Top 13 Apps Similar to Cortez

Cofetaria Bombo 2.0.6
Cofetăria Bombo iti ofera o gamalargadeprajituri, torturi, produse de patiserie,fursecuri.PentruunCakeBar reusit te asteptam la Cofetăria Bombo sadegustiminunatelenoastre miniprajituri. Iti aranjam masa dulce infunctiedeeveniment si de tematica acestuia.Bombo cafeteriaoffersawide range of cookies, cakes, pastries, fursecuri.PentruaCakeBarmanaged the cafeteria waiting for you to tasteourgreatminiprajituri Bombo. I set the table sweet depending ontheeventand its theme.
Amel 2.0.0
Magazin online al fabricii determostupiAMELINDUSTRY. Misiunea AMEL o reprezinta sprijinireaapicultorilorsiasigurarea conditiilor propice pentru protejareasidezvoltarea familiilor de albine in conditiile climei actuale,dincein ce mai putin predictibile. Termostupii Amel suntprodusidinmateriale compozite oferind astfel o greutate mult maimicadecat astupilor traditionali.Amel se adreseaza atatspecialistilordinRomania cat si celor din strainatate oferind untermostupcuperformante termice greu de egalat.Shop thefactorytermostupiAMEL INDUSTRY. AMEL's mission is to supportbeekeepersand ensure aconducive conditions for protectinganddevelopment of bee families in current climaticconditions,becomingless predictable. Amel Termostupii are producedfromcompositematerials thus providing a much lower weightthantraditionali.Amelhives addresses both specialists in Romaniaandabroad offering thetermostup with unrivaledthermalperformance.
Brothers Pub 2.0.0
Distractie, buna dispozitie, muzicalive,standup comedy, karaoke, meciuri live, bucatariealeasa,servireexcelenta, ambianta relaxanta, terasa, toate acestealegasestidoar la Brothers Pub. Oferim o gama larga deprodusedelicioase,pizza, deserturi si tot felul de bunatati.Fun, good mood,livemusic,stand up comedy, karaoke, live appearances, chosenkitchen,servingexcellent, relaxed, terrace, all of them just tofindBrothers Pub.We offer a wide range of delicious products,pizza,desserts and allsorts of goodies.
Frizeria Bucuresti 1.5.0
Frizeria Bucuresti se deosebeste cu usurinta fata de celalte .Neconcentram pe experienta traita la noi de la primul contact cunoipana la tunsoare. Nu intrebam niciodata cum sa te tundem,niciodatanu astepti si niciodata nu vom avea 2 scaune. Intimitateasiconfidentialitatea sunt foarte importante pentru clientulnostru.Aici esti intampinat cu mult respect si profesionalism.Atmosferade la noi este data de muzica buna (retro) si cafeauacalda pe careo primesti gratuit din momentul in care ai ajuns lanoi .Totihairstylist-ii au o experienta vasta in aceasta arta sitotodatastiu cum sa trateze clientul. Ei stiu ca 90% din clientivin lafrizerie pentru ca " vor ceva dar nu stiu ce", nu stiu cum lestacel mai bine, nu stiu ce li se potriveste in functie defizionomialor, nu inteleg de ce parul nu se aseaza asa cum doresc.
Ecco la Pizza 2.5.0
Ecco La Pizza este o pizzerie dinCluj-Napocacepune accentul pe calitatea produselor livrate. Nu nemandrim cucelmai mic pret, punem accentul pe o pizza creata duparetetaoriginalaitaliana si ingrediente atent selectate, proaspete,carefac toatadiferenta cand este vorba de un gust desavarsit.ToatePizza sunt pevatra iar in meniul nostru puteti regasispecialitatiitaliene cublatul subtire. Livram in Cluj Napoca.Dorim ca pizzanoastra saajunga la cati mai multi Clujeni, punem ladispozitiediferitesortimente de pizza in Cluj, sandwichurispeciale,piadine,crescione, si o pizza de casa cu blat pufos,perfectepentru a ficonsumate la birou, acasa sau la diferiteevenimente,care sa fie pegustul tuturor.Ecco La Pizza isapizzeriain Cluj-Napoca that emphasize the quality ofproductsdelivered. Weare proud of the lowest price, we focus onanoriginal Italian pizzarecipe created and carefullyselectedingredients, fresh, which makeall the difference when itcomes toa perfect taste. All hearth andPizza are in our menu youcan findthin-crust Italian specialties. Wedeliver Cluj Napoca. Wewant ourpizza to reach as many Clujeni, weprovide different kindsof pizzain Cluj, special sandwiches,Piadine, crescione, andhomemade pizzawith fluffy, perfect forconsumption in the office,at home or atdifferent events that wouldbe to everyone'staste.
Telefon rezistent 2.0.0
Magazinul nostru va oferaatatsmartphone-urisuper performante cat si telefoane proiectatepentrua rezista lasituatii deosebite de utilizare ( medii dificiledelucru ,sporturi extreme , vanatoare , ateliereauto) este importator direct de telefoanemobilesiaccesorii din China. Experienta si buna colaborarecuproducatoriichinezi sustine obiectivul nostru de a puneladispozitiadumneavoastra produse performante, de ocalitatesuperioara si cuun pret imbatabil.Our store willoffersuperperformance smartphones and handsets designed towithstanduse inspecial situations (difficult working environments,extremesports,hunting, garages). is adirectimporter ofmobile phones and accessories in China. Experienceandgoodcooperation with Chinese manufacturers support our goalofoffersyou high quality products, superior quality andanunbeatableprice.
Cosmetiq 2.0.6
Magazin online de produse cosmetice defirmalacele mai bune preturi. Toate produsele pe care le gasitiinacestmagazin sunt in conformitate cu normele Europene.Comenzilese faconline prin mail sau telefon si sunt distribuiteprin PostaRomanasau Curier Rapid.Shop cosmeticscompanyinthe best prices. All the products you find in this storeareinaccordance with European standards. Orders are madeonlineviaemail or phone and distributed by Romanian PostandCourier.
Depozitul de Frumusete 2.5.0
Magazin online cu produse pentruunghii,produsepentru epilat, cosmetice si produse coafor.Online storewithproductsfor nails, waxing products, cosmeticsandhairdresser.
All Boutique 2.0.6
Magazin Online destinat specialfemeilorcecontine articole de imbracaminte, incaltaminte, genti,accesoriisicosmetice.Online Storeforthespecial women containing clothing, shoes, handbags,accessoriesandcosmetics.
Emmedue 2.5.0
Magazin online de biciclete,accesoriisiarticole sportive.Onlinestorebicycles,accessories and sports.
Born Propeller 2.5.0
Customers returning to us after 30yearscanrely on our database, as we do have almost all dataofanypropeller ever manufactured on file, which includes type aswellasfinished tolerances and CNC router data plus which personinourworkshop had been involved making it. From the serial numberwedothese data can be recognized in our database. Thus we canmakesurethat you will get exactly the same propeller with thesameorbetter performance if you wish than the one you boughtmaybe30years ago as one of our more than 15000deliveredpropellers.
Doctorul Verde 2.5.0
Doctorul Verde se angajeaza saaducabeneficiilenaturii la usa dumneavoastra. Ne straduim saonoramacest angajamentprin furnizarea unor produse terapeuticenaturalesi intelegem canumai medicii pot decide tratamentulcorect,eficient si sigur. Cusprijinul medicilor, ne punemproduselenaturale si nutritionale infolosul sanatatii si oferimsolutiipentru o gama larga deafectiuni.Dr. Green iscommittedtobringing the benefits of nature to your door. We strivetohonorthis commitment by providing natural therapeutic productsandweunderstand that only doctors can decide therighttreatment,effective and safe. With the support of doctors, weputour naturalproducts and nutritional health benefits andoffersolutions for awide range of diseases.
Tomis Travel 2.0.6
Agentia de turism Tomis Traveloferaturistilorposibilitatea de a merge in vacanta in cele maibuneconditii.Sloganul agentiei noastre este: timpul trece,calatoriileraman. Deaceea incurajam in alegerea unei vacante celputin o datape an.Oferim vacante in pachet turistic cecuprinde:transport,transferuri, cazare, masa, asistenta turisticaladestinatie,asigurari medicale.Tomis Traveltravelagencyoffers tourists the opportunity to go on vacation inthebestconditions. Our agency's slogan is: time passes,tripsremain.Therefore we encourage you in choosing a holiday atleastonce ayear. We offer vacations in tourist packagethatincludestransportation, transfers, accommodation, meals,travelassistanceat the destination, medical insurance.