Top 20 Apps Similar to TVPlus - Mobile China TV live

LINE TV - 精彩隨看 10.15.5
The most popular movie and TV entertainment content is all onLINETV. Strong Taiwanese dramas, Korean dramas, Chinese dramas,BL,variety shows, animations, movies, genuine high-definition,giveyou the best smooth experience of chasing dramas, LINE TVsharesthe life of chasing dramas with you!
愛奇藝(舊版)–熱播連續劇線上看 10.6.2
升級版愛奇藝【iQIYI】App已上線,介面簡潔、連線流暢、畫質大升級,讓您的追劇體驗更加完美!立即搜尋下載愛奇藝【iQIYI】App,多語言字幕讓您追劇無國界,獨享超前節目搶先看,韓劇、日劇、陸劇、台劇、熱門綜藝、人氣兒童動畫、動漫新番正版高畫質,追劇時光盡在愛奇藝!好劇推推📣《以家人之名》超催淚話題劇熱播!《我最漂亮的時候》林秀香虐心禁忌之戀《你喜歡布拉姆斯嗎》浪漫古典音樂愛情劇必看夯劇看過來👀《Missing:他們存在過》你相信看不見的力量嗎《我的婆婆怎麼那麼可愛》超夯家庭喜劇《我的青春沒在怕》豆花妹蔡黃汝最新偶像劇超優追劇新體驗兒童護眼:開啟護眼模式,保護寶貝視力成長定時關閉:設定觀看集數或時間,定時自動關閉緩存下載:追劇零時差,節省流量,可離線觀看倍速觀看:通勤時間也能追完一部好劇更新預約提醒:貼心提醒,更新內容不錯過投屏:一鍵投到大螢幕,觀看更舒適 VIP付費會員專屬福利👑  ●獨家正版影音內容  ●全網獨播搶先看   ●1080P高畫質  ●無廣告順暢播放   ●跨螢觀看不中斷   ●專屬好康活動
PPTV网络电视HD 3.0.2
PPTV网络电视AndroidPad客户端,一款由全球安装量最大的网络电视服务商PPTV聚力开发的AndroidPad视频客户端,支持对海量高清影视内容的点播。可在线观看“电影、电视剧、动漫、综艺、体育直播、游戏竞技、财经资讯”等丰富视频娱乐节目并且完全免费,是广受网友推崇的AndroidPad装机必备软件。PPTV network TVAndroidPad client, a global installed capacity by the largestInternet TVservice provider PPTV cohesion developed Android Padvideo client,support for the massive high-definition video contenton demand.Online watch "movies, TV series, animation, variety, livesports,games, sports, financial information" and other richvideoentertainment and totally free, is a widely respected AndroidPadusers installed the necessary software.
行動電視台(直播電視、VOD、網路第四台、線上看電視) 4.0
搜狐视频-免费高清美剧电影视频播放器 6.6.0
搜狐课堂,你的随身课堂,学你所想,用知识做个巨人!精彩热剧看不停:欢乐颂2、夏至未至、盲约、择天记、特工皇妃楚乔传、如果可以这样爱,更多好剧只在搜狐!《林子大了》:郭德纲父子上演情景喜剧;《寻阁传》:民国魔幻神作媲美《无心法师》;《谁寄锦书来》:青春爆款剧,穿越又有新玩法;《人民的名义》:陆毅领衔超强阵容,开启反腐之路;《漂洋过海来看你》:朱亚文王丽坤诠释职场唯美爱情;《神探狄仁杰之情花金人案》:集悬疑惊悚于一身的烧脑剧作;【搜狐视频,正在热播】搜狐出品必精品:贴身校花、屏里狐、法医秦明、THE KELLY SHOW、屌丝男士;狐小狐强推综艺:最强大脑4、艾伦秀、厉害了我的歌、中国式相亲;视频搞笑自媒体:暴走官方、飞碟说、贱贱你就笑、嘿科技酷玩、陛下开饭了;频道热播电视剧:三生三世十里桃花、鸡毛飞上天、糊涂县令郑板桥;正版美剧抢先看:破产姐妹5、黑名单3、吸血鬼日记7、谍网、生活大爆炸;在家惬意看电影:从你的全世界路过、奇幻森林、海洋奇缘、太空旅客;热门动漫看不停:画江湖之杯莫停、辛普森一家人、粉红猪小妹、妖精的尾巴;播遍精彩日韩剧:心里的声音、孤独的美食家、夜行书生、扑通扑通love;【软件特点】热门综艺,高清美剧,日韩动漫,美女直播,自媒体搞笑,只在搜狐视频;优酷、爱奇艺、腾讯、乐视、PPTV、PPS等热门剧集应有尽有;精品自制剧,搜狐出品,必属精品新鲜有趣自媒体,原创吐槽涨姿势;热点频道,观全球、看现场;预约精彩内容,从此再不错过关注官方账号获取热门视频资讯、参与活动赢取福利噢~:官方QQ粉丝群:435505340官方微信:搜狐视频移动客户端sohutvapp官方微博:搜狐视频移动客户端Sohu classroom,yourportable classroom, learn what you want, to be a giantwithknowledge! Wonderful to see non-stop hot drama: Ode to Joy2,before the arrival of the summer solstice, the blind about,selectdays in mind, the Secret Princess Chu Qiao pass, so if youcanlove, only more good drama Sohu!"Big woods": Guo Degang and his son staged sitcom;"Court seeking Biography": Republican rival Magic Godas"unintentional Master";"Who sent the book to Kam": youth explosion models show,throughthere are new ways;"Name of the people": Lu Yi led super team, to open the roadofcorruption;"You look across the sea": Zhu Yawen Wang Likuninterpretationworkplace beautiful love;"Detective Di Renjie of love flowers Jin Case": suspensethrillerset in one of the burning brain plays;Sohu video, being hit]Sohu products will be fine: close Xiaohua, screen in Fox,forensicQin, THE KELLY SHOW, Cock silk men;Fennec fox strong push Variety: the strongest brain 4, Allenshow,much to my songs, Chinese-style blind date;Funny video from the media: runaway official, said the UFO, youarecheap cheap laugh, hey technology Coldplay, His Majestythedinner;Channel hit TV series: Sansei III miles peach, feathersflyoverhead, confused magistrate Zheng Banqiao;Genuine American TV Behind the Scenes: 2 Broke Girls 5, 3blacklist,The Vampire Diaries 7, spy network, The Big BangTheory;Comfortable watching movies at home: passing from your worldoffantasy forests, oceans Romance, space tourist;Popular cartoon watch non-stop: painting rivers and lakesParadis,Simpsons, Peppa Pig, Fairy Tail;Broadcast over the wonderful Japanese drama: the voice of theheart,lonely gourmets, nocturnal scholar, thump thump love;[Software characteristic]Popular variety, HD American TV, Japanese and Korean animation,livebeauty, from the media funny, Sohu video only;Youku, love Fantastic Art, Tencent, music, as, PPTV, PPS andotherpopular series everything;Fine home-made drama, Sohu produced, will be fineFresh and interesting from the media, original Tucaoupposture;Hot channel and watch the world, look at the scene;Reservation exciting content, since we do not missWatch the official account acquisition popular videoinformation,participate in activities to win welfare oh:QQ official fan group: 435 505 340Official micro letter: Sohu video mobile client sohutvappOfficial blog: Sohu video mobile clients
Fain TV – Mobile TV 6.2.2
VOD & TV channels (news, sports, drama, movies, animation…)
愛奇藝 - iQIYI (電視/機上盒)專用–熱播連續劇線上看 4.12.5
手機用戶請搜尋:iQIYI – 半是蜜糖半是傷熱播iQIYI愛奇藝多語言字幕,提供外國朋友一起追劇無國界!前所未有的流暢播放體驗,介面簡潔又便利,追劇盡在iQIYI愛奇藝!【多語言字幕】獨家熱門內容只在iQIYI愛奇藝?沒錯!我們提供多種語言字幕選擇,讓外國朋友想看iQIYI愛奇藝好劇也能一起看!【全新內容】好劇推推📣 《九尾狐傳》千年九尾狐李棟旭與人類譜出奇幻羅曼史《長安諾》遭設局身陷後宮歷經三朝搏出太后傳奇《以家人之名》超催淚話題劇熱播! 《我最漂亮的時候》林秀香虐心禁忌之戀《你喜歡布拉姆斯嗎》浪漫古典音樂愛情劇 必看夯劇看過來👀《中國新說唱2020》朴宰範重磅加盟燃爆說唱魂《Missing:他們存在過》你相信看不見的力量嗎《我的婆婆怎麼那麼可愛》超夯家庭喜劇 《我的青春沒在怕》豆花妹蔡黃汝最新偶像劇【簡潔介面】不知道想看什麽?找不到需要的功能在哪?前所未有的簡潔介面讓您不再煩惱! 【VIP特權】 ●獨家正版影音內容●全網獨播搶先看●1080P高畫質 ●無廣告順暢播放 ●跨螢觀看不中斷 ●專屬好康活動【更多功能】觀看歷史:喜歡的劇集看到哪裡又忘記?觀看紀錄讓您跨螢幕觀看不中斷,隨時隨地追劇倍速播放:通勤時刻也能輕鬆追完您愛的劇搜尋:輕鬆找到您想看的電影、電視劇、綜藝、動漫… 想看的內容這裡全都有!現在就下載iQIYI愛奇藝,立刻追劇追起來!即時獲取追劇資訊動態,請關注:Facebook:
优酷XL高清影视 1.5.1
优酷XL高清影视无广告清爽版,为5亿用户提供电视剧,电影,动漫,音乐,新闻,娱乐,游戏,原创搞笑等海量影视,兼容安卓phone和pad.Youku XL HDtelevisionad-free fresh version offers TV shows, movies, animation,music,news, entertainment, gaming, original comedy and othermassivevideo to 500 million users, is compatible with the Androidphoneand pad.
搜狐视频PAD-电影电视剧视频播放器 5.9.0
海量影视剧,尽在搜狐视频!- 这些剧,你不看,就没得聊了! -《三生三世十里桃花》: 三生三世只为遇见你 静待花期《那片星空那片海》: 霸道美男鱼爱上我《法医秦明》: 2016年度网剧,不看真的没得聊了~《漂亮的李慧珍》: 急急如律令 初恋你快来【软件特点】横屏体验更流畅,观看更清晰!papi酱、何仙姑夫等知名出品人入驻搜狐视频,看新媒体玩儿新花样适配所有机型,体验好的安卓pad客户端~界面简洁,画面高清,内容为你定制!关注官方账号获取视频资讯、参与活动赢取福利:官方QQ粉丝群:435505340官方微信:搜狐视频移动端sohutvapp官方微博:搜狐视频移动客户端Massive televisiondrama,all in Sohu video!- The drama, do not you see, was no talk! -"Sansei III miles peach": Sansei III only met youwaitflowering"Patch of dark, starry sky": I fell in love withoverbearinghandsome fish"Forensic Qin": 2016 annual net drama, do not look really donothave to talk -"Pretty Jennifer Li": 急急如律令 love you Come[Software characteristic]Horizontal screen experience smoother, clearer view!papi sauce, and other well-known producer Xiangu husbandsettledSohu video, to see the new media play new tricksAdaptable to all models, good experience Andrews pad Client ~The interface is simple, high-definition screen, contentcustomizedfor you!Follow the official account to get video information, participateinactivities to win benefits:QQ official fan group: 435 505 340Official micro letter: Sohu video mobile terminal sohutvappOfficial microblogging: Sohu video mobile client
土豆视频 5.7
【产品说明】土豆视频--每个人都是生活的导演!无论你爱原创、动漫、电视剧,还是音乐、电影或综艺,土豆君汇聚优酷、奇艺、PPS、PPTV、腾讯、搜狐视频等海量高清影视360度满足你!还可以通过微博、微信、朋友圈一键分享给你的小伙伴儿呦!装文艺、装大咖、装美女,土豆App,该装就装!【product manual】Potatoes Video - everyone is living director! Whether you lovetheoriginal, animation, drama, or music, movies, or variety,potatoesJun convergence Youku, Fantastic Art, PPS, PPTV, Tencent,Sohuvideo and other massive 360-degree high-definition televisiontomeet you! But also through microblogging, letter, circle offriendsto share a key partner for your little child Yo! Artequipment,installed a large coffee, put beauty, potatoes App, theinstall toinstall!
直播電視盒 1.0.6
LiveBox Team
直播電視盒(所有節目皆為官方提供之直播節目)本程式只進行整理分類動作,以便您隨時觀賞,再請支持!另因應google政策,採用外部連結方式開啟直播(有廣告)說明:[1]上下滑動選擇節目[2]部分節目有直播時段(請留意)[3]點選後即可撥放播放:[1]點選Play按鈕播放[2]可按右下角 進行全螢幕撥放[3]按返回鍵可回到節目列表[4]直播節目需要比較大頻寬請耐心等待[5]如出現廣告,可點選關閉
哔哩哔哩动画 5.2.3
哔哩哔哩动画 是哔哩哔哩弹幕网(的官方客户端。哔哩哔哩弹幕网是国内知名的弹幕视频分享站,常被动漫迷们昵称为bilibili,"B站"。哔哩哔哩专注于ACG相关内容的在线视频分享,目前有以下几个板块:动画,游戏,音乐,娱乐,直播,新番,生活,时尚,影视以及科学技术。除了搬运外,也有很多同人创作的作品和分享的视频在哔哩哔哩首发。作品类型和题材覆盖短片,动漫,漫画,手书,MAD,AMV,翻唱,演奏,宅舞,游戏解说,V家,东方,MUGEN等等。Beep beep MileMileanimation is beep beep miles miles barragenetwork( official client. Beep beep MileMile isthe leading network barrage barrage of video sharing site,oftenanime fans nicknamed bilibili, "B station."Beep beep miles miles ACG focus on the content of onlinevideosharing, there are the following sections: animation, games,music,entertainment, live, new fan, living, fashion, film andtelevisionas well as science and technology. In addition totransportation,there are also a lot of creative work colleagues andshare videosbeep beep Mile Mile starter. Types of works and themescoveredmovies, animation, comics, handwritten, MAD, AMV, cover,playing,house dance, game commentary, V family, oriental, MUGENlike.
Mivo - Watch TV Online & Social Video Marketplace 3.25.22
Imagine! You can enjoy your favourite TV Online show easilyandjoinlive chat with audiences in all channels. Also, you canwatchlatesttrending videos and share it with friends and family!Now,you canbuild a homey feeling anytime - anywhere and getanupdatedinformation easily! Let's explore more than 50 TVOnlinechannelsboth from Indonesian local channels and alsoInternationalchannelswith the best streaming quality. You can alsoenjoy allchannelswithout ads by subscribing on feature ofRemove-Ads. Let'sexploreall TV channels and enjoy your favoriteprograms easily.Now, youcan watch online TV Indonesia such as ANTV,Trans TV,Trans7, TVOne, Metro TV, NET, and other TV channels. Don’tforgetto give us5 Stars if you like this app. Enjoy watching Mivoandkeep yourinternet connection sufficiently to get a smoothlivestreaming.Have a lively day! ______________ Why you needtoactivate thesepermissions? Storage - to store this app inyourdevice Systemtools - give a shortcut in your home screenLocation -pointing tothe nearest server's location Running apps -providedetailsinformation when you send feedback Contact card - toknowyoubetter when contacting us Network - source power forInternetPhonestate - when signing up, the app will try toauto-populateyourmobile number so you don't have to enter itmanually. SMS - andtheapp will auto-populate the Activation CodeSMS so you don't havetoenter it manually
SPB TV - Free Online TV 1.18.1
Watch online over 200 TV channels onyourAndroid device for free!SPB TV is a free application for watching TV on your Androiddevice.More than 200 TV channels from all over the globe areavailable onAndroid smartphones, tablets and Android TV. UsingChromecast,Miracast and WiDi. SPB TV's content store boasts liveand on-demand,free and by subscription, popular and little-knownchannels. Fortymillion users watch us – anytime, anywhere.The app requires a 3G, LTE, Wi-Fi or WiMAX internet connectiontoprovide a smooth viewing experience. Please note that datachargesmay apply using SPB TV over mobile networks.SPB TV features:- Intuitive and friendly UI
- Android TV support- Chromecast, Miracast and WiDi support
- Quick channel preview
- Integrated TV guide- Fast channels launch and switching- Picture-in-picture mode
- “Always on top” mode
- Onscreen controls
- Adaptive Network Bandwidth support
- High quality streams
- Channel store with categories
- Search by keywordPlease note that the set of channels varies in different regionsdueto copyright issues.Please rate the app if you like it.If you have any questions or comments, please contact
IPTV 6.1.11
Watch IPTV from your Internet service provider or free liveTVchannels from any other source in the web. Features: ✔ M3U andXSPFplaylists support ✔ Playlists history ✔ Playing multicaststreamswith UDP proxy (proxy need to be installed in your LAN) ✔Grid,list or tile view of TV channels ✔ EPG support in XMLTV andJTVformats ✔ Internal and external video players ✔ ParentalcontrolAdditional features are available in Pro version: ✔ Ad free✔ Startapp on device boot option, useful for set-top boxes. ✔Auto-playlast channel option ✔ Extended playlists history This appdoesn'tcontain any built-in channels, you should have your playlistwithTV channels to use this app. For multicast streams it'srecommendedto use UDP proxy: * for Windows: download and installUDP-to-HTTPproxy from orcheck thecorresponding option while installing IP-TVPlayer * for Linux: installudpxy(,* the best solution wouldbe installing udpxy on your WLAN router,this can be done forDD-WRT ( and OpenWrt( * some WLAN routers have built-inudpxy in manufacturer'sfirmware Please join translations projectat if you want to add neworimprove existing translation.
VLC for Android
VLC media player is a free and opensourcecross-platform multimedia player that plays most multimediafilesas well as discs, devices, and network streamingprotocols.This is the port of VLC media player to the Android™ platform.VLCfor Android can play any video and audio files, as well asnetworkstreams, network shares and drives, and DVD ISOs, like thedesktopversion of VLC.VLC for Android is a full audio player, with a complete database,anequalizer and filters, playing all weird audio formats.VLC is intended for everyone, is totally free, has no ads,noin-app-purchases, no spying and is developed bypassionatevolunteers. All the source code is available forfree.Features––––––––VLC for Android™ plays most local video and audio files, as wellasnetwork streams (including adaptive streaming), DVD ISOs, likethedesktop version of VLC. It also support disk shares.All formats are supported, including MKV, MP4, AVI, MOV, Ogg,FLAC,TS, M2TS, Wv and AAC. All codecs are included with noseparatedownloads. It supports subtitles, Teletext andClosedCaptions.VLC for Android has a media library for audio and video files,andallows to browse folders directly.VLC has support for multi-track audio and subtitles. Itsupportsauto-rotation, aspect-ratio adjustments and gestures tocontrolvolume, brightness and seeking.It also includes a widget for audio control, supports audioheadsetscontrol, cover art and a complete audio medialibrary.Permissions––––––––––––VLC for Android needs access to those categories:• "Photos/Media/Files" to read your all media files :)• "Storage" to read your all media files on SD cards :)• "Other" to check network connections, change the volume, settheringtone, run on Android TV and display the popup view, seebelowfor details.Permission Details :• It needs "read the contents of your USB storage", in to ordertoread your media files on it.• It needs "modify or delete the contents of your USB storage",inorder to allow deletion of files and store subtitles.• It needs "full network access", to open network andinternetstreams.• It needs "prevent phone from sleeping" in order to prevent...yourphone from sleeping when watching a video.• It needs "change your audio settings", in order to changeaudiovolume.• It needs "modify system settings", in order to allow you tochangeyour audio ringtone.• It needs "view network connections" in order to monitorwhetherdevice is connected or not, to hide the streamingparts.• It needs "draw over other apps" to start the popup menu.• It needs "control vibration" to give feedback onthecontrols.• It needs "run at startup" to set recommendations on AndroidTVlauncher screen, only used with Android TV version.
Thailand TV - ดูทีวีออนไลน์ 1.4.7
Thailand TV
ประกาศจากแอดมิน ***ตอนนี้ทีมงานต้องขออนุญาตนำช่อง7ออกไปก่อนนะคะเนื่องจากติดปัญหาบางประการค่ะหากพบปัญหาในการอัพเดทสามารถแจ้งทางFacebook Thailand TVได้ทันทีค่ะและหากอยากได้ฟีเจอร์อะไรเพิ่มแจ้งทีมงานมาได้นะคะเราอัพเดทและพร้อมจะแก้ไขเพื่อให้ลูกค้าใช้งานได้สะดวกและมีความสุขที่สุดค่ะ^-^ ★★★★★แอพดูทีวีอันดับ 1ของไทยหากคุณกำลังเบื่อ!แอพดูทีวีแบบเดิมๆที่มีลูกเล่นมากมายแต่คุณไม่อยากใช้มัน!หากคุณกำลังมองหา!แอพดูทีวีที่เร็วฟีเจอร์การใช้งานและขนาดไฟล์เล็กๆ!“ThailandTV”แอพดูทีวีที่เร็วที่สุดในสามโลก!เบาบางพลิ้วไหวดั่งสายลมรูดปรื้ด…รูดปรื้ด…ลื่นไหลได้ดั่งใจด้วยปลายนิ้วสัมผัสดีไซน์เรียบง่าย สบายตาใช้งานง่ายไม่ยุ่งยากขนาดไฟล์แอพเล็กกะทัดรัดจึงทำให้ไม่เปลืองพื้นที่อีกหนึ่งทางเลือกเจ๋งๆเอาใจคนชอบความเฟี้ยวฟีเจอร์หลัก -ปรับเปลี่ยนช่องสัญญาณอัตโนมัติเมื่อเจอลิ้งค์เสีย-เพิ่มช่องสัญญาณใหม่ๆ อีกเพียบเพื่อรองรับกรณีดูไม่ได้-แสดงจำนวนคนรับชมเพิ่มอรรถรสในการดู***สำหรับลูกค้าที่ลบโฆษณาไปแล้วแต่ยังไม่หายไปรบกวนทำตามนี้ค่ะรบกวนให้ลูกค้าลองออกแอพโดยการปิดแอพออกจากเมมโมรี่เครื่องดูก่อนแล้วลองเข้าใหม่อีกครั้งถ้ายังไม่ได้ให้ลองuninstallลบลงใหม่จากนั้นกดrestore/ซื้อลบโฆษณาอีกครั้ง(ถ้าให้ไอดีเดิมซื้อจะไม่เสียเงินซ้ำ)แล้วลองออกแอพเข้าใหม่อีกครั้ง*โปรดให้คำแนะนำหรือติชมเพื่อทีมงานจะได้นำมาปรับปรุงแอพให้ถูกใจท่านมากที่สุด**ขอกราบขอบพระคุณทุกท่านที่สนับสนุนThailand TV Applicationดูทีวีออนไลน์โดยคนไทยเพื่อคนไทยด้วยนะคะ
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