Top 20 Apps Similar to 情景会话达人

可可英语-大学生和白领英语学习神器 2.8.8
可可英语,学生和白领必备的英语学习神器,五星好评如潮,长期雄霸英语类APP榜首,丰富贴心的功能可以满足您英语听力口语训练、背单词和英语考试等方面的学习需求~~『主要特色』1、海量内容:3000优质英语节目,语音同步双语字幕,超过30万篇有声资源;2、离线收听:离线收听节省流量,高速批量无限下载,便于随时随地学英语;3、听力训练: 单句循环反复精听,九宫格游戏练听力,单句听写消灭听力死角;4、口语跟读:智能实时口语评分,逐句跟读逐词打分,助你攻克“开口”难关;5、单词背诵:电脑手机同步进度,支持自定义生词本,背词闯关赚豆换礼品;6、英语题库:名师精选英语考题,听力阅读翻译写作,逐个专项强化模拟训练;7、学习小组:多彩纷呈英语小组,在线交友实时互动, 英语学习不再孤军奋斗;8、贴心功能:分享赚豆兑换礼品,起床闹钟定时关闭,学习记录自动云同步;『精品节目』1、英文广播:VOA慢速、VOA常速、BBC、CNN、NPR、CRI、AP news、ABC、科学美国人…2、影视音乐:欧美电影原声、美剧原声、英剧原声、热门英文歌曲、听歌学英语…3、英语听力:入门听力、新概念英语、美文欣赏、英文演讲、有声读物、TED公开课、纪录片…4、英语口语:音标发音、生活口语、商务口语、旅游口语、金融口语、法律口语、医疗口语…5、英语考试:英语四级、六级、翻译、BEC、专四专八、SAT、雅思、托福、GRE…6、少儿英语:英文儿歌童谣、英文童话故事、少儿字母儿歌、英语启蒙、剑桥少儿英语…7、双语阅读:时事、教育、趣图、职场、体育、科技、娱乐、社会、经济、健康、故事…『联系方式』官方网站:Kekenet.com微信公众号:ikekenet新浪微博客服电话:010-62625345客服QQ: 1790999184
掌中英语-视频场景趣味练口语 5.2.3
掌中英语是针对初学者的英语在线课堂。依据语言需要在场景下习得,设计基于人机学习的英语视频场景课堂和基于外教的真人在线课堂。每日更新轻松有趣的英语视频,让用户在英语视频故事情景中模拟演练,拓展词汇,提升口语。主题实用有趣,基础发音、日常对话、商务职场、海外旅游、少儿英语、热门美剧等。颜值欧美外教在线口语课堂,每日智能排课,轻松幽默的课堂氛围,互动讨论,掌握各类常见话题场景下的词汇和句型,技巧和方法。【轻松有趣的学习方法】l 每天只需15分钟,看趣味英语视频,母语浸泡,提升语感。l 一个视频就是一个场景课堂,模拟演练、智能打分纠正、点屏查词、拓展词汇。l 每天45分钟外教真人在线小班课堂,讨论互动,深度指导提升你的口语能力。l 设定等级难度和兴趣主题,定制个性化学习计划。【吐槽/疑问/BUG/调戏】微博-@掌中英语官博微信-zzenglish#哪有天生流利说英语,只是我们天天坚持#
英语口语天天练 3.2
本应用收录了英语日常生活中经常使用的习惯用语900句,分为9个单元,由简入难,循序渐进。支持收藏夹功能,可以对重点句型进行收录,以加强记忆。支持黑夜模式,可设置字体大小和背景色。支持手势左右滑动翻页功能。可设置每页显示的句子个数,以适应各种屏幕。支持横竖屏,无需联网,可离线使用,随时随地练习口语!This applicationcontainsfrequently used in everyday English idiom 900,Divided into nine units, from simple to difficult, stepbystep.Support the favorites feature, you can be included on thekeysentence in order to enhance memory.Support night mode, you can set the font size andbackgroundcolor.Support gesture sliding around flip function.You can set the number of sentences per page to fit a varietyofscreens.Support horizontal and vertical screen, no network can beusedoffline, anytime, anywhere to practice speaking!
英语口语三百句 1.0
日常英语口语 18.9.10
fate sky
English speaking, listening exercise is a good helper
English Conversation Practice 1.3.9
Practice having an English conversation to improve your English
每日必听英语 英语900句 1.4
Chinaihs Inc.
《英语900句》从学习语言的特点入手, 汇集超级经典句型,配备大段自我表达短文,互动式替换练习, 实用型情景对话, 通过角色扮演, 巩固学习,经过多年从教学到实践到市场的校验,是一本不可多得的令你事半功倍的英语学习教材。每日必听英语, 是国内最受欢迎的开放式英语学习平台,实现声音和文字同步播放,让您迅速提高英语听力和口语, 攻克英语学习难关!【软件功能】1、听力教材文字与语音同步播放,同步显示或关闭中文翻译。字幕为超大号字体,保护您的眼睛。2、自适应支持中文简体、中文繁體。自适应支持Android Pad设备。3、点击图片快速播放章节,主题或段落选择快速切换,拖动快速切换。4、支持正常播放,单一主题循环播放,单一段落循环播放,连续播放(自动播放下一节)。支持后台播放。5、支持定时停止播放,适用于睡前开始收听。6、支持累计播放时长和当日播放时长统计。7、支持单句关键字查找、分类查找、列表、同类单句列表及播放等。【软件内容】Part A: Basic English 9001 GREETING 打招呼2 INTRODUCTONS 互相介绍3 GRATITUDE 感激4 APOLOGIES 道歉... ...57 AT THE GYM 在健身房58 PLAYING SPORTS做体育运动59 AT THE BOOKSHOP 在书店60 AT HOME 在家里Part B: Life English 9001 SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION 学校和教育2 JOBS AND CAREERS 工作和职业3 HOBBIES AND PASTIMES爱好和消遣... ...50 CYBER-LOVE EXPERIENCES 网恋51 FOOLISH EXPERIENCES 愚蠢的经历52 ADVENTUROUS EXPERIENCES冒险的经历53 EXCITING EXPERIENCES 令人激动的经历54 BRAVE EXPERIENCES 勇敢的经历55 LONELY EXPERIENCES 孤独的经历56 CONFUSING EXPERIENCES 困惑的经历57 MISERABLE EXPERIENCES 悲惨的经历58 PEACEFUL EXPERIENCES 宁静的经历59 FAILURE 失败的经历60 SUCCESS 成功经历Part C: Typical expression(1)Are you sure...?你肯定……吗?(2)Any idea...?你知道……吗?(3)Am I allowed to...?我可以……吗?(4)Can you ...?你能/可以……吗?(5)Can you believe...?你相信……吗?... ...(98)What do you think of ...?你觉得……?(99)What are you doing ...?……你要做什么?(100)What did you ...你做……?
English conversation daily 1.1.7
English Conversation is helpful appforlearning to speak daily English. The program contains lessonsthatgive special attention to English pronunciation andeverydaylanguage. With 100 lessons based on a realworldconversation.FEATURES• 100 English conversation• Commonly-used English phrases & vocabularies• Easy to store and manage your favorite items• Pretty UI, simple and user-friendly,support multi language• Huge amount of audio content, video content• Remind learn words or phrases• Speaking English• Voice recording*Easy to use, easy to understand, easy to practice!*Improve quickly listening skills, gain more useful andpracticalEnglish*No internet connection requiredDeveloped by Awabe.
VoiceTube - Fun ENG Learning
As easy and natural as can be. Memorize phrases and vocabulary innotime.
Learn American English Free 8.2.7
ATi Studios
Learn American English with free lessonsdaily.Let Mondly teach you the American English language quicklyandeffectively. In just minutes you’ll start memorizing coreAmericanEnglish words, form sentences, learn to speak AmericanEnglishphrases and take part in conversations. Fun AmericanEnglish lessonsimprove your vocabulary, grammar and pronunciationlike no otherlanguage learning method. Beginner or advancedlearner, traveler orbusiness professional with a tight schedule?The app works great anddynamically adjusts to your needs.Explore language exercises for reading, listening, writingandspeaking enhanced with a dictionary, verb conjugatorandstate-of-the-art speech recognition technology - you’ll feellikehaving your own American English language tutor inyourpocket.Download the language learning pill today and enjoy the benefitsoflearning a new language for life.The secret path to language learningRemember the American English language classes in school?Youstarted with hundreds of basic words and expressions,continuedwith tons of American English grammar lessons and at theend of afull semester’s language course you could barely translateasentence or say “Hello!” to a foreigner. That’s the traditionalwayto learn a language.Mondly has a different approach, that’s opposite to theaveragelanguage course.This is how the future of language courses looks likeThe App gets you started with a basic conversation betweentwopeople. You quickly start memorizing core words, use them tobuildsentences and phrases, and at the end of a 45-minutes moduleyouare able to reconstruct that conversation with your own voice.It’san effective way to learn American Englishphrases.State-of-the-art Natural Speech Recognition and SpacedRepetitionAlgorithms make the app effective for learninglanguages.Here are the key features that make Mondly a great tutorforyou:Crystal-clear audio and professional voice actors. Learntheright American English pronunciation from conversationsbetweennative speakers.State-of-the-art Speech Recognition. Mondly knows exactlyhowto listen to your American English words and phrases. You willonlyget a positive feedback if you speak American English clearlyandcorrectly. This will improve your pronunciation.Useful phrases for real situations. Memorizing hundredsofisolated words is not the way to go when it comes tolearningAmerican English. Mondly teaches you American Englishvocabulary byoffering you core words and phrases. The app breaksthe learningprocess down into short lessons and puts them intothemedpacks.Learn conversational American English. Conversation isthemain reason to take this free course. It will help you build acoreAmerican English vocabulary with widely-used nouns and verbs,andspeak American English clearly.Verb conjugations. If you want to learn more duringthiscourse, just tap the American English verbs and get thefullconjugation on the screen, including the translation. It’sfasterand better than a dictionary.Advanced Statistics. The App uses intelligent reporting,soyou can always follow your progress. Build your vocabulary stepbystep and become better daily.The Leaderboard. See how your friends are doing andcompetewith people from all over the world to become the bestlearner inthe Mondly community family. Take the Weekly Quiz tobecome evenbetter.Adaptive Learning. Learning American English isdifferentfrom person to person. So we taught the app to learn fromyour wayof learning. After little time spent together, Mondlywillunderstand what suits you best and it will become your ownguideand customized teacher. Kids will love it as well.Before you know it, at the end of these American Englishlessons,you will master the most useful 5000 words and phrases andyou willbe on the fast lane to learning a new language.
英語900句(正體版) 1.0.0
W H Ng, Cooper
本應用程式為學習者提供一個免費的實用英語會話學習平台(附真人發聲錄音帶mp3)。精選使用率最高、最具代表性的900句標準英語會話,範圍涵蓋交際、生活、工作、學習、娛樂、商務、宴會等場合的應用語,為有基礎英語水平的學習者和愛好者,提供在線練習英語聽講能力的平台。適合具初級英語水平,希望從簡單的日常情景對話中學習,迅速提升口語應對能力,進而提高英語水平的人。同時,如果你自問英語讀寫能力不差,只是缺乏應對機會,才會碰到外國人馬上自動噤聲,對那種分明不是不會,但偏又真的不會講的狀況無可奈何,就更要來下載試試。多聽多講,提升自信,自然能在社交場合清楚表達自我,與人交流。【註:真人發聲錄音帶MP3(100MB)存放於谷歌雲端,或會被防火牆(或“供應商”防火牆)所擋及某些手機未支持媒體串流而未能發聲,見諒!】keywords: 英文 英語 英語會話 英語對答 英語學習 英語練習 外語學習 托福 托福練習 雅思雅思練習英語考試輔導不會英語也會講
从零开始学口语 1.0
BIG's BASIC English Speaking 1.0.2
BIG's BASIC English Speaking Practice
英语口语大全 1.0.7
Chinaihs Inc.
* 新增教材下载,离线收听。
* 功能强大的播放模式,支持正常播放、单句或整体循环播放方式。支持4种语速设置。
* 支持超大文本或列表方式同步显示播放内容,支持全屏播放。
* 开放全部功能免费使用,“练一练”、“测一测”等均不再另行收费。
iTalk American English 1.0.1
Do you want to speak American English language with abeautifulnative accent? Empieza a hablar Inglés Americano ahoraconlecciones interactivas rápidas y divertidas. Es fácil yestácientíficamente demostrado. ¡ Pruébalo ahora GRATIS! ▶ Use"iTalkAmerican English" and native speakers will guide you step bystep.▶ Listen, record yourself, compare and learn, have fun! ▶ It'seasyand quick – and at the end you will have the courage go outandtalk to people – this is what we promise you! ¡Rápido, divertidoyfácil! Aprende rápidamente a: • Entablar conversaciones básicasycotidianas y disfruta sorprendiendo a tus amigos. • Pide algo enunrestaurante sin necesidad de que alguien te traduzca. • Dileaalguien que le quieres. • Viajar al país que has estado soñandoyhablar con nativos con confianza • Preparar tu viaje, regístrateenhoteles y visita los alrededores • Alquilar un coche, viajarsinnecesidad de un guía • Hablar sobre ti, tus deseos y tussueños.You will find in this app: ▶ the most useful day to dayphrases soYOU will be prepared for conversations ▶ professionalvoices;excellent clarity ▶ quiz tests ▶ innovative interface with“Fluid”technology Learning a foreign language is an incrediblyexperienceand a serious confidence booster. ¡Utiliza estaaplicación paraaprender a hablar Inglés Americano de una formasencilla, eficaz ydivertida! Use this app to achieve a beautifulaccent and more!
英语吵架100句 2.0
英语口语一字经 2.0
Learn English. Speak English 7.10.0
ATi Studios
Learn English with free lessons daily.LetMondly teach you the English language quickly and effectively.Injust minutes you’ll start memorizing core English words,formsentences, learn to speak English phrases and take partinconversations. Fun English lessons improve your vocabulary,grammarand pronunciation like no other language learning method.Beginneror advanced learner, traveler or business professional witha tightschedule? The app works great and dynamically adjusts toyourneeds.Explore language exercises for reading, listening, writingandspeaking enhanced with a dictionary, verb conjugatorandstate-of-the-art speech recognition technology - you’ll feellikehaving your own English language tutor in your pocket.Download the language learning pill today and enjoy the benefitsoflearning a new language for life.The secret path to language learningRemember the English language classes in school? You startedwithhundreds of basic words and expressions, continued with tonsofEnglish grammar lessons and at the end of a fullsemester’slanguage course you could barely translate a sentence orsay“Hello!” to a foreigner. That’s the traditional way to learnalanguage.Mondly has a different approach, that’s opposite to theaveragelanguage course.This is how the future of language courses looks likeThe App gets you started with a basic conversation betweentwopeople. You quickly start memorizing core words, use them tobuildsentences and phrases, and at the end of a 45-minutes moduleyouare able to reconstruct that conversation with your own voice.It’san effective way to learn English phrases. State-of-the-artNaturalSpeech Recognition and Spaced Repetition Algorithms make theappeffective for learning languages.Here are the key features that make Mondly a great tutorforyou:Crystal-clear audio and professional voice actors. Learntheright English pronunciation from conversations betweennativespeakers.State-of-the-art Speech Recognition. Mondly knows exactlyhowto listen to your English words and phrases. You will only getapositive feedback if you speak English clearly and correctly.Thiswill improve your pronunciation.Useful phrases for real situations. Memorizing hundredsofisolated words is not the way to go when it comes tolearningEnglish. Mondly teaches you English vocabulary by offeringyou corewords and phrases. The app breaks the learning process downintoshort lessons and puts them into themed packs.Learn conversational English. Conversation is the mainreasonto take this free course. It will help you build a coreEnglishvocabulary with widely-used nouns and verbs, and speakEnglishclearly.Verb conjugations. If you want to learn more duringthiscourse, just tap the English verbs and get the full conjugationonthe screen, including the translation. It’s faster and betterthana dictionary.Advanced Statistics. The App uses intelligent reporting,soyou can always follow your progress. Build your vocabulary stepbystep and become better daily.The Leaderboard. See how your friends are doing andcompetewith people from all over the world to become the bestlearner inthe Mondly community family. Take the Weekly Quiz tobecome evenbetter.Adaptive Learning. Learning English is different frompersonto person. So we taught the app to learn from your way oflearning.After little time spent together, Mondly will understandwhat suitsyou best and it will become your own guide and customizedteacher.Kids will love it as well.Before you know it, at the end of these English lessons, youwillmaster the most useful 5000 words and phrases and you will beonthe fast lane to learning a new language.
English Spoken daily practice 10.1
V10.1 version :* Have you ever want to speak English , but do not know howtospeak?* Have you ever looking for a particular scene , saidthespeciallanguage of data ?* Have you ever seen a pretty handsome foreigner, want to strikeupaconversation and he did not know what to say ?    English speaking and grammarexercisesisreally more the better , but if you usually can notnativeEnglishspeakers to practice speaking , we can find somewaysfollowed topractice their own spoken language , so there canbesomeimprovement , even if a person alone practice speaking whenyoudonot have to interact with people and communicate , but aslongasthe opening to say, you can gradually find asenseofEnglish-speaking language, increase proficiency , butcanalsoenhance your confidence ......    Why do we learn English for so manyyears,but still can not do the most basic spoken English it? Why,afterafour- six, but still " dumb English " people.Unknowinglywalkedinto misunderstanding and he still kept in thedark too! Soweoften make errors , what does ? Here's a look !  " English Spoken daily practice" MobileLearningEnglishis a well-designed tool . Simple interface andconvenientoperation, innovative English learning philosophy, andefficientlearningstrategies for the majority of English learners toprovidea bestlearn English, English-speaking software, English intodailylife,so that English every day with you .    This application teaches you inanysituation, you can speak English , English to say. No longerneedto learnEnglish depressed , pick up the phone will be abletolearn !Immersive learning scene , classic scenes spokencaught.BusinessEnglish, workplace communication, celebrityspeakers ,English is theworkplace charging artifacts, oraltranslation ,point word searchword , spoken to read, let youeasily learn!
Chemistry Dictionary. Glossary
Learn lots of chemistry terms!