Top 6 Games Similar to WAE CUBIC GOMOKU

4th Ball 3D (Qubic) 0.4.0
Place the ball alternately black andwhite,whopreviously aligned four diagonally / vertical / horizontalwillbethe winner, it is a 3D version of Gomoku.The win made ​​the 3 × 3 and Gomoku is different I'm real thrill!You can take turns playing with friends, or you canenjoyagainstthe computer, it is a strength to be reckonedcomputer.How To PlayI start the game from the start screen, select a contentplay.And touch the blue circle, the ball enters the bar below itinthegame screen.The screen is rotated in a horizontal / vertical with aflickwithyour fingers, you will be able to closely review the lineisalsodifficult to see.Vertical rotation can also be used with optional sensor.Since the last ball was placed on display in differentcolors,Pleasehelp us to help strategy.
gomokunarabe 1.2.1
gomokunarabe desu.
Omok Game 1.5.0
[ update ]- Galaxy Tab support- mahjong Game Applications link add on.[ update ]- Bubble Beaver Game Applications link add on.[ update ]- Other Game Applications link add on.[1.4.6 update]- game board type add- mode --> 12 X 12 , 15 X 15 , 19 X 19[1.4.5 update]- undo- 2.2 froyo supportGomoku is an abstract strategy board game and is also called Fiveina Row. It is traditionally played with go pieces on a goboard
4 In A Line All-in-One 10.06
SoftMiMo LLC.
4 In A Line All-in-One is an combination of 4 In A Line, 4 InALineAnywhere and 4 In A Line Balloon. 4 In A Line (alsoknownasConnect-4, Four Up, Plot Four, Find Four and Four in a Row)isatwo-player (you vs. Android) game in which the playersfirstchoosea color and then take turns dropping their colored discs—known as"checkers" in the United States — from the top intoaseven-column,six-row vertically-suspended grid. The piecesfallstraight down,occupying the next available space within thecolumn.The object ofthe game is to connect four of one's own discsof thesame colornext to each other vertically, horizontally,ordiagonally beforeone's opponent can do so. 4 In A LineAnywhere(all known asConnect-4 Anywhere) is a two-player (you vs.Android)game in whichthe players take turns putting their coloreddiscsanywhere in aseven-column, six-row grid. The object of thegame isto connectfour of one's own discs of the same color next toeachothervertically, horizontally, or diagonally before one'sopponentcando so. 4 In A Line Anywhere Game rules: 1) You can putyourcoloreddiscs anywhere in the board. 2) You and phone take turnstogofirst. 3) If you win the game, the first position in thegamecannot be used for following games as first step. This istopreventyou from using same way to win multiple times.Youropponent(phone) also keeps changing first position. So it isfair.4) Gameover when four or more of the same color discs next toeachothervertically, horizontally, or diagonally. 4 In A LineBalloon(allknown as Connect-4 Balloon) is upside down version of 4In ALine(also known as Connect-4, Four Up, Plot Four, Find FourandFour ina Row). It's a two-player (you vs. cell phone) gameinwhichplayers take turns release their colored balloon to the topofaseven-column, six-row vertically-suspended grid, occupyingthenextavailable space within the column. The object of the gameistoconnect four of one's own balloon of the same color nexttoeachother vertically, horizontally, or diagonally beforeone'sopponentcan do so. Game Options: ---Difficulty and Level: Usercanselectgame difficulty from easy, normal, hard andexpert.---Colorscheme: 5pairs colors. ---Use Splash Screen: Usercan turnon oroff for starting the program with splash screen.---Installand runfrom SD card (for Android 2.2 and above). Thesystemrequirementsfor this game: ---OS: Android v1.5 or above---PhysicalResolution:320x480(HVGA), 480x800(WVGA800),480x854(WVGA854),1280x800 andother resolutions ---Perfect forAndroid smart phoneand tabletProvided by Frank Android Software free tocontact us via email. We haveexcellent support recordand noquestion will be ignored.
Gomoku - Back to School 1.8
Koto Games
Gomoku - Tic Tac Toe five in the row variation (known alsoasGobang, Omak)
Tic Tac Toe HD
Classic Games
Tic Tac Toe HD app is a modern version of ancient classicgame.TicTac Toe is a simple, free, fun and addictive game for 1or2players. You can play as single player against Android orplaywithyour friends or relatives. One player plays X and theotherO,taking turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. Theplayerwhosucceeds in placing three respective marks inahorizontal,vertical, or diagonal row wins the game. In nextgamethe winner ofthe previous game is the one who starts the game.Ifno one wins,it’s a draw.