Top 3 Apps Similar to Vino Pingüinos

Wine + List, Ratings & Cellar
Do you love wine? Do you wish you had ajournalof all your wine notes and ratings whenever you're outshopping forwine?Keep a log of your wine experiences the next time you have aglassat a restaurant, at a wine tasting, or at home. Note downyourfavorite pairings in this wine diary on your phone so you'llneverforget them.Read wine reviews and picks that others have shared in ourwinecommunity. Add interesting wines you'd like to try to theWishList.Manage your wine cellar by recording the quantity, vintage, drinkbydate, and location of bottles in your cellar.Features• Use the Bulk Bar Code Scanner option to enter your winesbyquickly scanning the barcodes on your wine bottles withyourphone's camera.• Store a photo of the wine label to go along withyourreview.• Backup your wine info to the server. If you lose your phoneorupgrade to a new phone, just restore your info to the new phonesoyou don't have to re-enter everything.• Export your wine info in CSV format and save it to your phone'sSDCard or email it to yourself.• Use the statistics tracker to monitor your wines with statslikeTotal Number of Wines Tracked, Average Rating, Most NumberofBottles in Cellar, Number of Wines Tracked by Varietal, TotalValueof Wine Cellar, Bottles to be Drunk By Year.LAST UPDATE- Varietals sorted alphabetically- Added fields for "Drink By" and "Location" (in cellar)- Can now search by Year- Added sort by price and Drink By- Pick Random Wine feature- Added CHF and R$ to currenciesPREVIOUS UPDATES- Enabled Move to SD Card- Added Bought(+1) and Drank(-1) buttons on View screen- Added Barcode button to Wish List- Share your wine rating on Facebook- Send wine review via Email- Post your review to Twitter- Main List saves position on list of last wine selected insteadofgoing to top of list- Under Settings, there's now an option to Hide WinesWithQuantity=0- Wish List gets exported
Tannico — Negozio di vino 2.3.2
Download the app of the largest Italian wine shop in the world 1.0.4
Już zawsze będziesz wiedzieć jakie winowybrać!Nigdy więcej dylematów przed półką! Wyszukaj wino dlasiebie już wsklepie! Zaznacz gdzie jesteś i już! Dostanieszrekomendacje jakie wino warto tu kupić.Dodatkowo możesz wskazaćjakie wino lubisz (kolor, kraj, kwasowość,cena) - znajdziemy cośidealnego dla Ciebie! Otrzymasz pełnąrecenzję z dotrzechdych.ploraz czytelne zdjęcie etykiety, dziękiczemu z łatwością odnajdzieszwino na półce. Ale to nie wszystko!Jeśli jakieś wino szczególnie Cizasmakuje -dodaj je do ulubionych - już nigdy nie zapomnisz jak nazywasięTwoje ulubione wino! To pierwsza taka aplikacja w Polscedopasowanaw pełni do lokalnego rynku. Znajdziesz w niej recenzjewinaktualnie będących w ofercie sklepów, marketów czydyskontów.Aplikacja na bieżąco aktualizuje bazę recenzji, dziękiczemu zawszebędziesz wyszukiwać wśród najbardziej aktualnej ofertywin!Wszystkie recenzje pochodzą z serwisuąniezależne, krótkie, treściwe - przydatne! RekomendujemyWamnajlepsze wina wnajlepszych cenach!UWAGA! Nasza aplikacja pokazuje wyłą, a nie stanowi przeglądu wszystkich win wdanymsklepie. Nie zdziwcie się więc, jeśli w jakimś sklepie jesttylkokilka win przez nas zrecenzowanych. W pocie czoła pracujemynad tymby niezmiennie przybywało ocen i by jak najwięcej winprzeszłonaszą ocenę ;) Jeśli jakiegoś sklepu nie ma na liście -poszukaj wkategorii "Wina ogólnodostępne"You'll always knowwhichwine to choose! No more dilemmas before the shelf! Search wineforhimself already in the store! Zaznacz where you and I! You'llgetrecommendations from which wine is worth a buy.Inaddition, you can specify which wine you like (color,country,acidity, price) - you will find something perfect for you!Get afull review of and clear zdjęcie labels,making iteasy to find the wine on the shelf. But that's not all! Ifaparticular wine tasted your -add them to your favorites - you will never forget as it iscalledyour favorite wine! This is the first such application inPolandfully adjusted to the local market. You will find reviews ofthewines currently on offer shops, supermarkets and discountstores.The application on an ongoing basis updated databasereviews, soyou will always search for the most current offer ofwine! Allreviews are from service. Are independent,short,concise - very useful! We recommend you the best wines inthebest prices!NOTE! Our application shows only reviews,ratherthan a review of all the wines in the store. So do not besurprisedif a shop is only a few wines by our peer reviewed. In thesweat ofhis brow working to consistently evaluations and werecoming to winas much as possible over our judgment ;) If a store isnot listed -look in the "public Wines"