Top 13 Apps Similar to Softphone ETB 2015

ETB Selfcare
ETB SelfCare es una aplicación móvil quehasidodiseñada con objeto de ayudar a entender mejor lacalidaddelservicio proporcionada por las redes móviles. Graciasainnovadoresmapas de cobertura por tecnología, tests deevaluaciónde lavelocidad de la conexión, así como reporteshistóricos delasmediciones, el usuario podrá evaluar la calidad dela red ydelservicio prestado en cualquier lugar y momento.ETBSelfCareincluye un software pasivo, que recoge demaneracompletamentetransparente al usuario final informacióntécnica cuyofin esayudar a los proveedores de servicios detelecomunicacionesamejorar la calidad del servicio ofrecido a susclientes. Enningúnmomento, ETB SelfCare recolecta informaciónsensible deningunaíndole. Con objeto de respetar absolutamente laprivacidaddelusuario final, ETB SelfCare se puede desinstalarencualquiermomento, como cualquier otra aplicación.El sistema de monitoreo pasivo ETB SelfCarepretenderecopilarinformación técnica de la red y del terminal quearrojainformacióntanto de la calidad de servicio obtenida delproveedorcomo delrendimiento del sistema en el cual se ejecuta,localizandodichosparámetros con el fin de ubicar donde puedanencontrarseposiblesdegradaciones del servicio ofrecido. En todomomento,estarecopilación llevada a cabo por ETB SelfCare seorientaainformación técnica y de sistema, y nunca ainformaciónsensiblecomo URLs, números de teléfono, etc.SelfCare ETB isamobileapplication that was designed in order to helpbetterunderstandthe quality of service provided by mobilenetworks.Thanks toinnovative technology coverage maps, tests forevaluatingthe speedof the connection, as well as historical reportsofmeasurements,the user can evaluate the network quality andserviceprovidedanywhere, anytime. ETB SelfCare includes apassivesoftware, whichincludes completely transparent to the endusertechnicalinformation aimed at helping telecommunicationsserviceprovidersto improve the quality of service offered tocustomers. Atno timeSelfCare ETB collects sensitive information ofany kind. Inorderto fully respect the privacy of the end user, ETBSelfCare canbeuninstalled at any time, like any other application.The system of passive monitoring ETB SelfCare intendtocollecttechnical information from the network and the terminalthatyieldsinformation both service quality obtained from thesupplierand theperformance of the system on which it runs,locatingtheseparameters in order to locate where they canfoundpossibledegradation of service provided. At all times,thiscollectionconducted by ETB SelfCare is aimed at technicalandsysteminformation, and never to sensitive information likeURLs,phonenumbers, etc.
iSIM 1.2.5
ETB Apps
This application provides theinformationyouneed on your telephone company.In it you can access:- Mobile customer.- Balance inquiry.- Enable or disable voicemail.- Enable or disable call forwarding.- The website of the company.- Frequently FAQs about your company.- Configuration of APN (Access Points).It is perfect for shops that sell mobile phone productswhereyourcustomers do not know how to manage these services.
SoftPhone I91 1.1122.30
Com o Softphonei91 é possívelrealizarchamadasdo PABX de sua empresa.Utilize Wifi , 3g? 4g para ter seu telefone fixo no seu celular.O Aplicativo é integrado com o portaldocliente o telefone de sua empresa onde estiverWith Softphonei91wecanperform PABX call your company.Use Wifi, 3g? 4g to have your landline to your mobile phone.Application is integrated with thecustomerportal the phone to your business wherever you are
ETB nuestra 1.0
ETB nuestra
ETB NUESTRA es una app impulsadadesdelaciudadanía y los sindicatos de telecomunicaciones de ETB,ATELCAySINTRATELEFONOS cuyo objetivo se orienta a sumaresfuerzosdecomunicación que permitan un recurso ciudadano demanifestaciónafavor de la permanencia de ETB como bien público delos bogotanosybogotanas.ETB OUR is anappdrivenfrom citizenship and telecommunications unions ETBATELCAandSINTRATELEFONOS whose objective is aimed at joiningeffortsofcommunication that allow a citizen resource demonstrationinfavorof the permanence of ETB as a public good ofBogotaandBogota.
rtb encuesta 2.1
ETB EncuestaETB Survey
how to get free internet 3G 8.7
Hello friends, this application will teachyouhow to get unlimited internet access on your mobile withAndroidoperating system. Initially we will will need to use wifi togetaccess to a free vpn in your phone or tablet.Some people have written asking me for free internetwithoutconnection to wifi, you initially need to have Wi-Ficonnection tosusessfully follow any of our tutorials, after youfollow our stepby step tutorials, only after that you candisconnect your Wi-Ficonnection and have free internet wherever yougo, we have methodsin specific countries, also for different phonecompanies aroundthe world and some of them working worldwide and sofar there havebeen no complaints, those who complain is becausethey do notfollow the step by step tutorials.Website:
Speak Caller and Message 2.0
Caller Name and Message speaker Speaks out the caller nameonIncoming call or SMS sender name. this application is veryusefulwhile you are driving and the Phone is in your pocket, oranotherroom. In such situations you can identify who is callingyouwithout looking your phone screen. It also can readymessagecontents. There is full customization of sound pitch, speedandvolume. It can speaks out in a beautiful girl voice or anagedvoice depends on your settings. Features: reduces ringtonevolumeand then speaks caller Name Turn off caller name alert withyoursound profiles i-e silent mode, ring mode, vibrate mode. Speaksoutfull content of SMS along with sender name re-announce thecallerinformation, while not pick up separate customization forcalling,messaging & other notifications Battery save optionEnable forparticular timing Easy to use and understand Best app forfree
すぐマナ お試し版 1.1.1
7日間無償でご使用いただける体験版です。購入前にお手持ちの機種で動作を試したい方は、こちらの「お試し版」をご利用ください。タップするだけですばやくマナーモードを変更するウィジェットです。マナーモードの設定を順に替えられ、アイコンにより現在の着信設定が直感的に分かります。壁紙の雰囲気に合わせてウィジェットのアイコンを変更できます。■マナーモードの設定※AndroidのOSのバージョンによって設定可能な内容が異なりますのでご注意ください。--------------------------・Lollipop(Android5.0)以降--------------------------1)着信音のみ2)バイブレーションのみ3)サイレント※Lollipop(Android5.0)以降の端末では、Androidの仕様変更にともない下記の機能を削除せざるを得なくなりました。- 着信設定のカスタマイズの「着信音+バイブ」の設定機能- アイコンの同期 ※端末の設定や他のアプリ等で着信設定を変更した場合、すぐマナが反応できません。すぐマナのアイコンとステータスバーのアイコンが一致しないことがありますのでご注意ください。--------------------------・Lollipop(Android5.0)以前--------------------------1)着信音のみ2)着信音+バイブ3)バイブレーションのみ4)サイレント■主な機能・マナーモード切替え・マナーモード切替えのパターン設定・マナーモード設定の表示・ウィジェットのアイコン画像変更・タップバイブレーションON/OFF・日本語対応■注意事項※アップデート後にウィジェットが正常に動作しない場合は、配置済みのウィジェットを削除し、新しいウィジェットを配置してください。※アップデート後にウィジェットを再配置しても正常に動作しない場合は、再インストールすることで改善される場合があります。※タスク管理アプリをインストールしている場合は、すぐマナを除外リスト等に設定して終了しないようにしてください。※すぐマナは、端末の音設定を変更するウィジェットです。Andoridアプリの性質上、他の着信アプリやメールアプリ等の個々の着信設定を制御することはできませんのでご注意ください。すぐマナでサイレント(端末の音設定)に変更しても、お使いのメールアプリに着信時の設定があり、バイブレーションさせる等に設定した場合、そのメールアプリがメール着信時にバイブレーションを実行します。※システムツールの「システムの全般設定の変更」では、着信設定をより正確に取得・設定する為に利用しています。※動作不都合等のお問い合わせは、「デベロッパーにメールを送信」からのご連絡をお願いします。メールでの問い合わせでは、@t2-project.comからのメールを受信できるようにしてください。※Androidの性質上、やむをえず仕様を変更する場合があります。■au端末をご利用の方へ一部の機種で、すぐマナでサイレントに設定してもキャリアメール受信時にバイブレーションしてしまう機種が存在します。7 days is a trialversionthat can use at no charge. If you want to try to work withyourhand models before purchase, please use the "trial" here.It is a widget that changes quickly manner mode Simply tap. Itischanging the set of manners mode in order, the currentincomingsettings intuitively by the icon. You can change the widgeticon tomatch the atmosphere of the wallpaper.■ setting of silent modeDifferent possible settings depending on the version of the OSofAndroid ※ Please note.--------------------------· Lollipop (Android5.0) later--------------------------1) ringtone only2) Vibration only3) Silent※ In the terminal of Lollipop (Android5.0) later, we wereforcedto delete the following functions in accordance withthespecification change of Android.- Setting function of the "ringtone + Vibe" Customizing theincomingsetting- The icon of synchronization※ If you change the incoming setting in the terminal settingsandother apps, etc., it can not be immediately Mana reaction.Pleasenote immediately because Mana icons and status bar icons maynotmatch.--------------------------· Lollipop (Android5.0) previous--------------------------1) ringtone only2) ringtone + Vibe3) Vibration only4) Silent■ main function• The manner mode switchingManor mode switching pattern settingsManor mode display settingsIcon image change of the widgetTap vibration ON / OFFAnd Japanese correspondence■ Notes※ If you do not widgets work properly after the update, removethedeployed widgets, please place the new widget.※ If you do not work properly when you relocate the widget aftertheupdate, it may be improved by re-installation.If you are installing a task management app ※, please do not endisset to the exclusion list, etc. immediately Mana.※ immediately Mana is a widget to change the sound settings oftheterminal. Please note that the nature of the Andorid app,becauseit does not allow you to control the individual incomingsettingssuch as other incoming apps and e-mail application. If youchangeimmediately silent at Mana (sound setting of the terminal),thereis a set of incoming calls to your mail application, if it issetto like to be vibration, the mail application will runthevibration at the time of incoming mail.※ In "Changing the general settings of the system" of thesystemtool, we use in order to get and set the incoming setmoreaccurately.※ Inquiry such behavior inconvenience, please contact us of,"sendan email to the developer." In the inquiry by e-mail, pleaseto beable to receive mail from @※ Due to the nature of Android, you might want to changetheunavoidable specification.■ the au terminal is available towardsIn some models, there are just models resulting in a vibrationatthe time of the carrier receiving mail, even if set to silentinMana.
Call Recorder 2016 1.0
Galaxy Call Recorder 2016 is anapplicationthatallows you to record your outgoing telephonecalls.The entire call is recorded and saved on your phone andyourphoneonly. Unlike other call recording apps your recordingsareprivateand are not saved on a third party server.You can use Call Recorder to make and recordnationalorinternational calls from any Android deviceincludingtablets.Galaxy Call Recorder 2016 is very easy to use: justlikeyourphone dialer, you just make a call from the app and itwillberecorded.Your recorded calls can be:- Played on the phone.- Sent via email.- Transferred to your phone (.wav format).- Deleted.You can also set a title for each recording.Features of this app :- Record your all calls automatically while callingoraskevery-time to record new call.- Search call by name or phone number.- Organize your call records. You can see calls as allcallsrecords,only incoming, only outgoing, date and timeeasily.- Share recording to Bluetooth, Message etc.- Play, save and delete, call recordings- Ignore recording for specific contact or phone number- Add caller phone number to contacts- See caller history- Record your call or calls in MP3, WAV, MP4, AMR or 3GPPencoding/format.- You can play back, or save your files on your SD card immp3,wav,mp4, amr or 3gpp format.- Audio Source options for both incoming calls and outgoingcallsarealso available. Try to change audio source only whendefaultaudiosource does not work or does not records calls.- Different options of audio quality are available. Youcanchoose44.1kHz (It might not work on some devices) for highqualityorselect lower sample rate for low quality audio recording.8kHzisrecommended for call recording.- Notification with caller image.- Vibrate device on start of call recording.- Notification on device on start of call recordingwithblinkinglight (if your device supports it).- You can listen your communication or calls recordings inyourondevice default audio player.- Automatically on device speaker to recordbetterqualityvoice.- It’s FREE!How Call Recorder works :You Can Use Galaxy Call Recorder 2016 Free now- Open the Call Recorder Android app it will now runinthebackground to increase productivity by enablingeasyaccess.- Make or receive a call and it will begin recording oncethecallconnects- Select the app to access the list of previously recordedcallsandplay them.Notes: (Instructions + Troubleshooting tips)1. Please note that some devices are not compatible or notallowtorecord calls.2. Please confirm that your device should not have more thanonecallrecording application, otherwise it can createissues.3. If call recorder does not record calls, please restartyourdeviceto try again. If it does not record again then yourdevicemight notsupport call recording.4. Some devices record low voice of other party, inthisproblem,please enable automatic speaker, on start of callrecordingbygoing application and then more settings.5. This app might not be working when you are using otherappstorecord something, such as wechat, LINE: Free Calls&Messages,voice recorder or other call recorder.6. You can select WAV, 3GPP, MP4 or AMR audio encoding format,ifMP3recording not working properly on some devices.7. If you get error "msg_create_file_error", then pleasetest,Haveyour device been with sdcard or memory card? If not,pleasechangerecordings destination path to any other path by goingintomoresettings and recording path and change it correctly.8. If you get "Sorry recording starting failed", pleasetryotherrecording options like change Audio source or samplerate.
QR Scanner (PFA) 4.3.1
QR-Scanner and generator with history and minimal permissions
Voice ID & Blocker 3.0
Voice ID & Blocker is an applicationforthe Android platform, it lets you handle incoming calls in thebestway.You can set Voice ID & Blocker according to your needs.The main goal was to simplify for you the way that youhandleincoming calls.Easy to use, reliable and secured.Caller id announcer, announces the name or the number oftheincoming call or incoming SMS, works on incoming call waitingtoo,also works with Bluetooth.Call waiting phone vibrate, set the phone to vibratewhenincoming call waiting.SMS auto reply lets you set a message to be sent to anyincomingcall or only to the selected group.Block incoming calls lets you block any number that you chooseorany group, SMS blocker is available too, deleting call log isalsoavailable.Easy settings lets you set the way that Voice ID &Blockerbehaves.Ringer silencer lets you put your smartphone in silent mode inaspecific time and set a time to set it back to normalmode.(Greatfor parents)Easy group creation, create groups from the contacts savedonyour smartphone, and use these groups for call block or SMSautoreply.All features can be enabled and disabled in a click.High end app, a must on every Android phone.tags : caller id announcer , incoming call blocker , blocker,SMSreply , sms replyer , auto reply , black list , speaker ,caller id, waiting call , call waiting , bluetooth , earpiece ,group block ,groups , android
Whistle Auto Call Answer 1.0
iThinks Studio
Whistle Auto Answer Call App ProvideUsertoAuto Answer /Reject Call just One whistle. If you areondrivingcondition it is risk-able to to manually answercall.Usingthis appuser are able to answer/reject on whistle.Features:1: Auto Answering Calls on Whistle.2: Auto Reject Calls on Whistle.3: Open Speaker Loud on Auto Answering Calls4: Option to Select Reject or Answer Calls.
Call Sense 1.0
Make phone vibrate on call events,suchas:Dialing, Incoming, Receiving, Call waiting,Callmissed,Disconnected etc. Useful for better feedback aboutcallstatusduring a phone call.