Top 9 Apps Similar to 宝宝故事

宝宝故事书(童话寓言)格林童话、安徒生童话、有声故事精选集 1.0
【应用介绍】童话故事是开发儿童想象和幻想能力的的最佳方法。童话富于幻想,听童话故事,孩子会不由自主地随着情节的发展想象故事中的人物、场面和情景,这对右脑的图形思维能力有很好的促进。睡前给孩子讲讲故事,这时右脑呈现最佳状态,开发孩子想象力的效果比白天紧张时要好得多。《宝宝故事书-童话寓言》精选了中外最富童趣和寓意的经典童话故事,通过精美的原创动画配合生动的多角色配音,制作成优质的儿童交互应用,为儿童提供了高质量的阅读享受。【功能特点】•收录中外著名童话寓言,每个故事都配上精美的原创绘本动画;•中文字幕配合分角色配音,有效地提高儿童阅读兴趣;•简易的操作界面, 支持手动和自动播放模式,宝宝不用教也能自己边学边玩;•支持离线播放,没有网络也可轻松阅读。[IntroductionofApplication]Fairy tale is the best way to develop children's imaginationandfantasy ability. Fairy tale full of fantasy, listen to fairytales,the child will not help with the development of the plotofimaginary characters in the story, scenes and situations, whichisthe right brain thinking ability has good graphicspromotion.Bedtime stories for children to talk about, then rightbrainshowing the best condition, the development of achild'simagination is much better than during the dayintenseeffect."The baby story books - fairy tales Fables," a selection of themostplayful and allegorical and foreign classic fairy tales,vividdubbing through multi-role beautifully with originalanimation,produced a high-quality children's interactiveapplications, toprovide children with high quality readingenjoyment.【Features】• Indexed and foreign famous fairy tale fable, each storyareaccompanied by exquisite original picture book animation;• Chinese subtitles with the role of voice minutes,effectivelyimprove children's interest in reading;• Simple user interface, support for manual and automaticplaybackmode, the baby can not teach yourself to learn whileplaying;• Support for offline play, no network can also be easily read.
宝宝故事 3.30120130408
宝宝故事 1.1
宝宝学故事(儿歌童谣) 4.3
下载并且播放经典的儿童故事,收集了几十首故事,并且还在不断增加中。故事包括:农夫和蛇 狼和小羊 三只公牛 龟兔赛跑 东郭先生和狼 金斧银斧和铁斧 乌鸦和狐狸 狐狸分肉 阿里巴巴 神笔马良拔苗助长井底之蛙 驴子过河狼来了青蛙飞天 披着羊皮的狼 狐狸和葡萄 聪明的乌鸦 鹰和狐狸 城里老鼠和乡下老鼠 北风和太阳下金蛋的鸡为什么会下雨呢 小蝌蚪找妈妈(上) 小蝌蚪找妈妈(下) 小猫钓鱼 小猪学本领 小熊起床 小熊上幼儿园 青蛙公主蚂蚁和蝈蝈闭门思过本系列发布以来,深得广大华人朋友的喜爱,主要包括大陆,台湾,香港,澳门。您的任何建议可以通过应用上的反馈功能发给我们。我们正在持续改进我们的产品。关键字:故事 寓言 童话 成语 安徒生童话 格林童话 神话 传说 睡前故事 儿歌 童谣 早教 幼儿 启蒙 音乐 幼儿音乐音乐启蒙幼儿教育 宝宝故事 动画故事
儿歌,儿童故事,童话,童谣,古诗,英语,学前唐诗,胎教音乐,三字经,哄睡故事,睡前故事,绘本,宝宝喜欢的应有尽有。中国最大的儿童有声教育平台,2千万家庭推荐的儿童教育app,海量资源让孩子赢在起跑线。特色功能:1、【海量资源】国内最全的儿童音频/视频资源平台,每日更新,一键下载,没有wifi也能听2、【儿童主播】百位国内著名儿童主播,每天与宝宝实时互动,陪伴孩子快乐成长3、【精细分类】根据不同年龄、场景进行精细划分,满足不同宝宝的需求4、【英文资源】独家英文儿歌故事,每天听一听,赢在起跑线,Let's Go !5、【亲子互动】最火爆的亲子游戏“萝卜蹲、木头人”等,全面锻炼宝宝听语、平衡和反映能力丰富内容:1、国学故事:历史故事、名人故事、古诗吟唱、蓝猫小学拼音、三字经、弟子规、唐诗三百首、有声读物、成语故事2、儿歌:中文儿歌、英语儿歌、幼儿园儿歌、动画片主题曲3、睡前故事:哄睡音乐、睡前亲子必听、睡前故事、太阳帆,月亮船4、儿童英语英语字母歌、英语儿歌、语感启蒙、英语小故事5、宝贝音乐哄睡音乐、儿歌童谣、胎教音乐、世上只有妈妈好、摇篮曲6、童话故事安徒生童话、格林童话国外经典童话,白雪公主、一千零一夜、小班故事、中班故事、大班故事、男孩故事、女孩故事、情商培养、西游记7、金牌主播讲故事凯叔讲故事、秋木叔叔讲故事、可乐姐姐讲故事、图豆讲故事、小雪老师讲故事、晓月阿姨讲故事亲子互动游戏,更多精彩内容等你来发现联系我们宝贝听听微信订阅号:babytingtingvip新浪微博:官方QQ群1:210285298官方QQ群2: 372810934联系邮箱:babyting@21kunpeng.comSongs, children'sstories,fairy tales, nursery rhymes, poetry, English, pre-schoolpoetry,prenatal music, the Three Character Classic, Hong Shuistory,bedtime stories, picture books, baby liked everything.China's largest children sound education platform, 20millionfamilies recommended childhood education app, massiveresources tolet the children win at the starting line.Features:1, massive resources [children] the most complete audio /videosource platform, daily updates, one-click download, no wificouldhear2, [children] anchor hundred domestic famous children'sanchor,real-time interaction with the baby every day, to accompanythechildren grow up happy3, [fine] to fine-grained classification according to differentage,scenes, meet the different needs of the baby4, [resource] English English songs exclusive story, listen toeveryday one, win at the starting line, Let's Go!5, parent-child interaction] [most popular family games"carrotsquat, wooden", a comprehensive exercise your baby listen tothelanguage, balance and response capacityRich content:1, Sinology story: historical stories, celebrity stories,poetrysinging, Blue Cat elementary spelling, Three CharacterClassic,disciples regulations, Three Hundred Tang Poems,audiobooks,idioms2, children's songs:Chinese children's songs, English songs, nursery rhymes,cartoontheme song3, bedtime story:Hong Shui music, bedtime paternity will hear bedtime stories,solarsails, moon ship4, Children's EnglishEnglish alphabet songs, English songs, language senseEnlightenment,English short story5, baby musicHong Shui music, nursery rhymes, prenatal music, there is onlyagood mother, lullaby6, a fairy taleHans Christian Andersen, the Brothers Grimm classic fairyabroad,Snow White, Arabian Nights, small stories, Intermediatestory,Taipan story, the story of a boy, the girl story,emotionalintelligence training, Journey to the West7, gold anchor storytellingKay t storytelling, storyteller Uncle autumn wood, cokesisterstorytelling, storytelling FIG beans, snow storytellingteacher,Aria aunt storytellingParent-child interactive games, more exciting content waitingforyou to discoverContact usBaby listen to micro-channel subscriptionnumber:babytingtingvipSina microblogging: http: // official QQ group: 210 285 2982 official QQ group: 372 810 934Contact E-mail:
Tiger Qiao stories 1.5
Tiger ‘s stories, its beautifulscenery,typical characters, vivid story, let children attracted tothem,the growth of knowledge development of intelligence, andinfectionand the education, understand what beauty, what thefalseness, thuscultivating emotion and love and hate.
宝宝故事会 6.1
几乎每个孩子的启蒙教育,都是从听故事开始的,在故事中,孩子们可以认识和了解世界,丰富他们的想象力。宝宝故事会为孩子们提供动听、内容丰富的成语故事,寓言故事,童话故事,睡前故事,让这些美丽的故事陪伴孩子健康成长。Almost every childinelementary education are listening to stories from the beginningofthe story, the children get to know and understand the world,toenrich their imagination.Baby story will provide appealing for kids, content-richidiomstories, fables, fairy tales, bedtime stories, let thesebeautifulstories accompany their children grow up healthy.
啟思文化 1.5.3
儿歌大全-宝贝听故事 1.0.0
junfan Yu
- 持续更新+全集下载+高清音质!- 伴我入睡特色功能,让您的孩子伴着儿歌入眠!从宝宝出生开始就觉得他跟其他宝宝不一样就算是哭声也比其他宝宝更抑扬顿挫~~~~~自从给宝宝听了一些儿歌后儿歌是生动活泼的独特语言方式,迎合孩子们的口味,切入幼儿的心灵,发挥着多方面的作用。快来给宝宝下载最好听的《天天新儿歌》吧,每天一首好儿歌,让宝宝在欢乐中茁壮成长,让幸福快乐陪伴宝宝一生~~~~