Top 18 Apps Similar to NHKまいにち中国語 第3巻

NHKまいにち中国語 第5巻 1.0
iPhoneの人気アプリ「NHKまいにち中国語」がアンドロイドに登場!!NHKラジオ「まいにち中国語」(2008年4月~9月)の音声とテキストを全6巻にまとめました。講師:荒川清秀テキスト画面を見ながら音声を聞くことができるアプリケーションです。ツールバーを動かせば、重要な例文や会話を何度でも繰り返し聞くことができます。また、画面の拡大・縮小も自由自在。覚えたいところをブックマークすることもでき、ジャンプ機能を使えば選んだ画面に簡単に切り替えることができます。第5巻では、「タクシー、友達の家での会話など」でよく使う表現を学びます。第6巻は下記の内容となっています。「病院、仕事の会話」対応機種【docomo】Xperia arc、MEDIAS N-04C、AQUOS PHONESH-12C、MEDIASWPN-06C、REGZA Phone T-01C 、GALAXY S IISC-02C、XperiaacroSO-02C、Xperia ray SO-03C、AQUOS PHONE fSH-13C【au】XPERIA acro S11S、AQUOS PHONE IS12SH、AQUOSPHONEIS11SH、REGZAPhone IS11T、REGZA Phone IS04、IS05、IS03、 SIRIUSαIS06【SoftBank】AQUOS PHONE THE PREMIUM 009SH、AQUOSPHONESoftBank006SH、Libero SoftBank 003Z、DELL StreakSoftBank001DL、GALAPAGOSSoftBank 005SH、DM009SH、GALAPAGOS SoftBank003SH
旺文社 ゼロからカンタン中国語 会話編 1.0.7
Must-see for those who are learning Chinese for the firsttime!Obunsha's "Zero to Easy Chinese" series 3rd book isfinallyavailable as an app Perfect for gap time such as commutingwith onehand operation!
CCTV Xinwen Lianbo 2.1.0
Daily Listening
China Central Television (CCTV) is thenationalTV station of the People’s Republic of China and it is oneofChina’s most important news broadcast companies. Thisapplicationplays Xinwen Lianbo News from CCTV website. Please notethisapplication is not a product of CCTV.
愛の中国語会話 1.1
エロ系の会話集などの書籍はありますが、本アプリは音声とピンインが完全対応!書籍買うなら本アプリ!キャバクラやナンパ、中国語男女との会話にぴったり!ナンパ、キャバクラ、旅行、ワンナイトラブ。純愛、ベッド、コミュニュケーション。そんなキーワードがぴったりな本アプリ。避妊や感想、ナンパや喧嘩にいたる様々な表現ができます。まさに教科書に載っていない中国語です。320個の生きた中国語はスラングあり、目を覆いたくなるような言葉も盛りだくさん!高音質な音声でお聞き頂けます。君の瞳に乾杯!可愛すぎ罪で逮捕ぉ〜!など笑いをとる例文からシリアスな告白なども本アプリにお任せください。笑いをとるにも、恋愛にもベッドでも。好きな場所で好きな場面でお使いください!こんな例文が欲しい等の意見があれば 検討していきますので、ご意見ください。Is there a book,suchaserotic system of conversation collection, butthepresentapplication is voice and pinyin is fullycompatible!Thisapplication if you buy books!Cabaret and Nampa, perfect for conversations with Chinesemenandwomen!Nampa, cabaret, travel, One Night trouble.Pure love, bed, community news application.Such keyword is perfect for this application.Contraception and comments, I can various expressionsleadingtoNampa and quarrel.This is the Chinese not just textbooks.320 pieces of a living Chinese is slang, even words such thatwanttocover your eyes miss!Guests can hear a high-quality sound.Cheers to your eyes!Arrested in too cute sin per cent ~!Please leave from sentence to take the laughter toseriousconfessionsuch as even this application such as.Also to take a laugh, even in bed in love.Please use your favorite scene in your favorite place!Since we will consider if there is opinion of thissentenceyouwant, etc., please opinions.
NHKまいにち中国語 第1巻 1.0
iPhoneの人気アプリ「NHKまいにち中国語」がアンドロイドに登場!!NHKラジオ「まいにち中国語」(2008年4月~9月)の音声とテキストを全6巻にまとめました。講師:荒川清秀テキスト画面を見ながら音声を聞くことができるアプリケーションです。ツールバーを動かせば、重要な例文や会話を何度でも繰り返し聞くことができます。また、画面の拡大・縮小も自由自在。覚えたいところをブックマークすることもでき、ジャンプ機能を使えば選んだ画面に簡単に切り替えることができます。第1巻では、中国語学習の鍵となる「発音」を集中的に学びます。第2巻以降は、日常的によく使う表現を学んでいきます。第2巻 空港・ホテルで第3巻 ホテル・学校・レストランで第4巻 買物、電話、サッカー観戦第5巻 タクシー、友達の家での会話など第6巻 病院、仕事の会話対応機種【docomo】Xperia arc、MEDIAS N-04C、AQUOS PHONESH-12C、MEDIASWPN-06C、REGZA Phone T-01C 、GALAXY S IISC-02C、XperiaacroSO-02C、Xperia ray SO-03C、AQUOS PHONE fSH-13C【au】XPERIA acro S11S、AQUOS PHONE IS12SH、AQUOSPHONEIS11SH、REGZAPhone IS11T、REGZA Phone IS04、IS05、IS03、 SIRIUSαIS06【SoftBank】AQUOS PHONE THE PREMIUM 009SH、AQUOSPHONESoftBank006SH、Libero SoftBank 003Z、DELL StreakSoftBank001DL、GALAPAGOSSoftBank 005SH、DM009SH、GALAPAGOS SoftBank003SH
NHKまいにち中国語 第6巻 1.0
iPhoneの人気アプリ「NHKまいにち中国語」がアンドロイドに登場!!NHKラジオ「まいにち中国語」(2008年4月~9月)の音声とテキストを全6巻にまとめました。講師:荒川清秀テキスト画面を見ながら音声を聞くことができるアプリケーションです。ツールバーを動かせば、重要な例文や会話を何度でも繰り返し聞くことができます。また、画面の拡大・縮小も自由自在。覚えたいところをブックマークすることもでき、ジャンプ機能を使えば選んだ画面に簡単に切り替えることができます。第6巻では、「病院、仕事の会話」でよく使う表現を学びます。対応機種【docomo】Xperia arc、MEDIAS N-04C、AQUOS PHONESH-12C、MEDIASWPN-06C、REGZA Phone T-01C 、GALAXY S IISC-02C、XperiaacroSO-02C、Xperia ray SO-03C、AQUOS PHONE fSH-13C【au】XPERIA acro S11S、AQUOS PHONE IS12SH、AQUOSPHONEIS11SH、REGZAPhone IS11T、REGZA Phone IS04、IS05、IS03、 SIRIUSαIS06【SoftBank】AQUOS PHONE THE PREMIUM 009SH、AQUOSPHONESoftBank006SH、Libero SoftBank 003Z、DELL StreakSoftBank001DL、GALAPAGOSSoftBank 005SH、DM009SH、GALAPAGOS SoftBank003SH
Learn Chinese 6.1
Start learning Chinese language today!
Is very popular with "good English" series, Chinese joins!
中国語検定4級リスニング練習問題 1.0.1
Chinese HSK Vocabulary Trainer
"Chinese HSK Vocabulary Trainer" is aChinesevocabulary learning app based on the world-standardChineseLanguage Test "HSK", which is also certified by theChinesegovernment. It is produced by Sprix Co., Ltd, whichexclusivelyholds the copyright to the past exam questions inJapan.Using example sentences from the actual exams, you can learntherequired Chinese vocabulary level by level for passing theHSK.Since you can learn just by tapping the screen, you willrapidlyretain Chinese vocabulary. All vocabulary and examplesentences andJapanese translations are voice-recorded andrecommended forlistening preparation, which is considered to be theweak point ofmany Chinese learners. This app also correspondswith"passive-listening learning" in which you can learn at anytimesuch as on the way to work or school, regardless oflocation.The HSK Japan Implementation Committee-certified "HSKVocabularyTraining" comes with a great variety of convenientfunctions forall learners of Chinese. It is especially recommendedfor thoseaiming for the "fastest passing of the HSK exam"!■□■Recorded Vocabulary■□■HSK Levels 1-5 Range of all possible questions in each level(Level6 planned)Level 1: 150 required words + 8 (158 words total)Level 2: 150 required words + 57 (207 words total)Level 3: 300 required words + 43 (343 words total)Level 4: 600 required words +107 (707 words total)Level 5: 1300 required words + 156 (1456 words total)Level 6: 2500 words■□■Convenient Functions■□■==With this it's perfect! Substantial vocabularylearningfunctions==(1) You can learn quickly with a 1-anwser-to-1-question form.(2) You will be able to enhance your learning greatly even inashort amount of time because we have put "10 questions+confirmation test" together.(3) You will be able to remember words in phrases becauseallvocabulary comes with example sentences.(4) You can also enhance your listening with thevoice-basedread-aloud function.(5) With the overall review function, you can study byintegratingonly those words that you are weak with.==Properly harness the proficiency needed to pass! 4selectablelearning modes==From beginners to advanced Chinese learners, the 4 learningmodeswill help you learn with a proper balance of "readingproficiency"and "listening proficiency" required to pass each levelofHSK.(1) "See" Chinese: ⇒ Think of the Japanese meaning(2) "Listen to" Chinese ⇒ Think of the Chinese word andJapanesemeaning(3) "See Japanese" ⇒ Think of the Chinese word(4) Continuely and passively listening to Chinese words orexamplesentences together with the Japanese translations== You can learn more efficiently! Test & checkingfunction==(1) Graph display that shows how much you have learned(2) "Read & Understand" and "Listen &Understand"confirmation tests conforming to the actual HSK exam arealsoprepared.■□■[Regarding Usage Fees]■□■•In order to use this app, you will need to follow theinstructionson the screen and purchase an exam level credit afterdownloadingthe app.•The app itself is free to download.•The price including tax for each level is as follows:Level 1: 300 JPYLevel 2: 300 JPYLevel 3: 400 JPYLevel 4: 500 JPYLevel 5: 600 JPYLevel 6: 600 JPY (planned)■□■[Inquiries]■□■•SPRIX Co., Ltd. Department of Chinese Language■□■[Recommended Environments]■□■Android 3.0 or above*excluding tablets
Japanese-Chinese Translator 2.2.1
Translator from Japanese to Chinese and from Chinese to Japanese
台湾女子ポチッっと中国語会話 2.0
楊先生のやさしい中国語講座【公式】 1.1.2
まずは、中国語になじんでもらうために4種類のジャンルをご用意いたしました。ご挨拶版旅行版買い物版食事版美人の楊先生が、やさしく丁寧にご教授してくださいますので中国語が苦手な方でも、すうーっと、理解が深まります。何回も、何回も、繰り返すことでさらに一層理解が深まります。クイズ形式になっておりますのであなたは選択解凍するだけ!シンプルかつ簡単で学習できるのが特徴です。さあ、準備はいいかな?レッツトライ!First of all, in ordertoget familiar with the ChineseFour types of genres we offer.Greetings versionTravel EditionShopping versionDiet versionBeauty 楊先 students of, so please be gentle polite toaskProfessorEven if you're Chinese is not good, Suutto,understandingdeepens.Many times, many times, further deepens is better understoodbyrepeating.Since it has become a quiz formatOnly you can choose thaw!It is a simple and easy characterized can be learning.Now, wonder if you ready?Let's try!
Learn Chinese-Hello HSK Level6 3.3.0
Learn Chinese-Hello HSK is a productresearchedand developed by the HSChinese team to specially providetrainingfor Chinese learning and Chinese proficiency test.LearnChinese-Hello HSK includes levels 1 through 6 and provideswebsite,APP and offline teaching materials.●Learn Chinese-Hello HSK provides HSK Chinesevocabulary,listening, reading, practice and mock tests to helplearners passthe level 6 Chinese test; it is a good helper forforeigners tolearn Chinese.● provides not only the Chinese teaching materials for learners,butalso the function of consulting Chinese teachers at any time inAPP;so it is convenient for students to ask teachers for help andessaycorrection.● utilizes a speech forum. Therefore, the Chinese learnerscanpractice for the oral Chinese test (HSKK); practicepronunciationand consult teachers at any time in the forum to learnChinesewell.● also provides Chinese learning or teaching materialsandafter-class exercises for teachers.[Instruction for Course Content]● Listening course: It is classified into three parts and 14typesof topics according to testing questions and common Chinesetopics,including 1200 special training questions and250-thousand-wordprofessional analysis, mock tests and detailedansweranalysis.● Reading course: It is classified into four parts and 17 typesoftopics according to testing questions and common Chinesetopics,including 1424 special training questions and250-thousand-word professional analysis, mock tests anddetailedanswer analysis.● Writing course: Unique and high-efficient pre-examinationtrainingmethod for level 6 writing, 40 brief articles based onreal life,detailed answering skills to make difficult questionseasy toanswer, mock tests and detailed answer analysis.
中国語4択6000 1.5
Sunflower Studio
中国語検定4級模擬試験リスニング付 1.0.3
Easy Chinese
Easy Chinese is a perfect tool tostartlearning chinese (mandarin) quickly and easily.It's even perfect to be used as a travel guide while you gotochina.It contains all the basic words and sentences you need to know tobeable to communicate with people.It's a really rich application containing hundreds ofwordsorganized into several categories :- Restaurant- Numbers- Greetingss- Colours- Directions- General- Dates- Hotel- Shopping- Entertainment- Emergency- Troubles- Transportation- Family- Love- Bad WordsAll the sentences are in english with theirchinesetranslation.All of them are listenable with a high quality recording of anativechinese speaker.You can consult the sentences by list, or even with an easy touseflash card system which is perfect to remember thesentences!And of course, you are able to search any sentence throughthesearch engine.No internet connection required so you can use it abroad even ifyoucan't access the internet !And of course, it's completely ad free.Enjoy !
台湾の中国語シンプル単語帳 1.0
Chinese word book in Taiwan - elementary level - I picked it upfroma textbook used at a language school in Taiwan.