Top 7 Apps Similar to Chinese zodiac

Su Horóscopo Chino 2017 FengSh 8.0.0
HoróscoChino 2017 en Español y GRATISEl Horóscopo Chino es un arte que busca predecir las líneasquerigen los destinos. Partiendo de disciplinas taoístas adoptalaimagen de 12 animales para representar las fuerzas y lasenergíasque se despliegan dentro y fuera de cada persona.Quieres saber que te espera este 2017, el Horóscopo Chino te diráelfuturo para este año.Descubre tu signo según su año de nacimiento, averigua cuálanimaleres en este oráculo:Rata – Buey – Conejo – Tigre – Dragón – Serpiente – Caballo –Cabrau Oveja – Mono – Gallo – Perro – Cerdo o Jabali, y asípodrásdescubre que te espera en el AMOR, CARRERA, FINANZAS,SALUD,FAMILIA, FENG SHUI.Además puedes conocer tu compatibilidad en el amor y el sexoconotros signos, puedes conocer algunas de las predicciones enlaeconomía.El Feng Shui, es un antiguo sistema filosófico chino deorigentaoísta basado en la ocupación consciente y armónica delespacio,con el fin de lograr de este una influencia positiva sobrelaspersonas que lo ocupan.El Feng Shui dentro de este horóscopo no puede faltar, conoceráslossímbolos utilizados como el incienso, gemas, velas y eljadeimperial. Además puedes conocer sobre activadores delamor,prosperidad, protección y las energías positivas, el gato delasuerte o conocido como Maneki Neko.HoróscoChino 2017inSpanish and FREEThe Chinese horoscope is an art that seeks to predict thelinesgoverning destinations. Based on Taoist disciplines adoptstheimage of 12 animals to represent the forces and energiesthatunfold in and out of each person.You want to know what awaits this 2017 Chinese horoscope willtellthe future for this year.Discover your sign according to their year of birth, find outwhichanimal you are in this oracle:Rat - Ox - Rabbit - Tiger - Dragon - Snake - Horse - Goat or Sheep-Mono - Gallo - Dog - Pig or Boar, and so you can discover awaitsyouin love, career, finances, health, family, FENG SHUI.In addition you can meet your compatibility in love and sexwithother signs, you can meet some of the predictions intheeconomy.Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese Taoist philosophical systemoforigin based on occupation conscious and harmonious space, inorderto achieve this a positive influence on people who occupyit.Feng Shui in this horoscope can not miss, you know the symbolsusedas incense, gems, candles and imperial jade. In addition youcanlearn about activators love, prosperity, protection andpositiveenergy, lucky cat or known as Maneki Neko.
Horoscopo Chino 2016-HoroscApp 3.0.0
Exigencia Apps
Stop! You also want to know everythingholdsforyour sign in the Chinese horoscope 2016 right?It is now possible-and in Spanish! Chinese horoscope2016withHoroscApp going to know what your Chinese Zodiac worthyandwaitingfor you this year, the Chinese horoscope LudovicaSquirru,now foryouIt's time to discover the predictions Ludovica will allowyoutoknow better next for you in this 2016, no matter if you donotknowyour Chinese zodiac 2016, no matter if you do not knowtheChinesehoroscope predictions LudovicaWith Chinese horoscope 2016 HoroscApp going to find out!Who does not want to know who holds the Chinese Zodiac2016handbetter, Ludovica Squirru?It's time to meet predictions for your Chinese signinthis2016In 2016 Chinese horoscope will discover HoroscApp- What it is the year of the monkey fire- What is your Chinese zodiac sign 2016- That you does the Chinese horoscope 2016- With who you are supported- And much more!--------------------------Chinese Horoscope 2016 wants you to know what's coming foryouinthis 2016 in a convenient and accurate way withpredictionsLudovicaSquirru-------------------------------1. What are you going to get better acquainted withyourChinesepredictions 2016 ?:* You'll know how you're going to go in finance* You'll know what lies you love this year* You will discover who have the highest compatibility* You can make better decisions* You will discover how it affects your sign onfiremonkeyyear* You will learn first-hand your health predictionsforthisyear* Finally you know if you have a chance with that person!-------------------------------2. Chinese Horoscope 2016 is not in any way:* A solution to all your problems, you must makeyourowndecisions* A guide on how to live your life--------------------------------3. What are you going to find within theChinesehoroscope2016?* You will find more accurate predictions of the Chinesezodiac2016,Ludovica-------------------------------------In conclusion, if what you want is to know that youhavepreparedthe Chinese year 2016 and how to focus each month oftheChineseyear, this is your app !, If you want to know why theyearof themonkey fire is so positive for you this is your app!andespeciallyif you want to have at your fingertips the mostaccuratepredictionsyou can find this is your app!What are you waiting for?2016 Chinese horoscope HoroscApp download and startplanningyourfuture!
Horoscopo Chino 2014 Lite 2.0
APP Milenium
Horoscopo Chino 2014 Lite, es unaaplicacionquecontiene todos los signos del zodiaco chino encuantoacaracteristicas.(elementos segun el signo, temperamentos, etc... enlaversionFull)Chinese Horoscope2014Liteis an application that contains all the Chinese zodiacsignsin termsof features.(According to the sign elements, temperaments, etc ... intheFullversion)
Chinese Lunar Calendar - 2015 1.0
PONDOK Aplikasi
This Apps will bring you a ChineseCalendar(LUNAR) for all chinese user...Compatible for all android device and easy to use ....Just download and install...Planing your holiday with this Cute Calendar...TQ and enjoy..Apps This will bring youaChinese Calendar (LUNAR) for all user chinese ...Compatible for all android device and easy to use ....Just download and install ...Planing your holiday with this Cute Calendar ...TQ and enjoy ..
My Horoscope: Chinese Zodiac 1.5
Robla Apps
My Horoscope tells you your Western and Chinese Zodiac signs.
Horoscopo chino 3.0.0
Manuel Tarot
Conoce cual de los siguientes animaleseresenel horóscopo chino 2016 :- Horóscopo chino tigre- Horóscopo chino dragón- Horóscopo chino serpiente- Horóscopo chino conejo- Horóscopo chino cabra- Horóscopo chino buey- Horóscopo chino perro- Horóscopo chino cerdo- Horóscopo chino mono- Horóscopo chino gallo- Horóscopo chino rata- Horóscopo chino caballoLa manera más rápida y sencilla de conocer tuhoróscopodiariochino totalmente gratis. No dudes en dejar tucomentario siquieresque mejores alguna sección del zodiacochino.You know whichofthefollowing animals are in the Chinese horoscope 2016:- Chinese horoscope tiger- Chinese Horoscope dragon- Chinese Horoscope snake- Chinese Horoscope rabbit- Chinese Horoscope Goat- Chinese Horoscope ox- Chinese Horoscope dog- Chinese Horoscope pig- Chinese horoscope monkey- Chinese Horoscope rooster- Chinese Horoscope rat- Chinese Horoscope horseThe fastest and easiest to know your dailyhoroscopeChinesetotally free way. Do not hesitate to leave yourcomment ifyou wantbetter any section of the Chinese zodiac.
See your Chinese zodiac animal 1.0
Zodiac animals are very important partsinChinese traditional culture, which are including 12 kindsofanimals and are used to record the years.Everybody has aSymbolizedanimal.Do you know yours? This app will show you what isyourChinese zodiac animal.