Top 15 Apps Similar to English grammar for beginners CM2 0.1.1
Besoin de réviser une leçon duprogrammeavantun contrôle ou d’éclaircir une notion apprise enclasse ?Retrouveplus de 350 fiches de cours de CM2 dans toutes lesmatières!Développées avec des professeurs de l’Éducationnationale,lesfiches reprennent point par point toutes lesnotionsabordéespendant l’année.Classées par matières/thématiques/notions, le menu degauchetepermettra d’accéder rapidement et n’importe où à la leçondetonchoix.Chaque fiche de cours se présente de façonsynthétiqueetstructurée avec :“L’objectif” en début de leçon pour comprendre lesenjeuxàmaîtriserLe développement du cours organisé par paragraphes aveclesgrandstitres“L’essentiel” en fin de fiche pour récapituler et t’aideràmémoriserles notions importantesLes schémas et tableaux présents pour chaque leçontepermettrontde comprendre le déroulement pour mieuxretenirl’essentiel.Alors fini le stress de la page blanche au prochaincontrôle!Need to revisethelessonof the program before control or clarify a conceptlearnedinclass? Are more than 350 sheets during CM2 inallsubjects!Developed with faculty of Education, plugs resume pointbypointall the concepts covered during the year.Classified by subjects / themes / concepts, the left menuwillallowyou to quickly and anywhere the lesson of your choice.Each card comes over synthetic and structured manner with:"The goal" early lesson to understand the issues to masterThe development of the course organized byparagraphswithheadlines"The bottom" end of the sheet to summarize and helpyourememberimportant conceptsThe figures and tables present for each lesson willunderstandthesequence you to better retain the essential.So ended the stress of the blank page to the next control!
English Grammar Test 2.2.6
Dozens of English Grammar Tests in your phone. No books. Justoneapp.
English Grammar in Use 1.0
RO Applications
Learn English Grammar in 10 Days with NO ADS!
Englisch lernen für die Schule
Lerne Englisch mit der neuen 100%kostenlosenApp ENGLY. Spiele ENGLY um die für dich passendenVokabeln undGrammatik zu lernen. ENGLY macht nicht nur richtigSpaß, sondernbringt auch was für die Schule: Englisch Übungen, dieSpaß machenund bessere Noten. Mit ENGLY ist Sprachen lernen ganzeinfach: Dulernst Vokabeln, Grammatik, Hören, Lesen, Sprechen undSchreibenmit vielen verschiedenen Übungen und Spielen.Warum du ENGLY benutzen solltest:• KOSTENLOS und WERBEFREI: Wir nerven dich nicht mitWerbebannernund du musst auch nix in der App bezahlen umweiterzukommen: ENGLYist 100% Gratis und kostenfrei. AlsoPremium!• DIE INHALTE AUS DER SCHULE: Ein Team hier bei uns arbeitetanimmer neuen Inhalten mit den besten Themen, die bei Dir inderSchule drankommen und dich auch interessieren. Egal obGymnasium,Hauptschule, Realschule oder Berufsschule und für alleKlassen.• NEUSTE TECHNIK: Engly funktioniert mit alten undneuenSmartphones und Tablets. Wir arbeiten ständig anderWeiterentwicklung und du bekommst regelmäßige Updates.• BILDER UND SPRACHAUSGABE: Lerne die Vokabeln mitschönenBildern und vor allem: jede Vokabel und jeder Satz wirddirvorgesprochen. So lernst du auch die Aussprache. Probier dasmalbei deinem Buch.• AUSSPRACHETRAINING: Ganz neu: Nutze das Mikrofon und nimmdeineAussprache auf. Wir geben dir Feedback, wie gut du dasWortgetroffen hast.• CHAT: Klicke den Chat an und schreib uns. Wir hören dich,undantworten dir.• POKALE UND STERNE: Du magst Blingbling? Erreiche alleSterneund Pokale in den Tests. So kommst du weiter und beeindruckstdich,deine Freunde und deine Eltern.Du solltest die Aufgaben zum ersten Mal im WLAN machen,danachwerden sie bei dir zwischengespeichert und du kannst sieauchoffline wiederholen.Benutze ENGLY um für die Schule zu lernen - EasyEnglishlearning.ENGLY ist für dich, egal ob du in die 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8.,9.,10., 11. oder 12. Klasse gehst. Sowohl für Gymnasium, als auchfürGesamtschulen, Realschulen oder andere Oberschulen. EinfachEnglischlernen für Kinder, Lehrer und Familien.---------------------------------------------------------Fragen? Anmerkungen? Kommentare? Liebesbekundungen? Tadel?Lasst es uns wissen, wir leben von euren Rückmeldungen.Ihrerreicht uns über den Chat in der App, per Mail( bald auch per WhatsApp.Werdet Fan auf facebook: Instagram: bei Twitter: English with thenew100% free app Engly. Games Engly to learn the best foryouvocabulary and grammar. Engly is not only fun, but alsobringssomething for the school: English exercises that are fun andbettergrades. With Engly languages ​​is simply learn: You willlearnvocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, speaking and writingwithmany different exercises and games.Why Engly use should:• FREE and AD-FREE: We do not annoy you with advertisingbannersand you have also nothing in the app pay to get ahead: Englyis100% free and free. So premium!• THE CONTENT FROM THE SCHOOL: A team here with us workingonever new contents with the best themes that turn come to youinschool and interested in you too. Whether high school,secondaryschool, junior high school or vocational school and forallclasses.• LATEST TECHNOLOGY: Engly works with old and new smartphonesandtablets. We are constantly working on further and you getregularupdates.• PICTURES AND VOICE: Learn the vocabulary withbeautifulpictures and above all: every word and every sentence willbepronounced thee. So you learn the pronunciation. Try the timesinyour book.• DEBATE TRAINING: Brand new: Use the microphone and takeyourpronunciation. We give you feedback on how well you hitthefloor.• CHAT: Click on the chat and write us. We hear you, andansweryou.• TROPHIES AND STARS: You like Bling Bling? Achieve all thestarsand trophies in the tests. So you come on and impress you,yourfriends and your parents.You should the tasks for the first time in wireless make,thenthey are buffered with you and you can also editrepeatoffline.Use Engly to learn for school - Easy English learning.Engly is for you, whether you're going in the 3rd, 4th, 5th,6th,7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade. Both for school, aswell ascomprehensive schools, secondary schools and other highschools.Simply learning English for children, teachers andfamilies.-------------------------------------------------- -------Ask? Remarks? Comments? Expressions of love? Censure?Let us know, we live by your feedback. You can reach us viathechat in the app, via email ( and soon alsoviaWhatsApp.Become a fan on facebook: Instagram: at Twitter:
Spelling & Vocabulary Test 1.0
Spelling & Vocabulary Test it is aneasytoplay game, that helps the player to learn the correctspellingofthe words in a funny and a challenging way.Spelling & Vocabulary Testreveals the truth about your vocabulary and Spell skillsandhelpsyou improve. AppAdviceis an app which will provide the reader withvariousinnovativetechniques to remember difficult English words.Peoplewho want toimprove their English or the students who arepreparingfor examslike CAT ,MAT , GMAT , GRE , SAT , SSC, Bank PO,BBA, BBS,BCA,CET, GATE, IAS, IBPS, IELTS, IES, TOEFL, UPSC etc willfindvoltapplication extremely valuable because now they don't havetocramthose words and will save excessiverepetitiveeffortsrequired.An addictive word learning app grammar... anapproachabledictionaryand quiz machine. —TIMEIT’S A is a comprehensive program for lifelonglearningofvocabulary, in which each activity is specially chosenforyou.Build your vocabulary & speling with Magoosh'sfreevocabularyad spell game for your Android phone or tabletspeedtestyourselfevery day to learn the 1200 most importantwords!In this game a word will be shown at first, then theplayershouldfind it in a list of auto generated words as quicklyaspossibleit comes with 3 interessting and easy to costomize modes:The Easy Mode : The player should find an easy word in alistofthose only upper cases letters ( The list is easy tobecustomizeand supported by any language you want) in 60 sec (canbechanged),then after each level the time will be decreased by 1sec(can bechanged) until he reachs a minimuim value (that canbechanged). Inthis mode the game will give the player five hintspergame and 1per level (can be changed) if he takes so much timetofigure outthe letter, and also 5 helps (can be changed) ifhedoesn’tcomplete the word. This level contains 3 rows and3columns.The Medium Mode : The player should find a word in a listofthoseuppers and smalls cases letters in 50 sec that willbedecreasedafter each level. In this mode the player has 3 hintspergame and3 helps.This level contains 3 rows and 3 columns.The Hard Mode : The game in this mode became so challenging,itgivesthe player 40 sec that will be decreased by one secaftereach level.1 hint and 1 help per game and a list of wordsthatcontains uppersand smalls cases words and also numbers to makeitmore and morechallenging.each game mode has its own words list to give you anovergame’scontrol.
French English Translator 3.4.0
Pro Languages
Translator from French to English, and from English to French.
Basic English Grammar 1.0
✪ This helpful app will help to improve your Englishgrammarquickly! ✪ This application includes: ✓ 237 grammar lessonswithshort and simple explanations which are easy to remember. ✓481test lessons with the short tests you can test your knowledgeofEnglish Grammar and vocabulary. ✪ Main features: ✓ To knowthemeaning of any words, you just click on it. Immediately, theappwill translate it into your native language. ✓ Add new wordstoyour vocabulary. ✓ Support more than 100 languages. ✓ Simpleandeasy to use.
English Grammar Test 3.0
AT Production
# GRAMMAR TESTS ORGANIZED IN TOPICS / MIXED QUESTION Theappcontains English grammar tests organized in many differenttopicsor mixed-questions tests. Topics such as the distinctionbetween'finish' and 'end', 'start' and 'begin', 'do' and 'make','modalverb', 'phrasal verb', word usage, tense ... Helps you masterthegrammar points as well as how to use vocabulary so you arealwaysready for exams and tests in English. #TESTING - MODE: GIVEYOU THEFEELING OF A REAL SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS We try to design anapp whichfor each test, you will have to give the answer to 10questions in3 minutes. The result only shows up after you finishthe test. So,you will have to do it quickly and precisely. You willhave therushed feeling just like you are in a real-life exam. Ifyou answerexactly 10 questions within 3 minutes, the test will turnblue toindicate that you passed the test. Yeah! Congratulation!. Ifyoufail, do not be discouraged, review the results, rememberthemistakes, and try again. #TRAINING - MODE In the training modeofeach test, you answer a question and see the result +explanationimmediately. #SIMPLE EXPLANATION FOR EACH QUESTION Afteryoufinished a test, you can see which question you made anincorrectanswer and read the simple explanation. #RECORD QUESTIONSWHICH YOUMADE MISTAKE The app will records questions which you madethewrong answer so you can always see your strong and weekgrammarpoints. Open 'Incorrect Answers' menu item in Home screenwill openthe record of questions / that you made the wrong answerin thepast. You will use this to help you check what grammar pointthatyou're strong or weak. #MARK YOUR TEST RESULT Tests that youhaddone will be marked in many different colors: Blue for theperfectresult, green for the almost perfect result, orange for amediumresult. #RECORD THE LAST TIME YOU DO A TEST/ A QUESTIONEachquestion will be recorded, so you will know the last time youseeit or pass it. Then the app will check and notify to recommendyouto review after a while. #SHORTUT TO SOME COMMON ENGLISHGRAMMARPOINTS The app prepares some common grammar points so youcan openlearn. #POWERFUL FEATURE: INSTANT PRACTICE When you enablethisfeature, you can open a simple practice screen on top ofanotherapp which you are using such as Facebook, Instagram...Thisisdesign to help you use a few minutes of your spare time to dosomepractice. #SIMPLE BUT USEFUL Conquering each test, turning itintoa blue box is you are step by step solid in improving yourEnglishlevel. #Grammar points: - Make Sentence - Passive Voice -PastTenses - Articles - Present Tenses - Future Tense - PassiveVoice -Modal Verbs - Phrasal Verbs - Irregular Verbs - Pronouns-Adjectives - Adverbs - Relative Clauses - Noun plus Preposition-Prepositions - Adjective + Prep - Nouns - Some, any, a lotof,much, many etc. - Conditionals - Reported Speech - Gerund-Infinitives - Confusing Words - Linking Words -Expressinghypothetical meaning - Word Formation
English Grammar 2.2
MNG Mobile
The best way to improve your English Grammar
English Grammar Handbook 5.3
The good way to learn English. It is a offline handbook for you!
English Grammar Offline Free 9.04
🔵 Learn English Grammar has never been easier and simplerwiththisfree learning app. No matter you are a beginner Englishlearneroran advanced learner getting prepared for some toughEnglishtestsas well as competitive exams and curriculum exams,we’ve gotyoucovered. 🟢 This offline English learning app coversevery aspectofEnglish grammar, from the noun, adjective, andadverbs togerund,tenses, and auxiliary verbs. You just need tofollow thelessonsone by one, learn the grammar rules, keeppracticing andexercisingthe lessons to make sure you’ve masteredthe entireEnglishgrammar. 🟠 The good news is that this free Englishgrammarapp canbe used in offline mode and you don’t need to beconnectedto theinternet to get the most out of available grammarlessonsandexercises. 🟢 Learn English Grammar comes with a cleanandneatdesign and the interface is so user-friendly andtheEnglishlessons are so easy to follow, that you’ll get thewholeidea afterbrowsing through different lessons and subjects. Ifyouthink youare an advanced English learner, you may easily skiptheeasierlessons and focus on the more difficult grammarchallenges.🔷Practice & Learn English Grammar Offline MainFeatures ataGlance: ✅ Clean and neat design with a freshandintuitiveinterface ✅ Useful for both Beginner and AdvancedEnglishlearners✅ Wide range of Grammar lessons: Nouns, Tenses,Adjectives,Adverbs✅ Modal Auxiliaries, Gerund, Conjunctions &Fillers,Articles,and more ✅ Offline mode to learn and practice withnointernetconnection ✅ Constantly updating database ✅ Easy tofollowgrammarlessons ✅ Free with no in-app purchase items 🔥🔥 So,downloadthisLearn English Grammar app for free, improve yourgrammarskills,keep practicing, and let us know about any bugs,questions,featurerequests, or other you
English Grammar - Learn & Quiz 1.5
SS Media Labs
Learn English Grammar Topics with lots of examples, Quiz,Tests,5000+ Questions
Learn English Conversation - Learning & Speaking 4.3.1
★ Learn English Conversation - Listening&Speaking is the best program to learn english. LearningEnglish isa department of the World Service devoted to Englishlanguageteaching.★ Learn English Conversation - Listening & Speaking willhelpyou to improve your English Listening, English Grammar andEnglishSpeaking.★ This app support you with add-on English dictionary andautoscroll transcript.♦ LEARNING ENGLISH• Learn English through simple English Conversations: 6MinuteEnglish, English At Work, The English We Speak...• Each lesson comes with audio, transcript and vocabularylist,which help you to improve your English Grammar, EnglishSpeakingand expand your English Vocabulary.♦ PRACTICE ENGLISH• Test your English through fun English Quiz and Test.• Learn English by chatting with other English learners. Youcanlearn about English Grammar, practice your English SpeakingbyVoice Recognition when chatting.♦ FEATURES• 8 categories with audio, transcript, exercise and quiz.• Free download to use when you're offline.• Support English Dictionary.• Chat with other English learners from all around the world.• Auto update new lessons.Let's improve all of your English skills: English Listening,EnglishGrammar and English Speaking right now with LearnEnglishConversation - Listening & Speaking.
Orthographe - Francais CM1&CM2
Take your child to the level required spelling for hiscollegeentrance.
English Grammar Tests 2.5.04
Application allows you to test yourknowledgeof English language. About 500 questions includes thefollowingtopics:Using in sentencea, an, the, any, do, go, more, many, much, little, lot,asetc.If Test is over you can to start new test via "Yes - No" alert.Allstatistics will be erased.Start platform Android 1.6On-line Dictionary.Shuffled list of answers.Auto-scroll to top if Next+1 button pressed.You can do test the wrong answer.Progressbar with percentage of score. Green correct,redwrong.White text with the score.Results text on bottom of screen.