Top 1 Apps Similar to Inventory and Asset Tracker

iKosmik Software
MONITORING TOOL FOR AZURE helps you monitor your MicrosoftWindowsAzure Storage Accounts (Tables, Queues, Blobs) and Websitesrightfrom your mobile. The App can monitor any number of WindowsAzureStorage Accounts (i.e. tables, blobs and queues) and Websitesat atime. The free version can be used for a trial period of 15daysafter which you can choose to upgrade to Pro. The Appdisplaysgraphs pertaining to various statistics of your StorageAccountsand Websites. FEATURES : a. Dashboard for overall pictureof yourStorage Accounts : 1. Availability 2. Requests' Statistics3. TotalRequests 4. Total Billable Requests b. Detailed StatisticalGraphson : AVAILABILITY STATISTICS REQUESTS' STATISTICS REQUESTINGRESS /EGRESS THROTTLING ERROR CLIENT TIMEOUT ERROR SERVERTIMEOUT ERRORCLIENT OTHER ERROR SERVER OTHER ERROR AUTHORIZATIONERROR NETWORKERROR c. Export Statistics for varying time periodsand for table,blob and queue types. d. View various graphspertaining to yourAzure Websites. MONITORING TOOL FOR AZURE offersmultiple datamanagement services to help manage your data in thecloud ( TOOL FOR AZURE also has Tables, which offerNoSQLcapabilities. Blobs provide storage for data such as video,audio,images. Once you have deployed your infrastructure on thepowerfulWindows Azure cloud service, you can use the MonitoringTool AzureMobile App DB Client For DBA to keep an eye on thevariousstatistics pertaining to your Windows Azure clouddeployment.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TRYTHE DEMO For demo of the App (i.e with sample data, withouthavingto connect to an actual Microsoft Azure Account), do thefollowing :1. Click on 'Menu' (icon with the three-lines) in thetop-leftcorner of the App 2. Click '+' (bottom-right icon in themenu) 3.Add the following details : Storage Account Name : demoAccess Key :demo 4. Now click 'Back' to goto the home page &view the Appfunctionalities with the demodata.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SUPPORTEDANDROID VERSION RANGE Tested from Android Version2.3.3(Gingerbread) - API Level 10 onwards SUPPORTED DEVICES TestedinGoogle Nexus 4, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, 7 inch tablet, 10 inchtablet~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~REACHUS +1 909 9540006~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MOREABOUT THE APP