Top 50 Apps Similar to Activity Scheduler

SalesRabbit Mobile Sales Tool 6.26
We’ve got you covered from lead to close. SalesRabbit’sdigitalsales tools will accelerate your teams, optimize yoursalesprocess, and increase your overall sales performance.“Salesproduction has increased by 35%+ per year since we startedusingthe system.” - Marc Cram, Caliber Lead Management Keepingtrack ofyour leads is as important as keeping track of your reps.We’vegiven you the tools to do both, so it’s never been easier tomove alead through the sales funnel. Upload your own lead lists andmapthem out for your teams to work. Quickly assign leads andleadgroups to your reps. They can then use the routing feature tofindthe quickest path between all of their leads. These and othertoolshelp your teams work strategically and effectively moveleadsthrough your funnel. Team Management Staying organized is oneofthe biggest challenges that sales teams face, so we’ve madeiteasier than ever to track your reps, customers, andterritoriesgeospatially. These tools will ensure that your repssave time andstreamline your sales process. Our leaderboardsfeature will trackyour teams and provide you with up-to-date teamperformance data.Managing your reps will be easier than ever.Qualification Don'twaste time with unqualified leads. Know earlierin the salesprocess who is a good fit for your product and directyour efforttowards optimal prospects. Our DataGrid Residentialprovides youwith homeowner information-including income level,buyer/renterstatus, soft credit checks and more-for a fast, easyway toidentify your ideal lead. You can also use our creditchecksoftware to qualify your customers in as little as 15minutes.Business Search Working in B2B? Our DataGrid businesssearchprovides information—including address, phone number,website, andmore— for all the businesses within your area. You canuse keywordsto narrow your results, routing to find the best pathbetweendifferent locations, and our lead management to track yourprogresswith each of them. It’s the smartest and quickest way toprospectand sell. Presentation & Proposal Our digital salestools allowyou to upload your own presentations, videos, PDFs, andmore sothat they're accessible in the field. Use them to train yourrepsor to create a much more engaging presentation, proposal,andcustomer-creation process. It's a great way to standardizeyoursales process across your teams and more effectivelycommunicatewith your prospects. Forms & Contracts Finalizingyour sales isnow completely digital and hassle-free. Create yourown customforms and contracts to meet specific company needs.Customers canalso digitally sign the agreement, so you can closedeals quicklyin the field and head to the next prospect.Integrations Connectyour SalesRabbit account with hundreds ofpowerful web services.We'll do all the heavy lifting and keep yourdata connected, safe,and secure. We're constantly adding to ourlibrary of integrationsso you can enjoy increased functionality, nomatter what industryyou're in. “It is now the MOST important toolused by our salesteams. It has increased our efficiency, led tohigher sales, andallowed us to communicate nationwide with all ofour reps.” - EarlKoskie, Fuse “SalesRabbit has cut the timemanagers put into areamanagement by at least 50% and in a programwhere more time ismoney, the use of SalesRabbit literally pays foritself.” - ErickDemarco, Satellite Guru “As a salesman, it’s soimportant that youknow your leads and where you have knocked, etc.SalesRabbit is theULTIMATE solution for this. I got many salesbecause of it and wasable to truly feel organized.” Brian B,G2Crowd Not part of a team?Use SalesRabbit Lite and benefit fromusing a free door to doorsales app. Download this app and click the"Register for Lite"button.
Tinycore - CPU, RAM monitor 4.0.0
NeoTech Software
Try out our new game Pixie Dust: Tinycore is a systemmonitor app that makesyourstatus-bar just a little more useful byadding a CPU orRAMindicator to it. The indicator is a few pixelshigh line whichisby default added to the top-right corner ofthestatus-bar.Functionality Tinycore features a highlycustomizableexperience,minimalistic and innovative Holo design andiscompletely designedto be lightweight (low system footprint).WithTinycore monitoringyour devices CPU or RAM becomes much easierandinteresting.Features Tinycore is fully compatible withmulticoredevices, runson Android 2.2+, is completely free but someadvancedfeatures canbe unlocked using in-app purchase. Monitortypes: • CPUusage • CPUfrequency • RAM usage • Battery levelCustomizationoptions: •Fore- and background color • Height &Width •Position •Orientation • Auto boot • Update interval •Status-barbehavior •Notification behavior • And many moreDevelopment Followthedevelopment on XDA: Follow usonFacebook: FAQ Q: What doesthe weightoption?A: If you have more than one monitor the weightoptionsspecifieshow the layout is divided between the monitors.Forexample onemonitor can take up 70% of the available spaceandanother monitorthe remaining 30%. Q: I purchased the proversionbut is does notactivate. A: Quit the app and restart it withaworking internetconnection, this should fix your problem. Ifyouhave stillproblems make sure your purchase was successful. Q:DoesTinycorerun when the screen is off? A: No, Tinycore keeps alowsystemfootprint and stops monitoring.
Smartplan 1.27.2
The official Android App for Smartplan.
Coast - Employee Messaging and Scheduling 8.0.12
Coast is a team messaging, employee scheduling, shiftplanning,andtask management app. Coast makes it easy for you tocreateworkschedules and communicate with your staff on the go — allinoneplace. Try Coast today for free! Over 10,000+ workplacesuseCoastfor their work scheduling, team messaging, taskmanagement,shiftplanning, and checklists. Why workplaces loveCoast: ✔Improvesteam communications ✔ Better work scheduling ✔Simpleandeasy-to-use ✔ Easy to get started ⭐ Coast is free to useforallbusinesses and getting set up takes less than 60 seconds.UseCoastto improve team communications, message people andgroupswithoutsharing phone numbers and see exactly who’s readyourmessages.Create chat groups for specific teams, departments,orwhatevergrouping is relevant to your business.Easilybroadcastannouncements or attachments to everyone in yourteam.Coast haseverything you need to improve your team’scommunications.Reduceconfusion with better team scheduling. Quicklyshare thescheduleto the whole team and get confirmation on who hasseen itor not.Employees can view the most up-to-date scheduleanywhere andcaneasily cover any open shifts and request shiftswaptrades.Managers can approve or deny the shift swaps the tap ofabutton.You can use Coast to keep your team on the same pageandmake suretasks won’t fall through the cracks. Easily assigntaskstospecific individuals or teams and get confirmation thattheyhaveseen it. Reminders are automatically sent before the tasksaredueto make sure no task is forgotten. You can alsocreaterecurringtasks that can repeat on a daily or weekly basis soyourteam canalways be notified to complete important tasks.💬Improveteamcommunications • Connect your entire team withoutsharingphonenumbers • Send messages to everyone on your team,specificgroups,or have direct 1:1 conversations • Createteam-wideannouncements •Share unlimited photos and files with yourteam •Easily search allyour chat history and find what you need •Seeexactly who’s readyour messages 📅 Better Scheduling • Easilysharethe work schedulewith the entire team. • Know who has seentheschedule • Fill openshifts quickly by letting your whole teamseeopen shifts • Approveor deny shift trades • Allow employeestocommunicate with oneanother about their shifts 📝Task Management•Assign tasks toanyone on your team or specific groups •Reminderswillautomatically be sent before the due date to ensuretasksgetcompleted • Get notified when tasks are completed•Createrecurring tasks that can repeat on a daily or weeklyschedule✔️Create checklists • Create checklists for any proceduresyou have•Ensures consistency amongst your stuff •Improvesaccountabilityfor tasks ⭐ Everything in one place •Keep allyourwork in oneplace •Know where things stand at a glance Coastisavailable onany device, so you can find and access your workfromanywhere.Coast is the ultimate employee messaging andteamcommunicationtool for your business. Try it for free!
MyTime Scheduler for Merchants 13.4.3
Melian Labs Inc
ABOUT MYTIME SCHEDULER MyTime Scheduler is seven productsinone,available right from your Android device! • Onlineschedulingandappointment calendar • Client Relationship Manager(CRM) • PointofSale and Inventory Management (POS) • InstantMessenger (IM)•Business Intelligence and Analytics (BI) •AutomatedMarketing(Email and SMS) • Web Presence Tool (ListingandReputationManagement) The MyTime Scheduler app syncsautomaticallywith yourbusiness account, and setup only takes a fewminutes! Callor emailus to setup a free demo with a MyTimeBusinessAdvisor:1-888-423-1944, To learnmore, MYTIME SCHEDULER FEATURES Getthisfreeapp as part of your MyTime Scheduler account, and accessallofthese features on-the-go: * Online Scheduling:Manageyourappointment schedule on-the-go. View your entire scheduleandadd,reschedule, cancel or accept appointments right from theapp.SinceMyTime is the only system currently integrated intoGoogleSearch,Bing Search and your Facebook Page, it's moreimportant thaneverto see appointments coming into your phone inreal-time. *ClientManager: Keep your clients right in your pocket.View eachclient’sappointment history and notes and photos, and evensetcustomprices for individual clients that only they can seewhenthey bookyou. * MyTime Communicator: Instantly message yourclientsforfree. Exchange images, respond to questions, and more -rightfromthe app! No more sharing your personal cell phone numbertoreceivetext messages. * Point-of-Sale (POS): Take paymentrightfrom yourphone (sales tax tips, discounts, coupons, andstaffcompensationare all built-in). Easily track inventory andacceptpayments fromclients for both services and retail products.Addtips, gift cardpurchases, packages,and additional serviceswithjust a tap. Needto apply a discount? Choose between a flatdollaramount orpercentage off the total. Accept credit cards, cash,andchecks.Scan bar codes (UPC) to add retail products andeasilyupdate stocklevels. Pro tip: use our external Bluetooth cardreaderto swipecards and speed up checkout. * Beautiful Analytics:It'stime tounderstand what's really driving your business.Whichservicesgenerate revenue? Where are you bookings coming from?Whoare yourbest customers and staff members? These and manyotherquestionswill be answered instantly! * Personal calendar sync:Weknow workand personal can become intertwined. Easily syncyourphone'scalendar during setup and you'll never be doublebookedagain.Anytime you update your MyTime schedule, yourclientswillautomatically receive notifications abouttheirupcomingappointments. They’ll even get reminded when it’s timetobooktheir next appointment. Even better, all businessesusingMyTimeScheduler are listed in the popular MyTimeMarketplacewheremillions of people come to find and bookappointments eachmonth.You'll get notified every time a clientbooks! Have questionsorfeedback? Reach out to us anytime We’dloveto hear from you!
Basecamp 2 2.0.10
The official app for Basecamp 2, the world's #1 projectmanagementapp.
TimeStation 1.6.2
TimeStation, LLC
Turn your Android phone or tablet into a cloud-basedtime&attendance system Using our Fast-Scan technology,employeescanpunch In & Out in less than a second, andbecauseTimeStationruns in the cloud, there’s no software or serverstomaintain.Managers can see who’s in and run time andattendancereportsanytime, anywhere. TimeStation is the perfectsolution forsmalland medium businesses looking to track time andattendancewithoutthe usual costs and overhead of traditionalsystems.Theversatility of TimeStation allows for a widevarietyofapplications: ● Track employee time and attendanceforyourbusiness ● Track student attendance for your school ●Trackmemberattendance for your club or group ● Track timespentacrossmultiple projects or clients Setup your FREE accountinminutes ▶ Visit To:●CreateYour account ● Manage Employees ● Print Employee Cards ●RunTimeReports ▶ Features: ● Turn your Android phone or tabletintoacontactless Time & Attendance System ● Employees canPunchIn& Out in less than a second with our Fast-Scantechnology ●Getup and running in minutes, by printing your ownemployee cards●Cloud-based solution means there's no software orhardwaretoinstall and maintain ● Off-Line Mode allows employees toPunchIn& Out even when there's no internet connectivity●Managershave access to a full range of online reports totrackattendanceand calculate pay ● Employees can punch by PIN whentheircard isnot available ● GPS Location Tagging ● SupportsMultipleLocationsand Departments ● Department Transfers ● Exportdata toExcel andother programs ● Support for Manual TimeAdjustments ▶Pricing:TimeStation is FREE for organizations with upto 10employees.Affordable monthly plans available forlargerorganizations.
Acuity Scheduling Client 1.3.7
Squarespace Inc
Book Appointments & Classes
Acuity Scheduling Admin
On-the-Go Client Scheduling
Forwood CRM 1.67.6
*** Please note that a user account on a Forwood portalisrequiredto run the App. *** The Forwood Mobile Verification Appisdesignedto securely capture critical control verificationsattheworkplace. The app, which guides users through aseriesofquestions in relation to the safety of their workenvironment,isseamlessly adaptable to online and offline situationsand willsyncall verifications to the Forwood Safety CRM portal onreturn toaWi-Fi environment. The Forwood Mobile App gives theuserstheability to: • Quickly browse and perform Verificationsinanyworkplace situation • Upload photo evidence and addcomments•Create on the spot Action Plans to rectifydangerousworksituations • Pinpoints exact locations of theVerificationbeingperformed due to Site maps and Geolocation ability•Seamlesslysync all captured Offline Verifications to theForwoodSafety CRMPortal when back in a Wi-Fi environment Forwood isagroup ofpassionate, values driven professionals with a laserfocusonfatality prevention. We have created a robustCriticalRiskManagement system that will change the way safety ismanagedinevery industry. Our CRM has been implemented in some ofthelargesthigh risk operations in the world and together withthepeople whowork in these locations it has deliveredprofoundresults. It isthe Forwood Dream to eradicate fatalitiesfrom theworkplace andmake these unacceptable events a safetystatistic ofthe past.
OpenCart Mobile Admin 3.0.32
Pinta Webware
The mobile application is designed specifically for owners ofonlinestores operating on the OpenCart platform. TheOpenCartadministrative module from Pinta Webware is an easysolution forthose who want to manage their business at any time andfrom anygadget. Opencart module is not only a universal freemobileapplication that helps you quickly and easily view themaininformation about the goods, change the status of the orderandinformation about the customers. Owners of stores are alsoofferedadditional functionality for a nominal fee, which enables:‌• addphotos; ‌• edit products; ‌• to change the prices of goods;‌• movegoods by category; ‌• on / off product; ‌• change the statusofgoods. Benefits: ‌• a simple, intuitive interface that allowsyouto manage the online store intuitively; ‌• the minimum weightofthe mobile application Opencart (less than 10 MB) will notpreventyou, even with a small amount of memory of your gadget; ‌•awell-thought-out functional that satisfies any requirements ofthestore owner; ‌• technical support and regular updates. Features:‌•quick overview of sales by period; ‌• visual graph ofstatistics;‌• push notifications of new orders; ‌• Filtering andsearching bygoods and customers. Opencart Mobile Admin is thesimplicity ofmanagement and control over your online store 24/7.For theoperation of our application, you must additionally installthemodule on your online store. You can download the module fromthelinkbelow*Our application works on android N, it can support multi-mode **Ifyou have any questions with the installation of the module, youcanwrite to, and we will install it for free.
Field Service 244.6.13
The Field Service mobile app by Salesforce
JetBrains Space 2023.5.25 (154)
JetBrains s.r.o.
The integrated team environment
ForceManager mobile CRM 3.59.2
Work from anywhere with CRM, Sales and Leads from ForceManager
TIMIFY Mobile 4.44.0
TerminApp GmbH
TIMIFY Mobile App for Business
Tableau CRM Analytics 13.2.0
Tableau CRM (formerly Einstein Analytics) lets Salesforceuserstaketheir data with them everywhere. Tableau CRM transformstheway yourcompany uses data, making every employee moreproductiveso you cangrow your business faster. And with the TableauCRMAnalytics app,any Sales Cloud or Service Cloud user caninstantlyget relevantanswers and Einstein-powered predictions inaSalesforce nativemobile experience. With actionable analyticsinthe palm of yourhand, business will never be the same.
Basecamp - Project Management 4.5.1
Basecamp, the refreshingly simple and effective projectmanagementplatform.
Pethyoeung e-Health ID 1.2.0
e-Health ID -Your Health is in Your Hand!
Opmetrix 8.5.3
Opmetrix Limited
Opmetrix is a cloud based consumer goods CRM solutiondesignedspecifically for mobile sales and merchandising teams. Notonlydoes it deliver quality CRM, Opmetrix includes everythingneeded tomake sales teams professional and ready to do business.Opmetrixreduces time spent on administrative tasks, increaseselling powerto sales teams and delivers key sales and activityreports tomanagement. Tap into success with Opmetrix: • CustomerManagementSystem – contacts, call notes, history • Sales Module –order,invoice, credit and quotes • Merchandising module -distributionand shelf checks • Survey module – multiple questiontypes •Promotions module – deals and compliance • Objectives module– setstore goals and monitor progress • Leave Planner module – sickdaysand annual leave entry and admin reporting • Image cataloguewithsearch, zoom and sales functions • Electronic signature capture•Photo capture • Printing to KitKat-compatible printers • ConnecttoBluetooth barcode scanners • Activity reporting based on time,callcoverage and location (GPS) • Analysis reporting – budgets,autoemail reports With the Opmetrix app, sales teams sell more andgainefficiencies in every call they make. Opmetrix is more thanjust anapp. We back our application with outstanding local supportand aconstant focus on innovation. Opmetrix requires a useraccountcreated by your Opmetrix administrator to sign in; contactyourhead office to set up a new account. A demo login isavailablein-app.
Free CRM 1.6.7
** Your Data is 100% Private and is never, ever sold or sharedinanyway ** With Free CRM, you can manage all of yourdeals,contacts,companies, and tasks on the move, and stayconnected toyour leads,customers, and your team. You can managecustomersupport requests,documents, collect data with forms, andmanageeverything withreports. Share data with your entire team -goahead and add all ofyour teammates, and get everyone in thesamedatabase, and know thestatus of every lead and customer. WithFreeCRM, you can manage: •Contacts • Companies • Leads,Prospects,Sales • eMail Marketing& Campaigns • Vendors •Partners •Donors • Tasks • MultipleCalendars, Team Calendar •Deals,Pipelines, Quotes and Estimates •Products and Services •Documents• Calls & Call Reports •Customer Support Cases • SMSand VoiceCalling Other great features:• Google Sync • Facebook •Twitter •Twilio • Stripe • QuickBooksOnline • IMAP / SMTP Sign upand tryour powerful Free CRM. We havetons of great features on ourfreeplatform including unlimitedrecords and storage. Free CRMfromCogmento comes with unlimitedusers and unlimited datastorage.Track your sales pipeline andincrease customer supportwith a CRMsystem. We have a Free versionthat has unlimited storageand usersand can get your business up androlling. We have premiumfeaturesif you need them, like email andsms marketing, callcenterfunctions, and premium customer servicefeatures. That'sright --you can use our Free CRM with your entireorganization andstoreeverything on our cloud, for free. What's thecatch? Simple.We donot provide support for free, and we havepremium featuresthat areoptional. If you want to send out SMS oremail campaigns,then youwill need to upgrade. * requires a validemail address andSMS /mobile phone to sign up for high security and2 factor auth.If youneed our Pro edition you can add features from$2 to $25 permonthas an in-app purchase.
Visual Support
With Visual Support by SightCall, show what you see to experts.
AVEVA Insight
AVEVA Insight brings real-time data to your mobile device-anywhere, anytime.
Teamup Calendar 1.15.12 (504)
Teamup is an online calendar application for groupstoorganizepeople, plan and visualize use of resources, scheduleworkandtrack statuses, facilitate signups and share events, etc.It’seasyand free. Sign in to a free user account to staysynchronizedwithall your calendars accessible on the Web or via theapps acrossalldevices. Or simply connect an existing calendar withor withoutauser account. Key features • Color-coded events •Instant syncwithother users and across all your devices • 9 levelsofaccesspermissions • Centrally managed by the calendaradministrator•Widget for Home screen • Link to location maps •Option topreventdouble-booking • Support for custom fields •Display emojisforcategories of events defined in custom fields •Easy timezoneconversion • Support for repeating events • Supportforeventsignup and comments • Event filtering by keyword andcustomfield •Dashboard for quick access to multiple calendars •Offlineaccess •Assign one event to multiple sub-calendars withstripeddisplay •Dark mode Enjoy! Check out the tutorial and learnmoreat
Pipeliner CRM 4.15.1
Pipeliner CRM - The Most Vital Mobile CRM Features,Anytime,Anywhere
mobile-calendar 5.1.1
mobile-calendar room booking calendar and reservationsmanagementsystem
SuperOffice Mobile CRM 10.1.1
Have all CRM data and functionality at your fingertipswiththelatest version of the SuperOffice CRM app designed forusersofversion 9 or later. SuperOffice Mobile CRM app gives youaccesstoyour entire CRM system anywhere anytime. Scheduleorreschedulemeetings and activities, communicate to colleaguesorsave newinformation – all while on the go. Make informeddecisionsfasterand easier from wherever you are and see yourproductivitypeak!Key features: - Access all CRM data - includingcontacts,projects,sales and documents - View sales dashboards andpipelinesandupdate information on the go - Access diaries andcreatenewappointments and activities - Get reminders of upcomingeventsormeetings - Scan business cards and automatically saveorupdatecontact and company information - Call or messageanycontactdirectly from the app - See any updates on your projects-Savepictures and documents directly from your iPhone or iPadtoyourprojects and activities About SuperOffice CRM:SuperOfficeCRMsoftware helps businesses manage their customerseffectivelyandplan strategically. SuperOffice CRM provides you withall thetoolsyou need to organize your marketing, sales,andservicesconsistently and efficiently from one place. Integrateallyourcustomer information in one place, so every user inyourcompanywill always get a 360-degree view of everycustomer,ensuring morerelevant and personalized customer journeysandhandling everytime.
EyezON Mobile 0.6.5
Complete Smartphone control of your DSC or HoneywellSecuritySystem.
Calabrio WFM MyTime 1.2.9
Calabrio AB
Calabrio WFM MyTime requires a minimum Android versionof5.0Calabrio WFM MyTime is a fully functionalinteractiveapplication,allowing users of the Calabrio WFM solutionto view andmanagetheir work schedules. The Calabrio WFM MyTime appiscompatiblewith Cloud and On-Premise installations, to allowusersto checkand manage their schedules from anywhere at any time.Userscanview their schedule day by day, week by week or monthbymonth.Using clear and simple pages, users can clearly seeallactivitiesduring a day, when they are scheduled for lunch,whattime theyfinish, what overtime they are working. It’s alsopossibleto viewteam members’ schedules, allowing easy coordinationformeetingsand other activities. Users can easily notify anyabsencedue tosickness, request vacation, and check the status ofarequest.Advanced, but simple to use features, also includethesetting ofavailability and shift trades. Setting availability isagreatfeature for many agents, but especially for part timeworkerssuchas students, who need to be able to vary their worktimes.Througha powerful shift trading functionality users canquicklyadaptworking times with colleagues to suit their ownlifestyle, allwitha few simple finger touches. A great feature foragents, and ahugetime saver for their supervisors. Naturallynotificationsandmessages can be viewed so you can quickly know ofanychanges.Please Note: A customer's IT department must allowagentsto haveaccess to MyTime from the Internet before this app maybeused.
FieldBee Toolbox 6.3.1
eFarmer BV
Get your FieldBee L1/L2 GNSS receiver or RTK L1/L2 basestationready for work
fieldd 3.0.58
Modern Scheduling for Modern Services.
Chronus: Flat Weather Icons 1.3
An add-in Weather Icon Set for Chronus andtheCyanogenMod cLock Widgets.NOTE: This is only supported in version 3.4 and laterCopyright:Published with permission from MIKE AFFORDMEDIA( is a partial set of weather icons authorised for usewithinthe Chronus and cLock Widgets. The included icons are notforre-sale - please do not redistribute, sell, rent, load,give,sublicense, or otherwise transfer them.The original and full set of weather icons is availablefrom
LEGEE-688 2.485
Brings floor cleaning robot to a new era by introducingTalentClean.
World Clock Pro - Timezones
Timezones in the palm of your hand.
Informant 5 - Calendar 5.01.157
Fanatic Software
Personal Organizer for Calendar, Tasks, Projects, Notes andContacts
Workast - Organize your work 1.5.0
Workast, Inc.
Workast is the best project management platform for Slackteams.Workast helps teams manage projects, tasks, events, clientsandto-dos easily. Use your Slack account to sign up in less thanaminute and keep track of work in both Slack and Workast,creatingtasks quickly and seeing what needs to be done wherever youlike towork. In fast paced conversations, tasks often get missedand workleft undone. Workast helps record and track action items sothatwork is never forgotten about again. Team members know exactlywhatneeds to be done and feel more organized, less stressed andfocusedwhen they have their work in Workast. What can you do withWorkast:- Add a task for projects, reminders, ideas, to-dos andrequests -Create and manage projects, clients, customer requests,daily workand ad-hoc tasks - Add due dates, assignees, followers,files andadditional information to tasks - Comment on tasks or makechangesto existing tasks - See all the tasks assigned to you so youknowexactly what needs to be done - Keep track of all the tasksthatare due today so you don’t miss any work - Review all theworkyou’ve completed in Workast and your accomplishments - Getnotifiedof any task updates and changes - Create and manage tasksdirectlyin Slack Free to download and unlimited usage: - TryWorkast outfor free - Upgrade Workast for larger teams and advancedfeatures
Anchor! 2.9
A noisy anchor drag alarm with emergency alert by SMS
vCita CRM for Mobile
With over 100,000 small businesses, vCitanowenables your team to interact with your clients anywhereyougo.vCita app for Android is more than just a CRM, it takes careofscheduling and appointment booking, email notifications &textreminders, invoices, credit card payments and file sharing. Allinone place, in-sync with your current email and calendar, andnowavailable on your phone.vCita also brings your business website to life with theLiveSiteapp, capturing more clients online, and providing yourclients aplace where they can schedule, pay, complete forms anduploaddocuments.App Features:* Access all your contacts, appointments, invoices, paymentsanddocuments.* Create, edit and view client records* Schedule appointments* Manage your calendar* Send invoices and accept online payments
Manage your installations and connected agenda with MyCOMPANY appbyJABLOTRON
BeatRoute -CRM SFA
BeatRoute is an Intelligent, GPS based, Field Execution appforField Force
Project Schedule IAP 2.6.2
Thorsten Krämer
Mobile project management and task scheduling
CalDAV-Sync 0.4.32
dmfs GmbH
Brings CalDAV to Android since 2011.
Anchor Alarm 1.12.5
w+h GmbH
The anchor watch for your boat
AlwaysOn® Wellness 11.6.0
The AlwaysOn®​ Wellness app connects you with your wellnessprogram24/7.
Maps Measure 1.5.1
Measure the world! Calculate distances, areas and elevationsinGoogle Maps
NetSuite 9.1.18
Take your business with you, with the official NetSuiteforAndroidapp. Designed especially for people on the go, youcansubmitexpenses, approve transactions, access customer data andkeeptrackof key metrics with KPIS and dashboards, meaning you'llneverbeout of touch when you're out of the office. NetSuiteforAndroidsupports all standard roles and instantly adapts toyourlanguagepreferences. Feature Highlights: Dashboard Keep trackofyourbusiness in real-time with KPIs, scorecards, trend graphsandmore.Expense Reporting Track expenses, capture receipts,andcreateexpense reports with just a few taps. Time TrackingTrackyour timewith Timer, view your reported time in Timesheetandsubmit timeentries directly into NetSuite. Business ActionsApproveexpensereports, purchase orders, and timesheets. Convertestimates,acceptpayments, bill sales orders and more. Calls andActivityLoggingEmpower your sales force with call tracking andactivityloggingcapabilities. Records View, create, and edit recordsof alltypesincluding custom records. Recordcustomizationsworkout-of-the-box. Add record lists to Favorites innavigation.SavedSearches View results and drill down to recordsfrom anySavedSearch. NetSuite Calendar Manage your calendar acrosslist andweekviews. View calendars of fellow employees. N.B.Customer,Vendorand Partner Center roles are not supported Byinstalling thisappyou agree to the End User
Neil Penman
Collect data using forms, manage tasks and provide intelligentuserfeedback.
Calendar: Meeting & Scheduling 3.6.006
Take control of your calendar.
Business Tasks 1.6.19
Powerful tasks organizer - including repetitions, prioritiesanddrag&drop sort
FieldPulse 5.3.16
Flicent Inc
Take FieldPulse with you on the go with the FieldPulseAndroidapp.Run your service business from anywhere; easilymanagecustomers,schedule jobs, dispatch team members, and sendoutinvoices andestimates. Keep a pulse on your business with realtimestatusupdates and full traceability. Whether a company of 1or100,FieldPulse helps keep your service business organizedandrunningsmoothly. -Customer management and historical data-Jobschedulingand team member dispatching -Mobile estimatesandinvoicing -Taskmanagement -Activity feeds and status updatelogging-File andphoto attachments -Team member location mappingAFieldPulseregistered account is required to log into theFieldPulseAndroidapp.
OI Lead Adviser 5.5.16
The OI Lead Adviser app allows the user to conduct leadershipOIvisits.