Top 20 Games Similar to HensNRoosterz

SmartBunny Who Is Who 1.2
Guess which bunny is hidden insidewhichburrow.Who is Who brings the traditional code-breaking "BullsandCows" gamein a cute bunny theme with fun-filled sound effectsandvividanimation.
Bulls and Cows 1.4
Puzzle game "Bulls and Cows"-complicatedversion (+ the dogs and cats). Guess the numberwhenmaking yourcomputer.In the near future - update from the possibility ofplayingonbluetooth.
Cows & Bulls 1.0
A Cube
Cows & Bulls is a software version of the classic game,whichwas played practically by everybody in the classroom atschool, atlectures and seminars at the university and at the boringmeetingsat work. Game rules : 1.Questioner should enter a uniqueword andpass the phone to the finder 2.Finder guesses the word andtheno.of matches is given as response. ->Bulls : Matching letterinright position ->Cows : Matching letter but NOT inrightposition 3.The Guess should be a valid dictionary word. 4.Gameendswhen FINDER guesses the word of QUESTIONER in specific no.ofguesses. 5.Repetition of letters is not allowed. 6.CLUE canbegiven by the Questioner to help the Finder guess the wordeasilyand it is optional. Developed by, Ashwin Kumar.S (SSN CollegeofEngineering)
Bulls and Cows 1.0
Bulls and Cows, a public domain code-breaking deduction game,wasalmost certainly the inspiration for Mastermind, designedbyMordecai Meirowitz and published by Parker Brothers in theearly1970s. Players will have to guess a random four-digit numberto winthe game. The number or bulls represents a correct number inthecorrect position while the number of cows represents acorrectnumber in the wrong position. Enjoy!
Bulls & Cows Lite 2.0
This is a popular number guessinggamecalled"Bulls & Cows". On start up a random number isgenerated.Goalis to guess the number. If a digit matches its placeit's a"Bull"if the digit is misplaced then it's a "Cow". Forinstance iftherandom number is 259 and you guessed 329, result is 1Bull(digit9) and 1 Cow (digit 2).
Code Breaker 1.0.1
This thought-provoking game requires reasoning and conclusion andisa fun and challenging game based on the original Bulls andCowslogic game. The difference here is that the length of thehiddencode can range anywhere from three to nine digits long. --HowItWorks-- The hidden code is randomly generated (you can't see itofcourse) and you have two options for play based on difficulty:aspecified number of tries based on the difficulty level oranunlimited amount of tries. All you need to do is enter a codeequalto the selected difficulty level/length and then check yourentryto compare it with the hidden code. Each try is recorded in alistwith feedback. Each individual digit in the hidden codeisdifferent from the others, which means each digit does notrepeatwithin the hidden code. Please note that Code Breaker iscompletelyfree to play, although there are some in-game purchasessuch asenabling game features or hints to help you figure out thehiddencode. --Features-- ★Free to play!!! ★Choose the length ofthehidden code from 3-9 digits long ★Select level ofdifficulty★Reveal the hidden code if you can't beat it ★Hints areavailableto assist while you're playing ★Leaderboards andachievements★Supports the following languages: English, SpanishThank you fordownloading and playing our game. We truly appreciateit! We hopethat you enjoy playing our game as much as we enjoyeddevelopingit. Like us on Facebook, Google+ or follow us on Twitterfor thelatest news: Us-- Please send usan email! We would love to hear fromyou. Email us about anythingregarding our game, if you love it,want new features or if you haveany suggestions. For comments,suggestions, complaints or Fortechnical support: and Privacy Policy--By downloading this application you areagreeing to our end userlicense agreement and privacy policy whichcan be found at
Bulls and Cows 1.0.4
Bulls and Cows is like a gymnasticsexerciseforyour brain. Be very quick to nail down all the fourbulls.You’llhave four cows to help you along the way.You have touseyour brainto guess the secret number in range of 0000 to 9999.Useyour fingersto choose the right number and be the WINNER.
Cow Bull 1.0
Vishal Shalgar
CowBull is a fun math guessing game thatwillkeep you busy for hours together.
Bulls and Cows (Code Breaker) 1.2
Bulls and Cows is an old code-breakingpaperandpencil game, predating the similar commercially marketedboardgameMastermind.It is a guessing game in which the computer generatesarandomnumber or word and the user's objective is to try andguessthisword.The game deals with different levelsofvaryingdifficulties.The game not only deals with number guessing butalsowithalphanumeric words.
Bulls and Cows 1.24
Bulls And Cows is a simple puzzle game.
Cows and Bulls 1.1
Kites Team
It is a Two-palyer game in whichtheplayerstake turns in trying to guess each other's word.Player one(the Chooser), types a word and player twotriestoguess it.At each turn Player two(the Guesser) tries a word, andhewillknow how close it is to the answer by giving:The number of Bulls :- letters correct intherightposition.The number of Cows :- letters correct but inthewrongposition.The Guesser tries to guess the answer in the fewestnumberofturns.If either word has repeated letters the rule is thateachlettercan only count towards the score once, and Bulls arecountedbeforeCows.
Cows and Bulls 1.0
Rajeshwaran S P
A Simple Word Game. Aim of the game is to find the 4 letter wordinminimum number of guesses. Clues are provided as Cows andBulls,with Bulls representing a match in letter and position andCowsrepresenting a match in letter.
Cows and Bulls 1.0
Goal:To find the hidden word.Unlike other apps in the market,We use words insteadofnumbers.It can be played individually or between 2 people.With the hidden word length known,guess it.Rule:Cow is the number of letters that are in both words and Bull isthenumber of letter that are not only common but at exactpositionVersion 1.0:-Single player with infinite chances-Multiplayer between two people.Next version:-High scores-Bluetooth multiplayer
Cows And Bulls 1.0
Cows and Bulls is a number guessinggame.Thetarget is to guess a 4-digit number that the computerhasguessed.The computer guesses the number using the followingrules:- Thenumber is a 4-digit number - Only digits from 1 to 9 areused- Nodigit can be repeated You have 10 tries to guess the numberandateach try you can check to see if your guess is correct.Thegamewill analyse your number and tell you how many Bulls andCows.ABull means that a particular digit is there and intherightposition. A Cow means that a particular digit is there butnotinthe right position.
Cows & Bulls 1.0
Akshay Singal
Cows and Bulls (also known as Bulls andCows)isa numerical mind game where you need to decode a4-digitsecretnumber by repeatedly guessing. This secret numberisrandomlygenerated by the application. For each guess,theapplicationreturns the number of cows (digits present butinincorrectpositions) and bulls (digits present in theircorrectpositions)that exist in your guessed number.Play this game to give exercise your mind anddevelopsomecode-breaking skills! ;)
Cows N Bulls 1.5.6
This application is based on theclassicnumberguessing game and a namesake cows and bulls. Herethough,the gamehas been extended with word guessing in addition tothenumberguessing.Guess words/numbers in minimum possible turns.The basic idea is to guess a word/number either selectedbytheapp(in single player mode) or the other player(in pass nplaymode)in an iterative way.Legend:Cow is a letter in the original word but entered inthewrongposition by the playerBull is a letter in the original word and intherightposition.Quick play will take the preferences the user sets inthepreferencespage. Defaults are set to playing Numbers inEasymode.Let's say the player is supposed to guess the word "play":1) Player will be presented with 12 letters to choose hisfourletterguess of which the letters p,l,a,y will be part ofandnotnecessarily in order.2) Player tries the word "pals" by tapping(in the sameorder)theappropriate icons in the pool. As soon as the fourthletteristapped, the guessed word will be evaluated.3) The evaluation will be logged in the results pane againsttheturn#. Since P is the first letter of both the guess andtheoriginalword to be guessed( in other words the letter P ispresentin theword to be guessed and is placed correctly that isthe firstletterof the word), it is considered a bull. As for theletter "A"in pals,the letter "A" is present in the word "Play" inthe thirdpositionwhereas in "pals" it's position is second.Similarly forthe letter"L". The letter "S" is not present in"Play" so it isneither a cownor a bull.4) In easy mode, the result pane will show the cows asReditalicsand bulls in Green bold and in grey otherwise. So ,intheabovecase "PALS" will be displayed in the result area with PinGreenbold, L and A in red italics and S in grey.In other modes, only the number of cows and bulls in theenteredwordwill be displayed.5)The players can take as many turns as they like beforetheyguessthe actual word/number to be guessed.
Bulls & Cows 1.0
Andrew Dabrowski
The classic logic game of Bulls&Cows:deduce the sequence of letters. This app will competewith youbysolving for the sequences itself. (It does notcheat!)
Cows and Bulls 1.1
Nagaraj N
Features:1. Famous Cows and bulls game2. User can enter a four letter word3. System will tell how may cows (non matching letters)andbullsmatching letters in your word4. Game will continue until you find the System guessed word.Upcoming Features:1. Multiplayer option via internet2. Save high score online3. Group gameEnjoy and Send feedback to my mail.Thanks!!
Bulls Cows Code Breaker 11.7
Classic Bulls and Cows Code Breaker Game