Top 1 Apps Similar to Tasty Veggies Live Wallpaper

Daisies Live Wallpaper
Socks N' Sandals
Asteraceae or Compositae (commonly referredtoas the aster, daisy, or sunflower family), are an exceedinglylargeand widespread family of vascular plants. The group has morethan22,750 currently accepted species, spread across 1620 generaand 12subfamilies. In terms of numbers of species, Asteraceae isrivaledonly by Orchidaceae. (Which of the two families is actuallylargeris unclear, owing to uncertainty about exactly how manyspeciesexist in each family). The largest composite genera areSenecio(1,000 species), Vernonia (1,000 species), Centaurea (700species),Cousinia (600 species), Helichrysum (550 species), andArtemesia(550 species).Most members of Asteraceae are herbaceous, but asignificantnumber are also shrubs, vines and trees. The family hasa worldwidedistribution, and is most common in the arid andsemi-arid regionsof subtropical and lower temperate latitudes.Asteraceae is an economically important family. Somemembersprovide products including cooking oils, lettuce, sunflowerseeds,artichokes, sweetening agents, coffee substitutes and teas.Severalgenera are popular with the horticultural community,includingmarigold, pot marigold (calendula), cone flowers, variousdaisies,fleabane Erigeron, chrysanthemums, dahlias, zinnias, andheleniums.Asteraceae are important in herbal medicine, includingGrindelia,Echinaceae, yarrow Achillea and many others.[6] A numberof specieshave become weeds, including most famously in NorthAmerica,dandelion Taraxacum officinale.[7]If you’re not sure what live wallpapers are, they're a typeofapplication that works on a mobile device using theAndroidoperating system like your device!. The application works asawallpaper – providing the background image for the homescreen—butalso works as a conventional application since it canprovideuser-interaction with the touch screen allowing the image tochangedynamically, for example and access other hardware andsoftwarefeatures within the device accelerometer, GPS, networkaccess,etc..**Multiple backgrounds!** Switch up the background as often oraslittle as you like with user-configurable options.**Power saving features!** This app uses much less powerthantypical live wallpapers. It will take a bit more power tooperatethan a normal wallpaper, but much, much less battery powerthan theaverage live wallpaper.**Super easy to use!** Upon install the app will bring uptheoptions menu and then immediately let you set the wallpaper.Nohassle and easy to use!**Translated to 35 languages!** Do you really, really wanttolearn Russian? We didn’t think so, but it’s available just incase,in any language your phone can display!Please note that live wallpapers can’t be setautomatically.We’ll bring you to the setup screen where you’llselect the livewallpaper. We’d love to do it automatically butAndroid doesn’tallow it. Maybe some day.Select text from Wikipedia, which does not endorse thisproduct.No daisies were harmed in the making of this app. Licensedunderthe creative commons