Top 6 Apps Similar to Eshet Chayil - Women's Prayer

Sidur 1.0.8
Revista Nascente
Book of Jewish prayers. Siddur weekly Sephardic translatedandtransliterated.
Siddur Tehillat Hashem 3.1.11
Your daily "Tehillat Hashem" Siddur!* All the weekly prayers in your pocket.* Prayers are auto-adjusted to your date & time.* A "Davening Direction" screen.
Smart Siddur 7.5.279
Karri Apps
An automatic Siddur that gives you exactly what you need, onlywhenyou need it
Sidur KTS 4.0.1
Este siddur para principiantes “KolTuvSefarad” es un esfuerzo que responde a la necesidad patente enelmundo de habla hispana de un siddur que le permita a laspersonasque apenas comienzan a rezar de manera regular SIN UNMINYÁNcumplir sus obligaciones halájicas mínimas. Concentrándose enlasáreas obligatorias de la oración diaria de la mañana y de latarde,éste permite una mayor concentración en el verdaderopropósito dela oración judía que es el servicio del corazón hechocon propiaintención y dedicación.En español, hebreo y transliteración al españolThis siddur forBeginners"Kol Tuv Sefarad" is an effort that responds to the needevident inthe Spanish-speaking world a siddur that allows peoplewho are justbeginning to pray regularly WITHOUT A Halachic Minyanmeet itsminimum obligations. Concentrating on the core areas ofdailyprayer in the morning and evening, it permits greaterconcentrationon the real purpose of the Jewish prayer service isthe heart madewith own intent and dedication.In Spanish, Hebrew and Spanish transliteration
Siddur Sfaradi (Free Version) 29.0
Powered by RobertR Very lightweight application (only about300KB)Includes: * Shaharit * Minha * Arvit * Kriat Shema AlHaMitta*Birkat HaMazon * Birkat Meein Shalosh * Boreh Nefashot*TfilatHaDerech * Hanukkah (in the paid version) * "Move toSDCard"option (in the paid version) * Allows you to save allsettingsandcustomize every screen. (in the paid version) האפליקציהפותחהע"ירוברט.ר אפליקציה קלה מאוד השוקלת 300 קילו-בית בלבדאפליקציתהסידורכוללת: * שחרית * מנחה * ערבית * קריאת שמע על המיטה *ברכתהמזון *ברכת מעין שלוש * בורא נפשות * תפילת הדרך
Kol Yaakob Siddur 1.0
Kol Yaakob Siddur -The official Sephardic Prayer Book