Top 15 Apps Similar to Kanzashi - Ribbon Flower

Креативные идеи для жизни 2.0.6
Interesting, colorful and original ideas for all occasions
Идеи handmade 2.0.6
Original ideas for art and craft
Топиарий – дерево счастья 0.1
Это чудо дерево может статьоченьяркимукрашением интерьера.В нашем бесплатном приложении вы узнаете о том, каксделатьсвойтопиарий, свое дерево счастья, а также:Кофейное дерево,Бумажные розыЕвропейское дерево страстиКанзаши - известное японское исскуствоДерево из атласных лентИ другие всевозможные способы создания декоративных деревьев.Создайте свой декоративный топиарий и поделитесьрадостьюсдрузьями!This miracle of atreecanbe a very bright interior decoration.In this free app you will learn about how to make atopiary,yourtree of happiness, as well as:A coffee tree,Paper rosesEuropean tree passionKanzashi - known Japanese ArtTree of satin ribbonsAnd all kinds of other ways to create ornamental trees.Create decorative topiary and share the fun with friends!
Marketplace for buying and selling original handmade items
Рукоделие и хобби 2.0.2
Beam Development
Интересные идеи для тех, кто любитсоздаватьуют в своём доме своими руками в наглядных рисункахифотографияхInteresting ideasforthose who like to create comfort in their home with their handsinthe illustrative drawings and photographs
Embroidery Designs 5.0
The craft of creating stitches with the helpofa stitching needle and colorful threads is known as needleworkorneedlecraft. Embroidery is a type of needlecraft that is usedtocreate stitched decorations on a variety of fabricsincludingsatin, tissue, leather, paper, etc. Its smallest componentis astitch. A single type of stitch or more than one type ofstitchescan be used to make a pattern. A pattern is recreated byfollowinga counting chart, or ironed on the fabric, or even bydrawingfreehand. The more elaborate it is, more the number ofstitches.Recording of stitches and patterns using samplers wasfirst done inthe 17th century.Though the handcraft was practiced much before, thetermembroidery came into usage, for the first time, in themedievalera. All the designs were painstakingly created by artisansandcraftsmen who made sure that each piece was an exampleofperfection. Over the years, countries developed their stylesandthese styles were exported. For example, blackwork(needlepointusing backstitch or outline stitch and double stitch)was firstbrought to England by Catherine of Aragon, the Spanishwife ofHenry VIII. Gradually, the list of this monochromaticstyleexpanded to include whitework, bluework, scarlet work,andgoldwork. Nowadays, metal and other colors are added to lenddepthto a single pattern.In the 19th century, new designs came to the picture.Transitionfrom folk to custom embroidery was seen. With thefabrication ofthe embroidery machine, mass production ofembroideries gainedmomentum. Berlin work added new vigor to thebusiness. Biblical orhistorical themes, pictures of flowers, andeven exotic Orientalpaintings were now sought after. As theillustrations were paintedor printed in Berlin and bought byneedlework artisans all overEurope and United States, the stylecame to be known as Berlinwork.Custom Embroidery PatternsNowadays, not all designs are high-end, handmade ornatepatterns,employed by fashion designers to decorate garments.Monograms andmotif designs are the popular ones. Embroidery cancreate differenteffects. For instance, some appear flat, someresemble reliefs, someproduce simple lines, while some have fancystitches. Mostly, apattern is known by the stitch it uses. Thestitch could be a chainstitch or smock stitch (smocking).Custom styles are made as per the customer's requirements. Itcanbe either handmade or machine-made. Jewelry, footwear,linen,curtains, patches, emblems, and sequined apparel canbepersonalized to your choice of style and colors. The latter canbeall over embroidery designs, laser cut, or 3D.Non-decorative or functional styles have made way for awiderange of objects that are imaginatively sown ontodifferentapparels. You can choose any style as per your preferenceofcolors, fonts, and even stitches. Logos and clip arts usetackletwill. This type of work is a mixture of letters, numbers,orpatterns taken from a portion of fabric sewn with a zigzag,doublerunning, or satin stitch. The fonts are used to embroidertext.Logo is generally done on left side or on the front section oftheapparels. Appliqué is another form which is used for sportsteamapparel that has name and number of players, along with logos.Thiswork has less stitch count.Many apparel manufacturers offer services, right fromlogocreation to logo stitching, on a wide range of garments likecaps,hats, polo shirts, t-shirts, shirts, etc. Other productsincludeone-color and multi-color photo stitch. Personalized giftslikegolf and sports towels, pet dog accessories, aprons,bandanas,tablecloth, gift ribbons, etc., are also on the catalogsof mostcommercial services. Along with a mind-bogglingcatalog,competitive pricing has made it a worthwhile option notonly forthe manufacturer, but also for the consumer.
Три Руки - вязание и рукоделие 1.0.3
В этом приложении вы найдете описаниеподелоксвоими руками и разнообразные идеи, поражающие воображение.Вязаниеспицами и крючком, выкройки для шитья и схемы для вышиваниянеоставят вас без дела. Вы узнаете, как легко и очень простопридатьодежде новый вид самостоятельно и какие хитростиприменяютизвестные дизайнеры. Мы поможем сделать гардероб иокружающий мирпо-настоящему оригинальным!Для любителей рукоделия характерны доступность и компактность.Нокак часто мы понимаем, что на все “не хватает рук” и гдевзятьвдохновение? Эту проблему поможет решить приложение “Три Руки–HandMade”.Сегодня многие с успехом находят себя в творчестве:вязании,бисероплетении, декупаже, рисовании, вышивании, лепке ипрочихвидах рукоделия. Такой вид занятия не требует особыхфинансовыхзатрат и больших физических усилий, зато удовлетворениеотhand-made - колоссальное.- Новая информация каждый день.- Сохранение фотографий на устройство.- Доступ к избранному без доступа к интернету.- Удобная сортировка избранного по категориям.- Обсуждайте интересные новости и делитесь с друзьями всоциальныхсетях.-Официальное приложение сайта три рукиIn this app you willfinda description craft their own hands and a variety of ideasisamazing. Knit and crochet patterns for sewing andembroideryschemes will not leave you without cause. You will learnhow easyand very simple to make a new kind of dress yourself andwhattricks are used by famous designers. We can help make the worldawardrobe and a truly original!For lovers of crafts characterized by affordabilityandcompactness. But how often do we realize that all the "do nothaveenough hands" and where to get inspiration? This problem willhelpsolve the application "Three Hands - HandMade". Today, many find themselves with success in the work:knitting,beading, decoupage, painting, sewing, modeling, and othertypes ofneedlework. This type of employment does not require anyfinancialcosts and great physical effort, but the satisfaction ofhand-made- huge.- New information every day.- Save the photos to the device.- Access to the favorites without access to the Internet.- Easy sorting chosen categories.- Talk about interesting news and share with friends onsocialnetworks.-The Official application site three hands
World needlework 1.0
Crafts - handmade art created thingsoutoffabric, thread, wool and other materials.In this application, you will learn how to do thefollowingthingswith their hands:- Great idea for gifts packing- How to make your shoes waterproof- Pictures of flowers- Funny Toys- Amazing Cakes- Stencils for mural- Crochet- Learn about the combination of colors- The original packaging for gift with their own hands- Crafts from leaves- Peacock from plastic bottles- Simple and cute cushions- Prints for creativity- Flowers made of cloth- The idea for the cake decorating- Scourge bracelets- Butterfly origami fabric- Organizer of packaging for tea- Decoupage chairs- Stained glass paints with his hands- The technique of quilling- Patterns of old clothes- Simple by a bunch of candy- Tulip flower paper- Weave Bracelet- How to weave Baubles- Miniature bouquet. Quilling- Decoupage- Homemade Soap- Weaving tubes
Plastic Bottle Craft 1.0
You can contribute inmaintainingtheenvironment with recycling your waste stuffsthatincludesdisposable food containers, plastic bottle artplasticbottles,bowls, glasses and containers in many ways. reusablewaterbottlesOne of the approaches that you can start with isarrangingall yourwaste materials in an organized way and sorttoavoidcontamination. small plastic bottles There are companiesthatareproviding solutions for reusing the extra stuff thatisaccumulatedin your garbage dump, reusing plastic bottlesyourgarage and storerooms. water bottle crafts Recycling processisbecoming famous inbottle craft every part of the world thatdealswith plastic bottleflowers utilizing the appropriate how torecycleplastic bottlescontainer into best possible usage.You can your bottles that are not coming in use on betterratesassome companies best out of waste ideas from plasticbottlespurchaseall the trash that includes wholesale plasticbottles.recyclingplastic bottles containers including waterbottles,containers, bestout of waste plastic bottles and bowls arehighlyversatile in natureplastic craft and can be best fixed inmarketto reuse them. recyclebottles Plastics are durable inpropertythat can work for longwithout any complaints and can besold outon better rates. plasticbottle caps People areindulgingthemselves in retaining its usageinto better working byrecyclingall the plastic material that theyhave in a bettermanner. bestout of waste from plastic bottlesRather than throwingaway thetrash, upcycling plastic bottles youshould recycle yourdisposablefood containers. paint for plasticbottles Containerslike plasticbowls, recycle bin lid bowls arethere in many designsandrecycling center sizes that can be used inyour home onregularbasis plastic recycling .It is not that late to donate your recycling ideasunusedplasticstuff to those companies who are known for recycledpapertheirrecycling process. plastic bottles Search for thebusinesspeoplewho can purchase your wholesale plastic bottles onbetterrates. petbottle Government is supporting in this noble causewithone aim inmind that is the environment and recycling centrecanprovide someaid to the pollution caused by plastic. Indulgewithcharitableorganizations that are working on the reuse ofplasticswith propertreatment. Plastic containers like plastic bowlsareeasy to carryand deliver cardboard recycling.
Easy Flower Craft Idea 1.2
FlowerC raft TutorialFlower craft tutorial for you. You can save and share allthepictures of flower craft ideas on your phone. This applicationwillshow you the galleries of beautiful flower craft, design,art,craft, beautiful and nice tutorial for you. You can get thebestflower craft tutorial from this application.This application consists of the various types of flowercraft,such as: flower craft patterns, ideas, for kids, dried,ribbon,poppy, paper, and tissue flower craft, and more.This application will only give you the best tutorials inmakinga flower craft as a gift or yours in your special day.It is featured by:Flower craft tutorial which will help you to make a flowercraftby giving you the best and clear tutorial. Nowadays you don’tneeda professional to make a beautiful flower craft because youonlyneed the tutorial from this application.Dried flower craft idea will bring the beauty of a springgardeninto your home all year. This flower craft will last longerand itis suitable to be a decoration in your home. This flowercraft isalso good as a gift for your someone special.FlowerC raft TutorialFlower craft tutorial for you. You can save and share allthepictures of flower craft ideas on your phone. This applicationwillshow you the galleries of beautiful flower craft, design,art,craft, beautiful and nice tutorial for you. You can get thebestflower craft tutorial from this application.This application consists of the various types of flowercraft,such as: flower craft patterns, ideas, for kids, dried,ribbon,poppy, paper, and tissue flower craft, and more.This application will only give you the best tutorials inmakinga flower craft as a gift or yours in your special day.It is featured by:Flower craft tutorial which will help you to make a flowercraftby giving you the best and clear tutorial. Nowadays you don’tneeda professional to make a beautiful flower craft because youonlyneed the tutorial from this application.Dried flower craft idea will bring the beauty of a springgardeninto your home all year. This flower craft will last longerand itis suitable to be a decoration in your home. This flowercraft isalso good as a gift for your someone special.Ribbon flower craft ideas will give you the instructions andyoucan learn how to make colorful flowers using ribbon and abutton.You can glue this flower to a magnet or a pin, or you canuse thisfun flower to embellish other craft projects.Poppy flower craft ideas will give you the ideas to make aflowercraft use poppy paper. This application will help you tomake it. Bydownloading this application, of course you will havetheinspiration to work in art.Flower craft pattern for kids will make your kid set freetheirimagination by working at these artworks. The pattern whichwill benot difficult will make kids easy to make their flowercraft.This is a good application because there are so may tutorialinthis application. Download this application right away andfollowthe instruction, so you can have your beautiful flowercraft.
Headband Design Ideas 1.0
Headbands are every little girl'sfavoritehairaccessory.A headband goes with any type of attire, likeformal,casual,semi-formal, dresses, pants, etc. You can eithercarry outado-it-yourself project or simply tie a ribbon around yourhairtomake it look pretty. Anything that can hold your hairbackfromyour forehead can prove as a headband, so women usuallycomeupwith many creative ways to do this. There are some whichareevenwoven or made with crochet and an elastic for a better griponthehead. Other type includes soft headbands which are madeusuallyforbaby girls to make them look adorable, oftenmatchingtheiroutfits.Do-it-YourselfAll you have to do is use a stretchy lace with a decorativetop,likea bow or a flower. These ribbons can be made intoartificialflowersas well as bows, which are easy to make and stuckorstitched, to thestretchy lace. These laces come in a varietyofcolors and designs sothat you can co-ordinate the look ofyourheadband with the designsused on top of them. Differentwaysinvolve various material andcloth of your choice.Things You Will NeedLaceColored ready-made flowers or ribbon pearlsNeedleThreadHot GlueHeadband with RibbonsTo begin with, measure the lace around your head to findoutthelength of the band.With colored threads, co-ordinate with flowers and pearlsandstitchthem to the central portion.If you think stitching will be a problem, you can stickthesewiththe help of a hot glue.Once they are fixed, attach the two loose ends of the lacetoclosethe headband. You can adjust it round the head firstandthenstitch the two ends, making it sure that the band fits andisnottoo tight.Headband with Flowers and BowsYou can follow the same procedure to make these types ofheadbandsaswell. You can follow some instructions to make ribbonflowers tomakethese tiny roses.These flowers can be either attached to an elastic headband,aclothheadband or even a ribbon headband. You have tocolorco-ordinatethese flowers with the bands you want to attachthemon.Bows are more preferred to flower headbands and thus, makingthemiseasier.Also, bows can be made as a single piece, or a bunch of manybyusingdifferent colored ribbons. Thus, this is another greatdesignto makethese wonderful looking attractive hair accessorieswhichcan be usedalong with various clothes.Using the various types of knots which are present, you cancomeupwith other designs. Simply tying a ribbon around thehead,alsomakes the headband look very natural and attractive.You can surely come up with something more creativeandbeautifulpatterns. They are a fun and hip way of styling yourhair,so usethem whenever you can, and make the most out ofthecurrenttrend!
DIY Hair Bow Ideas 3.0
You must have made cute little hair bowwithribbons to decorate gifts or to adorn on your hair. But, youcanactually use your hair itself for a cute and casualhairstyle.Sounds like a task? Well it's not! It's just like wearingaponytail and messing it a little! Of course, you need to do ittheright way. No worries though; after following the stepsmentionedbelow, you'll be able to rock a cutesy bow in no time.You can go for a sleek bow with formals or a messy onewithcasuals. Your hair bow can be anything you want - girly,flirty,sexy, or stylish. Understand the basics and experiment allyoulike! And yes, you do need at least shoulder-length hair forthishairstyle.Gather your bobby pins, rubber band, and hairspray, and tryoutthese two stunning styles!Are you looking for ways on how to make hair bows for any andalloccasions? I love hair bows and they are coming back instyleladies! So, are you ready to learn the basics of how to makehairbows and what hair bows are out there? Below, I've got the top9tips and tricks on how to make hair bows that everyonewillenvy!First and foremost, when you are learning how to make hairbows,you've got to find the right ribbon. Do you want a solidcolor? Areyou looking for a pattern? What type of look are yougoing for? Theribbon can determine that and when you are trying tolearn how tomake hair bows, you've got to choose the rightribbon!The next thing that you need to decide on when you arelearninghow to make hair bows is the design. What type of bow doyou want?Do you want gems and jewels on it? Are you looking for asimple bowor a complex one? Decide this and then you'll be able todecide theDIY pattern!There are tons of ways you can spice up the hair bow that youaremaking and gems, jewels and anything sparkly is a way to doit!There is even ribbon out there that has glitter right on it, ifyouare looking for a way to sparkle and shine!The ribbon rose is just one of the many hair bows out therethatyou can make yourself! The ribbon rose might be a littlemoredifficult to make, but it's absolutely worth it and ribbonrosesare very in right now! Try this ladies and tell me whatyouthink!The next hair bow that we're going to talk about is thefabricflower! Fabric anything and DIY #things are very in right nowandthis easy flower is super trendy! Trust me ladies, this is oneofthe easiest hair bows to make!The next bow up on our list of how to make hair bows easilyisthe triple stack hair bows. These bows are so beautiful andtheycan actually have all kinds of different colors in them! Giveit atry!When you are first learning how to make hair bows, you've gottopick the right ribbon. For me, I love lace. I think that lacebowsare absolutely one of the best looking hair bows out there.What'syour favorite lace bow ladies?Are you learning how to make hair bows for a competition?Ormaybe just to pass out to a team? Stacked hair bows are thebest!You can incorporate team colors for your school or evencreatestacked hair bows for holidays!Finally, are you looking for ways on how to make hair bows tobea little trendy? Small hair bows right now are super stylish,so#beautiful and can be made out of anything! Just pick aribbon,pick a color and start your bow!There you have it ladies, all of the top tips and tricks onhowto make hair bows! What are some of the other ways on how tomakehair bows have you tried? Any #hair bows your fav?
Paper Flower Craft Tutorial 1.2.0
This application gives you inspiration with the galleriesofDIYPaper Flower Craft Ideas. You can get a hundred designsfromthisapplication. Making paper flowers is an easy, economicalandfunway to decorate for a special occasion. Paper flowers canbemadein many colors and styles. This pattern is for a peony,averypretty showy flower which is found in nature from a purewhite,toa pale pink varying up to a vibrant magenta. Thesemakewonderfulwedding flowers. Papercraft flowers are craftedusingsimplematerials, but the time spent making them is whatmakesthemspecial. In addition to paper craft pattern, othermaterialssuchas glue, embellishments and ribbon are used tocompletetheirappearance. Paper flowers can be used in place of realorsilkflowers and are sometimes the more practical option.Theyarehandmade and take many hours to complete. Even so, thecostofproduction is low making them a great option for those onabudget.However, paper florists are not as common as ones whoworkwithreal or silk flowers. In this article, I'll explain thereasonswhypaper flowers designs are the better option. BenefitofPaperFlowers Real flowers are most often a bride's firstchoice.Theyare available from florists are yearlong, but canbequiteexpensive. While there's nothing wrong with real flowers(andtheycertainly look great in real life and photographs), theymaynot bethe best option for everyone. Paper flowers aremadeusingaffordable materials such as paper andembellishments.Although alot of time is spent crafting them, theycan still beaffordable.Many different types of paper are easilyaccessible andcome in awide range of colors. If you're looking fora specificcolor,chances are there is a type of paper that can matchit.Paperdoesn't wilt in the heat or in the cold. This makespaperflowerspatterns great for outdoor wedding any time of year.Theyalso(obviously) do not need water and won't make a mess iftheyfallover or are dropped. There are many different types offlowersthatcan be made out of paper, and don't necessarily mimicthe shapeofreal flowers. This makes paper flowers uniqueandgreatconversation starters. Best of all, theyarecompletelycustomizable. You can decide upon just abouteveryelement of theflowers you would like and you can order themmonthsin advance.Download and enjoy!!!
Bouquets with their hands 1.0
With our app you can learn how tocreatethemost amazing and beautiful bouquets!Attached are a lot of work to create the finished bouquets.You will see:creating flowers step by stepwedding bouquetsbouquets of soft toysCandy standBouquets of flowersbouquets photobouquet of rosesDownload the app for free.
Рукодельничество 1.0
Все люди талантливы, просто не всеобэтомзнают. Но наше приложение поможет реализоватьзадумки,дастогромное поле для творчества и направит умелымиуроками.Раскрытьсвой потенциал - сделать что- то своими руками - нетаксложно,каккажется на первый взгляд!All peoplearetalented,just not everyone knows about it. But our applicationwillhelp torealize ideas, will give great scope for creativity andsendaskillful lessons. Unlock your potential - to dosomethingwiththeir own hands - not as difficult as it seemsatfirstsight!