Top 19 Apps Similar to IME Switcher

Google Handwriting Input
Google Inc.
Google Handwriting Input allows youtohandwrite text on your phone or tablet in 97 languages. Itsupportsprinted and cursive writing, with or without a stylus.GoogleHandwriting Input also supports hundreds of emojis, so youcanexpress yourself in any Android app.Key features:• A useful complement to touchscreen typing or voice input• A fun way to enter emojis by drawing• Useful for languages that can be challenging to type on astandardkeyboard• Works across your Android phones and tablets running Android4.0.3and up• If you claim your handwriting is terrible, try it out and seeifit can convince you otherwise
ArtIME Japanese Input 1.3
An ArtIME Japanese input is the new software for aJapaneseinputwhich has a beautiful user interface and interactivenature.If youhave any questions or bug, Thank you for e-mail orcommentat In addition, the nextversionhassignificant changes are planned. Any suggestions orcommentswouldbe appreciated. Based on the OpenWnn with ahigh-speedconversionfunction, we propose operational feeling closeto theiPhone, suchas integration with Wikipedia and the designofunprecedented, newways to use the software keyboard.1.Installation Please downloadand install the installationmethodfrom the market site accordingto Android Market or it. Theicon fora setup goes into anapplication list automaticallyafterinstallation. 2. ValidationThis software is IME (InputMethodEditor), and you can use it onlyby installing. An ArtIMEJapaneseinput can be validated byfollowing the followingprocedures. -Start an ArtIME Japaneseinput after installation. -Push"explanation of setting method"button. - Push the button"whichopens a setting screen." - Pushthe check button on the rightof a"Art IME Japanese input" of"language and a setup of akeyboard." -Return to the screen of theArtIME, please press thebutton "SelectInput Method". - Pleaseselect the Japanese InputArtIME. Above,validation is completion.3. Usage The keyboard isactive aftervalidation finishes. - InputJapanese. Push the earthmark of akeyboard several times, or thereis long aggressiveness [an earthmark ], and please choose a"Japanese ten key" or a"Japanese Romanalphabet." - Input English.Push the earth mark of akeyboardseveral times, or there is longaggressiveness [ an earthmark ],and please choose "English (US)."- Wikipedia automaticsearch TheArtIME Japanese input has set thefirst keyboard designasWikipedia. If a character is inputted, andit is an iteminWikipedia, it will search automatically and willdisplay. Iflongaggressiveness [ this state / character selectionkeys, suchas"ABC", ] when there is search which was worrisome byWikipedia,abrowser will be started and it will jump to theapplicable pageofWikipedia. - Social IME From V1.1.1, itcorresponded to SocialIME.Please, start a setup and choose SocialIME from the itemof"network IME". [ an earth key ] [ long ] Aftercharacterinputconversion, when there is no candidate andConversion Viewisexpanded, it refers to Social IME automaticallyand pulls outacandidate. - Mushroom A mushroom function can beused on a parwithIME represented by Simeji. Before conversion,please and chooseamushroom, after inputting a character. [ anearth key ] [ long ]-Cursor pad As for the case of QWERTY, acursor pad comes andstartsthe key as which ■ on a space isdisplayed in the case of aten keystate by long aggressiveness [ aShift key ]. The function ofacursor pad is as follows. - If acursor pad is traced, selectionisstarted in - double click whichcan move a cursor, and it cancancelin a single click. - The cutcopy paste of a character stringispossible respectively at lowercut /copy/paste. - When you endacursor pad, please push upperright x button. - Various setupispossible, if and a setup ischosen. [ change / of a settingscreenand a keyboard design ] [ anearth key ] [ long ] Althoughthere areeight kinds of designs of akeyboard, the Wikipedia searchservicedoes not operate by anykeyboards other than "Wikipedia." ■KnownBug: - If a theme is madeinto Wikipedia in -HT-03A into whichakeyboard is changed alsowhen it acts to the left as Flick of *by12 keyboards (number),some screens will serve as a noise. Whenyoucan find a bug, orhave a question, etc., E-mail me or sendmentionto my Twitteraccount: @takahashi_ken Or, Give me acommentin
Google Zhuyin Input
Google Inc.
Google Zhuyin Input is a smart input methodappfor typing traditional Chinese on your Android phone andtablet. Wesupport multiple input methods, including:- Zhuyin(Bopomofo)- Cangjie- Pinyin- Handwriting- VoiceKey features:- An intelligent Zhuyin input method to type characters, phrasesandsentences easily- Swipe on Zhuyin keyboard to input digits, English lettersandpunctuation symbols- Gesture typing on Zhuyin keyboard- Output both traditional and simplified Chinese- Chinese and English mixed input on Zhuyin andPinyinkeyboard- Rich emoticons and emojis- Themes
Wnn Keyboard Lab Lab-269
Wnn Keyboard Lab is pre-release version ofiWnnIME (Japanese keyboard) which is standard installed a lot ofAndroiddevices in Japan.Wnn Keyboard Lab has stable basic IME functions and plug-inmodulesfor customization.* Main features- Add the shortcut area of setting items to the menu barofkeyboardShortcuts of setting items could be placed on the menu barofkeyboard.These items could be called a single touch without launching"WnnLabsetting menu".Shortcuts could be customized by user's operation.When the setting icon (that is placed left end of menu bar)istouched, IME will enter to the shortcut customize mode.- Add the paneled quick setting UI Major setting items areappearedthe as icons on the keyboard areawhen keyboard is entered setting mode.- Improved UI[the Add word dialog] The target language could be selectedafteradd word dialog was shown.[the enlarging candidate] "Extend" button and "DeleteLearning"button changed from word to icon.- LauncherTap an icon to open the app.You can send a text to the app by one action.It is easy to share URL, e-mail address and any text in atextfield!The apps can be changed by long-pressing the icon.- Applying Material DesignIf you need old Keyboard Design, try OldKeyboardImage( Full IME functions of iWnn IME (Japanese / English input)- Multi-language input by using "Wnn Lang Pack"Chinese(Simplified(,Hangul(,Czech(,German(,Spanish(,French(,CanadianFrench(,Italian(,Dutch(,Norwegian(,Polish(,Portuguese(,Portuguese(Brz)(,Russian(,Swedish( Emoji input (Unicode emoji)- Input extension plug-in (Mushroom compatible)- Extra conversion plug-in- Switching keyboard image plug-in- Floating keyboard- One package for smart phone and tablet- User dictionary backup* NOTICE- This free version includes tiny dictionary forconversion.Converting precision is inferior to the commercialversion (iWnnIME).- Please install additional "Wnn Japanese ExtPack("for better Japanese conversion.* Purpose of access permissions[Full network access]- Only for displaying ads. No input data is sent outside ofappunless using external modules.[Storage access]- For importing text dictionaries on the storage.
Official site Policy are accepted at the following sites: a Japanese input method for Tablet (IME).Intended for use in the Honeycomb tablet, or re-placement ofthekeyWe have optimized the figure.Current functions and features:To take advantage of screen size, such as numeric keys · CTRL key·TAB key arrow key · ALT key, key sequence is set almost the sameasfor the PC keyboard of the Japanese.In addition to romaji input, equipped with a hiragana inputmodeclose to the kana input.When you select the extended keyboard, ESC, F1 ~ F12, HOME,END,PageUp, PageDown, DEL key can be entered.The height of the key can be set to stage 18.If you want to shrink the keyboard when using the hard keysortemporarily, you can use the keyboard reduction.Can also be treated as 109/106 Japanese keyboard to force aexternalkeyboard.You can call an application that implements themushroomsSimeji.CPU as well as ARM, MIPS and supports x86.Japanese conversion engine, so you can use to switch OpenWnnYahoo!Japan and text analysis API and Google IME CGI API, andtheconversion accuracy is Imaichi Pikaichi.We proceed to address the hard keyboard.Can also be installed on the terminal screen size islesstentatively, it is hard to manipulate because it is optimizedforthe tablet.Other:IME must be set prior to use. For more information, please visittheofficial site.Starting the mushroom mash is press and hold the key.Range can be selected with the arrow keys SHIFT +.Android 3.0 or later, cut copy, CTRL + X with CTRL + C, youcanpaste CTRL + V.Internet access policy:Internet access for non-Web engine and advertising does not.For policy details, please visit the official website. check: ICONIA TAB A500 (Picasso)=======================================About the developerBlog: software includes code developed at OMRON SOFTWARE Co.,Ltd.OpenWnn.
AIU-OpenWnn日本語入力IMEフリック対応キーボード 2014.0626.3.1
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////横画面で利用時に特定のブラウザー(Yhoo!で確認)でGoogleplayの検索ボックスに入力する際にキーボードが直ぐ閉じてしまう。又は一文字入力(予測文字列が表示)するとキーボードが閉じてしまう現象について調べてみました。☆キーボードの高さが要因のようです!☆正確には、サイトの表示領域が狭くなるとサイトのレイアウトが変更されてテキストボックスのフォーカスが外れてしまい、キーボードが閉じるという流れのようです。GoogleサイトのJavaScriptとブラウザーのスクリプトエンジンとの相性が悪いのかな...?対処法は、・縦画面で入力する。・予測文字列の高さ段数を低くする。・キーボードの高さを低くする。・サイトによってブラウザーを変える。等が考えられます。プログラム的に回避できれば、対処したいと思います。⇒フルモードを使用する事で回避出来る様に成りました。/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////AIU-OpenWnnを利用してくれて有り難う御座います。今回の「OpenWnn」の情報漏洩の脆弱性は、データベースファイルのアクセス権限(パーミッション)が「644」に設定されている事で「他のアプリから読む事が出来る状態に有る」事が原因の様です。取り敢えず、アクセス権限を「660」(他のアプリからアクセス出来ない)になる様にしましたので、ご利用ください。他に情報をお持ちの方がいましたら御一報下さい。ご協力お願いいたします!参照暫くは、このまま「OpenWnn1.3.5」を利用していく予定です。/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////AIU-OpenWnnは、通常の12キーとQwerty配列の他に日本語ローマ字入力IMEのためにQwerty配列に変わるものとして、AIU配列と言う母音と子音、濁音、その他のキーに分けられて配置された配列を持っています。また、キーボードの幅と高さを調整できるので、自分の機種に合ったキーボードにすることが出来ます!更に、押し間違い防止のためキーの上下、左右のギャップ(隙間)の調整も出来ます。AIU用外部アプリ「AIU-Gapi」をリリースしました。「AIU-Gapi」は、GoogleApi日本語変換機能を利用します。ハードキーボードへの対応を始めました。(詳細は下を見て!)マッシュに対応しました。ブラウザでも使用できます!(ブラウザでマッシュ機能を使えるIMEは、意外と少ないです。)小型機種用に12キーフリック・2タッチを追加いたしました。大型機種用にQWERTY配列を実装しました。(高さ、幅等の設定はAIU配列の設定欄で設定できます。)また、アルファベットだけQWERTY配列にしたい方のために「12トグル+英QWERTY」「12フリック+英QWERTY」「2タッチトグル+英QWERTY」「2タッチフリック+英QWERTY」も選択可能にしました。AIU配列のメインターゲットは、5インチや7インチの完全片手入力、完全両手入力が出来ない中途半端な機種に有効です。入力は、スリーフィンガー(片手3本指)入力がお勧めです。文字色で判り易くグループ分けしていますので、覚えやすいと思います。赤色が母音「あいうえお」に対応する「aiueo」(AIU配列の名称は頭の3文字より)緑色が子音に対応するキーでよく使う「kstnh」を下段に置き残りの子音「myrw」を母音の上段に配置しています。黄色が、濁音に対応するキーの「vjzbdg」で左上に配置しています。残りは「pfcqxl」や記号などです。IME本体はOMRON SOFTWAREさんのOpenWnnを使用させて頂いています。今後の予定:shift alt ctrlキーなどの実装。ハードキーボードでの使い方:(基本的にOpenWnnの仕様になっています。) ・自動でインジケータを表示!(ソフトキーボードは表示されません) ・Shiftとスペース同時押下で平⇔英の切り替え。 ・Shift押下+(Shiftとスペース同時押下)でInput切り替えリスト表示! ・Shift押しながら(スペースの2回押下)で設定画面表示! ・Altとスペースの同時押下で記号切り替え12キー・AIU配列共通機能説明: ・確定キーの左フリックでキーボードを閉じます。 ・マッシュ機能_「記号キー」を上フリック、右フリックでマッシュアプリを呼び出せます。  上フリックの場合:マッシュアプリから戻った際自動でキーボードを表示します。(ブラウザー等でキーボードや戻り値を表示しない場合はテキストエリアをタップして下さい!)  右フリックの場合:自動でキーボードを表示しませんので(戻り値も表示しない場合も)テキストエリアをタップして表示して下さい。(アプリとの相性問題が少なく、比較的安定しています。ブラウザの検索窓等でも有効です。) ・スペースキーの上フリックで全角スペース、下フリックで半角スペースを入力できます。 ・UNDO機能_削除文字列の復活、誤変換を未確定へ変換します。 ・ALLDELL機能_Dellキーの上フリックで全て削除が出来ます。 ・学習済み文字列の削除_不要な変換・予測文字列(学習辞書内)の長押しにより削除できます。 ・変換キーによる変換・予測文字列の選択機能。 ・キーボード幅の変更機能。 ・キーボード高さの変更機能。AIU配列独自機能説明: AIU配列半角アルファベット入力 ・上フリックで大文字入力 ・右フリックで半角スペースの追加をします。 AIU配列平仮名入力 ・右又は下フリック(aiueo,b or gキー)で重入力機能。  「tt」「dd」等の重入力をフリックで入力可能です。 ・左又は上フリック(aiueo,b or gキー)で「子音+Y」を入力機能。  「しゃ」「ちゃ」等の入力時フリックで「子音+Y」が入力可能です。 ・「タッチアンドリリース入力」機能。  タッチ(母・子音)したキーとリリース(母音)したキーを入力することが出来ます。x86系は、要望があれば別リリースしたいと思います。(実機が無く確認が出来ないので、しばらくお待ちください。)バグ、不具合情報、要望等有りましたらご連絡ください。著作権表記:AIU-OpenWnn(AIU配列)の著作権は、KeitaUrataOpenWnnの著作権は、オムロン ソフトウェア株式会社にそれぞれ帰属します。/ / / / / / / / / / / /// / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /// / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /// / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /// / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /Keyboard would be closed immediately when you type in the searchboxof Google play in (check Yhoo!) a particular browser to usewhen inlandscape. Or I tried to examine the phenomenon in whichclosedkeyboard (expected string is displayed) then characterinput. ☆height of the keyboard seems to factor! ☆ To be precise,it seemsthe focus of flow of the text box come off the layout ofthe sitehas changed the display area of ​​the site is narrowed,keyboardthat close. The affinity with the script engine ofbrowserJavaScript and Google site wonder if bad ...?Workaround, I enter in the vertical-screen. -I to reduce thenumberof stages height of the expected string. · I want to reducetheheight of the keyboard. - I change the browser by the site.Ithought the like.I think if you can avoid programmatically, and want to deal with.⇒ It was to be avoided like that you use the full mode./ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /// / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /// / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /// / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / //Thank you and me to use the AIU-OpenWnn. Informationdisclosurevulnerability of this time of "OpenWnn" is, as the cause"and is ina state where it can be read from other apps" is thatthing that isset in the "644" is (permission) access database fileis.For now, since we like to be "660" (not accessible fromotherapps) access privileges, please use.Please let me know if you have have people with otherinformation.Thank you for your cooperation!Reference a while, I am going to continue to use "OpenWnn1.3.5" asitis./ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /// / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /// / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /// / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / //As an alternative to Qwerty sequences for Japanese romaji inputIMEin addition to the Qwerty array and 12 normal keys, AIU-OpenWnnwasarranged to be divided into key vowels and consonants sayAIUarray, of dullness, other I have an array. In addition, itispossible to adjust the width and height of the keyboard, you canbea keyboard that was in the model of yourself! In addition, youcanbe up and down the keys, and the adjustment of the left andrightsides of the gap (gap) to prevent mistake press.I was released AIU External app "AIU-Gapi". "AIU-Gapi" makes useofthe Japanese GoogleApi conversion function.I started to respond to the hard keyboard. (To see belowfordetails!)I was supported mash. I can also be used in the browser! (IMEthatcan be used to mash function in the browser issurprisinglylow.)We added a 12-key touch-flicking two small models for.I've implemented a QWERTY layout in large models for. (You cansetin the configuration section of AIU array set height, thewidth,etc..)In addition, "12 toggle + British QWERTY" "12 flick +BritishQWERTY", "2 touch toggle + British QWERTY", "2 touch flick+British QWERTY" was also possible to select for those who wantaQWERTY-only alphabet.Main target of AIU array is useful in half-baked models thatcannot be completely one-handed input of 7 inches and 5 inches,hasboth hands full input. Input, is recommended to (one handthreefingers) Three Finger input.I think because I grouped clarity in the text color, and easytoremember."Aiueo" red corresponds to the vowel "ABCDE" (name of AIU arraythanthree characters of the head)I place at the top of consonant vowel of residual "myrw" Placethelower frequently used with a key green corresponds to theconsonant"kstnh".Yellow, has been placed in the upper left of the keythatcorresponds to the dullness in the "vjzbdg".Remainder is and symbols "pfcqxl".IME body lets me use the OpenWnn of OMRON SOFTWARE's.Implementation, such as shift alt ctrl key: Upcoming.How to use the hard keyboard:(It becomes the specifications of OpenWnn basically.)• The display indicator automatically! (Soft keyboard isnotdisplayed)-Switching of flat ⇔ British in space simultaneously pressingandShift.· Input switching listed in (space and simultaneous pressingShift)Shift + pressing!• Setting screen display (2-press of space) while holdingdownShift!And symbols switching simultaneous pressing of the space andAlt12 key · AIU array Common Feature Description:· I close the keyboard in the left flick of the enter key.Mash function _ You can call the application mash up flick the"keysymbol", right in the flick.To bring up the keyboard automatically when returning from mashapp:If the above flick. (Tap the text area If you do not want tosee thereturn value and keyboard in the browser, etc.!)Please display by tapping the text area (even if does not showthereturn value) because it does not display thekeyboardautomatically: if the right flick. (Compatibility problemwith theapp is small, and has been relatively stable. It is alsoeffectivein the search window of the browser.)-Em space flick on the space key, I can enter a spaceunderflick.· I will convert to undetermined revival of UNDO function _Deletestring, the erroneous conversion.· I can delete all flick on the ALLDELL _Dell function key.• You can delete it by pressing and holding the(learningdictionary) Delete the unnecessary conversions _-expectedstringlearned string.And selection function of conversion and expected string bytheconversion key.· Ability to change the keyboard width.· Ability to change the height of the keyboard.AIU array unique features description:AIU byte array input alphabet· Capitalization above flick· I will add a single space in the right flick.AIU array hiragana inputHeavy input function (aiueo, b or g key) under flick orright.You can enter in the flick heavy input "tt" and "dd" andthelike.• The input function to "consonant + Y" (aiueo, b or g key) aboveorflick left."Consonant + Y" You can enter the flick input "interrupted"and"tea", and the like.· "Touch-and-release input" function.You can enter the key to release the keys and touch you(mother,consonant) was (vowel).I think x86 system, and you want to release another ifdesired.(Actual machine because it can not be confirmed without,pleasewait for a while.)Please contact us if you have any bug, defect information,orrequests.Copyright notice:Copyright AIU-OpenWnn of (AIU sequence), KeitaUrataCopyright OpenWnn is, Omron Software Co., Ltd.I belong to each.
Japanese IME Kaede IME V3 1.0.0 RC102
This is a Japanese Input Method Engine(IME)(Preview Release)Aka Japanese keyboard.For OS1.6 to OS4.0.3(ICS)Built-in App Launcher.Note)There are 3 big carrier docomo , au and SoftBank in Japanthatreleased Android phones.Those Japanese Android phones ( or 3G tablets only havingEmojifonts.Emoji Supported Devices- au -IS11SIS11CAIS11SHIS11TIS12SHIS05IS04IS03IS01- docomo -Xperia acro SO-02CMedias N-06CMedias N-04CGalaxy S2 SC-02CXperia arc SO-01CREGZA Phone T-01CLINX 3D SH-03CGalaxy Tab SC-01CGalaxy S SC-02BLINX SH-10BXperia SO-01BHT-03A- SoftBank -AQUOS PHONE 007SHAQUOS PHONE 006SHGALAPAGOS 005SHGALAPAGOS 003SH- Disney Mobile -DM009SHSupport Kaede Plugins and Simeji Plugins.HW KeyboardSHARP IS01,SH-10B,JN-DK01HW KeyALT+SPACE:ConvertSFT+SPACE:ModeDPAD:ChooseENTER/SPACE:ommitPict:ComposerSFT+Pict:SymbolChar:Mode
nicoWnnG IME 2023.0807.1.1305
60-key Software Full Keyboard IME
Google Cantonese Input
Google Inc.
Google Cantonese Input makes text inputsmartand easy. Users only need to use English letters to write outhowthey think the Cantonese word sounds. With amazing wordrecognitionand next-word prediction, Google Cantonese Input helpsyou typefaster and more accurately on all your Androiddevices.We provides multiple keyboards, include:- Pinyin (Yale, Jyutping and Cantonese Pinyin standards)- Cangjie- Handwriting- Voice- StrokeKey features:- Cantonese and English mixed input- Different Cantonese pinyin standards, Yale, Jyutping andCantonesePinyin- Fuzzy typing and auto correction- User history and contacts dictionary- Output as both Traditional and Simplified Chinese- Swipe on Cantonese keyboard to input digits, English lettersandpunctuation symbols- Rich emoticons and emojis- Themes
Korean Basic IME 1.3
There are lots of good Korean Input MethodsforAndroid phones and tablets, but most Google TV and AOSPproducts donot have Korean IME in default. And most phone andtablet version ofIMEs have a trouble to work on the Google TV andAOSP products withor without H/W Keyboard.So I made this IME for those Google TV and AOSP productsespeciallywith H/W keyboard.This IME supports software keyboard also so can be used on phoneortablet, but it supports just simple functions only and I neverplanto update or upgrade it unless it has any fatal error.I made this IME based on "SoftKeyboard" sample in AndroidSDK,and shared my source here. Korean/English toggle key on H/W keyboardis"SHIFT+SPACE".If you are using any Korean layout keyboard, the"Korean/English"key on the keyboard should work also.Just like other input methods, you should enable it afterinstalland set it as default input method to use in Settings.Tested on NSZ-GS7 (Sony Google TV Settop), SGH-I317 (GalaxyNote2), SGH-i717 (Galaxy Note)Thanks to Wonseok Lee for testing.
萊姆中文輸入法 - LIME IME 5.2.4
萊姆中文輸入法 - LIMEIME,是一套自由開源的輸入法程式。支援注音、倉頡、快倉、倉頡五、速成、大易、輕鬆、行列、行列10及華象等,並提供自定管理輸入法功能。您亦可透過設定工具新增、修改字根記錄,甚至將您建立的輸入法分享給朋友來使用**若輸入法運作異常請嚐試透過[回復原始設定] 功能進行資料及設定的修正, 透過輸入法喜好設定關閉部份功能可提高輸入法運作效率。**Lime開發團隊感謝各位使用者的使用及問題回報,我們持續的調整及修正輸入法功能,歡迎透過EMAIL(及 Facebook 與我們連繫##若您偏好舊版的萊姆輸入法亦可至頁面下載LIMEHD_391_334.apk版本。萊姆輸入法線上資源使用與操作說明(尚未更新) **軟體鍵盤快捷鍵 1. 滑動SPACE BAR 選擇輸入法 2. 長按SPACE BAR 顯示輸入法選單與簡繁互換 3. 按住SHIFT + (英|數) 鍵輸入大寫或符號 (Multi-TouchInput) ** 實體鍵盤快捷鍵 1.(SHIFT|FN) + 候選字右上標記 快速選字2. CTRL + SPACE混打/英文模式切換 3. CTRL + SHIFT顯示輸入法選單 4. MENU + SHIFT顯示輸入法選單 5. CTRL +(數字|符號) 鍵 輸入全型字 6. MENU +/ 顯示符號選單 7. 往下鍵 擴展候選字列表8. BACKSPACE關閉候選字列表 ** LIME-HD 的特點1.支援Android平板2.可自訂輸入法,目前支援10種輸入法:自建、注音、倉頡、快倉、倉頡五、速成、大易、輕鬆、行列、行列10,(行列及行列10使用老刀提供的對照表)3.注音輸入法鍵盤排列支援標準注音(大千)、倚天26鍵、倚天41鍵及許氏注音排列4.所有輸入法均支援連打,注音輸入法支援快拼(需另外下載注音連打快拼對照表) 5. 中英文混打,不用切換鍵盤6.虛擬鍵盤長按".",可輸入符號。實體鍵盤按Ctrl-/可輸入符號 7. Multi-touch虛擬鍵盤(可直接按Shift-X)8.虛擬鍵盤空白鍵左右滑動可快速切換輸入法 9. 支援實體鍵盤(藍牙鍵盤要Android3.0Honeycomb才支援),實體鍵盤Ctrl-A/C/V/X複製貼上、實體鍵盤Ctrl-1~9,0或單鍵選候選字、Shift-1~9,0選關聯字10.輸入法可選擇鍵盤排列11. 三排實體鍵盤手機鍵盤重對應 (不用按組合鍵) 12. 簡/繁字碼轉換 (打繁出簡,打簡出繁)13.反查輸入法字根 14.中/英關聯字典 由於Android裝置種類繁多,礙於專案團隊設備上的限制無法做全面的測試並兼顧到各種不同鍵盤配置,若LIME無法支援您的硬體設備還請見諒。**若文字無法正確輸入,建議您重置資料庫並重新下載或匯入字根檔案,如果選字與送出的字不同,請關閉喜好設定的中文簡/繁體字碼轉換.**感謝大易輸入法發明者王贊傑先生,萊姆中文輸入法正式獲得大易UNICODE 版使用授權
Gamepad Enabler 1.0.3
Do you want to get more out of yourbluetoothcontroller? If you're running a rooted Android 3.1+device, andyour controller is compatible with Bluez IME, then thisis the appfor you.This app works by tricking Android into thinking yourcontrolleris natively supported, thus allowing games such as GTAIII andShadowgun to work at their best with true analog support.Growingpopularity for games with native gamepad support means thelist ofsupported games will continue to grow.Only one controller can be connected at a time, as I'm notawareof any games that support multiple native gamepads. I willbeadding multiple controller support in the future whenhopefullymore games support them.Supported controllers include:- Zeemote JS1- MSI Chainpus BGP100- Phonejoy- iControlPadGames enhanced by native support include:- Grand Theft Auto III (Rockstar Games)- Shadowgun THD (MADFINGER Games)- Riptide GP (Vector Unit)- Shine Runner (Vector Unit)- Cordy (SilverTree Media)- Sleepy Jack (SilverTree Media)- Reckless Racing HD (polarbit)- Reckless Racing 2 (polarbit)Instructions:1. Install and run Bluez IME, then configure your controllerasthe first device and check that it can successfully connect.Thisstep is only required once or if you change controllers.2. Disconnect the controller from Bluez IME, then launchGamepadEnabler and check the 'Driver Enabled' box. Be sure toallowSuperuser permissions when prompted.3. Connect your controller by pressing the power or sync buttonandcheck for a 'Controller connected' message.4. Configure the button mappings under 'Edit Mappings'.*** Warning: This app requires root. If you're not sure whatthatmeans, you probably don't have it. ***
PaniniKeypad Tamil IME 2.1.14
இனிய தமிழ் புத்தாண்டு நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்.The Panini Keypad is an intelligent dynamic keypad that offersyouto type easy and fast in Tamil (தமிழ்) on your phone. Thisnewtechnology constantly calculates and puts only 11 characters onthescreen that you are most likely to type. Character Buttonsarelarge and easy to point and you make less errors. Theaccurateprediction helps you compose difficult words in theircorrectletter sequences as per Unicode.You can use the Panini Keypad to type Tamil/Englishsms,messages, chat, facebook, Address Book, email, blogs,reminders,twitter, whatsapp etc.PaniniKeypad is an IME(input method editor) for androidphones& tablets. This can be your default keypad.Also high quality intelligent dictionary auto complete andwordprediction is offered in both Tamil and English. Moreinnovationscoming up.Installation.1. Download and install this application on phone.2. Go to "Settings"->"Language & input/Locale &text"-> select Panini Keypad IME. (check on) Green.3. Again Go to "Settings"->"Language & input/Locale&text"-> set Default Keyboard/ Input Method asPaniniKeypadIME.4. Back to text compose area, keyboard will appear on screen.5. Experience Fast & Easy way of typing on android phones.Watch Tamil typing youtube video: installation click on PaniniKeypad icon on home screentoget detailed information about launch the IME & typingrelatedhelp.Direct download the Tamil .apk file from website: rules1. Look for the character, press it.2. If character not there, press Next button.There is a 74% chance that the first character of your word isonthe screen and after that there is a 93% (and higher) chancethatthe next characters will be predicted to your fingertips.Predictedcharacters very often in the top left corner and mostoften you typepressing the same key, at a position comfortable toyourthumb.The intelligent technology is based on linguistics, AI andthedynamic intelligent keypad is patented all over the worldandwinner of many awards for innovation.14 Indian languages are supported with this same system oftypingand orthography. And many other languages of the world.This is the best way to type for both basic phones andtouchphones. Those who have found out its magic, please help othersalsoto discover.For Conjunct characters (adha ka etc, consonant clusters)pleaseput a puLLi (Dot) [்] (symbol with + sign) in the middle ofthe twoconsonants. The Conjunct will automatically form. ThepuLLi(Dot)[்] is also a character, predicted automatically likeothersand shown in RED for your easy recognition.Examples of correct character entry sequence(Orthography):பக்ஷி = ப+க+்+ஷ+ிபடகு = ப+ட+க+ுஸ்ரீலங்கா = ஸ+்+ர+ீ+ல+ங+்+க+ாதிரிசூலம் = த+ி+ர+ி+ச+ூ+ல+ம+்விஷ்ணு = வ+ி+ஷ+்+ண+ுதிருவள்ளூர் = த+ி+ர+ு+வ+ள+்+ள+ூ+ர+்Learn how to write every possible Uyirmei from link: this latest version you can type in English in betweenTamil,by using QWERTY keyboard. One can type Tamil/ Englishnumerals,symbols etc.Give a try to this new way of typing, you will learnveryquickly. You must use it in Galaxy Note, Grand, S3, S4, Trendetcalso, its absolutely a pleasure due to the large keys."We would like to share with PaniniKeypad users thatthistechnology (PaniniKeypad) has been granted US patent inJune2014."Privacy concerns: Panini Keypad does not try to read your dataorconnect to a server for prediction. Your data stays on yourphoneand the application does not connect anywhere, you can useitoffline also."YOUR PHONE MUST HAVE TAMIL/TAMIZH FONT, OTHERWISESHOWSSQUARE/BLANK BOXES."
DTalker IME 1.52.135
For visually impaired people.
OpenWnn/Flick support 2.03
Kunimasa Noda
FlickWnn is Flick input style IMEforJapanese.It is based on OpenWnn.[2012/02/12 Ver2.00]- change keytop design(option)Copyright (C) 2012 Kunimasa Noda All Rights Reserved.
Three Corner IME 5.0.0
Try out the new online Chinese IME! (testedonFirefox and Chrome) Corner IME三角編號法 (in Chinese)Enter KeyThe enter key automatically fills in the rest of the codewith"0".Example: "987 Enter" is the same as typingout"987000".Exception: "Enter" just inserts a return character,since"000000" is not a valid Three Corner code.WildcardIf you only remember two of the three parts of code, usethewildcard key "??" on the upper left of the keyboard. A listofcandidates with their corresponding code will be shown. The listisordered with the most frequently appearing character ontop.Example: "??9898", "98??98", "9898??"If you have any questions or comments, please feel free tocontactme.For anyone who wants to help contribute, the URL isat .
GKM Touch 1.5.1
Play touchscreen games with gamepad, keyboard and mouse.
中國香港倉頡\速成\筆劃for GO Keyboard 3.0
GO Keyboard is the best and the most popular keyboard on theGooglePlay!
CleverTexting Arabic IME 2.1.13
(عيد الفطر/عيد مبارك)This is a Input Method Editor (IME) and can be used inallapplications on your phone by selecting it. Instructions atthebottom.The CleverTexting is a new Texting Technology thatpredictsletters as you type. It is based on the statistical natureof alanguage and is dictionary less. Along with a userinterfaceinnovation of dynamic key assignment, it offers aterrificadvantage of single keystroke typing on limited keypaddevices likethe mobile phone and offers a smoother typingexperience to theuser.Watch Arabic typing video on YouTube: After Download Arabic Keyboard will install automaticallyonphone.2. Go to "Settings"->"Language & input/Locale&text"->Select CleverTexting Arabic IME (check ON).3. Go to "Settings"->"Language & input/Locale &text"-SetDefault Keyboard/ Input method as CleverTexting ArabicIME.4. Back to text compose area keyboard will appear on screen.5. Experience Fast & Easy Arabic typing on your phone&tablets.Two rules1. Look for the character, press it.2. If character not there, press Next List button.This versatile keyboard provides a better usability withlimitedno. of keys available on screen one at a time. Keys are bigeasy topoint by fingertips. Letters (huruf) are keeppredictedautomatically and put right under your thumb.This Clever Arabic (العربية) IME, offers English QWERTYkeyboardto type in English in between Arabic typing. By using thisvirtualArabic keyboard ( لوحة المفاتيح العربية‎ ) IME one can typesms,messages, chat, email, blogs, facebook, twitter, postcomment,google+, save contact book etc."We would like to share with CleverTexting users thatthistechnology (PaniniKeypad) has been granted US patent inJune2014."Privacy concerns: CleverTexting does not try to read your dataorconnect to a server for prediction. Your data stays on yourphoneand the application does not connect anywhere, you can useitoffline also.Download and give it a try !