Top 17 Apps Similar to THE COOK BAR

Godfather's Pizza 1.7.5
Order pizza for takeout or delivery and earn free Godfather’sPizza!
M80 Portugal's Radio 3.5.1
Now you can listen eleven new radio stations with M80 App.
Smart Espresso Profiler 2.56.3
Easy to use tool to record and improve your espresso extractions
Rekola 8.0.3
manGoweb, s.r.o
Rekola - bikesharing for quick rides around the city
Fried Recipes 1.06
Good Cook
Fried recipes: chicken stir fry, rice, pasta, vegetables,snacks,meat, pancakes
My Cocktail Bar Pro
You have alcohol, some beverages and fruitsandwonder what cocktails you can make? My Bar is for you. Justchoosewhat ingredients you have and My Bar will show you a list ofallcocktails you can enjoy and offer to your friends.Check out the screenshots! Features:★ BROWSE ALL COCKTAILS ★ just a list of all cocktails available.Doyou really care about 9000 cocktails other applications offer?Mostof them you probably won't like. We include only carefullychosenand most popular cocktails. The cocktails you can makearehighlighted, you know that you can make it. For othercocktailsmissing ingredients are listed.★ MY BAR ★ all your ingredients in one place. For each one,quicklysee what cocktails you can make with thatparticularingredients.★ MY COCKTAILS ★ all cocktails you can make using onlyingredientsyou have. Below that list - cocktails that you almostcan make,missing one or two ingredient. You can easily see whatexactly youneed to add to your bar shelf to expand a list ofyourcocktails.★ CUSTOM COCKTAILS AND INGREDIENTS ★ Create your ownuniquecocktails and add new ingredients.★ FAVORITE COCKTAILS ★ Manage your favorite cocktails and havethemquickly accessible in a separate tab.★ MANAGE BAR ★ choose what ingredients are on your bar shelf,seehow many cocktails are available with particularingredient.★ BROWSE BY CATEGORY ★ Select a category to see only IBAofficialcocktails or shooters etc. For ingredient list select acategory tosee only strong alcohol, beveragers etc.★ COCKTAIL DETAILS ★ Description, detailed recipe withvariationsand a list of needed ingredients including garnish.★ INGREDIENT DETAILS ★ Browse all cocktails with Tequila,forexample, quickly see which of these cocktails you can makerightnow.★ SEARCH ★ Quick cocktail and ingredient search option.★ If you cannot find a cocktail you love, tell us! We willupdateour cocktail database regularly.★ Having problems with application? Want a feature we don'thave?Contact us at and we will try tohelp.
Sarpino's Pizzeria 1.2.174
Sarpino's USA
The official mobile app for Sarpino's Pizzeria is now here!
Ooni 2.22.0
Ooni Pizza Ovens
The ultimate pizza-making companion.
Mixologist - Cocktail Recipes
Daniel Lubarov
Indicate the ingredients you have available, and see what drinksyoucan make!
Sezzle - Buy Now, Pay Later 3.3.13
Sezzle Mobile
The Responsible Way to Pay.
Donesi - Food Delivery
Cocktails Guru (Cocktail) App 1.3.0
Cocktails Guru
★ Cocktail Guru with over 15 000 cocktail recipes isyourultimateguide in the world of cocktails. Do you want to exploreartofmixology from completely new / interactive perspective ?Doyouwant to learn to mix cocktails like a professionalbartender?Doyou want to gain all the knowledge to become a cocktailguru ?IfYES is answer to questions above, don't hesitateanddownloadCocktails Guru right away! Application gives you allthenecessaryinformation to prepare over 15 000 cocktails. ★ Youcanbrowsecocktails in: 1. Search function (search byname,ingredients,alcohol volume, method etc.). 2. Alphabeticallist. 3.Top 100Cocktails list. 4. Popular Cocktails list. 5.Cocktailpackages(Bloody Marys, IBA Cocktails etc.) ★ Eachcocktailcontainsinformation about : 1. Detailed description ofpreparationand allthe ingredients used. 2. Cocktails with similaringredients3.Pictures of cocktail (each user can upload pictures soyou canseemultiple images of particular drink) 4. Usercommentaries(eachuser can comment , so you can share your knowledgeandinformation)★ All ingredients are divided into 2 maincategories.Alcoholic andnon alcoholic ingredients. All theingredientscontains: 1.Detailed description. 2. Comments. ( userscan leavetheircommentary) 3. List of cocktails which can be madefromthisingredient. ★ Bartender Academy is another cool featureofthisapplication which will help you to gain knowledgeintheoreticalpart of mixing cocktails. It providesinformationregarding : 1.Bartending Tools ( You can find out whatis jigger,muddler,strainer or rest of tools). 2. Cocktail Glassware(Do youknow whatis difference between martini and coupette glass ?:) )3.Garnishes ( Read something about garnishes you canuse).4.Cocktail Types ( Want to know something about sours ormargaritas?) 5. Bartending techniques ( shaking, muddling,stirringandmore..) 6. Terminology ( This article contains all theslangyouneed to know if you are into cocktails. ) ★ If you arelookingforsome cocktail inspiration or just want to browse overnewcontentthan activity screen is right place for you to visit.Youcan findhere : 1. New pictures 2. New commentaries 3. Activityofusers youare following. ★Each user is able to build his/herownuser profilewithin application. (You need to log inusingFacebookapplication.). Once you are registered user you areable to: 1.Rate cocktails and other content (commentaries, images).2.Makepictures & cocktails favourite ("like it",those willbestoredin you profile so you can easily access them later). 3.Youcan addcommentaries. (share some of your knowledge, opinion) 4.Youcanadd picture. (share masterpiece you created / bought)5.Followother users ( you can easily see theirs activity )Wearedeveloping much more functionality so you can lookforwardmuchmore "intelligent" cocktail application. If you haveanyquestionsdon't hesitate and contact us at Guru Android App. Cocktails Guru Team.
Feed Me Cyprus 3.0.4
Mobilon Software
The easiest way to order food online in Northern Cyprus.
Sushi Shop France 1.0.3
Une envie de plats japonais ?Découvrezl’application officielle du restaurant japonais Sushi Shop!Une envie de sushi ?Sushi saumon, sushi thon… Vous avez une envie de sushis ?Vouspouvez commander des sushis simplement depuis l’applicationensélectionnant votre commande à emporter, ou en livraison, etensélectionnant la catégorie « sushi » dans la carte de nosplatsjaponais.Une envie de plateaux de sushis à partager ?Lunch box pour le déjeuner ? Sushi box ou boxes à partager…Vousavez une envie de sushi boxes ?Commandez en livraison ou à emporter vos sushi boxes préférésenvous rendant sur notre carte et en sélectionnant « Sushi Boxes»dans le menu.Une envie pour le repas de ce midi ?Découvrez nos différentes Lunch Boxes du midi avec unaccompagnementoffert par Sushi Shop, vous proposant desassortiments de sushis,california rolls, salade et bien d’autresen livraison ou àemporter.Un diner improvisé ce soir ?Sushi, maki, temaki, California rolls… avec l’application SushiShopvous pouvez commander tous vos plats japonais préférés enquelquesclics dès maintenant et vous faire livrer le jour même.Grâce àl’option livraison Sushi Shop vous pouvez prévoir vos repasàl’avance et commander une livraison à l’heure quevoussouhaitez.Découvrez aussi nos boxes à déguster seul ou à plusieurs,composésde sushis, makis, California rolls, sashimis, de 10 à 24pièces!La livraison Sushi shop :Avec Sushi Shop vous pouvez commander vos sushis, makis,sashimis,et autres plats japonais préférés en quelques clics. Lalivraisonest gratuite avec un délai de 45 minutes…. Cela n’a jamaisétéaussi simple de se faire livrer des sushis à domicile, ouautravail !Comment commander sur Sushi Shop ?Rendez-vous dans l’application Sushi Shop, choisissez votre option:livraison ou à emporter, puis rendez-vous sur notre Menu.Vouspourrez choisir les produits que vous souhaitez parminotresélection de sushi, Spring roll, California roll, maki,sushiboxes, sashimi, et bien d’autres !Une fois votre panier Sushi Shop complet, suivez les étapesdecommande, en livraison à domicile, au travail, ou à emporter,puischoisissez quand vous souhaitez être livré ou récupérervotrecommande.Pour commander en livraison différée, vous pouvez sélectionner«Plus tard » dans le menu déroulant et indiquer le jour etl’heureque vous souhaitez pour votre livraison.Vous cherchez un restaurant Sushi Shop ?Retrouvez la liste de tous nos restaurants Sushi Shop danslarubrique « Boutique » de l’application.Dans cette rubrique vous pourrez :- Trouver un restaurant Sushi Shop proche de chez vous ensaisissantvotre adresse dans la partie « Recherche »,- Trouver un restaurant Sushi Shop près de votre positionactuellegrâce à la géolocalisation qui vous propose le restaurantjaponaisle plus proche de votre position.Quels produits proposent les restaurants japonais SushiShop?- sushi : retrouvez nos sélections de sushi saumon, sushithon,sushi daurade, sushi crevette- maki : découvrez toutes nos sélections de maki saumon , makispicy, maki salmon roll , maki thon , maki saumon spicy , makithon spicy, maki avocat , maki cheese avocat et bien d’autres!- spring rolls : découvrez nos créations de Spring rollsaumonavocat, spring roll saumon spicy, spring roll saumon cheese,springroll thon avocat…- temaki: goutez à notre sélection de temaki saumon avocat,temakithon avocat, temaki thon spicy, temaki saumon spicy… quelseravotre temaki préféré ?- Sashimi : vous êtes fan de sashimi ? Découvrez nos platssashimisaumon, sashimi thon, sashimi mix thon et saumon etautresassortiments de sashimis !- Tartare : vous êtes adepte du tartare japonais ? Partez àladécouverte de notre tartare saumon ou de nos nouveautés commelesceviche.- Sushi Boxes : vous souhaitez partager un plateau desushis,dégustez nos black box de 52 à 58 pièces.A desire to Japanesefood?Discover the official app of the Japanese restaurant SushiShop!A desire for sushi?Sushi salmon sushi tuna ... You have a craving for sushi? Youcanorder sushi from the application simply by selecting yourordertakeaway, or delivery, and selecting the "sushi" category inthemap of our Japanese dishes.A desire to share sushi platters?Lunch box for lunch? Box or boxes sushi to share ... You haveacraving for sushi boxes?Order delivery or take away your favorite sushi boxes byvisitingour map and selecting "Sushi Boxes" in the menu.A desire for the meal this afternoon?Discover our different lunch Lunch Boxes with support offeredbySushi Shop, offering assortments of sushi, california rolls,saladand many other delivery or takeaway.An impromptu dinner tonight?Sushi, maki, temaki, California rolls with application ...SushiShop you can order all your favorite Japanese dishes with afewclicks now and get delivered the same day. With the SushiShopdelivery option you can plan your meals in advance and orderadelivery on time you want.Discover our boxes to taste alone or with others, consistingofsushi, maki, California rolls, sashimi, 10 to 24 pieces!Sushi delivery shop:With Sushi Shop you can order your sushi, maki, sashimi andotherJapanese dishes preferred a few clicks. Delivery is free withatime of 45 minutes .... It has never been easier to takedeliverysushi at home, or at work!How to order at Sushi Shop?Go Sushi Shop in the application, choose your option: deliveryortake away, then visit our Menu. You can choose the productsyouwant from our selection of sushi, Spring roll, Californiaroll,maki, sushi boxes, sashimi and much more!Once your cart complete Sushi Shop, follow the control steps,homedelivery, at work, or to take away, and choose when you wanttodeliver or pick up your order.To order backordered, you can select "Later" from the drop downmenuand specify the day and time that you want for yourdelivery.Looking for a restaurant Sushi Shop?Find the list of all our restaurants Sushi Shop in the "Boutique"ofthe application.In this section you will:- Find a restaurant Sushi Shop near you by entering your addressinthe "Search"- Sushi Shop Find a restaurant near your current position thankstogeolocation, which offers Japanese restaurant closest toyourposition.What products offer Japanese restaurants Sushi Shop?- Sushi find our selections of sushi salmon sushi tuna, seabreamsushi, sushi shrimp- Maki: discover all our selections of salmon maki, spicymaki,salmon maki roll maki tuna, spicy salmon maki, spicy tuna makimakiavocado, cheese maki lawyer and many more!- Spring rolls: discover our creations Spring roll salmonavocado,spicy salmon spring roll, spring roll salmon cheese, tunaavocadospring roll ...- Temaki: taste it in our selection of avocado temakisalmon,avocado temaki tuna, spicy temaki tuna, spicy salmon temaki...what is your favorite temaki?- Sashimi: you're a fan of sashimi? Discover our salmonsashimidishes, sashimi tuna, sashimi mix tuna and salmon sashimiand otherassorted!- Tartar: you are a fan of Japanese tartare? Discover oursalmontartar or our innovations such as ceviche.- Sushi Boxes: you want to share a sushi platter, taste ourblackbox from 52 to 58 pieces.
McDonalds Prep Timer 2.4.9
McDonald's Prep Timer by Antunes for managing Prep TableCondiments.
TUPUCA – Deliveries Unlimited 2.1.7
Tupuca, LDA
Place orders for delivery or pickup in Angola and DR of Congo
Blackjack Pizza 4.5.0
HungerRush, LLC
Browse our menu and place your order from your mobiledevice!Download now!