Top 18 Apps Similar to Entrepreneur Game

Santander Universitário
O APP é o jeito Santander de conectar vocêcomseu mundo. Com ele, você fica por dentro de oportunidadescomovagas de estágio e emprego, descontos e promoçõesincríveis.Todos os universitários podem acessar sem necessidade de cadastroeclientes Santander podem solicitar gratuitamente a CarteiraMundialdo Estudante - ISIC.Veja o que o APP do banco que mais investe em educação no mundotempara você:• Encontre e “favorite” vagas de estágio e empregodisponibilizadaspela Universia Emprego.• Conheça e inscreva-se nos Programas de Bolsas deEstudosInternacionais do Santander Universidades.• Solicite gratuitamente a Carteira Mundial do Estudante - ISIC,sefor cliente Santander Universidades. Com ela você podeaproveitarmais de 44 mil benefícios em todo o mundo.• Acompanhe ofertas de até 50% de desconto no Santander Esfera,umarede de benefícios que faz o seu dinheiro valer mais.• Fique sempre atualizado com as notícias e novidades domundouniversitário, como cursos, bolsas de estudos, benefícios edicaspara esta fase da sua vida.• Lançamos o Empreenda Santander, uma oportunidade incríveldereconhecimento de projetos de universitários, startupsemicroempreendedores.Antes de baixar este aplicativo, é muito importante vocêsaberque:• Caso novas funcionalidades do aplicativo passem a solicitardadospessoais dos usuários, antes da coleta, avisaremosquaisinformações serão solicitadas. A opção pelo fornecimento ounãodessas informações fica sob a responsabilidade do usuário, oqualtambém terá ciência das consequências de sua decisão.• O Santander não se responsabiliza pelo conteúdo de websitesdeterceiros: (a) cujos endereços estejam disponíveis naspáginasdeste aplicativo ou (b) nos quais o endereço desteaplicativoesteja disponível.• O Santander também está isento de responsabilidade no caso deoaplicativo permanecer fora do ar, ou na ocorrência de falhasnosistema, no servidor ou na conexão à internet, inclusive poraçõesde softwares maliciosos, como vírus, cavalos de troia e outrosquepossam, de algum modo, danificar o equipamento ou a conexãodosusuários, em decorrência do acesso, da utilização ou danavegaçãoneste aplicativo, bem como a transferência de dados,arquivos,imagens, textos, áudios ou vídeos contidos noreferidoaplicativo.• Salvo disposição em contrário, todo o conteúdo das páginasdesteaplicativo, incluindo bens imateriais, pertencem ao Santanderou aterceiros que licitamente cederam seu direito de uso.• Os termos e as condições constantes na presente PolíticadePrivacidade poderão ser modificados, total ou parcialmente,aqualquer momento, pelo Santander, em virtude de alteraçõesnalegislação ou nos serviços, em decorrência da utilização denovasferramentas tecnológicas ou, ainda, sempre que, aexclusivocritério do Santander, tais alterações se façamnecessárias.• Novos serviços eventualmente disponibilizados nesteaplicativoestarão automaticamente sujeitos à política vigente àépoca de suautilização.• O Santander trabalha exaustivamente para assegurar queasinformações divulgadas neste aplicativo sejam tãoprecisas,atualizadas e completas quanto possível, contando comcontrolesapurados de monitoramento das informações fornecidas.Contudo,estas características não podem ser garantidas.The APP is theSantanderway to connect you with your world. With it, you stayinsideopportunities to apprenticeship positions and jobs, discountsandamazing deals.All students can access without the need for registrationandSantander customers can request free the World Student Portfolio-ISIC.See what the bank APP that invests the most in education intheworld has for you: • Meet and "favorite" apprenticeship positions and jobs providedbyUniversia Employment.• Learn about and sign up in the Scholarship ProgramofInternational Studies of Santander Universities.• Request free the World Student Portfolio - ISIC, ifcustomerSantander Universities. With it you can enjoy more than44,000benefits worldwide.• Track offers up to 50% off at Santander Sphere, a networkofbenefits that make your money worth more.• Stay up to date with news and academia, such ascourses,scholarships, benefits and tips for this phase of yourlife.• We launched the Wage Santander, an incredibleopportunityrecognition of university projects, startups andsmallentrepreneurs. Before downloading this app, it is very important youknowthat: • If new application features start to ask for personal dataofusers, before collection, let you know what informationisrequested. The option for providing or not this informationisunder the user's responsibility, it will also be informed ofhisdecision to consequences.• Santander is not responsible for the content of thirdpartywebsites (a) whose addresses are available on the pages ofthisapplication, or (b) in which the address of this applicationisavailable.• Santander is also exempt from liability in the case oftheapplication remain off the air, or in the event of systemfailures,server or Internet connection, including by malicioussoftwareactions such as viruses, Trojan horses and others could inany waydamage the equipment or the connection of users, as a resultofaccess, use or browsing of this application as well as thetransferof data, files, images, text, audio or videos contained inthatapplication.• Unless otherwise specified, all content of the pages ofthisapplication, including intangible assets belong to Santander ortothird parties who have legally ceded their rights of usage.• The terms and conditions contained in this Privacy Policy maybemodified, in whole or in part, at any time, at Santander, duetochanges in legislation or services, due to the use ofnewtechnological tools, or even always that in the sole discretionofSantander, such changes are necessary.• New services possibly available in this application willbeautomatically subject to the current policy at the time ofitsuse.• Santander works extensively to ensure that theinformationdisclosed in this application are as accurate, currentand completeas possible, with established controls monitoring oftheinformation provided. However, these features can notbeguaranteed.
Education 1.1
Banco Santander
Santander Education App provides you withthebest video courses in a variety of topics such asBusiness,Technology or even Photography. Santander Education offersyou thepossibility to learn anywhere, anytime, and always from thebestexperts in each field. Use this app to discover courses insubjectssuch as:* Technology* Business* Marketing* Cooking* Photography and more
Udemy - Online Courses 9.25.0
Achieve your goals with online courses in Coding, Python, and more.
Online Entrepreneur Start Up 2.4
For most entrepreneurs, selling isn’t easy. And selling onlinecanbe even more challenging. How do we as entrepreneursdigitallymarket ourselves in a way that serves rather than sells?As anentrepreneur, we don’t have to be a sleazy salesman to makemoney.In fact, when we merge our heart, gifts and desire to helpintodigital marketing, we’re living the true purposeofentrepreneurship. Allow this entrepreneur startup app supportyouwith daily action steps for creating an offer thatyou’repassionate about selling online. Start up entrepreneurs areoftenoverwhelmed with everything they have to do to launchtheirofferings online. This free app is here to give youtopentrepreneur ideas and business ideas to make selling onlineandmarketing online easy. With this free app, you’ll get daily steptoeither make a career change and quite your job or take youronlinebusiness to the next level. Entrepreneurship and digitalmarketingcan be challenging to navigate. No worries! Every day,you’ll getaction steps and business ideas to make selling onlinesimple. Withthis free online entrepreneur app you’ll get: -Dailyaction step-Digital marketing tools -Free resources -Business Ideas-Marketingstrategies -Clear steps to make selling online easy Takeyourbusiness ideas mobile. Get business tips to create, market andsellonline. Create a career that gives you the freedom you desireandstart making sales online. Help generate entrepreneur ideasandmake marking fun. Get business ideas to help in yourcareer,marketing, and entrepreneurship. Read marketing tips, salestips,and career tips to help you succeed. Marketing digitallyrequiresstrategies for selling and closing sales. Entrepreneurshipisdemanding and our app will give you the marketing tips necessarytomake entrepreneurship a lot easier. With this application youwillwalk away with strategies to market online, market digitally,andsell your offer fast. We have hundreds of business ideas tohelpyou market, sell, create content, plus the tools to sell.Sellingonline can be easy with our app. Have Business ideas to getyourbusiness online and start selling online. Learn how to makesalesonline with out being salesy. Business ideas for: HealthcoachesHealers Life and relationship coaches WomenentrepreneursHeart-centered business owners Consultants EducatorsAnd anyone whohas a gift to offer Start up entrepreneurs need ideasto keep theirbusiness thriving - Content creation ideas, digitalmarketingtools, and business ideas to help you push forward.Running out ofbusiness ideas and marketing ideas, try ourapplication to makeentrepreneurship easier. Beyond marketingdigitally you’ll needbusiness ideas that convert to sales. We willhelp you in yourcareer to assure business success. Get freeresources forentrepreneurs, business owners, and digital marketers.Leave yourjob and have a real career utilizing digital marketing.Focus onthe gifts you have to share and get your business ideaslaunched.Become an entrepreneur, and working on a start up, withour topdigital marketing ideas, business ideas, and businesscoaching.Sell fast, market with ease, and be guided to yourbusinesssuccess. Owning your own business can be made easier withthe rightdigital marketing tips, business tips, andentrepreneurshipcoaching. Learn how to start your own business.Learn to digitallymarket your product or service with our app.Become an entrepreneurwith the right business ideas to launch.Selling online can be alot simper with the right business ideas andentrepreneur ideas.Use this free app to make creating a career youlove easy. Becomean entrepreneur that can travel the world.
Quantic School of Business 2.1.23
Pedago, LLC
MBA and Executive Education
PMP Step by Step 1.2
PMP Step by Step application helps you prepare for theProjectManagement Professional exam with small steps. You solve onetestafter another of all PMBOK Guide knowledge areas, and step bystepyou develop your competencies.It is the only PMP prep application which measures yourprogressin a clear way to motivate you to learn systematically.Theapplication follows natural learning process adopted bysuccessfulPMP holders.Our customers say in reviews:"Awesome application. Its really helpful those who are preparingforPMP. One word to describe this app is simply awesome.""Great app Finally found an app that I enjoy learning from!!""Tried many apps this is Outstanding Must have for studyingforPMP""Good Teaching Aid in your Palm. Easy to understand styleandquestions are tough but situational based - very good."You do not need to have internet connection to use it. Youjustdownload all the content to your mobile device and use it evenwhenyou offline.REMEMBER TO SYNCHRONIZE THE LATEST CONTENTAFTERINSTALLATION.The application implements learning strategy validatedbynumerous PMP holders:Step 1. Learn chosen knowledge area of PMBOK GuideStep 2. Measure your competence with mock examStep 3. Write down your progressStep 4. Repeat the test or choose another knowledge areaStep 5. Do it until you reach 80%-90% in each knowledge areaofPMBOK GuideStep 6. From time to time download new content when it isavailable(the application will notify when new content isavailable)How to use it:1. Launch the first test - "PRETEST" and answer allquestions.2. Check your initial knowledge level in Statistics (in thesidemenu).3. Move on to next tests in all knowledge areas ofPMBOKGuide.4. Regularly check how your knowledge level increases inStatisticsuntil you reach at least 65%.5. Synchronize the content with our server from time to time (intheside menu) to get the most up-to-date questions andarticles.Features:- Over 600 PMP (Project Management Professional) and CAPM(CertifiedAssociate in Project Management) mock examquestions- Tests similar to the real PMP exam environment- Questions prepared by certified PMP, PgMP, andPMI-ACPholder- Over 20 hours of learning- Application prepared by award winning company (PMI Awards in2007,2009, 2010, 2013, 2014)- Explanations of each question- Over 50 articles- Clear path of learning- All content available offline (it can be synchronized when youareonline)- Dozens of articles about PMI standard - PMBOK Guide- Reporting knowledge level over time- Reporting knowledge level by knowledge areas- Automatic update of current content from our server- Adding and browsing favourite tests and articles- Presentation of knowledge areas on interactive diagramThe application is consistent with PMBOK Guide the 5thedition.It contains test questions on the level of CAPM andPMPcertificate. PMP Exam Step by Step application can also behelpfulwith PgMP exams, where knowledge of PMBOK Guide isrequired.The questions are prepared by authors with PhD inmanagement,PMP, PgMP, PMI-ACP certified project managementpractitioners.Publisher of this app, Octigo received global PMI Awards in2007,2009, 2010, 2013, and 2014 for project managementtrainings,including PMP preparation training - Colosseum.20 hours of learning was calculated this way:- 600 questions - a minute each for solving and 0.5 minuteforanalyzing explanation,- 60 articles - 5 minutes each.If you have any opinions, please send us e-mail: szkolenia@octigo.plPlease note, if you have problems downloading purchasedcontent,check if you have enough free space on your device.
Emprende 1.0
Las personas exitosas tienenhábitoséxitosos.El secreto está en lo que hacemos día a día enlaconstrucción denuestro carácter. Todo emprendedor necesitaaprendera utilizarherramientas que potencialicen sus talentosyhabilidades.El emprendedor y empresario de hoy necesitaunaeducacióncoherente, práctica y real a los tiempos, que loequipeparaafrontar los retos. No importa que tan buena sea laidea,lascondiciones del mercado y los recursos económicos,sielemprendedor no tiene carácter para aprovechar todo esolodejaráperder.Si deseas desarrollar una actitud emprendedorayquieresconvertirte en empresario esta aplicación es para ti.Successfulpeoplehavesuccessful habits. The secret lies in what we do everydayinbuilding our character. Every entrepreneur needs to learntousetools that create the potential talents and skills.The entrepreneur and businessman today needs acoherent,practicaland real-time education, which equip them tomeet thechallenges. Nomatter how good the idea, market conditionsandeconomic resources,if the entrepreneur does not have to takeallthat nature will leavelosing.If you want to develop an entrepreneurial attitude andwanttobecome an entrepreneur this application is for you.
PMP Trainer 0.9.6
Covers updates to PMP Exam 2016introducedin2016.PMP Trainer is your personal trainer on your smart phone.Ithelpsyou prepare for the Project Management Professionalexamwithautomatically planned schedule. You answer hundredsofquestions ofall PMBOK Guide knowledge areas and you monitoryourprogress overtime.PMP Traines applies simple philosophy: small steps aday,andevery day. You answer automatically generated set ofquestionseachday. The applications analyze your progress andsuggestsquestionsof areas requiring improvement.You do not need to online to use it. You can just downloadallthecontent to your mobile device along with application andyoucan useit even if you offline.Features:- Over 800 PMP (Project Management Professional) andCAPM(CertifiedAssociate in Project Management) mockexamquestions- Tests similar to the real PMP exam environment- Automatic trainer measuring progress and assemblingtestseverydayto achieve set learning objective- Manual selection of knowledge areas to be tested- Questions prepared by certified PMP, PgMP, andPMI-ACPholder- Over 20 hours of learning- Application prepared by award winning company (PMI Awardsin2007,2009, 2010, 2013, 2014)- Explanations of most questions- All content available offline- Reporting knowledge level over time- Reporting knowledge level by knowledge areas- Reading questions and explanationsThe application is consistent with PMBOK Guide the 5thedition.Itcontains test questions on the level of CAPM andPMPcertificate. PMPTrainer application can also be helpful withPgMPexams, whereknowledge of PMBOK Guide is required.The questions are prepared by authors with PhD inmanagement,PMP,PgMP, PMI-ACP certified project managementpractitioners.Publisher of this app, Octigo, received global PMI Awardsin2007,2009, 2010, 2013, and 2014 for projectmanagementtrainings,including PMP preparation training -Colosseum.20 hours of learning was calculated this way:- 800 questions - a minute each for solving and half aminuteforanalyzing explanation,If you have any opinions, please
Coursera: Online courses 3.29.0
Learn on the go with the Coursera AppforAndroid. Access more than 1,000 courses andSpecializationsdeveloped by 140+ of the best colleges anduniversities in theworld, and advance your career or continue youreducation bymastering subjects from Python programming and datascience tophotography and music.Learn from top instructors in an engaging learningexperience:• Browse 1000+ courses in a variety of subject areas, from math,tomusic, to medicine• Stream lecture videos online any time, or download forofflineviewing• Transition seamlessly between web and app learning,withcoursework, quizzes and projects saved across bothplatforms• Learn in dozens of languages, including Chinese,Spanish,Portuguese, French, and Russian• Earn Course and Specialization Certificates and share yoursuccesswith employers, colleagues, and friendsAdvance your career or continue your education insubjectslike:• Computer Science: Programming, Mobile and Web Development• Data Science: Machine Learning, Statistics, ProbabilityandData• Business: Accounting, Marketing and Entrepreneurship• Sciences: Robotics, Chemistry, Nutrition, and Medicine• Art, including Design, Photography, Music, andCreativeWriting...and hundreds more!Earn a Certificate:Joining Coursera is free. To qualify to earn a certificate,enrollin a range of Specializations by paying per courseorSpecialization.Get to Know Us: http://www.coursera.orgLike Us on Facebook: Policy: of Service:
Mercadeo y Negocios 4.4.1
Los mejores Podcast de NegociosInformación Actualizada para Empresarios y EmprendedoresAudios de Marketing y Negocios en EspañolAlgunos Temas que manejamos:- Casos de Estudio- Estrategias de Negocio- Marketing Digital- Educación Financiera- Recomendaciones para su NegocioBestBusinessPodcastUpdated Information for Employers and EntrepreneursSounds of Marketing and Business in SpanishSome topics we handle:- Case Studies- Business Strategies- Digital Marketing- Financial literacy- Recommendations for Business
Passei Direto - App de Estudos 6.29.0
Materials for enem, contest, graduation and post, high schoolandfundamental
Electric Company Party Game 1.0
HEY YOU GUYYYYYS! Marcus and Jessica are stuck on PranksterPlanetand they need your help! Complete physical challenges,sillybrainstorms, and math questions in this exciting multiplayergame.From wacky challenges to counting races, this game will haveyourteam laughing and learning as you add, draw, discuss, think,act,problem solve, and dance your way back to Earth. The app isbased onthe PBS KIDS series The Electric Company.KEY FEATURES•Collaborative play•Digital board game•Hours of unrepeated fast-paced games, physical challenges,andgroup activities•Play as your favorite Electric Company memberEDUCATIONAL GOALSThese goals are part of 1st and 2nd grade math andliteracycurricula and include:•Geometry•Addition and subtraction•Data analysis and graphing•Telling Time•Coin value and recognition•And more!About The Electric CompanyThe Electric Company is a PBS KIDS multi-Emmy award-winning TVshow,an online destination and community outreach experienceoffering 5-9year old children a playful portal into the world ofliteracy andmath. In the animated/gaming Prankster Planet, kidsget to play as amember of The Electric Company to defeat thepranksters in a seriesof math challenges. Produced by SesameWorkshop, Prankster Planetcontent airs on PBS KIDS and theadventure continues online
Entrepreneur Essentials 1.0
We all have learned how manyindividualshavebecome successful in their business endeavors.Maybe, you haveaswell attempted getting into the entrepreneurialfiled yourselfbutregrettably, you were not able to come throughunlike theotherpeople. What’s the difference?Do you understand what this all has to do with you?You find it hard to figure out how to get your businessontheright track...Sometimes you don't understand why you arealwaysfallingshortYou find it frustrating because you've been trying toimplementabusiness ideaNo wonder people are ready to pull their hair out aboutstartingabusiness!Make no mistake about it...For all different types of businesses so that theymaybecomesuccessful - the correct mentality. When you doyourinitialstartup with the correct approach then you'll be abletogainground in the race.This powerful tool will provide you with everything youneedtoknow to be a success and achieve your goal of havingyourownbusiness.Before you set about starting your business, it iscrucialthatyou have the correct knowledge when it comes toexecutingabusiness. You can't simply take it all on withoutmakingthecorrect plans. The deficiency of planning when it comestotakingactions when it comes to your business is crucial,withoutthatyou're likely to fail.Table Of Contents:ForewordHome Business BasicsDecide What Equipment You NeedInvestigate Your Local RegulationsGet Your Legal Documents In OrderDecide If You Need EmployeesPut Everything In Place For Having EmployeesDevelop An Exit StrategyThe Importance Of Handling Your Home Business CorrectlyWrapping Up
Smarter Vote - Election 2020 1.2
Smarter Vote helps voters find which Presidential candidate isidealfor them.
Countries of the world 3.0
Political map for easily learn all the countries and capitalsoftheworld, it will use and intuitive interactive map, you canmovethefingers and zoom. This is an educational game for easilylearn.Wealso have another game with which you will learngeography,rivers,mountains, lakes, seas and oceans.
Makeup Course 80.0
Free makeup course, learning to apply makeup professionally stepbystep.
Basic Management 1.6
Pocket reference of Management with definitions, terms andstudynotes.
Stanford Business Magazine 32.0
Stanford Business Magazine showcases ideasandactivities of the alumni, faculty, and students of theStanfordGraduate School of Business. This app includes issuesdating fromAutumn 2010. New issues will be available for downloadthree timesa year in a format similar to the print magazine, butexcluding theclass notes which are available online to alumnionly.____________________This application is powered by GTxcel, a leader indigitalpublishing technology, provider of hundreds of onlinedigitalpublications and mobile magazine apps.