Top 38 Apps Similar to Código Infarto

Pre-hospital Emergencies 2.9
All the necessary and nothing more, in Pre-hospital UrgenciesandEmergencies
Urgencias Extrahospitalarias 4.0.0
Esta aplicación ofrece acceso de forma rápidaysencilla a numerosos algoritmos de tratamiento de lasprincipalespatologías de cierta importancia en la práctica de lamedicina deurgencia en el medio extrahospitalario.En algunos casos se aporta un recordatorio clínico odiagnóstico.También se revisan de forma esquemática los principalesfármacos deuso en la RCP y en el área de la urgenciacardiovascular.En todas estas aproximaciones se ha priorizado la esquematizaciónyel acceso directo y rápido a la información más relevante,sinpretender aportar una visión en profundidad de ninguno de lostemasincluidos en esta aplicación.Toda la información aportada en esta revisión se ha elaboradoapartir de la bibliografía incluida en la propia aplicación.Una herramienta de gran utilidad práctica para todosaquellossanitarios que deben enfrentarse a la urgencia fuera delentornohospitalario.This applicationprovidesaccess quickly and easily to processing algorithms of themainpathologies of some importance in the practice ofemergencymedicine in the hospital setting.In some cases there is provided a clinical or diagnosticreminder.Also reviewed schematically the main drugs of use in CPRand in thearea of ​​cardiovascular emergency.In all these approaches have been mainly flowcharting and directandquick access to the most relevant information, withoutattempting toprovide an in depth view of any of the topicsincluded in thisapplication.All information provided in this review was drawn fromtheliterature included in the application itself.A useful tool for all those health practice who must confronttheurgency out of the hospital environment.
Glasgow Coma Scale 3.8
Assessing the level of consciousness on a scale Glasgow coma in3clicks.
Disorder & Diseases Dictionary 4.0.1
Provide all the information about diseases
Medicina de Urgencias 1.1.17
BinPar Team S.L.
An essential tool for the use of drugs in hospital emergencies
Valores de Laboratorio 1.0
Una aplicación de laboratorios de referencia... ¡En Español!Eres un trabajador de la salud, estudiante, curioso.Necesitasesta aplicación como referencia rápida de un valor normaldelaboratorio.Más de 200 valores de laboratorio organizados en categorías,entu idioma, listas para cuando puedas necesitarlas,comorecordatorio o como herramienta educacional.Anapplication of reference laboratories ... In Spanish!You are a health worker, student, curious. You needthisapplication as a quick reference of normal laboratory.Over 200 lab values ​​organized into categories, inyourlanguage, when you need them ready, as reminders or asaneducational tool.
Nursing Med - IV 1.7
Great app fornursing: APP for Nursing: how to use medication IV: indication, directionsforuse, compatible sera calculation perfusion with accesstomedication sheetNursing techniques with evidence-based online literature:fromtechnical to inject vaccines or blood taken for analysis. Helpwiththe "heel prick" a child or newborn baby; TB testing, foodsafety,food intake recommendations. Consultation literatureelectronicdatabases like Medline ( pubmed ), Elsevier.Nursing related Calculators: Calculator serum to assesstheamount of serum per minute; Help pregnancy calculatorapproximatedue date or baby's birth; Body mass index or BMI.Application indicated to improve patient care, aimed atnurse,doctor and nursing and medical students.We keep improving to update the application.Additionalauthors:
Medicina de Urgencias Mayores 1.0.8
BinPar Team S.L.
Application of Major Emergencies
ECG pratico 2.87
“ECG pratico” è un applicazione creataperaiutare ad acquisire le nozioni dibasedell'elettrocardiografia;nozioni che tutti gli operatori sanitari dovrebberopossedere,specialmente quelli che operano nelle terapie intensivequali UTIC,Rianimazione, Sale operatorie, ecc.L’elettrocardiografia sicuramente non è una materia “facile”, maconun minimo di impegno si possono acquisire le informazioni dibaseper poter individuare una situazione critica ed allertareilcardiologo o chi di dovere. L’elettrocardiogramma è unesamesemplice, veloce, assolutamente indolore, di bassissimo costo,epuò decisamente salvare la vita di una persona. In Italia ogniannocirca 120.000 persone vengono colpite da infarto miocardico,diqueste, circa 25 mila muoiono prima di arrivare in ospedale.Ladiagnosi di infarto miocardico viene fatta prevalentementeconl’esecuzione dell’ECG.Con "ECG pratico" potete apprendere in maniera semplice iprincipibase dell'elettrocardiografia, potete calcolare lafrequenzacardiaca a partire dai millisecondi o dal numero diquadrati fradue RR, potete vedere diversi esempi di tracciati ecg,calcolarel'intervallo QT corretto, trovare l'asse QRS del vostroecg oppurepotete fare la vostra "diagnosi" semplicementerispondendo adalcune semplici domande.Nota: L'app non elabora le foto scattate con la fotocameraocaricate dalla galleria per non pregiudicare la loroqualità.Caricare immagini di grosse dimensioni (>4 mpx) puòprovocare ilcrash dell'applicazione, specialmente in telefoni conpoca memoria.Se riscontrate problemi del genere, scegliete unarisoluzioneinferiore a 4 mpx, e scattate da una distanzaravvicinata.Versione "Demo".La versione “Demo” ha le stesse funzionalità di quellanormale,l’unico limite è nel numero di aperture dell’applicazionestessa.Non ho voluto mettere il solito limite temporale (nummassimo digiorni) perché a me stesso è capitato di aver installatoapp daprovare per un certo periodo di tempo, ma per motivi dilavoro eimpegni famigliari non ho potuto provarle sufficientementeprimadella scadenza.Il presente software NON DEVE assolutamente essere usato perporreuna qualsiasi diagnosi medica e/oinfermieristica, ma deve essere usato esclusivamente ascopodidattico.Prima di acquistare la versione completa (questa), provatelaversione “demo” del prodotto. Se dopo averla provatarimanetesoddisfatti, acquistate la versione completa esostenetel’ulteriore sviluppo dell’applicazione.Per segnalazioni di errori, commenti e suggerimentiscrivetemi:kapelis95@gmail.comRecensito da"ECG practical" isanapplication designed to help you acquire the basicsofelectrocardiography;notions that all health care workers should possess,especiallythose who work in intensive care units such as CCU, ICU,operatingrooms, etc..Electrocardiography is definitely not a matter "easy", but withaminimum of effort you can acquire basic information in ordertodetect a critical situation and alert the cardiologist ortheproper authorities. The electrocardiogram is a simple test,fast,painless, very low cost, and can definitely save the life ofaperson. In Italy each year about 120,000 people are affectedbymyocardial infarction, of these, approximately 25 000 diebeforereaching the hospital. The diagnosis of myocardial infarctionismade mainly with the execution of the ECG.With "ECG practical" you can learn in a simple basic principlesofelectrocardiography, you can calculate your heart rate fromthemilliseconds or the number of squares between two RR, you canseeseveral examples of ECG tracings, calculate the correctedQTinterval, find the QRS axis of your ECG, or you can makeyour"diagnosis" simply by answering a few simple questions.Note: The app does not process the photos taken with the cameraorloaded from gallery to not affect their quality. Uploadlargeimages (> 4 mpx) may cause the application to crash,especiallyon phones with low memory. If you encounter suchproblems, choose alower resolution than 4 mpx, and shot from aclose distance.Version "Demo".The version of "Demo" has the same functionality of the normalone,the only limit is the number of openings of the applicationitself.I did not want to put the usual time limit (num Maximumdays)because I happened to have the same app installed to try foracertain period of time, but for reasons of work andfamilycommitments I could try them sufficiently beforethedeadline.This software is absolutely MUST NOT be used to place anymedicaldiagnosis and / ornursing, but must be used for educational purposes only.Before buying the full version (this), try the "demo" version oftheproduct. If you remain satisfied after trying it, you buy thefullversion and support the further development oftheapplication.For bug reports, comments and suggestions pleaseemail:kapelis95@gmail.comReviewed by
DosisPedia 3.1.12
DosisPedia | The Mobile App for pediatricians
iDoctus 2.5.614
iDoctus: Avoid mistakes and save time in your daily practice.
Internal Organs in 3D Anatomy 3.1
Virtual 3D model of human internal organs with descriptions.
enGuardia 2.3.001
enGuardia is a tool of welfare aid in urgent pathology.
Síntomas y Enfermedades Sintomas y Enfermedades
1600 more symptoms of diseases and conditions, explained inclearlanguage
Electrocardiograma ECG Tipos 13.0
Aprende a identificar los diferentes tipos deelectrocardiograma,ideal para estudiantes. Incluyen brevesexplicaciones sobre lasgráficas.
Anatomy Learning - 3D Anatomy 2.1.386
3D Medical OU - 3D Anatomy Atlas
Medical Terminology (OFFLINE)
A quick Medical Terminology Reference appforall. App is complete OFFLINE and FREE. Medical Terminologyappcontaining list of medical terms.Medical Terms and Dictionary with common and uncommon words,termsand phrases. Used by physicians, nurses, PAs, NPs,medicalstudents, nursing students and more.With this simple, powerfull and free app you can reveal meaningsofthousands of medical terms in English language.It contains dictionary of most common used medical terms,diseases,tests and symptoms extended by external sources with tonsofmedical terminology.Features:- medical reference book and thesaurus covering allmedicalterminologies and abbreviations.- a very quick Search for Medical Terms;- complete offline access for dictionary, No Internetconnectionrequired;- huge database of Medical Terminologies;- email any of the terms instantly;- unlimited Book Marks;- history;- compatible with versions of Android Devices;- very efficient, fast and good performance;- automatic free updates whenever new terms gets added;- application is designed to occupy as much as less memoryaspossible.
Guía Terapéutica Antibiótica 2.01
Es bien conocido que nos encontramos en laerade las infecciones emergentes pormicroorganismosmultirresistentes; existe además un descensoprogresivo de lainvestigación y comercialización de nuevos fármacosque no crea unescenario muy esperanzador.Dentro de la Comisión de Infección Hospitalaria del HospitalSonEspases (Palma de Mallorca, ESPAÑA) se ha querido promoverunautilización más adecuada de los antimicrobianos como una delasposibles soluciones al problema. Una herramientaimprescindiblepara ello es la realización de guías y protocolosterapéuticos. LaComisión ha hecho y sigue haciendo hincapié en suactualización ydifusión. Esta aplicación pone las nuevastecnologías al serviciode este objetivo.Queremos promover la difusión y utilización de estasguías,haciéndolas más accesibles en la práctica clínica diaria.Laaplicación va destinada a los médicos y farmacéuticos en general,ycomprende tanto aspectos generales del uso deantimicrobianos(prevención de la aparición de resistencias,dosificación eninsuficiencia renal y hepática, dosificación enpacientes obesos,farmacocinética y farmacodinámica, etc), comoguías concretas detratamiento por aparatos (respiratorio,digestivo, urinario, etc).Hay que tener en cuenta que se trata derecomendaciones localesbasadas en las situaciones específicas denuestro centro y en lainformación de sensibilidad antibióticaaportada por el Servicio deMicrobiología del Hospital Son Espases,por lo que algunas de lasrecomendaciones deben ser interpretadas yadaptadas a la ubicacióndel usuario de la aplicación.Un agradecimiento a todos los médicos, farmacéuticosymicrobiólogos que forman o han formado parte de la ComisióndeInfección Hospitalaria y que han colaborado en la realizacióndeeste trabajo. Y un último agradecimiento a todos losprofesionalesque con su hacer diario intentan no sólo tratar alpaciente con elque se enfrentan diariamente sino también hacer unesfuerzo porminimizar los daños colaterales, siempre existentes,que conllevael uso de los antimicrobianos.El contenido de estas "Guías de Tratamiento Empírico delasEnfermedades Infecciosas" está distribuido en secciones, a lasquese accede desde un menú en la página principal de laaplicación.Cada sección contiene un listado de capítulos, que sepueden abririndividualmente. Con 2 ó 3 toques de pantalla se accederápidamentea cada una de las guías.También hemos querido facilitar el acceso a otrosrecursos,incluidos los protocolos completos, los cursos anuales,labibliografía correspondiente, así como a otros documentosdeinterés. Esta es la descripción de todas las funcionalidades delaaplicación:- Lectura off-line de los aspectos generales del usodeantimicrobianos, de las guías terapéuticas por capítulos y delosmanuales de prevención.- Sitio para anotaciones: en cada sección hay una página denotaspara que añadas toda la información que desees.- Posibilidad de descargar cada guía en formato PDF.- Lectura off-line de los protocolos completos con susreferenciasbibliográficas (también pueden descargarse en formatoPDF).- Calculadoras clínicas: IMC, dosis en obesos, función renal,escalaCPIS, escala CURB-65, escala de Fine (PSI), escala deChild-Pugh,índice de Barthel y test de Pfeiffer.- Sitios web de interés en Enfermedades Infecciosas: enlacesaasociaciones, calendarios de eventos, revistas de laespecialidad,fichas técnicas de los fármacos, cursos, y muchomás.- Enlace a nuestro blog: podrás estar al día de los casosclínicos,o de las actualizaciones o novedades que vayamosincorporando en laaplicación.- Buzón de sugerencias: envía tus comentarios, correccionesosugerencias para mejorar la aplicación, o enlaces de interésquequieras que incluyamos. Los incorporaremos enpróximasactualizaciones con la referencia de la persona o grupo quehaaportado la idea.El equipo de la "Guía Terapéutica Antibiótica".It is well known thatweare in the era of emerging infections bymultiresistantmicroorganisms, there is also a progressive decreasein researchand commercialization of new drugs that do not create averyhopeful scenario.Within the Commission of Hospital Infection Hospital SonEspases(Palma de Mallorca, SPAIN) has sought to promote a moreappropriateantimicrobial as one of the possible solutions to use.An essentialtool for this is the realization of guidelines andtreatmentprotocols. The Commission has made and continues toemphasize itsupdating and dissemination. This application puts newtechnologiesfor this purpose.We want to promote the dissemination and use of theseguidelines,making them more accessible in everyday clinicalpractice. Theapplication is intended for physicians andpharmacists in generaland includes both general aspects ofantimicrobial use (preventionof emergence of resistance, dosing inrenal and hepatic dosing inobese patients pharmacokinetics andpharmacodynamics, etc) andguides specific treatment for Appliances(respiratory, digestive,urinary, etc.). Keep in mind that it islocal recommendations basedon the specific situations of ourhospital and antibioticsensitivity information provided by theMicrobiology Service of theHospital Espases, so that some of therecommendations should beinterpreted and adapted to the locationof the application user.A thank you to all the doctors, pharmacists andmicrobiologistswho are or have been part of the Hospital InfectionCommittee andhave contributed to the completion of this work. And afinal thanksto all professionals with their day trying to do notonly treat thepatient with that face daily but also make an effortto minimizecollateral damage, always existing, which involves theuse ofantimicrobials.The content of these "Guide Empiric Treatment ofInfectiousDiseases" is divided into sections, which are accessedfrom a menuon the main page of the application. Each sectioncontains a listof chapters that open individually. With 2 or 3touch screen toquickly access each of the guides.We also wanted to provide access to other resources,includingcomplete protocols, annual courses, the relevantliterature, aswell as other relevant documents. This is thedescription of allthe features of the application:- Off-line reading of the general aspects of the useofantimicrobials, therapeutic guidelines for chapters andmanualsprevention.- Site for annotations: in each section there is a page of notesforyou to add all the information you want.- Ability to download each guide in PDF.- Off-line reading of the complete protocols with references(canalso be downloaded in PDF format).- Clinical Calculators: BMI, obese dose, renal function, CPISscale,scale CURB-65 scale Fine (PSI), Child-Pugh scale, Barthelindex andPfeiffer.- Websites of interest in Infectious Diseases: linkstoassociations, event calendars, specialty magazines,technicalspecifications of drugs, courses, and more.- Link to our blog: You can keep abreast of clinical cases,orupgrades or new features that we will incorporate intotheapplication.- Suggestions: Send your comments, corrections or suggestionstoimprove the application, or an interesting website you want ustoinclude. The next updates will incorporate in the reference oftheperson or group that has made the idea.The team of "Therapeutic Antibiotic Guide."
ASCVD Risk Estimator Plus 7
The app builds a prevention plan by monitoring 10-year ASCVD risk.
MediCalc® 10.4
ScyMed Inc.
"The standard for clinical calculations and analytics inMedicine™".
Syndromes 1.0
Roinova Corp
The purpose of "Syndromes" is to help answer questions
Calculate by QxMD 9.0.2
From the maker of the apps 'Read', 'TheECGGuide' and 'Pedi STAT' comes 'Calculate', a next-generationmedicalcalculator and decision support tool, freely available tothemedical community.Also available on the web at tools in General Practice, Internal Medicine,Cardiology,Surgery, Obstetrics, Nephrology, Hematology,Orthopedics,Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Neurosurgery,Respirology,and more."We recommend medical users try the free Calculate byQxMDfirst..."-from iMedicalApps review "The best free Medical Calculator appsforthe iPhone"'Calculate' is focused on highlighting tools which areactuallyuseful in clinical practice and serve to impactdiagnosis,treatment or determining prognosis.Helping you make decisions, not just calculate numbers...Features• Developed by a collaboration of clinician experts fromdiversebackgrounds• Converts recent research publications into practicalhandheldtools - knowledge translation at its best• Automatically adapts to your self-describedclinicalpractice• Unique ‘Question Flow’ technology gets you answers, fast• Detailed references with Pubmed integration• Comprehensive and insightful results• Elegant design and intuitive interface• SI and Conventional unitsMore than 300 unique calculators and decision support toolsWhile too extensive to list them all, here is a small samplingofincluded content:Reduce and predict perioperative complications• WHO Surgical Safety Checklist• Predictive models for cardiac surgery andcoronaryangiographyGuide treatment• Determine cardiovascular risk and guide lipid treatment usingtheFramingham and Reynolds Risk Scores• Use the CHA2DS2-VASc score to guide treatment inatrialfibrillation• Better understand the risk of bleeding from anticoagulationinatrial fibrillation• ACS using the TIMI risk score• Burns with rule of 9s and Parkland formula• Hypernatremia (calculate water deficit)Determine Prognosis• Heart failure• Lymphoma• Myelodysplastic Syndrome• Myeloma• Glomerulonephritis• Hemodialysis• COPD• TIA• PancreatitisCalculate• Ideal body weight, BMI and BSA• Due date and gestational age• Extensive formula used in echocardiogropathy andinvasivehemodynamic monitoring• Kt/V in dialysis patients• eGFR with CKD-EPI, Cockcroft-Gault and MDRD• A-a gradientClassify• Angina (CCS)• Congestive heart failure (NYHA)Manage• Head, neck, ankle and knee injuries• DVT and PE• Pulmonary nodulesStage• Lung cancer• Renal cell carcinomaUnderstand• TTKG (transtubular potassium gradient) in hypokalemiaandhyperkalemia• DermatomesDiagnose• Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia• Infective Endocarditis• ARDS• Autoimmune HepatitisAnd much more...Want to keep up with medical research? Get 'Read by QxMD'forAndroid: my medical professionals, QxMD is dedicated to creatinghighquality, point-of-care tools for practicing healthcareprofessionals. Recognized as a leading developer of freemedicalsoftware for mobile devices, QxMD develops content incooperationwith expert physicians from their respectivefields.
Osseous System in 3D (Anatomy) 3.5.5
Information about the anatomy of the Human Skeleton inathree-dimensional model
Medicinia 10.4.0
Agility with real communication channels and safeformultiprofessional
UpToDate 3.58.3
UpToDate is the leading decision support resource for clinicians.
Medscape 11.8.1
Clinical Tools, News & CME/CE
Diseases Dictionary Offline 4.8
wiki of medical diseases treatment dictionary, offline and lite
Clinical Sense 6.0.8
Sharpen your clinical skills by exploring realisticinteractivescenarios
Vademecum medicamentos gratis 1.0
Consulte de forma gratuita más de30000fármacos y 8000 principios activos presentes en más de 30países.No necesita acceso a Internet.Busque por principio activo o medicamentos de formasimple.Información por principio activo y medicamento:- Envase, Posología (dosis), indicaciones terapéuticas,advertenciasy precauciones, contraindicaciones, reaccionesadversas,interacciones y mucho más.- Alertas de farmacovigilancia, lactancia, embarazo,insuficienciarenal y hepática, fotosensibilidad, efectos en laconducción.Consult for freeover30,000 agents and 8,000 active ingredients in over 30countries. Noneed internet access.Search by substance or medication simply.Information by substance and Medicine:- Packaging, Dosage (dose), therapeutic indications, warningsandprecautions, contraindications, adverse reactions, interactionsandmore.- Pharmacovigilance alerts, breastfeeding, pregnancy, kidneyandliver failure, photosensitivity, effects on driving.
MIR MirMeApp
Quizit Mobile
Find out why your fellow MIR and ENARM have already installedthe👩⚕️🏥
Escore de Risco Cardiovascular 2.1.4
O ER Cardiovascular segue a VDiretrizBrasileira de Dislipidemias e Prevenção da Aterosclerose, amaisrecente Diretriz publicada pela Sociedade BrasileiradeCardiologia.Projetado e desenvolvido com o intuito de auxiliar profissionaiseestudantes da área da saúde, com o ER Cardiovascular, vocêpoderáestratificar o risco de doenças cardiovasculares de maneirafácil esegura, com os métodos recomendados pela Diretriz.Realize as 3 etapas para estratificação do risco em 10 anos:- Determinar a presença de doença ateroscleróticasignificativaou de seus equivalentes;- Calcule os escores de predição do risco com o ER Global;- Reclassifique o risco predito pela presença de fatoresagravantesdo risco.E ainda:- Para cada método/etapa, consulte a respectiva parte teóricaparatirar dúvidas;- Precisa rever o risco do último paciente? Poupe tempo!Reutilizeos dados do último paciente;- Verifique as metas terapêuticas primárias e secundárias, deacordocom a classificação do risco;- Faça o download completo da Diretriz de dentro do aplicativo,etenha rápido acesso sempre que precisar;Recursos Premium:- Estratifique de forma mais abrangente a carga dedoençascardiovasculares no futuro, enquanto o indivíduo envelheceatravésdo Escore de Risco pelo Tempo de Vida;- Estratifique o risco de doenças cardiovasculares como infartodomiocárdio ou morte por doença coronariana através do famosoereconhecido Escore de Risco de Framingham;The CardiovascularERfollows the V Brazilian Guidelines on Dyslipidemia andPreventionof Atherosclerosis, the most recent guideline publishedby theBrazilian Society of Cardiology.Designed and developed in order to assist professionals andstudentsin the area of ​​health, with the Cardiovascular ER, youcanstratify the risk of cardiovascular disease easily and safely,withmethods recommended by the Guidelines.Complete the 3 steps for risk stratification in 10 years:- Determine the presence of significant atherosclerosis oritsequivalent;- Calculate the scores for predicting the risk with GlobalER;- Re-categorize the risk predicted by the presence ofaggravatingfactors of risk.And yet:- For each method / step, refer to the theoretical part toaskquestions;- Need to review the risks of the last patient? Save time! Reusethedata of the last patient;- Check the primary and secondary treatment targets, accordingtothe classification of risk;- Make the download of the full guideline from within the app,andget quick access whenever you need;Premium features:- Stratify more broadly the burden of cardiovascular diseases inthefuture, as the individual ages by Risk Score by TimeLife;- Stratify the risk of cardiovascular diseases such asmyocardialinfarction or death from coronary heart disease throughthe famousand recognized Framingham Risk Score;
Easy Medicine Reminder 1.0
In this busy and fast life whenpeopleforgetabout themselves achieving their goals, most of themforgotto takecare of their health especially when they are notfeelinggood andare on the medication. Now users don't have toremember thetime ofthe medicine with the application.Some of the application features are:- Option to add multiple medicines for a specific day- Auto categorization of medicine according to time- Medicines notification as a reminder
Riesgo Cardiovascular RCVTE 1.0.3
Can Antaviana
Esta APP permite estimar la probabilidaddesufrir un infarto de miocardio o una angina de pecho enlospróximos 10 años en pacientes con una trombocitemia esencial,enlos que se conozca los niveles de factores de riesgocardiovascular(edad, sexo, diabetes, consumo de tabaco, colesteroltota y HDL ypresión arterial).This APP allowsestimatingthe probability of suffering a heart attack or angina inthe next 10years in patients with essential thrombocythemia, inwhich thelevels of cardiovascular risk factors (age, sex,diabetes,consumption is known snuff, tota and HDL cholesterol andbloodpressure).
Doctor Games & Apps 1.8
Doctor Apps is a newandroidapplicationincluding a comprehensive collection of theanatomy andsurgerygames and apps. We intend to enable everyone whoisinterested inmedicine and health from medical students to kidstoaccess visualand informative contents about medicine.Users of Doctor Apps will find all the doctor,surgery,anatomy,health, workout, fitness and medical applications.You canwatchthe interactive videos of the operations like nosesurgery,hipsurgery. In apps category, you see the subcategorieslikemedical,anatomy, health, fitness, and glossary. We includehumananatomyatlases helping you view all human anatomy systemsindetails,glossary of medical terms, medical apps liketheradiologyassistant, articles and videos about health, fitnessappslikecalorie tracker and more helpful applications.Games category consists of anatomy games, doctorgames,surgerygames and dental games. Thanks to these games, youwilllearn humananatomy and places of organs, medical terms, howadentist ordoctor performs surgeries, and which tools are used inanoperationrooms when enjoying.We have also categorized the apps as free and paid soyoucaneasily access what you seek.Features:-A comprehensive collection of doctor games and apps-Contents for both kids and adults-Free and paid options-Ease of access and installing-Human anatomy atlases with descriptions-Operation videos-Surgery games-Medical glossary-Fitness apps-Health tips and articles-Latest newsWhat's new?- Game reviews are added so you can gain insightintothegames.- You can write your comments about the app and gamesinspeechbubbles.- Game trailers and walkthroughs are added to indicatehowtoplay.
Ayuda a la Parada Cardiaca 3.4
Formación en detección de parada cardiaca extrahospitalaria,ayudaal manejo de la parada cardiaca extrahospitalaria, ylocalización yuso del desfribrilador / DEA más cercano. -- Ayuda ala paradacardíaca - RCP - DEA
Blood Pressure(BP) Diary 4.3.2
openit Inc.
More convenient! More accurate! BP Diary has beencompletelyupgraded new!!
Medicina Consultiva 4.2
Medical management of common medical conditions duringtheperioperative period
Estrategias en Urgencias 3.70
Check quick guidelines for the management of common conditionsinthe ER.