Top 1 Apps Similar to 聆控

最懂你声音的智能语音助手!【功能特点】由中文语音领导者科大讯飞研发,支持全程智能语音操控手机;识别准确,唤醒迅速,特别针对中文口音问题进行识别优化。【产品亮点】★ 语音识别更人性:采用全球最先进语音识别技术,有口音也能听懂!★ 手机操控更智能:支持黑屏唤醒、语音操控手机,全程动口不动手!★ 问答服务更贴心:听声识人知语义,根据你的性别、喜好贴心互动!你可以尝试让我做以下事情:1. 语音操控:语音打电话,发短信,设提醒,打开应用等便捷操作。2. 生活服务:查话费,查流量,查天气,查美食,查星座等生活百科。3. 休闲娱乐:听音乐,听新闻,查影讯,让我讲笑话,和我聊八卦。Understands yousoundintelligent voice assistant![Features]Develop Chinese voice leader IFLYTEK by support full voicecontrolsmart phones;Recognition accuracy, wake up quickly, especially for Chineseaccentto identify optimization problems.[Highlights]★ voice recognition more humane: the world's most advancedspeechrecognition technology, with an accent can understand!★ phone control more intelligent: support black wakeup,voicecontrol mobile phone, rather than hands full!★ services more intimate Q: listen to the sound know people knowthesemantics, depending on your gender, preferencesintimateinteraction!You can try to get me to do the following things:1. Voice Control: Voice calls, send text messages, setreminders,open applications easy operation.2. Domestic services: check the bill, check the flow, checktheweather, check the food, check the constellations and otherlivingencyclopedia.3. Recreation: listening to music, listening to the news,checktelecine, let me tell jokes, and I gossip.