Top 13 Apps Similar to 紅に染まる~和風ファンタジー乙女ゲーム・恋愛ゲーム

乙女ゲーム×童話ノベル ネバーランドシンドローム 1.6.5
A new mysterious and otome game with a little courage and newstory,SEEC that recovers your forgotten hearts.
花婿ロワイヤル【乙ゲー 無料 課金なし】 1.0.1
セレブなイケメンフィアンセからプロポーズ!アナタの花婿の座をめぐって争奪戦を繰り広げるのは…俺様で野心家なホテル王 「結婚式までどこかに閉じ込めてやろうか」フェロモン漂う名門茶道の家元 「好きです。貴女の全てをもっと知りたい」神に愛された情熱的なサッカー選手 「Noは聞かない。オレに永久就職して?」王子様系の歴代最年少外務大臣 「貴女を守る、貴女だけの王子になりたい」頼もしくて野獣系の闇世界の金融王 「可愛い声出されるとお前を食っちまいたくなる」◆花婿ロワイヤルストーリー◆世界中に通訳者を派遣する会社で働くアナタ。ある日、超VIPが集まるパーティーで通訳をすることに。そこに待ち受けていたのは5人の花婿候補…!?毎日5話分ストーリー無料!刺激的で大人の恋ができる課金なし全部無料の女性向け恋愛シミュレーションゲームです。◆花婿ロワイヤルキャラクター紹介◆♥花鳳院誉:俺様ホテル王♥織茂望:フェロモン系茶道家元 ♥ニコ デルフィーノ:情熱系サッカー選手♥花鳳院一二三:王子様系外務大臣♥赤松宗助:野獣系金融王◆こんな方にオススメ◆✓ドS、セクシー、クール、ミステリアスなイケメンがいる女性向け乙女ゲームを探してる✓イケメンボーイフレンドと禁断の恋、運命の恋をしたい✓無課金、課金なし、ミッションなし、全部無料でラブストーリーや恋愛ノベルを読みたい✓女子向けの大人の恋愛ゲームを探してる✓セクシーでドSなイケメン彼氏、ボーイフレンド、旦那が欲しい✓トキメキや胸キュンできる刺激的な恋愛ゲームを求めている恋ゲー好き✓ミッションなし無課金でも楽しめるゲーム、絵がカッコいい恋愛シミュレーションゲームを探してる✓人気無料の女性向け恋愛ゲームで運命の恋をしたい✓恋愛漫画、少女漫画、恋愛小説、携帯小説等とにかく乙女系の恋愛ドラマアプリを探してる✓セレブ、王子様、プリンス、カリスマ男子と非日常的な恋愛体験をしたい◆基本情報◆✓インストール無料✓基本プレイ無料◆注意事項◆✓アプリをアンインストール、またはキャッシュクリアをした場合、プレイデータはリセットされますのでご注意ください。✓端末のソフトウェアを4.1以上にアップデートし、プレイしてください。◆利用規約◆
The Princes of the Night : Romance otome games 1.5.0
Is the rumor about vampires real? While you were leading apeacefullife, unexplained killings are disrupting everything andyour owndestiny mingles with those events that surpass you. Anexcitinglove simulation game for girls! Join the world of Japaneseotomegames! ❖Strong points ✦Read 5 episodes(chapters) every dayforFREE! ✦You can get more hearts by just watching ads! ✦Unlikeotherotome games(choice game), this one has nomissions/checkpoints!✦You can read the whole story withoutrecurring to in-apppurchases! ✦Choices you make don't affect theending ✦Great ikemencgs ✦You can re-read the stories anytime ✦Anexciting English animelove games that lets you fall in love withthe hottest guys you'veever seen! ❖Love stories Central Europe, ina walled city... Peacereigned on the village, until several womenhave been found dead...The only clues we had were two fang marks onthe necks of thevictims. This must be the doing of a demon... "Andnow this threatis on me too." in which men and vampires arefighting to conqueryour heart! ❖Here are the handsome guys you canchoose from! ♥KlausVon Dracula Type: Vampire With a stoicpersonality, Count Draculais devoted to his people and his duty. Itseems that his legacyholds many secrets... "I always wanted toprotect you." Will youanswer the call of love and fate, against allodds? ♥Gerald VanHelsing Type: Human Professor in theology andmedicine. He feels adeep hatred against vampires since the murderof her sister. "Yousay I'm stubborn, but I think you are worse thanme." Turn him awayfrom his vampire hunt does not seem to be an easytask. Will you beable to do it? ♥Mateus Type: Vampire Sadistic andcruel... This,however, seems to be only one facet of hispersonality. "Close youreyes and let yourself go... When you willwake up, you'll be mine!"His anger may be hiding somethingdeeper... and better. Will youfind the good in him and win hislove? ♥Ewan Type: Demon Ewan is ademon serving Dracula from thefirst generation of the lineage."It's a pleasure to meet you,Princess." This cute and nice servantwill surprise you more thanonce... Can a demon fall in love?❖Recommended for you if... ✦Youlike Japanese dating games andotome games. ✦You are looking for adrama app for girls, forromantic manga, novels etc. ✦You arelooking for a love simulationgame where you can experiment sweetand passionate kisses. ✦Youwant a dating game with beautifulillustrations where you get tokiss many ikemen guys. ❖Supportedlanguage English, French ❖Followus on our "SNS" Facebook: Otomegames information by Ciagram Instagram:otomegames_ciagram Twitter:@Otomegamesinfo ❖Basic Information ✦Freeinstallation ✦Freebasic play ❖Warning ✦Uninstalling the app orclearing the cachewill reset player data. ✦This game will not workoffline. Make sureyou have an internet connection when you play.✦Update yourdevice's software to version 5.0 or later to play.❖Terms ofservice ❖Ikemen otome games ofCiagram♥Nightmare Harem ♥Love Plan ♥Hozuki -Awakening- ♥LoveGossip♥Reverse Tales of Genji ♥Chocolate Temptation ♥DoubleProposal♥Princess Closet ♥My Bewitching Perfume ♥Diamond Girl♥ForbiddenLove and more! ✨✨✨Search more for Ciagram'sgames✨✨✨ Or search "pub: Ciagram CO., LTD." OnGooglePlay
Diamond Girl: Otome games otak 1.3.0
Popular and free! A romance games, love stories, otome gamesforotaku girls!
A Slick Romance: Otome games free dating sim 1.7.0
It's just you and him in the Salon room... These sexyandhandsometalented estheticians will make your heart warm andyourbodysweaty... "It's just a massage, but it seems you'reenjoying italot" Massages, styling, make up, skin care,aromatherapy...There's a hot specialist for everything! Theirexpertfingertipswill make you feel some unknown sensations...■Lovestories"Gratia" is a celebrity beauty salon run by handsomeikemen.You,working in a rival salon, decide to spy on them in ordertolearnthe secrets behind a genius esthetician called"GoldFingers"...■Strong points ✓Read 5 episodes(chapters) every dayforFREE!✓Unlike other otome games(choice game), this one hasnomissions!✓You can read the whole story without recurringtoin-apppurchases! ✓An exciting dating sim that lets you fall inlovewiththe hottest guys you've ever seen! ■CharactersIntroduction♥MiraiIgarashi A charismatic hair stylist, as popularas an idol."Itwill be my pleasure to make you even morebeautiful."♥ZioFujishima A sadist nail artist who has gainedanoverwhelmingfollowing. "What a nice voice. It motivatesme."♥Tenkyu Todoji Asexy genius massager, who knows how to treatawoman. "Leave yourbody and mind in my hands, and you'll feelgood."♥Seima Serizawa Areticent perfumer who specializes inaphrodisiacfragrances. "Thisperfume will bring out your charm."♥Toru KunikidaA mysteriousgenius esthetician with a doctor'slicense. "Don't showyour skinto other men. It's unpleasant."■Supported languageEnglish,French, German ■Official websiteLOG(Love stories &OtomeGames)■Follow us onour"SNS"Twitter:@Otomegamesinfo information byCiagram ■BasicInformation ✓Freeinstallation✓Free basic play ■Warning✓Uninstalling the app orclearing thecache will reset player data.✓This game will not workoffline.Make sure you have an internetconnection when you play.✓Updateyour device's software to version4.1 or later to play.■Terms ofservice
My Bewitching Perfume: Visual novel games English 1.5.0
An exciting love simulation game for girls! It's theultimateromancegame/otome game for ladies who love handsome guys!■Romancestory"Even though he's so disinterested in love, for justa momentit'slike he's been enchanted. It's all because of theperfume Imade..."He's a handsome soushoku danshi who's had a badexperiencein lovethat he's never been able to tell anyone.However, hesuddenly turnsinto a nikushoku danshi!? The perfume Imade has adangerouslyseductive fragrance. Before we realize it,it's causedhim to abandonall reason... ■You can see the SuperHappy endingfor free! ✓Apopular romance game for women that'salready exceededover 3 milliondownloads! ✓You can enjoy the wholestory for free,and even get theSuper Happy ending for free!✓There's no missions,you can go throughthe story without anyinterruptions.✓Recommended for ladies who wantto try an otome gamewithouthaving to pay for a subscription orin-app purchases!■MyBewitching Perfume is this kind of app! ✓It's agenuineromancegame for women! ✓It's a romance novel game that allwomenacrossthe globe can enjoy for free! ✓You're part of areverseharemincluding the four attractive men in your life!?✓Thedevelopmentsin this exciting love story will have yourheartpounding and leaveyou wondering what happens next! ✓Andunlikeother romance gamesand otome games, there's no missionsduring thestory, so you cancontinue reading without anyinterruptions! ■Hereare the handsomeguys you can choose from! Youcan choose whicheverguy you prefer.♥Teppei Shidou An oresamanikushoku danshi who ispassionateSerious and a little shy ♥TakeruHiruma A pushy nikushokudanshiwho loves to tease A cool guy of fewwords, but he's actuallyquitekind ♥Rei Kirishima A charmingnikushoku danshi who likestoindulge women A devilish kind of guy♥Naomi Kanoura Anikushokudanshi who is an elegant gentleman He'scool but only nicearoundme ■Supported language English, French,German ■Follow us onour"SNS"Twitter:@Otomegamesinfo information byCiagram■BackgroundMusic Usage Site MusMus■Basic Information ✓Freeinstallation ✓Freebasic play ■Warning✓Uninstalling the app orclearing the cache willreset player data.✓This game will not workoffline. Make sure youhave an internetconnection when you play.✓Update your device'ssoftware to version4.1 or later to play.■Terms of service
Chocolate Temptation: Otome games visual novels 1.6.0
You are the only woman amongst a family of fourikemen...Surroundedby such handsome guys, will you find happiness,or...!?Immerseyourself in a thrilling romance that's likechocolate:sometimessweet, sometimes bitter... ■Love stories"Somewhere onearth, youcan find the legendary chocolates ofhappiness, whichbringhappiness to anyone who eats them..." My dadused to tell methatfairy tale before I went to sleep... You havebeen selectedtocompile a mook about chocolate, which you love somuch. Theplacethat you decide to interview for the mook is theverypopularchocolate shop in Omotesando: L'ecrin. Waiting for youthereis anexciting new life where you live with theshop'shandsomechocolatiers!? ■Strong points ✓Read 5episodes(chapters)every dayfor FREE! ✓Unlike other otomegames(choice game), this onehas nomissions! ✓You can read the wholestory without recurring toin-apppurchases! ✓An exciting Englishanime love games that letsyou fallin love with the hottest guysyou've ever seen! ■Who willyouchoose to be your boyfriend? Thehandsome brothers of"ChocolateTemptation" ♥Ibuki Aoi If you enjoyfollowing someoneelse's leadin a romance... The eldest brother ofthe Aoi family.♥Jin Aoi Ifyou enjoy romances in which you bothmature together...The cooland stoic second brother of the Aoifamily. ♥Mitsuki Aoi Ifyouenjoy romances in which you help yourboyfriend grow...Theinnocent third brother of the Aoi family.♥Junshirou AoiYournavigator in the Aoi household. The mischievousandplayfulyoungest brother. A romance game for women in which youcandateone or multiple guys at the same time! ■Recommended for youifyouwant... ✓To enjoy an amazing love story with one ofthemostpopular free otome games ✓To be chased by ikemen guysinboyfriendgames of mobile apps ✓Loves romance simulation gamesandromancestory games ✓To fall in love like in light novels andvisualnovelgames ✓Are looking for love simulator andvirtualboyfriendsimulator free ✓Or are looking for best anime lovegamesor otakugames for girls ✓Or are searching for free games toplayover textfor girls ✓Or are interested in mobile otakugamesapplication ✓Orplay various otome games such as pc,mobile,applications etc. ✓Tofreely choose episodes with yourfavoritevirtual boyfriend textinggames for girls ■SupportedlanguageEnglish, French, German ■Followus on our"SNS"Twitter:@Otomegamesinfo information byCiagram ■BasicInformation ✓Freeinstallation✓Free basic play ■Warning✓Uninstalling the app orclearing thecache will reset player data.✓This game will not workoffline.Make sure you have an internetconnection when you play.✓Updateyour device's software to version4.1 or later to play.■Terms ofservice
Is It Love? Drogo - vampire 1.15.517
1492 Studio
Your choices, your story, your otome: Love, Romance and Vampires!
Véritable princesse | Otome Dating Sim games 1.1.22
whomor Inc.
▼Un nouveau volet à la série des jeux otome DeareaD▼ Avecquilaprincesse va-t-elle tomber amoureuse ?【PrincessToBe*véritable princesse 】 Jeu de simulation d'amourotomepourfemmes Aquria, petit royaume au milieu de l'océan. Vousviviezunevie tranquille quand tout à coup, un chevalier dupalaisroyaumeapparaît devant vous !? "A partir d'aujourd'hui,tu eslaprincesse ." Votre vie de princesse commencesoudainement.Desjournées excitantes avec votre fiancé aupalais ! Maisdespersonnes en veulent à votre vie … Que va-t-ilrester de laromancede la princesse après que la véritéaéclaté ?・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・◆Caractéristiquesdel'application・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Jeu deromancepopulairecomplètement gratuit ! Progressez dans le jeuavecles ticketsdistribués tous les jours ! La fin del'histoirechange enfonction des choix opérés pendant lapartie !Remplissez votrealbum de moments inoubliables !Profitezd'une relation avec unhomme charmant n'importe quand etn'importeoù !・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・◆Présentation despersonnages・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Qui sera celuiqui teprotégera 1. Alex Rhondhurd ( arrogant leaderdeschevaliers)Arrogant et autoritaire, mais gentil dans le fond.Ilne veut plusperdre d'être cher. Quel secret cache-t-ilderrièrecessentiments ? Tu as toujours été ma princesse 2.LucaLindberg (Jeune voyou aristocrate) Toujours joyeux et entourédepersonnes.Quel secret cache-t-il ? Quand la véritéserarévélée, que vontfaire les deux amoureux...? Si seulementjepouvais toujours êtreamoureux de toi 3. Denis Sakuraba (princeétourdi) Le princesérieux et aimable d'une nation alliée.Enconflit entre sessentiments et les ordres de son père Jeseratoujours à vos côtéspour vousprotéger・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ◆Jeuconseillé sivous :・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Êtesintéressée parles jeuxOtome Cherchez un jeu de simulation Otomepour femmesCherchez unjeu Otome gratuit Voulez avoir une relationavec un hommecharmantAdmirez les princesses Voulez une histoired'amour à couperlesouffle avec un prince Voulez jouer à un jeu desimulationpourfemmes Voulez jouez à un jeu Otome gratuit Aimez lesmangaspourfilles et les jeuxderomances ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ◆A proposdel'entreprise・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ DeareadInc.estuneentreprise qui propose du contenu destiné auxfemmes【Siteofficiel】 【Facebookofficiel】【Nouscontacter】*------------------------------------------*
Otome : Is-it Love? Gabriel 💌 1.3.324
1492 Studio
The first Otome (flirting game) of ourseries“Is It Love?” is available in English. Discover the “FrenchTouch”of love games!“Is It Love?” Carter Corp. - SYNOPSISYou’ve just landed a job at Carter Corp., founded by themysteriousRyan Carter. Your manager, Gabriel Simons, (besides beingtalentedand seductive) has a reputation as a “serial lover”, makinghim thesubject of many of your colleagues’ dreams. Covering histracks,playing cat and mouse, sometimes a charmer and sometimesdistant,you may risk falling into his claws...It’s YOUR story!You’re the heroine in this free Otome! You influence the storyandthe final conclusion, happy or unhappy, through the decisionsyouwill choose to make. You’ll be able to play new episodesoften,adding length to your virtual love story.Is It Love? Carter Corp. - CASTINGRyan Carter: founder and CEO of the firmMagnetic, charismatic, direct, brilliant, intimidating.26 years old, single, multibillionaire.Personal trait: Control freak.Astrological sign: Sagittarius“Miss, there is nothing out of my reach”Mark Leviels: Subsidiary directorIntellectual, ambitious, calm, accessible.28 years old, work addict.Personal trait: Never without his smartphone.Astrological sign: Libra.“To choose is to abandon. I chose to totally invest myself inmyjob.”Gabriel Simons: ManagerExtrovert, manipulative, insolent, hands-on.28 years old, single, “serial lover”.Personal trait: Takes advantage of his seduction skills.Astrological sign: Leo.“I had to fight to get where I am today. I know how demandingyouhave to be.”Cassidy Sparke: Human ResourcesCold, arrogant, pushy.25 years old, single.Personal trait:: Full of self-assurance.Astrological sign: Capricorn“With a snap of my fingers, I can end your entire career.”Matt Ortega: Graphic ArtistPlayful, sensitive, creative, sporty.25 years old, single, epicurian.Personal trait: Bad boy with a big heart.Astrological sign: Scorpio“I know, I’m so brilliant that I can light up your day…”Colin Spencer: DeveloperHarsh, brief, mysterious.25 years old, single, morose.Personal trait: Leader of a heavy metal band.Astrological sign: Pisces“Hey.”Lisa Parker: SecretaryKind, social, professional, loyal.24 years old, single.Personal trait: Always keeps a smile.Astrological sign: Virgo“On bad days, I look at my smiley post-it and it helps mecheerup!”Superb IllustrationsThe more you progress into the Otome, the more superbillustrationsyou can unlock, adding visuals to your romanticstory!But pay attention to your choices! They can affect which imagesandsecret scenes you unlock! But don’t worry, you can alwaysreplaythe story, or a particular chapter, in order to unlock anyimagesyou might have missed!And Much MoreDiscover secret love stories, short flirting stories, andmuchmore!Follow us on Facebook by liking our page: to discover ournewgames.———————Questions? Concerns? Contact our customersupport:https://1492studio.freshdesk.comFree download“Is it Love?” is free to play. However, you can pay forcertainbonuses. You can disable in-app purchases in yourdevicesettings.Internet connection required, additional charges may apply. "
In Search of Haru : Otome Game Sweet Love Story 1.1.1
SEEC inc.
I was made fun of for being chubby, and I was crying. That'swhenaboy approached me. I only remember his name. I want to meethim--Haru -- one more time. Wanting to talk to Haru again, I hidmypastand decided to seek him out. ◆How to Play 1. Astimepasses,students will appear. 2. Tap the students to talk tothemand pickup Memory Fragments. 3. Collecting Memory Fragmentsmovesthe storyforward. 4. Your choices affect the story! ◆FunFactors*Free toplay and download! *The game even progresses whenidle, soit'sgreat for quick bursts of play time! *Your choicesaffectthefuture. Multi-ending system features four outcomes!*Collect14illustrations and swoon at their good looks! *Completeallthestorylines to have the characters tell you moreabouttheillustrations you picked up! ◆In Search of Haru is ateenromanceapp recommended for these kinds of people: *Fansofromanticmovies, dramas, and novels *Fans of girls' anime,romancegames,girls' games, and games where you play as a girl*Fansofstory-centric games and idling games *People looking tokillsometime *Gamers looking to swoon at the prospect of datingahandsomeguy *Gamers looking for romantic, heart-meltingscenes*Fans ofJapanese anime and manga-+-+--+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+◆Productionteam's Twitter account Getthe latest details on ourgames, plusexclusiveillustrations!◆SupportedOSes Android 4.2.2 and up◆Notes & precautions -Deleting the appcache or data, oruninstalling the app itself, cancause allpurchased items and gameprogress to be lost. - Note thatwe do notoffer refunds forpurchased items. - If the app crashes,werecommended trying againafter getting a stable networkconnection. -This app makes use ofadvertising to enable us todevelop and run thebase app free ofcharge. ◆Termsandconditions◆Troubleshootingandfeedback To report problems with the app orsend us yourfeedback,contact us at the e-mail address below, usingthe appname as thee-mail subject. *E-mail inquiries are available24/7,but note thatreplies on weekends and Jaoanese nationalholidays,and after 7:00PM, may be delayed. ◆ For users who haveproblemswith installationIf you have trouble installing theapplication,please check thefollowingpage.
The Winter Kiss Novel ♥ Otome 4.0.9
The Winter Kiss is an interactive love novel. Romantic Otomestorywith choices
Is It Love? Ryan - lovestory 1.15.517
1492 Studio
Make choices in this romantic visual novel: choose love, passionanddramas!