Top 11 Apps Similar to lagu anak pramuka indonesia

pantun 1.5
Irwana Studio
Poem is a poetic form consisting of four lines that rhyme bersilih
Saku Pramuka 1.0.0
Kata Pramuka merupakan singkatan dariPrajaMudaKarana, yang memiliki arti Orang Muda yang SukaBerkarya.Aplikasiini berisi materi mengenai kepramukaan yangdapatmempermudah dalamproses belajar anggota pramuka. Adapun isidariaplikasi ini yaitumengenai:- Tri Satya dan Dasa Dharma- Lambang Gerakan Pramuka- Salam Pramuka- Bendera Merah Putih Sebagai Bendera KebangsaandanPancasilaSebagai Lambang Negara RI- Sandi dan Tali Temali- Semaphore- Tuntunan Menyelesaikan SKU, dan- Pramuka Bernyanyi.Scouting isanabbreviationof the word Praja Muda Karana, which means thatSukaYouth Work. Thisapplication contains material concerningscoutingthat can facilitatethe learning process scout members.Thecontents of this applicationis about:- Tri Satya and Dharma Dasa- Coat the Scout Movement- Scout salute- Red and White Flag as the National Flag and the PancasilaastheState Emblem RI- Passwords and Ropes Rigging- Semaphore- Completed Guidance SKU, and- Scout Singing.
Lagu Anak Terbaru - Gratis!
Educa Studio
Halo Anak Indonesia..!!Siapa yang suka menyanyi? Pasti semua anak Indonesia sukamenyanyikan? Kali ini KOLAK < Seri Koleksi Lagu Anak> inginmengajaksemua anak Indonesia untuk bernyanyi bersama. Lagu anakkali inidiciptakan oleh Kak. DODI. Ada 8 lagu yang menarik danasyikdinyanyikan. Sekali mendengar, kalian pasti bisamenirukannya.KOLAK juga dilengkapi dengan gambar dan animasi yangmenariksehingga anak-anak tidak akan bosan dan terus tertarikuntukbelajar bernyanyi. Ayo kita intip lagu apa saja yang ada:DAFTAR LAGU ANAK INDONESIA1. Semangat!2. Cinta Seorang Ibu3. Anak yang Baik4. Ayo Belajar5. Bangga jadi Anak Indonesia6. Terimakasih Guruku7. Sahabat yang Baik8. Alam yang IndahLagu Anak ciptaan Kak Dodi ini berisi pesan-pesan moral yangbagusuntuk anak-anak. Misalnya saja ajakan untuk semangatbelajar,ungkapan kasih sayangs eorang ibu yang tak akan pernahhabis,ciri-ciri anak yang baik, ajakan untuk mencintai bangsaIndonesiadan masih banyak lainnya.TENTANG KOLAKKOLAK adalah aplikasi yang berisi lagu-lagu anak. Baik itu laguAnakIndonesia populer, Lagu anak dunia ataupun lagu anakCiptaansendiri. Lagua anak dikeluarkan secara series. Setiap seripastidilengkapi dengan animasi yang menarik serta narasi yangbisamembantu anak-anak yang belum lancar membaca.BANTU PENGEMBANGAN APLIKASI INIKami mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari anda, jangan raguuntukmengirimkannya ke :# Email: support@educastudio.comInformasi lebih lanjut mengenai Lagu Anak (KOLAK):# Website: Facebook: Twitter: @educastudio# Instagram: Educa StudioBagi bunda yang suka menemani anak-anak bermain dan bernyanyi,takada salahnya mencoba aplikasi KOLAK. Anak-anak takhanyamendapatkan kesenangan dalam bermain, namun juga ilmuyangbermanfaat. Belajar sambil bermain..?? Kenapa tidak..?? Ayookitatemani anak-anak bernyanyi, bersama KOLAK tentunya.. :)Hello Kids Indonesia..!!Who likes to sing? Definitely all Indonesian children love tosing,right? This time compote Indonesia would like to invite allthechildren to sing along. Child songs this time created by Kak.DODI.There are 8 songs are interesting and fun sung. Once heard,youcertainly can imitate. Compote is also equipped withattractiveimages and animations so that children will not be bored,andcontinue to be interested in learning to sing. Let's find outwhatsongs are there:SONG OF CHILDREN INDONESIA1. Excitement!2. Love of a Mother3. Children Good4. Let's Learn5. Proud to be the Son of Indonesia6. Thank you my teacher7. Good Friends8. Nature BeautifulKids Songs creation Dodi Kak contains a moral message that isgreatfor kids. For example, a call to the spirit of learning,theexpression of love sayangs eorang mother will never run out,thecharacteristics of a good son, an invitation to love the peopleofIndonesia and many more.ON compoteKolak is an application that contains the songs of children.Whetherit's a popular song Anak Indonesia, the world of childrensongs orrhymes of Creation itself. Lagua children issued series.Each seriescertainly comes with attractive animation and narrationthat helpschildren who have not read fluently.DEVELOPMENT AID APPLICATIONSWe expect criticism and suggestions from you, please do nothesitateto send it to:# Email: support@educastudio.comFurther information about Kids Song (compote):# Website: Facebook: Twitter: @educastudio# Instagram: Educa StudioFor mothers who like to accompany the children to play andsing,it's worth trying application compote. Children not onlygetpleasure in playing, but also useful knowledge. Learningwhileplaying .. ?? Why not..?? Ayoo we accompany the children tosing,along with compote of course .. :)
Indonesian preschool song 1.15
Most popular and complete Indonesia Kids Song of All Time
Lagu Anak Indonesia 11.1
Indonesia set of popular children songs with audio, music andlyricsoffline
Marbel Pramuka Indonesia 5.0.2
Educa Studio
Applications learn and play to support the scouts ★★★★★
Aplikasi Panduan Pramuka 1.0.0
Clip Art Studio
Panduan pramuka praktis dalam bentuk aplikasi Android.Berisiberbagai materi kepramukaan yang sangat berguna bagi parapenggunadalam mengikuti kegiatan pramuka. Dilengkapi denganilustrasisehingga sangat menarik dan mudah dipahami.
AD ART Pramuka 1.0.0
Moh Chariri
Aplikasi ini berisi tentang AnggaranDasardanAnggaran Rumah Tangga Gerakan Pramuka berdasarkanhasilKeputusanMusyawarah Nasional (Munas) No:11/Munas/2013 Tahun2013 diKupang,NTT 2-5 Desember 2013.Thisapplicationcontainsthe Statutes and Bylaws of the Scout Movementbased on theDecisionof the Conference National (NationalConference) No: 11 /Munas /2013 in 2013 in Kupang, NTT 2 to 5December 2013.
Kids Song Interactive 03 Lite 1.04
Hicca Studios
Kids Song InteractiveContains children rhyme and beautiful animation.Combininginteractive media and audio visual animation help todlerto sing.Kids Song 03Contain Old Mc Donald, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, HappyBirthday.Childern popular Rhyme.Through an animated character Uwa and Friends, we invitechildrenlearn singing simultaneously interact with Uwa, Mica, Pito.So theyare not easy bored and can played anywhere and anytime.★★★ UNLOCK VERSION ★★★✔ Sing Along Mode✔ Ads Free✔ Full 30+ Animations★★★ MORE FEATURES ★★★✔ Enjoy 3 kids popular song for children 0-5 years✔ The lyrics are easy to read✔ More than 30 animations and items to interact✔ Cute illustrations with beautiful colors✔ Funny sound effects from Uwa, Mica, Pito✔ You can play music without any network connections★★★ PLAYLIST★★★✔ Old Mc Donald had a Farm✔ Twinkle Twinkle Little Star✔ Happy Birthday to you
Lagu Anak Indonesia Kak Zepe 1
Educa Studio
Halo Anak Indonesia..!!Siapa yang suka menyanyi? Pasti semua anak Indonesia sukamenyanyikan? Kali ini Kolak ingin mengajak semua anak Indonesiauntukbernyanyi bersama.Lagu anak kali ini diciptakan oleh Kak ZEPE. Ada 12 laguyangmenarik dan asyik dinyanyikan. Sekali mendengar, kalian pastibisamenirukannya. KOLAK juga dilengkapi dengan gambar dan animasiyangmenarik sehingga anak-anak tidak akan bosan dan terustertarikuntuk belajar bernyanyi. Ayo kita intip lagu apa sajayangada:DAFTAR LAGU ANAK01. Kebun Binatang02. Kaki Hewan03. Buaya04. Binatang Nocturnal05. Sifat Air06. Bunga Mawar Yang Indah07. Bagian Pohon08. Akulah Matahari09. Ciptaan Tuhan10. Sebanyak Bintang di Langit11. Senyuman Sedekah Sederhana12. Asyiknya BersekolahLagu Anak ciptaan Kak Zepe ini berisi tentang indahnya alamdanmengenal dunia hewan. Diharapkan dengan adanya lagu ini,anak-anakdapat belajar mengenal alam yang bervariasi dan sangatindah untukdijaga. Kemudian anak-anak juga dikenalkan denganberbagai macamhewan seperti buaya, binatang nocturnal dan masihbanyak yanglainnya.TENTANG KOLAKKOLAK adalah aplikasi yang berisi lagu-lagu anak. Baik itu LaguAnakIndonesia populer, Lagu Anak Dunia ataupun Lagu AnakCiptaansendiri. Lagu Anak dikeluarkan berseri secara rutin olehEducaStudio. Setiap seri pasti dilengkapi dengan animasi yangmenarikserta narasi yang bisa membantu anak-anak yang belumlancarmembaca.TENTANG KAK ZEPEZ. P Heru Budhianto. K. P S.S atau yang akrab disapa Kak Zepelahirdi kota gudeg, Jogja. Pernah mengajar di sekolah TamanKanak-kanakTunas Gading Jakarta selama satu tahun dan SekolahDasarBerstandard Internasional Saint Peter Jakarta sebagai gurubahasaInggris selama dua tahun. Saat ini Kak Zepe aktif mengajar diTopTraining Centre, sebagai guru Bahasa Inggris tingkat TK, SD,SMP,SMA, dan mahasiswa. Lebih dari 500 lagu yang telah KakZepeciptakan untuk anak Indonesia.BANTU PENGEMBANGAN APLIKASI INIKami mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari anda, jangan raguuntukmengirimkannya ke :# Email: support@educastudio.comInfo lebih lanjut KOLAK:# Website: Facebook: Twitter: @educastudio# Instagram: Educa StudioBagi bunda yang suka menemani anak-anak bermain dan bernyanyi,takada salahnya mencoba aplikasi KOLAK. Anak-anak takhanyamendapatkan kesenangan dalam bermain, namun juga ilmuyangbermanfaat. Belajar sambil bermain..?? Kenapa tidak..?? Ayookitatemani anak-anak bernyanyi, bersama KOLAK tentunya.. :)Hello Kids Indonesia..!!Who likes to sing? Definitely all Indonesian children love tosing,right? This time Kolak would like to invite all Indonesianchildrento sing along.Child songs this time created by Kak Zepe. There are 12 excitingandfun songs sung. Once heard, you certainly can imitate. Compoteisalso equipped with attractive images and animations so thatchildrenwill not be bored, and continue to be interested inlearning tosing. Let's find out what songs are there:SONG OF CHILDREN01. Zoo02. Walking Animals03. Crocodile04. Nocturnal Animals05. Nature of Water06. Roses Beautiful07. Section Tree08. I am the sun09. God's Creation10. A total of Stars in the Sky11. Smile Alms Simple12. Fun AttendsKak Zepe Lagu Anak creation is about the beauty of nature and gettoknow the animal world. Expected by this song, children can learntoknow nature is varied and very beautiful to be maintained. Thenthechildren are also introduced to a wide variety of animals suchasalligators, nocturnal animals and many others.ON compoteKolak is an application that contains the songs of children.Whetherit's a popular Indonesian Children Songs, Songs or SongsKids WorldChildren's own creation. Kids Songs glow issuedroutinely by EducaStudio. Each series certainly comes withattractive animation andnarration that helps children who have notread fluently.ON KAK ZepeZ. P Heru Budhianto. K. P S.S or familiarly called Kak Zepegudegborn in the city, Yogyakarta. Never taught schoolKindergartenTunas Gading Jakarta for a year and Elementary SchoolSaint PeterJakarta international standard as an English teacher fortwo years.Kak Zepe is currently actively teaching at Top TrainingCentre, asan English teacher of kindergarten, elementary, juniorhigh, highschool and college students. More than 500 songs thathave beencreated for children Kak Zepe Indonesia.DEVELOPMENT AID APPLICATIONSWe expect criticism and suggestions from you, please do nothesitateto send it to:# Email: support@educastudio.comMore info compote:# Website: Facebook: Twitter: @educastudio# Instagram: Educa StudioFor mothers who like to accompany the children to play andsing,it's worth trying application compote. Children not onlygetpleasure in playing, but also useful knowledge. Learningwhileplaying .. ?? Why not..?? Ayoo we accompany the children tosing,along with compote of course .. :)
100 Lagu Anak Campuran 1.0
Morefun Studio
100 Lagu Anak Campuran100 Lagu Anak Campuran adalah aplikasi laguanak-anakIndonesialawas dan barat yang masih menjadi lagu idolaanak hinggasaatiniBerisi kumpulan lagu anak populer indonesia dan barat danpalinghitdari artis-artis cilik tanah airKumpulan lagu anak nusantara dan Inggris yang sudah pastidikenaldandihafal semua anak-anak IndonesiaDownload lagu anak-anak terfavorit era tahun 80an dan 90anSebuah aplikasi kumpulan MP3 lagu anak Indonesia terpopulerdanlaguanak Inggris yg abadi sepanjang masa.Pas untuk anak usia paud maupun TK, untukbalita,anak-anakplaygroup, kindergarten dan anak SDDeretan lagu untuk anak Indonesia terbaik dan lagu anakbaratyangdisesuaikan dengan jenjang usia dimana antara nada dansegibahasamasih sangat indah dan patut untukdidengarkananak-anak.Kumpulan lagu anak-anak yang merupakan aplikasiuntukmengedukasianak dengan lagu-lagu yang sesuai dengan umuruntukmembentukkarakter anak menjadi lebih baikAnak anda suka rewel dan mengganggu kegiatan rutin Andadirumah?Daripada memarahinya untuk diam, lebih baik perlihatkantabatauhape Anda untuk menonton video-video lagu yangcocokuntukanak-anak, lagu lokal yang dapat dimengerti pesandanamanahsehingga anak anda akan menjadi anak yang ceriadanterdidikDaftar 100 Lagu Anak Campuran** TOPI SAYA BUNDAR** pok ame-ame** SOLERAM** DIOBOK OBOK** HAPPY BIRTHDAY** A B C D** MAKAN APA** NONA MANIS** SEMUT KECIL** DUA MATA SAYA** SI KOMO** NINA BOBO** lihat kebunku** happy birthday** AMBILKAN BULAN** dua mata saya** nama nama hari** tik tik bunyi hujan** odong-odong** si kancil** topi saya bundar** selamat ulang tahun** abang TUKANG BAKSO** BAPAK MANA BAPAK** HELLI** KOTEK KOTEK otek** SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN** KASIH IBU** CUBLAK SUWENG** MENANAM JAGUNG** naik KERETA APIKU** naik-naik kepuncak gunung** TOP 30 RHYMES** Top 10 Nursery Songs Collection** Songs from the UK** Baby Rhymes Playlist. Preschool Learning Songs** Animals Nursery Rhymes Playlist for babies and children** Toddler Kindergarten Preschool Baby Songs** Instrumental Kids' Songs and Nursery Rhymes** Frozen Snow Finger Family Nursery Rhymes** Wheels On The Bus** Dinosaurs Finger Family** Kids Songs - ABC Songs for Children** Cookies Nursery Rhymes Songs** Baby SpiderMan Crying in Prison** Baby Nursery Songs** Top Nursery Rhymes for Babies and Toddlers** Songs For Kids And Children** LEARN ENGLISH NURSERY RHYMES** ENGLISH NURSERY RHYMES** SLEEPING BUNNIES** Mummy Finger Family Children** PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN LEARNING** ABC Song Baby** Alphabet SongSemoga terhiburFeatures :- Most popular Indonesia and World kids songs- Beautiful animation with adorable characters fromUwaandFriends- Easy to learn song lyric- Available features karaoke- Can be play offline (without internet)- Kids Friendly interfaceLEGAL INFO AND LICENSE=====================Sounds and tones used in House Music Ringtones areunderCreativeCommons license (CC0 1.0, CC BY 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0, CCBY4.0),credited in the app, where appropriate.On YouTube , Creative Commons videos (CC BY 3.0) are videosthatyouare free to :_ Share : you can copy and redistribute them in anymediumorformat_ Adapt : you can remix, transform, and build upon themforanypurpose, even commerciallyThis track's license, Creative CommonsAttribution,requiresattribution. If you use this song in a video,cite thecreatorusing the info below:Dapatkan Koleksi VCD Original Produksi TETA RECORD MADIUN ditokoVCDdi kota anda.Untuk Info Pemesanan Silahkan Hub: 081234110300Detail Produk kunjungi : content provided in this app is available in publicdomainbyapi.If you have the feeling there is a direct copyrightortrademarkviolation that doesn't follow within the "fairuse"guidelines,please contact us100 Kids Songs Mixed100 Kids Songs mixture is application Indonesianchildren'ssongand western legacy is still a child idol song todateContains a collection of popular children's songsandwesternIndonesia and most hits by artists little homelandA collection of children songs and British archipelagothatisdefinitely known and memorized all the kids IndonesiaDownload songs from your children in the 80s and 90s eraAn application is a collection of MP3 songs Indonesianchildrenthemost popular and enduring songs that British childrenofalltime.Fit for early childhood and kindergarten age children,fortoddlers,children playgroup, kindergarten and elementaryschoolchildrenRows of Indonesian children the best songs for childrenandsongswestern adjusted for age levels where the tone and termsoflanguageis very beautiful and deserves to be heard kids.A collection of children's songs which are applicationsforeducatingchildren with songs that match the child's age to formacharacterfor the betterYour child like fuss and bother your regular routine athome?Ratherthan scold him to be silent, better show your tab orphoneto watchvideos of songs suitable for children, local trackwhichisunderstandable message and mandate so that your childwillbecome acheerful and educatedRegister 100 Kids Songs Mixed** MY HAT ROUND** Pok ame-ame** Soleram** Diobok meddle** HAPPY BIRTHDAY** A B C D** WHAT DO YOU EAT** MISS SWEET** SMALL ANTMY TWO EYES **** SI KOMO** LULLABIES** See my garden** Happy birthday** TAKE THE MOON** My two eyes** Names of the day** Tik tik sound of rain** Odong-odong** the deer** My hat round** Happy Birthday** Brother TUKANG BAKSO** WHERE IS FATHER** Helli** Cackle cackle otek** HAPPY BIRTHDAY** A MOTHER'S LOVE** Cublak Suweng** PLANTING CORN** MY TRAIN ride** Climb up to the top of the mountain** TOP 30 Rhymes** Top 10 Nursery Songs Collection** Songs from the UK** Baby Rhymes Playlist. Preschool Learning Songs** Animals Nursery Rhymes Playlist for babies and children** Toddler Kindergarten Preschool Baby Songs** Instrumental Kids' Songs and Nursery Rhymes** Frozen Snow Finger Family Nursery Rhymes** Wheels On The Bus** Dinosaurs Finger Family** Kids Songs - ABC Songs for Children** Cookies Nursery Rhymes Songs** Baby SpiderMan Crying in Prison** Baby Nursery Songs** Top Nursery Rhymes for Babies and Toddlers** Songs For Kids And Children** LEARN ENGLISH nursery rhymes** ENGLISH nursery rhymes** SLEEPING BUNNIES** Mummy Finger Family Children** PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN LEARNING** ABC Song Baby** Alphabet SongHopefully entertainedFeatures:- Most popular Indonesian and World kids songs- Beautiful animation with adorable characters fromUwaandFriends- Easy to learn song lyric- Available features karaoke- Can be play offline (without internet)- Kids Friendly interfaceLEGAL INFORMATION AND LICENSE=====================Sounds and tones used in House Music Ringtones areunderCreativeCommons license (cc0 1.0, CC BY 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0, CCBY4.0),credited in the app, where Appropriate.On YouTube, videos Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) are videosthatyouare free to:_ Share: you can copy and redistribute them in anymediumorformat_ Adapt: ​​you can remix, transform, and build upon themforanypurpose, even commerciallyThis track's license, the Creative CommonsAttribution,requiresattribution. If you use this song in a video,cite thecreatorusing the info below:Get the Collection of Original Production VCD TETA RECORDMADIUNinVCD shop in your town.For info Booking Please Contact: 081234110300Product Details visit: The content Provided in this app is available in public domainbythefire.If you have the feeling there is a direct copyrightortrademarkviolation that does not follow within the "fairuse"guidelines,please contact us