Top 20 Games Similar to Blind-Droid Minesweeper

Learn Dutch For Kids - Pro 2021.10.16.1
For children from 2 years - 7 years. Learn Dutch words withfungames!
***** Thanks to all the players whohavealready fallen in love with Quell, Quell Reflect, and QuellMemento*****Quell is an enchanting game of logic which has taken thepuzzleworld by storm. Don’t take our word for it! Read our userreviews(thanks guys!), and see for yourself!"Quell. Is. Perfect" - No Dpad"Woozily hypnotic" – Eurogamer"Gaming App of the Day" – Kotaku"Beautifully relaxing" – AppSpy"Calming zen-like atmosphere" – Gamezebo"Absolute joy to play" - Pocket Full of Apps"Seems to lower blood pressure instead of raising it"–BestKidsApps* Over 80 levels of cunningly crafted puzzles – requireslateralthinking!* Hidden jewels on every level* Perfectly balanced difficulty curve – soothing,notfrustrating!* Custom soundtrack by top composer Steven Cravis – Calmingmusichelps the brain!* Localized for English, French, German, Italian, Spanish,Polish,Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese, and Japanese.* Leaderboards and Achievements, powered by GooglePlayServices* Cloud saves (when logged into Google Play in-game)This version does NOT have ads.Fall in love with Quell today...
Letter Puzzle: Learn To Read 2.0.3
learning 1st grade English free for kids writing gamepre-schoolmulti language
Kids Learn to Sort 1.4.6
Intellijoy Educational Games for Kids
Your kids will love Kids Learn to Sort, Intellijoy'slatestpreschoolcurriculum app. Thrilling your kids as theylearnpreschoolfundamentals, Intellijoy's apps are clean andintuitive.Yourchildren will love playing its numerous activitiesall ontheir own -without any assistance. With the help of Sortythe CuteMonster, yourchild will learn to sort by: - shape - size -color -numerical count- spatial direction - occupation - householdarea -clothing type -and animal habitat The lite version has5activities, while the fullversion has 35 activitieswithincreasing level of challenge.
First Grade Math (Lite) 1.6.4
Intellijoy is your go-to source for Common Core Math apps.Asourpremier math app, First Grade Math Word Problems is thefirstofmany which will hit the market. Easy-to-use exercisesforFirstGrade Math Word Problems. Number sums up to 20.5categoriesincluding 50 word sentences (this Lite version hasonlythe 1st andthe 3rd categories): - Addition using same elements-Additionusing different elements - Subtraction using sameelements-Subtraction using different elements - Comparison-usingadditionor subtraction. Children enjoy reading or listeningtosimplesentences which provide real-life scenarios toreinforcethechild’s understanding of addition and subtraction.
Quell Reflect+
***** Thanks to all the players whohavealready fallen in love with Quell, Quell Reflect, and QuellMemento*****Quell Reflect is an enchanting game of logic which has takenthepuzzle world by storm. Don’t take our word for it! Read ouruserreviews (thanks guys!), and see for yourself!"Quell. Is. Perfect" - No Dpad"Woozily hypnotic" – Eurogamer"Gaming App of the Day" – Kotaku"Beautifully relaxing" – AppSpy"Calming zen-like atmosphere" – Gamezebo"Absolute joy to play" - Pocket Full of Apps"Seems to lower blood pressure instead of raising it"–BestKidsApps* Over 80 levels of cunningly crafted puzzles – requireslateralthinking!* Hidden jewels on every level!* Perfectly balanced difficulty curve – soothing,notfrustrating!* Custom soundtrack by top composer Steven Cravis – Calmingmusichelps the brain!* Localized for English, French, German, Italian, Spanish,Polish,Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese, and Japanese.* Leaderboards and Achievements, powered by GooglePlayServices* Cloud saves (when logged into Google Play Services in-game)This version has NO adverts.Fall in love with Quell Reflect today...
Preschool Balloon Popping Game 1.2.0
Fun balloon popping game for preschool kids! With ABCs,123s,shapes, and colors
Quell Memento+
Forget the world. Fall in love withthisenchanting zen puzzler.Set within an old abandoned house, the player restores ordertothe jumbled memories of the last occupant, and in doing soembarkson a haunting journey of self-discovery and reflection.* Over 140 cunningly crafted puzzles!* Over 20 secret bonus levels!* Hidden collectibles to discover!* Perfectly balanced difficulty curve!* New soundtrack by composer Steven Cravis* Localized for English, French, German, Italian, Spanish,Polish,Portuguese (Brazilian), Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese,andJapanese.* Leaderboards and Achievements, powered by GooglePlayServices* Optimized for phones and tabletsSuitable for all ages, this is an experience that will staywithyou long after you put it down.This version does NOT have ads.Note about permissions:The permission BILLING is used for optional in-apppurchases(additional coins or a skeleton key). TheACCESS_NETWORK_STATEpermission is used only to detect when thephone has no networkconnection, in which case online features aredisabled.
Babbles for Babies (The safer 2.9
A perfect first app, offering your toddler joy in burstingbubblesand more.
Note Rush: Learn to Read Music 2.01.2
A favorite of music teachers, Note Rush boosts note readingspeedand accuracy.
Pet Amoeba - Virtual Friends
Cryofrog Inc.
Raise the most adorable virtual pet amoebas you've ever seen!
Learn Igbo for Kids 1.2.1
Akwukwo LLC
Learn Igbo for Kids app is the No. 1 resource for learning theIgbolanguage.
1 Learn sight read music notes 26
Best beginner sight reading music tool.
Think & Learn Code-a-pillar™ 1.7.0
Guess who needs your help? The cute, smartandirresistibleCode-a-pillar™! Will Code-a-pillar™ make it to theendof the maze?Will he eat the right number of leaves and fillhisbelly up forthe next challenge? It’s in your hands to find out!Funrewards,sound effects and animations add to the play andlearningfun! Mazeand numbers games gets kids thinking throughsolutions toproblems!Help Code-a-pillar™ meander through obstaclesto reach histargetby creating a path for him to follow using theincluded draganddrop command segments. Will he hit the boulder orfind hiswayaround with YOUR help? Unlock special coding segmentsandobstaclesas you level up! After all of his hard work,helpCode-a-pillar™re-fuel and get something to eat! Code-a-pillar™willask you tofind a specific number of leaf bundles – drag thecorrectleafbundles towards his mouth to feed him. Content levels upasyouplay! Challenging levels, increase with complexity – themoreyouplay, the more you learn! Learning &CurriculumContent:Planning & sequencing - preschoolers learn tofollowmulti-stepplans to achieve a goal. Problem Solving - generateandexecute asolution to any problem. Number Recognition -understandandrecognize numbers in Code-a-pillar’s™ world. Countingin Order-gain knowledge about numbers and how they go in order toformasequence. For more information about Code-a-pillar™andtheFisher-Price® Think & Learn line of toys andapps,pleasevisit:
Baby, Toddler & Kids Edu Games & Activities Free
Aardvark Studios
Free collection of 9 fun games & educational activitiesforbaby, toddler & kids
My First Words: Baby learning 1.9
Looking for baby apps or toddler games for 1 years old andbabyflashcards?
Аутизм: Общение 1.3
АНО «Центр реабилитации инвалидов детства «Наш СолнечныйМир»,ведущая организация в области профессиональной помощи детямсаутизмом в Российской Федерации, объявляет о выпуске новойверсииуникального бесплатного приложения-коммуникатора «Аутизм:Общение».Первая версия коммуникатора «Аутизм: Общение»,созданногоспециалистами Центра в 2012 году была первым в миреподобнымприложением на русском языке, способным помочь ребенку саутизмомнаучиться общаться с окружающими и развить навыкиспонтанной речи.Приложение создавалось при помощи ведущегоспециалиста поприкладному анализу поведения – Юлии Михайловны Эрц.Новая версия,полностью сохранив функционал предыдущей, прибрелановые,уникальные возможности. Теперь родитель или специалистможетиспользовать для общения с неговорящим ребенком нетолькостандартный набор карточек, но и сможет добавлять свои,создаваемыеиндивидуально. Такой функционал позволяет использоватьприложениене только для неговорящих детей с аутизмом и другиминарушениями вразвитии, но и для любых других людей, не имеющихвозможностиговорить. Это могут быть дети и взрослые с церебральнымпараличом,взрослые люди с последствиями травм и после инсульта,простопожилые люди. Новая версия приложения создана прифинансовойподдержке Фонда поддержки исторических и культурныхисследований«Истоки». Приложение содержит: • Галерею карточек,содержащую более150 качественных изображений, которые ребенокучится различать,наименовать и соотносить с различными категориями(например,животные, буквы, числа, формы, цвета и др). Умениеразличать инаименовать предметы также способствует развитию речевыхнавыков удетей с аутизмом и другими нарушениями в развитии.Родители испециалисты смогут добавлять свои карточки(фотографировать иозвучивать), используя в диалоге с ребенком тепредметы и объекты,которые нужно изучить именно ему (папа, мама,поликлиника, детскийсадик и пр.) • Коммуникатор, при помощикоторого ребенок может какпросто обозначать желаемые предметы, таки составлять полноценныепредложения-просьбы. Звуковое сопровождениепозволяет ребенкуозвучить собственные желания и дает возможностьдля повторения иречевой имитации. Разработанное с учетоммноголетнего опытаспециалистов центра реабилитации инвалидовдетства «Наш СолнечныйМир» пособие подходит для эффективногообучения детей с аутизмом,синдромом Дауна, алалией и другимирасстройствами,сопровождающимися трудностями в развитии речи.Приложение можетбыть использовано и в качестве развивающего пособияв процессезанятий с обычными детьми младшего возраста. •Специальныйфункционал приложения позволяет создаватькоммуникативные,озвученные карточки для взрослых и пожилых людей снарушениямиречи. Такие как – «ходунки», «чашка», «лекарства», «мнеплохо», «яхочу позвонить дочери» и т.д. Можно создавать иозвучивать карточкидля любых слов. Столько, сколько потребуется.Главная задача этогоприложения – помочь в общении людям, которые немогут говоритьсами. Главный эксперт проекта – Шпицберг ИгорьЛеонидович.Основатель и руководитель АНО «Центр реабилитацииинвалидов детства«Наш Солнечный Мир» (с 1991 года), член ПравленияМеждународнойАссоциации “Autism Europe” (Autism Europe’s CouncilofAdministration), член Экспертного Совета МинистерстваПросвещенияРоссийской Федерации по вопросам комплексногосопровождения детей срасстройствами аутистического спектра, членСовета Всероссийскойорганизации родителей детей-инвалидов (ВОРДИ),член СоветаМосковской Городской Ассоциации родителейдетей-инвалидов (МГАРДИ),член Координационного Совета по деламдетей-инвалидов и других лицс ограничениями жизнедеятельности приОбщественной палате РФ. С1991 г. по настоящее время активноучаствует в разработке исовершенствовании методов реабилитациидетей с расстройствамиаутистического спектра (РАС). Автор методикикоррекции особенностейв развитии сенсорных систем у детей срасстройствами аутистическогоспектра.
Kids Learn Shapes 2 1.3.4
Intellijoy Educational Games for Kids
Kids Shapes 2, which follows our Kids Shapes game,teachesaboutbasic geometrical shapes to small children (ages 3-5).Thegameshows how the world has many familiar objects that areshapedas acircle, a triangle, a rectangle, a square and an oval.Inthisgame, children play and learn within thesefiveinteractiveactivities: Learn – Kids put the shapes inside arobotwho convertsthem into real-life objects. Identify – Byidentifyingthe correctshape of the object on the train, kids makethe trainmove. Find –In a toy room filled with various objects,kids need tofindobjects that have a specific shape. Match – In thiscard game,kidsneed to find a card and its match – a card that hasan image ofashape and a card that has an object which correspondstothatshape. Sort – Kids load objects into the right cars ofaFerrisWheel. Each car has an image of a shape and the objectiveistofind an object that belongs in that car. With Shapes2yourchildren will have fun learning about shapes andunderstandinghowmany real-life objects have basic geometricalshapes.
Sensory Baby Learning Extra 2.2.9`
A visually stimulating sensory learning game for babies andtoddlers
Kids Learn Shapes FREE 1.6.5
A hands-on, real-life way for kids to learn shapes. Wouldn'titbejust wonderful if there was a simple game forpreschoolersandkindergarten-aged children that made learningshapesenjoyable?There is! It's called Kids Shapes. ★ Whatactivities areincluded?✔ Learning shapes using real-life objects ✔Recognizingshapes intheir real-life settings ★ What will mychildren learn?Your childwill learn to recognize shapes in theirreal-lifecontext. Theshapes currently included are circle,rectangle,triangle, square,rhombus and oval. ★ What won't mychildren learn?The game does notoverload children and parents withtoo many audioand visualstimuli. Coping with stress andover-stimulation istherefore oneskill that your kids won't bepracticing during thisgame. Itsclear focus makes the game a delightfor children and awinningchoice for parents. ★ Hey, how did youtake the top spots intheEducation section? ✔ Educational games foryoung children is allwedo. Our mission is: "Delight childrenthrough learning." ✔Ourgames are laser focused. For example, thenumbers gamedoesn'tteach letters, and the letters game doesn'tteach math. Wekeep thegames simple but magically inviting andnourishing. ✔ Westrive togive children just the right balancebetween education andfun. Soour games don't feature fun at theexpense of education –oreducation at the expense of fun. We alsoknow games that aretoocomplicated don’t involve and delight kids.