Top 16 Apps Similar to Lychee

Meulike 0.6
Cansou de ter poucas curtidas? nossoaplicativote ajuda a ter curtidas e reações!Algum problema com o aplicativo ? Envie um informando seu problema.Tired of havingfewTanned? our app helps you get tanned and reactions!A problem with the application? Send an email tocontato@meulike.usstating your problem.
DogsApp 2.5
O DogsApp é o aplicativo pet maisdivertidodomundo, que vai fazer você e seu cachorro se conectaremcomnovosamigos.E é muito simples. O DogsApp encontra cães ao seu redor, emostranatela do seu celular. Quando você gostar de um cachorro,bastacurtira foto e torcer. Se a foto do seu cachorro for curtidadevolta,rolou uma combinação!Agora você e o dono do outro pet estão conectadosepodemconversar, trocar ideias, dicas e informações sobresuasmascotes.Ou então, vocês podem marcar um passeio, paraapresentarseus cãese se divertir juntos!Para fazer parte dessa rede, você só precisa amar cachorros eterumperfil no Facebook.E o melhor: é tudo de graça!O que você está esperando? Baixe hoje mesmo o DogsAppeconecteseu melhor amigo. Ele vai se apaixonar, pode apostar!!The DogsApp is themostfunpet app in the world that will make you and your dog toconnectwithnew friends.And it's very simple. The DogsApp find dogs around, and showsonyourmobile screen. When you like a dog, just enjoy thepictureandtwisting. If the photo of your dog is tanned back,rolledacombination!Now you and the owner of another pet are connected andcantalk,exchange ideas, tips and information about their pets. Or,youcanarrange a tour to present their dogs and havefuntogether!To join this network, you just need to love dogs and haveaprofileon Facebook.And the best: it's all free!What are you waiting for? Download today and connecttheDogsAppyour best friend. He will fall in love, you can bet!!
oneminute 2.9
oneminute team
Original oneminute is back.At random moments, you will be notified to share yourviewwithpeople around the world.Eminem's lyric basically says it all."Look, if you had, one shot, or one opportunityTo seize everything you ever wanted. In one momentWould you capture it, or just let it slip?"
Quick Links for Facebook 1.0
This app gives you quick links to popularpagesof the mobile version of start page, Facebook messages, Facebook pages,Facebookgroups, Facebook events, notifications, your friends,trends onFacebook and your profile.Click on an icon and you will be redirected to your browser.Ifyour phone ask, please choose to use always your browser.From now you can access Facebook with your web browser.QuickLinks app is a new way of communication.The mobile version of Facebook is a responsive website thatyoucan open on every device. Is a clean and minimal design layoutandyou will love it.If you like it you can share this app using Skype,WhatsApp,Messenger and Google Plus.Please note:Facebook Inc. doesn’t endorse or sponsor this app.This app is not endorsed or certified by Instagram.All product names, logos, and brands are property oftheirrespective owners.FacebookTM is a trademark of Facebook Inc.InstagramTM is a trademark of Facebook Inc.Some icons by Freepik from is licensed by CCBY3.0.
Trucos ganar seguidores y like 1
*Solo disponible en español*Los mejores trucos y consejos para conseguir y ganar milesdeseguidores y fans en Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y YouTubeSon los consejos más profesionales creados por communitymanagersy expertos en social media. Sigue los todos los pasos yconsigueganar gratis +1000 seguidores, fans, followers, rt o megusta!!Los trucos y consejos están agrupados por redessociales:Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y YouTubePuedes filtrar los consejos por temáticas, es la forma másfácil,rápida y gratis de hacer crecer tu red social y conseguirmiles defollowers, like y retweetHaz que tu perfil sea de los más influyentes de toda lasredessocialesEstos son algunos de los consejos, descarga la app parasabermás# Consigue RT, me gustas y gana seguidoresenTWITTER★★★★★#A1 Trabaja en tu perfil#A2 Crea tweets interesantes, graciosos o que inviten alareflexión#A3 Publica a menudo, a las horas correctas del día#A4 Nadie quiere seguir a una persona que nunca actualizasuTwitter, por lo tanto es importante que te mantengas activo enlacomunidad de manera consistente.#A5 Sigue a todas las personas que te sigan#A6 Dirige a las personas a tu cuenta de Twitter#B2 Trata de hacer que las celebridades o la gente famosa te sigaenTwitter#B3 Sigue a las personas que tienen intereses similares a lostuyosy luego sigue a sus seguidores#B4 Pídele a las personas que te retweeteen#B5 Repite tus tweets más populares#C1 Deja de seguir a las personas que no te siguieron después dequetú lo hiciste#C2 Sigue a las personas que siguen automáticamente#C3 Usa las palabras clave para encontrar a los seguidores#C4 Considera comprar algunos seguidores#D1 Consejos#D2 Advertencias# Gana seguidores en INSTAGRAM y likes★★★★★#A1 Empieza dándole Me gusta a algunas fotos#A2 Comienza a comentar las fotos#A3 Agrega comentarios o preguntas a tus fotos#A4 Publica regularmente, pero no con demasiada frecuencia#A5 Publica en el momento adecuado#A6 Sé llamativo#B1 Elige un tema específico para tu cuenta#B2 Elige un buen nombre de usuario y una imagen de perfil#B3 Escribe en tu biografía#B4 Busca a tus amigos y síguelos#B5 Sincroniza tu cuenta de Instagram con otras redessociales#C1 Utiliza tags relevantes#C2 Utiliza los tags más populares#C3 Visita la aplicación TagsForLike#C4 Crea tu propio hashtag#C5 Localiza tus tags#D1 Toma fotos que representen algo importante#D2 Emplea luz natural tanto como puedas#D3 Busca la simetría#D4 No sobrecargues tu foto#D5 Usa perspectivas interesantes#D6 Descarga apps de edición de imágenes#D7 Edita tus fotos# Ganar suscriptores en YOUTUBE★★★★★#A1 Sé culturalmente relevante#A2 Haz video respuestas y parodias#A3 Acude a las reuniones de YouTube para conocer genteenpersona#A4 Colabora con YouTubers famosos#A5 Consigue que un editor de Youtube presente tu video#A6 Sube contenido nuevo constantemente#B1 Haz que tu canal sea impresionante#B2 Ponle etiquetas a tus videos#B3 Promociona tus videos con la gente que conozcas#B4 Habla con tus suscriptores#B5 Visita los canales de otros#B6 Haz videos nuevos al menos una vez a la semana#C1 Sé tú mismo#C2 Ofrécele algo bueno a tu audiencia#C3 Habla fuerte y establece contacto visual#C4 Cuida la calidad de tus videos#C5 Edita tus videos#D1 Consejos#D2 Advertencias# Gana fans, like y me gusta en FACEBOOK★★★★★#A1 Consigue buenas imágenes#A2 Desarrolla una imagen pública#A3 Publica cosas interesantes#A4 No publiques demasiado#B1 Haz pública tu página#B2 Consigue muchos amigos#B3 Únete a comunidades y grupos#B4 Fomenta la interacción#B5 Interactúa mucho#B6 Publica los contenidos importantes o emocionantes enmomentosadecuados#C1 Usa Twitter e Instagram también#C2 Acompaña tu Facebook con un blog#C3 Promociónate en otros sitios#D1 Consejos#D2 AdvertenciasDESCARGA LA APP!!Vota ★★★★★ estrellas GRACIAS!!Así seguiremos publicando nuevos trucos!!* Only availableinSpanish *The best tips and tricks to get and earn thousands offollowersand fans on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTubeAre the most professional councils created bycommunitymanagers and social media experts. Follow all the stepsand getfree +1000 to win followers, fans, followers, or rt Ilike!!Tricks and tips are grouped by social networks:Facebook,Twitter, Instagram and YouTubeYou can filter the tips by theme, it is the easiest,fastestand free way to grow your social network and get thousandsoffollowers, like and retweetYour profile is of the most influential of allsocialnetworksThese are some of the tips, download the app to findoutmore# Get RT, like you and win followers on TWITTER★★★★★# A1 Work on your profile# A2 Create tweets interesting, funny or thought-provoking# A3 Post often, at the right times of the day# A4 Nobody wants to follow someone who never updated hisTwitter,so it is important to stay active in thecommunityconsistently.# A5 Follow all people who follow you# A6 directs people to your Twitter account# B2 Try to make celebrities or famous people you followonTwitter# B3 Follow people with similar interests to yours and thenfollowshis followers# B4 Ask people that you retweeteen# B5 Repeat your most popular tweets# C1 Stop follow people you were not followed after you did# C2 Follow people who follow automatically# C3 Use keywords to find followers# C4 Consider buying some fans# D1 Tips# D2 Warnings# Win Instagram followers and likes★★★★★# A1 starts giving you some photos I like# A2 begins to comment on the photos# A3 Adds comments or questions to your photos# A4 Post regularly, but not too oftenPost # A5 at the right time# A6 Be flashy# B1 Select a specific topic to your account# B2 Choose a good username and a profile picture# B3 Write in your biography# B4 find your friends and follow them# B5 Sync your Instagram account with other social networks# C1 Use relevant tags# C2 uses the most popular tags# C3 Visit TagsForLike application# C4 Create your own hashtag# C5 Locate your tags# D1 Take pictures that represent something important# D2 uses natural light as much as possible# D3 symmetry Search# D4 Do not overload your photo# D5 Use interesting perspectives# D6 Download image editing apps# D7 Edit your photos# Winning subscribers YOUTUBE★★★★★# A1 Be culturally relevant# A2 Make video responses and parodies# A3 Attend meetings YouTube to meet people in person# A4 collaborates with famous YouTubers# A5 Get a Youtube editor present your video# A6 Add new content constantly# B1 Make your channel is impressive# B2 Put labels to your videos# B3 Promote your videos with people you know# B4 Talk to your subscribers# B5 Visit other channels# B6 Make new videos at least once a week# C1 Be yourself# C2 Offer him something good to your audience# C3 Speak up and make eye contact# C4 Take care of the quality of your videos# C5 Edit your videos# D1 Tips# D2 Warnings# Win fans, like and I like FACEBOOK★★★★★# A1 Get good pictures# A2 Develop a public image# A3 Post interesting things# A4 Do not post too# B1 Public Make your page# B2 Get many friends# B3 Join communities and groups# B4 promotes interaction# B5 Interacts muchPost # B6 important or exciting content at appropriate times# C1 Use Twitter and Instagram also# C2 Accompany your Facebook with a blog# C3 Promotion on other sites# D1 Tips# D2 WarningsDOWNLOAD THE APP !!Vote THANK YOU !! ★★★★★ starsSo we continue to publish new tricks !!
DeeMe - Photo & group chat 2.0.17
DeeMe AS
Chat. Group chat. Broadcast.Stories worth telling happen every day. Share them, on the appthattells them better.
Reacciones for Facebook 8.0
Reacciones for Facebook es la herrramienta que estabas buscando!Teayuda a añadir los emojis de reacciones a tus fotos ycompartirlasen Facebook de manera agil y sencilla. Con Reaccionesfor Facebookaumentas las interacciones de tus amigos con tuspublicaciones.Reacciones for Facebook, invita a expresar!
BeğeniMatik Beğeni 5
Uygulamamız tamamen ücretsizdir. Uygulamamıza5yıldız verip, olumlu yorumlarınızı bizlere iletmenizsistemimizindahada gelişmesinde ve limitlerinizin artmasınakatkıdabulunacaktır.Beğeni Matik Nedir?Beğeni Matik bir Facebook uygulamasıdır. Beğeni MatikileFacebook'ta ücretsiz olarak paylaşımlarınızı, fotoğraflarınızıvevideolarınızı tek tıklama ile beğendirebilirsiniz.Beğeni Matik Şifremi İster mi?Beğeni Matik uygulamasını kullanırken kesinlikle şifreniztalepedilmez. Erişim kodunuz veritabanımızda şifreli birşekildesaklanır.Beğeni Matik Zarar Verir mi?Beğeni Matik her hangi bir zarar vermez,bilgilerinizsunucularımızda gizli şekilde kalır. Kesinlikle sizinadınızapaylaşım yapmaz veya mesaj göndermez.Facebook Beğeni Hilesi - BegeniMatik.comOur applicationiscompletely free. Applications give us 5-star positive commentswehave to communicate to your development and will contribute toanincrease in the limits of our system better.Thumbs Matic What is it?Thumbs Matic is a Facebook application. Matic free sharing withyourFacebook Likes, you can endear your photos and videos withjust oneclick.Did you Like it Matika password?Matic application is absolutely not required when using theThumbspassword. Access code is stored in our database in anencryptedform.Thumbs Did you Matic Harm?Thumbs Matic does not damage any information our servers willremainconfidential. I certainly do not share your name or sendamessage.Facebook Likes Cheats - I
Like Counter for Facebook
Evan Skev
*** PLEASE NOTE***In order to use this app, you must create a campaign Once you create a campaign you will receiveacampaign identifier number that you will then place into thisAppwhere prompted. It will take only 2 minutes to create acampaignand it is totally free to use. This is our first release.We arecoming up with great new features.Thanks for your support! We are working on an update so drop usaline or share your experience to evantech@gmail.comBlitzster interactive digital display for Facebook Like CountFeatures:- Live Counter- Offer and rewards display- QR code to interact and get more likes- Rewards after successful conversion.
Likes for Instagram 2.0.5
Hash tags manager.Select hashtags and post on yours Instagram pictures and videos.Youwill get more likes and followers as a result of this.Get relevant hashtagsChoose a category, tap 'Copy' and Paste into yourInstagrampictures!Hash tags manager.Select hashtags and post on yours Instagram pictures and videos.Youwill get more likes and followers as a result of this.Get relevant hashtagsChoose a category, tap 'Copy' and Paste into yourInstagrampictures!
TopFollow - Ganhe seguidores 1.0.40
Ganhe seguidores, comentários e curtidasnoInstagram e turbine sua conta!Como ganhar curtidas no Instagram? Como ganhar seguidoresrápidono Instagram? Como ganhar seguidores e curtidas grátis?Conheça oTopFollow!Get followers,commentsand tanned on Instagram and boost your business!How to win tanned on Instagram? How to win fast followersonInstagram? How to gain followers and free tanned?KnowTopFollow!
TimeFlash: Build Anticipation 2.4.1
Send photos to the future, turning them intoapuzzle - giving just a peek until the date arrives - when thephotowill reveal itself.The photo or video will appear scrambled like a puzzle - adigitaltime capsule - giving your friends a glimpse andbuildinganticipation.Tap a capsule to shuffle it and see more pieces of the puzzle.Watchyour shuffle count increase, just like the comments andlikes.Share your capsules to your public feed or send as a privatemessage- when the future date arrives, your capsule will fullyrevealitself.•  You can tease friends after a wild party - jogging theirmemoryof the night before•  Get sentimental and send life memories, like graduationday,to any date in the future to relive the moment•  Build anticipation by sending glimpses of anything inaprivate message
Love Likes 1.7.255
Find out ‘who likes you most’! See iftheperson you love or your best friend follow your activitiesonFacebook and thank them by sending beautiful postcards forFREE,customized with their faces!Love Likes lets you see the list of 10 people who mostinteractwith you on Facebook, drafting a ranking based on theperiod oftime you choose.You can always surprise your friends in the top list withabeautiful postcard to thank them, and you could even use theimagesfrom your gallery or take a photo to capture an importantmoment toshare.Get the app on your smartphone or tablet! We are always opentosuggestions and improvements. For any questions or concernspleasedo not hesitate to contact us! (in Italian, EnglishorSpanish).
BegeniKazan - Beğeni hilesi 1.0
BegeniKazan.Com 2014 yılında hizmetebaşlamışolup, bu zamana kadar ücretsiz hizmet vermiştir. Bundansonradaücretsiz kalacaktır. Sistemimizdeki tüm hizmetlerücretsizdir,Farkı bizimle yaşamanız için sizlere en büyükimkanısunuyoruz.Sitemiz üzerinden yapılan tüm işlemlerde oluşabilecek herhangibirsorumluluğu sitemiz üstlenmez. Sorumluluk sahibikullanıcıdır.Kullanıcılar bilinçli olduğu varsayılarak tüm işlemleraktifedilmiştir. Herhangi bir olumsuz davranışta site değilkullanıcısorumludur. Tüm Haklarımız saklıdır. BEGENIKAZAN V1 2014 -2016Facebook, twitter, instagram gibi sosyal ağlarda ücretsizolarakbeğenilerinizi, takipcilerinizi arttırın herkesden 1 adımöndeolun! Üstelik tüm bu özellikler ücretsiz, daha fazlasıiçinsitemizi ziyaret Ihavestarted the service in 2014, it has provided a free service sofar.After that, there will remain free. All services are free ofchargein our system, the first to experience the difference withus, weoffer the largest opportunities.Any liability that may occur on all transactions made throughoursite does not undertake our site. The user is responsible.Usersconsciously assuming that all transactions were active. Theuser isresponsible not site any negative behavior. Our Allrightsreserved. BEGENIKAZ the V1 2014-2016Facebook, twitter, your taste for free on social networkslikeinstagram, increase your followers anyone else be one stepahead!Moreover, all these features for free, visit our Web siteformore.
Soci'asm 1.1.11
Tambourine Man
Soci'asm is an app for people who donotliketheir Social space being watched over or monitored.Think of this as a quick flip through AppYou can flip through your social feed with just 1 click!Instead of having different apps for each social platformyoucanfind all of it in Soci'asm!We believe that the true fun of being social comes whenthereareno permissions, rules or compulsions.Soci'asm lets you connect with the three primary socialplatforms-all at once with just one click.Reaching out to the social world and keeping in touch hasneverbeeneasier minus the permissions and the bulk unliketheirapps.Soci'asm is light and fast.The only permissions you see arefortheinternet and if you feel like posting images and/oryourlocationon these platforms.With entering the social world at a single touch we try togiveyouthe ultimate social experience,taking you to the point of a social orgasm aka Soci'asm.For people with heavy and invasive Social apps,Soci'asmisfastand light and serves the same purpose.You might have songs which are heavier than this app sowhynot-Install this app and go ahead - Soci'asm!Notes -- Swipe down to Refresh- Swipe right for the Exit button- Long press to share,copy posts or images- Hold the phone in LandScape mode to be Suprisedwithnewfeatures- While uploading images, kindly visit your profile pageandthenclick the post button from there- The first time you run the app, it takes a few seconds toloadthedata, and after that the app will work much faster- No need to Logout!
Terror Amino em Português 3.4.33514
Amino Apps
Terror Amino é a comunidade e plataforma de chat para fãs deterrorque cresce mais rápido na internet. Encontre novos amigos,seexpresse, e compartilhe sua opinião em um ambiente seguroeacolhedor. - CONVERSE com outros fãs de terror e encontrepessoasnovas - DESCUBRA novas trívias e fan art de terror - RECEBAasúltimas notícias e novidades sobre terror - COMPARTILHE suaprópriaarte e criações e receba feedbacks positivos - APRENDA eCONTRIBUAcom o nosso catálogo terror - uma enciclopédia de tudosobre terror