Top 10 Apps Similar to PANAGANGAS

SAE Subastas 1.0.61
Subastas SAE
En esta aplicación podrás revisarlossiguientes documentos:- Convocatoria- Preregistro- Compra de bases- Pasos para participarY también podrás revisar el listado completo de lotes conlosprecios de salida y fotografías reales.In this app you canreviewthe following documents:- Call- Preregistration- Purchase foundation- Steps to participateAnd you can also check the full list of batch output pricesandactual photographs.
Subastas SAE 2.0.0
Todo para participar en SubastasSAE,Consultalos 60,000+ artículos a subastar.En esta aplicación podrás consultar la siguienteinformación:Catálogo de bienesConvocatoriaPasos para participarCompra de BasesAll toparticipateinauctions SAE Consult the 60,000+ items for auction.In this application you can view the following information:Catalog of goodsCallSteps to participatePurchase Bases
Remate Ya 1.1.1
Remate Ya es una idea basada en disminuirloscostos de transacción asociados a la adquisición debienesinmuebles por medio de subasta judicial en el país;facilitando lainformación de manera gratuita a cualquier personaque deseeadquirir un bien a menor precio del que se encuentra en elmercadobajo las normas que rigen actualmente en el país.Attempt It is anideabased on lower costs associated with the acquisition of realestatetransaction through court auction in the country;providinginformation for free to anyone who wishes to acquire anasset at alower price than on the market under the rules currentlygoverningthe country.
ProcureTiger 1.1
Online bidding made easy. ProcureTiger mobile app. allows toviewauction notice, download document and submit your bid inReverseauctions listed on You can also viewauctionresult on real time basis. All you need to do is todownloadProcureTiger mobile app. and to register yourself. It takeslessthan 2 minutes to register yourself. Features: Auction listing•Listing of reverse auctions through which you can viewauctionbrief and key configurations • You can also downloadreferencedocuments • You can submit your bid for the auction youareinterested in. Manual bid • A bid strategy that allows you tosetyour own bid amounts to control the maximum cost. • You canmanageyour bids straight through making bid increases based on anumberof factors such as position and not relying on automatedsolutions.• You can have highest level of control and the abilityto makeswift changes, be they small or large. Result • You canviewauction result on real time basis. • After successfulbidsubmission, you can see your rank. • You can also know thelowestbid price
Emirates Auction 1.9.6
Arabian Systems
Emirates Auction (EA) is the largest auction company in theMiddleEast. It has exclusive contracts to auction severalgovernments andbanks’ assets. EA built its reputation in thedistinguished numberplates where the company achieved several worldrecords. EMIRATESAUCTION diversified its activities with the samesuccess into realestates, and used vehicles with expansion to itsphysical andonline bidding. EA app is It allows you in real timeto: · Take youto a secure bilingual site; · Register, pay deposit,and placebids; · Browse through different categories of availableauctions;· View each auctionable item’s image and specifications,andmonitor bid placement movement; · Review auctions’ results; ·Takeyou to view location of auctionable property and our yardonGoogle® map; · Email our staff directly.
부동산경매다이어리 2.21
다이어리처럼 들고 다니는 실전 법원경매 가이드!!!경매다이어리는 언제 어디서든 실시간 업데이트되는 전국 경매물건을 무료로 검색하실 수 있습니다.감정평가서,인근낙찰사례, 등기부등본 요약 등 모든 검색이 무료입니다.회원간의 정보교류 커뮤니티와 스터디, 실전 사례들을 통해 경매초보에서 탈출해보세요.모의입찰게임과 수익계산기를 통해 실전에서 예상 낙찰가에 대한 감을 높힐 수 있습니다.현재 시중 금융권 경매낙찰 잔금 대출 조건 상담도 해드리므로, 경락잔금대출이 필요하시다면 입찰 전 자신에게 맞는자금운영계획을 세우세요.경매물건 현장 및 법원 등 언제 어디서든 전문 컨설턴트의 경매 상담을 받으실 수 있습니다.1000만원 미만의 소액투자부터 수익성이 높은 특수 물건까지 전문가가 자세히 분석하여 추천하여 드리며, 일반인들은모르는경매의 숨은 비화, 꼼수들도 가감 없이 풀어드립니다.※ 최초 가입 시 가입축하POINT를 적립하여 드립니다.(현재 종료)★ 기능안내 ★[경매검색] - 경매 검색 메뉴는 경매물건을 기간별, 금액별, 용도별, 특수조건 등으로 종합적으로 검색할 수있는[경매검색], 지하철역 인근 경매물건을 간편하게 찾아볼 수 있는 [역세권검색]이 가능하며, GPS에 기반한 현재위치주변의 경매사건을 검색할 수 있는 [내주변검색]기능(현재 서비스 보류중)으로 이루어져있으며, 감정평가서를 포함한경매의기본정보 뿐 아니라, 등기부등본의 요약된 정보까지 모두 무료로 이용하실 수 있습니다.[관심물건/일정] - 경매 검색을 통해 마음에 드는 경매물건을 찾으셨다면 관심물건에 추가해보세요. 이렇게 추가된 나의관심경매사건을 이곳에서 일정 별로도 관리하실 수 있습니다.[관심글] - 경매다이어리에서는 매일 업데이트되는 중요한 경매 정보와 뉴스, 고수회원들의 소중한 글들을 찜해 놓을수있습니다. 놓치기 싫은 정보나 반복해서 학습하고 싶은 글들을 [관심글]에 보관하세요.[경매TALK] - 경매TALK에는 경매다이어리에서 업데이트되는 모든 글들을 보실 수 있습니다. 최신경매뉴스,경매속보,회원들간의 정보를 공유할 수 있는 커뮤니티 공간입니다.[경매컨설팅] - 경매다이어리는 권리분석 상담을 통해 직접입찰에 참여하실 수 있도록 도와드리고 있으나,경매가처음이신분이나 대리입찰을 필요로하시는 분들을 위해 경매컨설팅업무(법원 인가 매수신청대리)를 수행하고 있고,기본적인상담을 모두 무료입니다.[모의입찰] - 낙찰가가 차순위입찰자와 차이가 많다면 낙찰을 받아도 속상하지 않을 수 없습니다. 모의입찰을통해충분한 훈련을 한다면 더 짜릿한 낙찰이 가능해집니다. 또한 모의입찰 낙찰회원에게는 경매다이어리에서 소정의POINT를적립해 드립니다. 많은 참여바랍니다.[추천물건] - 경매다이어리 전문가들의 다년간 성공사례와 경험을 바탕으로 금액대별로 수익성이 좋은 경매물건과 숨은진주같은 경매물건들을 주기적으로 추천합니다.[권리분석] - 맞춤상담에서는 부동산전문가들이 법적인 제한을 넘지 않는 범위 내에서 경매와 관련된 모든 상담을해드립니다.권리분석부터 소송, 법률상담, 경매취하와 신청, 세무상담, 맞춤 물건 검색까지 상담해드립니다.[실전STUDY] - 성공적인 경매를 위해서 꾸준한 공부는 필수라 할 수 있습니다. 전문가들의 성공경매 노하우와사례분석,회원들간의 심화토론 등을 통해 경매실력을 한 단계 업그레이드 하실 수 있습니다.★ 유의사항 ★본 어플리케이션은 경매사건별 감정평가서와 물건사진이 많기 때문에 통신사 가입요금제에 따라 데이터 이용요금이 부과될수있습니다. (Wi-Fi 사용을 권장합니다.)----개발자 연락처 :경기도 의정부시 의정부2동 600-4 영보빌딩 3층1544 - 5914Carry like Diarypracticecourt auction guide!You can find the free stuff that is updated in real time whenthecountry auctions Auctions diary anywhere. Search allappraisal,nearby sold practices, etc. This register containssummaryfree.Try to escape from the auction beginning throughinformationexchanges between community members and study,practicepractice.You can get a feel for the estimated contract price nophilinpractice through simulated games and Revenue Calculatorbid.Rimeuro current financial market conditions, the auction bidthebalance loan counseling head, you raise the funds to meettheiroperational plans before bidding if you need a loan balanceofMeridian.Auction items include field and court, you can get the advice ofaprofessional auction consultant, anytime, anywhere.Offering detailed analyzes and recommendations from asmallinvestment of less than 10 million won to profitablespecialtygoods experts, the general public does not know the hiddenspark ofthe auction, we will solve the trick even withoutacceleration.Register to earn ※ We will celebrate when the firstsubscriptionPOINT. (Now shut down) ★ ★ Features Guide[Search Auctions - Auction Search menu to search acomprehensive,such period, geumaekbyeol, Application, SpecialConditions of theauction items - Auction Search], you can view theauction itemseasy to find nearby subway station [yeoksegwon Searchthis possibleand Both are made up of the Search around me] function(of thecurrent service pending) that allows you to search theauctionevents surrounding the current location based on GPS,basicinformation on the auction, including the appraisal, as wellassummary information to the copies of the register available freeofcharge.Interest things / schedule] - If you find your favoriteauctionitems through auctions search try adding the item ofinterest. Youcan manage here by my interest in the auction calendarevents addedto this.Interest Post - auction diary can be placed jjimhaeimportantauction information and news, the important writings ofthe sticksince that is updated daily. Keep in Interest Post - thePost wantto bother learning missing information orrepeatedly.You can view all the posts that are updated in the auctiondiaryTALK Auction - Auction TALK]. The latest auction news, acommunityspace to share information between members breakingauctions.[Auction consulting - but I will help you with the righttoparticipate directly in the auction the auction diaryanalysisconsulting, consulting auction (court application proxy isthenumber of copies) for those who need the first auction totheidentity or Proxy Bid and do, and the basic advice is free.You can not bid if you do not hurt even if the differencebetweenthe contract price and the many chasunwi bidders -biddingsimulation. If adequate training is possible through a mockauctionbid more exciting. Also simulated bidding at the auction bidformembership and earn Diary of a given POINT. Formanyinvolved.We recommend periodic auction items such as pearls and thelucrativeamounts classified as blind auction items based on theexperienceand success of the auction diary professionals for years- likestuff.[Rights Analysis - The custom consultation we will allconsultationsrelated to the auction in the range that does notexceed the legallimit real estate professionals. We will consultlegal counsel fromthe right analysis, application, tax advice, tosuit, and theauction to take custom stuff search.The auction may be required for a successful study iscalledsteady-[practical STUDY]. You can also upgrades the auctiontheauction know-how and skills through case studies ofprofessionalsuccess, further discussion between the members and thelike.Any significant ★ ★Data charges may apply, depending on the subscription plan,becauseeach agency appraisal and auction events many things thisphotoapplications. (We recommend the use of Wi-Fi.)
TAU-Trade 2.0.1
TAU Corporation
TAU-Trade is an used and damage carsauctionapplication provided by TAU Corporation.With our official App, you can search and even participateinJapan's largest damage cars auction of over 400 vehiclesperday.This app is a must-have for customers who want to keep a closeeyeon their auction until it ends without being tied down totheircomputers.The TAU-Trade app gives you the latest bidding status andupdatedinformation in the palm of your hand!■Push Notifications: Bidding StatusBesides the bidding function, TAU-trade app notifies you eachtimethe price on your listing goes up with a neat pushnotification,and prompts you when another bidder places higher bidthan you.From now on you would not miss any chances!■Push Notifications: TAU's AnnouncementThe app will also inform you instantly of TAU's importantnoticesand recent news via Push Notification.
Edictos y Subastas 4.5.0 es unsistemaespecializadoen brindarte la información que losinversionistasprofesionalesutilizan al momento de invertir ocomprar propiedadesy bienes travésdel Sistema Judicial en PuertoRico y otros medios.Cualquier personapuede llegar a ser un(a)inversionista ocomprador exitoso si cuentacon la información clavey necesariapara llevar a cabo esteempredimiento. Gracias a nuestrosistemapodrás contar con estainformación de forma clara,organizada,práctica, actualizada yasistir a los diferentes eventosde subastaen los Centros Judicialesde Puerto a te permite conocer las fechasexactasdelas subasta, lugares donde se llevarán a cabo, descripcióndelaspropiedades y bienes a subastarse, pre-evaluación básicadelapropiedad o bien, fotografías y visuales siempre ycuandoesténdisponibles, información básica de los casos, entremuchosotrosdatos relevantes al proceso.Te invitamos a ser parte de nuestra comunidad deinversionistasycompradores de propiedades y bienes en PuertoRico.
AuctionACCESS Mobile 3.5.25
AuctionACCESS Mobile is a free mobile appthatgives AuctionACCESS members even more control and more accessonthe go.With AuctionACCESS Mobile, dealers can review and managetheirAuctionACCESS buying status to identify any issues thatcouldprevent them from entering the physical or online lanes.AuctionACCESS Mobile allows dealers to easily upload and submitanyAuctionACCESS document for immediate review by our customerserviceteam. By logging in, dealers can also electronically signauctiondocuments all from the convenience of their smartphone.While logged in, dealers can view their updated floor plancreditavailability with participating lenders and expand theirauctionnetwork by searching for nearby auctions. Run lists fromADESA,independent and Manheim auctions are also available and easytofilter and search.AuctionACCESS Mobile makes it easier than ever to reviewyourmembership and resolve any potential buying and sellingissues.This tool allows dealers to spend less time managingpaperwork andmore time sourcing and buying inventory in thephysical and onlineauction lanes.To fully take advantage of AuctionACCESS mobile, you must beanAuctionACCESS member and have an usernameandpassword.AuctionACCESS Mobile gives the concept of having your membershipinyour pocket a whole new meaning. Members will be able to reviewandupdate their AuctionACCESS membership from anywhere and get intoauctions as quickly as possible, giving them more time to buyandsell inventory.
Zambrano & Cía. 1.2
ZMART agency
Zambrano & Cía. es la PrimeraEmpresaNacional de Servicios Agropecuarios.Gerardo Zambrano Antón con la experiencia de más de 20 años enelrubro agropecuario, funda la empresa el 15 de mayo del año 1989.En esta aplicación encontrará toda la información relacionadaalos Remates del escritorio.Zambrano & Cia. isthefirst domestic company Agricultural Services.Gerardo Zambrano Antón with the experience of over 20 years intheagricultural area, founded the company on 15 May 1989.In this application you will find all information related tothedesktop Auctions.