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AAEA Events 5.10.1
The Agricultural & AppliedEconomicsAssociation (AAEA) is a not-for-profit association servingtheprofessional interests of members working in agriculturalandbroadly related fields of applied economics.Members of the AAEA are employed by academic orgovernmentinstitutions as well as in industry andnot-for-profitorganizations and engage in a variety of teachingresearch, andextension/outreach activities. Their work addresses abroad rangeof topics such as the economics of agricultureinternational andrural development resources and the environmentfood and consumerissues, and agribusiness.VISION STATEMENT: The AAEA will be the leading organizationforprofessional advancement in, and dissemination of knowledgeaboutagricultural development, environmental food and consumernaturalresource, regional rural and associated areas of appliedeconomicsand business.MISSION STATEMENT: To enhance the skills knowledge andprofessionalcontributions of economists who help society solveagriculturaldevelopment environmental food and consumer naturalresourceregional rural, and associated applied economics andbusinessproblems.