!With over a decade of experience serving investors withanaward-winning funds platform, Fundsupermart is widely recognizedasa leading funds and investment services distributor inSingapore,Hong Kong and Malaysia.With this mobile application, being a mutual funds and unittrustsspecialist has never been easier! Packed with easy-to-useandinteractive tools, and numerous analyses on mutual funds /unittrusts, you can stay on top of the latest developments intheglobal markets and funds industry.Take charge of your finances now! Download the FREEFundsupermartmobile application!Features include:★ IdeasIdea of the week: This popular weekly article gives you ideasandinvestment tips on how you can position your mutual funds /unittrusts portfolio wisely, amidst rapid changes and developmentsinthe global markets and the funds industry.Research: Leverage on the independent analyses by our researchteamon markets, mutual funds / unit trusts, portfolios andmuchmore.Funds and Personal Finance: Get investment insights fromouranalyses on funds and our interviews with fund managers andotherinvestment experts.Webcast: Hear straight from the fund managers and industryexpertsfrom around the world as we interview them on their strategyinmanaging their mutual funds / unit trusts, and their take onthelatest global market developments.★ MarketsFSMI (Fundsupermart Fund Indices): The FSMI are uniqueproprietaryindices created by Fundsupermart to track theperformance of mutualfunds / unit trusts across asset classes,markets, sectors andregions. With the FSMI, you can make an easycomparison of a fund’sperformance versus its peers in the samerelevant category.Market Indices: Get the latest information on the globalstockmarkets, including key valuation metrics, which give you anidea ontheir earnings growth potential and their Price Earnings(PE) level(an indicator to evaluate a market’sattractiveness).★ Portfolio SimulatorCreate a portfolio with the different Fundsupermart FundIndices(FSMI) invested across different asset classes and markets.Withthis interactive tool, you can change the weight age tothedifferent FSMI and see the historical performance of theportfolioyou have created.★ FundsFund Watch: This popular funds tracker tool lets you addyourfavorite funds into fund watchlist, and track their daily price/NAV data.Top Volume Funds: Find out what other investors are interestedin,with data on the more popular mutual funds / unit trusts byvolumeover the past one week/ month.Top Gainers and Top Losers: All the information you need on thebestand worst performing mutual funds / unit trusts over differenttimeperiods (from as recent as one week to as long as 5 years) canbefound here.Fund Finder: This feature makes the search for a fund basedondifferent search criteria, e.g. by Fund House or by AssetClass,easy and fast!★ HoldingsSimply log in with your Fundsupermart account details to viewyourmutual funds / unit trusts holdings, based on the latestdailyprice / NAV data.★Chart Center:Chart the performance of funds over different time frames, fromasshort-term as 1 month to as long-term as 10 yearsBy using this application, you are deemed to have read andacceptedour legal information.
巨子 ICON - 財經股票資訊及專家分析 1.5.2
‧掌握盛世脈絡 以氣度展現格局作為一個經濟信息垂直平台,「巨子ICON」以專業的企業及市場深度分析為核心內容,專注於獨家的行業專題報道及星級權威解讀,發掘中國及香港區具潛力的孵化企業,為行業精英提供全方位、多角度的經濟資訊報道以及實用的投資新視野,助您輕鬆判讀環球市場走勢。‧財經專家詳盡分析財經專家詳盡分析金融動向、解讀股市形勢,助您緊貼市場實況。‧分類自選股清單 追蹤您的投資組合提供更快更緊貼股票市場的分析,讓您隨時監測、分析您的投資組合。 ‧盡覽股票走勢圖清晰呈現市場走勢價格,機會一目了然。 ‧全方位經濟及股票資訊為您追蹤全球金融動態、股票資料、財經新聞,投資機會一覽無遺。立即下載「巨子ICON」,抓緊時代洪流節奏,掀動前瞻的經濟宏略。官方網站: https://01icon.hk聯絡電郵
易阳指 7.3.1
Currency 8.3.6
Support currency exchange rate of major countries in theworld,real-time!
BBAE 3.7.7
- No trading commissions - Through the BBAE mobileapp,Redbridgeprovides self-directed trading access with nocommissions.Noaccount minimum required and no platform fees togetstarted.Relevant SEC and FINRA fees may apply. Please seeourcommissionand fee schedule to learn more. - Free real-timemarketdata - Ourservers stream market data from exchanges inreal-time soyou willget accurate securities quotes. We alsoprovidecorporatefundamentals as well as news on earnings,dividends, andcorporateactions so you can stay on top of yourinvestments. *Accounts withless than $1000 in deposits will becharged a monthly$3 datamanagement fee. - Fast online accountopening - You can signup andcreate a Redbridge brokerage account inless than 10 minutes.-Regulated by FINRA and SEC - All securitiesand investmentsareoffered to self-directed customers by RedbridgeSecurities LLC,aFINRA member firm. All investment advisory servicesare providedbyBBAE Advisors LLC, an SEC registered investmentadvisor. BothBBAEAdvisors LLC and Redbridge Securities LLCarewholly-ownedsubsidiaries of BBAE Holdings LLC. - Accountprotection- RedbridgeSecurities is a member of the SecuritiesInvestorProtectionCorporation (SIPC), which is a nonprofitmembershipcorporationthat was created by federal statute toprotectinvestments andincrease investor confidence in the eventofinsolvency. For moreinformation on SIPC coverage We usecutting-edge security measures to protectyourassets and yourpersonal information.
雪球股票-炒股开户 11.14.2
Baris Efe
Read any newspaper from the Hong Kong! National andregionalnewspapers!
QianJi - Finance, Budgets, Money, Spend
litang inc
A pure bookkeeping app, which records every spend orincomeclearlyon the mobile phone, NO Ads, No background working.QianJihas manyfeatures that can help you to manage financesituation.
Homily Chart 5.6.1
HomilyChart Description: Homily software came into the worldinAugust 8, 1998 when China stock market and informationtechnologywere in the ascendant. Its investment philosophy — Index,first;stock, next. Long-term, first; short-term, next. OperatetheFamiliar. — is derived from America capital market, and hasbeenproved correct and valuable in the capital market ofChina,Singapore , Malaysia, etc. It takes technical analysis andtrendtheory as product core, and provides analytical softwares,trainingcourses, etc. We believe that a winner in the stock marketshouldbe equipped with right method, professional tool and nicemindset.Handheld Homily Software is: A concentrated version whichhas 14years experience and intelligence; An updated version basedonHomily analysis and dynamic quotation data; A simplifiedversionwhich combines classical technical analysis, decision makingsystemand portfolio management. Its main functions are: Stockmarket dataview; Index and sector analysis; Intraday chart of Indexandindividual stocks; Candlestick chart of general periods;Technicalanalysis indicators (including general indicators: KDJ,MACD, etc;as well as Homily proprietary functions: Homily Rainbow,MulticolorDragon, Red & White Circle, etc. Handheld HomilySoftware aimsto meet Singaporean investors’ demands by improvingR&D andupdating level. If you have new ideas and demands,please let usknow through Review in App Store; we will customizemore excellentinvestment tools for you.
定存股:合理價與風險試算 捐贈版 1.6.3
Enos Tai
一次付費,永久享有免費更新。 超值優惠價1290,之後售價會隨功能增加進行調漲。 建議盡早購買。 捐贈版和免費版的差別 ● 沒有廣告●無限的功能點數 ● 增加大師選股功能 ● 股票相關資料由10年增加為30年 ● 計算年數由最多10年增加為30年●增加便宜價、合理價、昂貴價到價通知功能 ● 試算結果記錄群組由2個增加為5個 ●試算結果記錄增加匯出成csv檔功能如何將免費版的資料匯入捐贈版? 相同手機:使用免費版設定裡的匯出功能匯出資料,再到捐贈版設定裡的匯入功能匯入資料即可。不同手機:使用免費版設定裡的匯出功能匯出資料,檔案會儲存在Download資料夾內。把檔案複製到新手機的Download資料夾內,再到捐贈版設定裡的匯入功能匯入資料即可。股票資訊皆以圖表呈現,讓您更直觀的獲取所需資訊。台股定存股合理價試算 適用於每年配發股利穩定的股票 只要簡單輸入股票代號或名稱就能輕鬆算出股票的合理價、便宜價和昂貴價您有觀察中的定存股嗎? 快試算看看吧! 投資一定有風險 但是因為定存股 每年有配息的因素當股價往下跌時 未必會造成虧損 定存股風險試算可以試算當股價跌到多少時 投資報酬率還會是正值 可以算出您手中的股票最低可容忍的價格趕快來試試吧! 還提供下列各項功能 ●大師選股功能 ● 個股基本面資訊 ● 個股籌碼面資訊 ● 個股消息面資訊 ● 個股每月營收資訊● 個股歷年營收資訊 ●個股歷年殖利率資訊 ● 個股歷年股利資訊(以歷年股利推算合理價) ●個股歷年股價資訊(以歷年股價推算合理價) ● 個股歷年填權息資訊● 個股歷年股利發放率資訊 ● 個股歷年EPS資訊 ●個股歷年ROE資訊 ● 個股歷年ROA資訊 ● 個股歷年營業毛利資訊 ●個股歷年營業利益資訊 ● 個股歷年稅後淨利資訊 ●個股歷年業外損益資訊 ● 殖利率排行 ● 3/5/10年平均現金殖利率排行 ●3/5/10年平均ROE排行 ● 股東會紀念品 ●股票抽籤日程表 ● 除權息日程表