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Science News 1.0.1
A news application for anyone around the world interestedinscience. Stay up to date with everything that is happeninginphysics, biology, computer science, archaeology, robotics,socialsciences and so much more.
The American Biology Teacher 32.0
Access all the content to The AmericanBiologyTeacher (ABT) with your mobile device.The ABT is an award-winning, peer-refereed professionaljournaldesigned to support the teaching of K-16 biology and lifescience.It features articles relating to biology, commentaries onthesocial and ethical implications of biology, teaching strategiesandpractices appropriate to the classroom, laboratory and fieldsites,trends in biology teaching, and the professional developmentofbiology and life science teachers.– Read text-formatted articles designed for maximummobilereadability.– Download each issue, then return any time forofflinereading.– Search the archive of available issues.– Bookmark your favorite articles.– Share your comments with other readers.This app includes issues dating back to August 2014. The ABTispublished nine times a year by the National Association ofBiologyTeachers (NABT).Members of NABT receive a free subscription to ABT. Not amember?Learn more at application is powered by GTxcel, a leader indigitalpublishing technology, provider of hundreds of onlinedigitalpublications and mobile magazine apps.
SciencesBio 1.1
L’actualité scientifique enfin disponiblesurAndroid.Suivez les dernières découvertes scientifiques et les avancéesdela recherche en Biologie et Médecine.Caractéristiques :• Adaptées pour votre mobile• Très rapide et simple à utiliser• Dernières découvertes en Biologie et médecine• Vidéo, infographies, podcast etc..• Partagez vos articles préférés sur Facebook, Twitter,LinkedInetc..The scientificnewsfinally available on Android.Follow the latest scientific discoveries and advances inresearchin Biology and Medicine.Features:• Suitable for your mobile• Very fast and simple to use• Recent discoveries in biology and medicine• Video, computer graphics, podcast etc ..• Share your favorite articles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedInetc..
5LB Magazine 1.65
Mauro Sartorio
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Pour la Science 5.6.1
Pour la Science
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Science News Online 1.4
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Journal of Applied Ecology 1.0.2132
The Journal of Applied Ecology app keepsyouupto date with all the latest research in your area ofappliedecologyand conservation biology. Journal issues can be readinfull, givingyou all the latest news and research in field,withpodcasts givingadditional expert insight and opinion. Downloadtheapp today toenjoy an entirely new browsing and readingexperience,where youcan:- Download and read the most recent issues ofthisinfluentialJournal- Stay current with the latest articles published- Be notified when a new issue is available- Save your favourite articles for quick andeasyaccessoffline- Browse, search and bookmark articles fromallavailableissues- Browse and zoom in on images- Share links to your favourite articles withcolleaguesandfriends
New Phytologist
New Phytologist offers rapid publication of high quality,originalresearch in plant science. Falling within four sections–Physiology & Development, Environment, InteractionandEvolution – articles cover topics that range fromintracellularprocesses through to global environmentalchange.Cross-disciplinary approaches are particularly encouragedand it isrecognized that techniques from molecular and cellbiology, andfunctional genomics through to modelling andsystem-basedapproaches will be applied across the whole spectrum ofplantscience. These high quality, original research articles,reviews –including Tansley reviews and insights – rapid reports,and moreare now available on your mobile device. Enjoy an entirelynewbrowsing and reading experience, and keep up to date with themostimportant developments in plant science research even faster:-Stay current with the latest articles through Early View -Benotified when new issues are available Download articlesandissues, and read offline - Save your favourite articles forquickand easy access - Share articles with colleagues or students-Current subscribers to New Phytologist can ‘pair’ their devicewiththeir personal or institutional subscription to enjoy fullaccess.
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Revista LAES&HAES 2.6.1
Editora MCWill
Revista pioneira e tradicional há maisde30anos atuando no setor de:Laboratórios de Análises / Patologia ClínicaLaboratórios de Anatomia Patológica / CitologiaLaboratórios de HematologiaLaboratórios de MicrobiologiaLaboratórios Hospitalares, Públicos e PrivadosHemocentrosBancos de SangueFaculdades de Medicina, Farmácia / Bioquímica e BiomedicinaBiologia Molecular / GenéticaPERIODICIDADE: Bimestral (meses pares).IMPRESSÃO: Papel couchê de alta qualidade.CIRCULAÇÃO: Nacional (16.117 exemplares por edição).NÚMERO MÉDIO DE LEITORES POR EXEMPLARES: 06TOTAL DE LEITORES POR EDIÇÃO: 96.702CONTEÚDO EDITORIAL:Artigos científicos elaborados criteriosamenteporrenomadosprofissionais científicos da atualidade, com ênfasenapratica epesquisa do setor diagnóstico nacionaleinternacional.Últimas novidades tecnológicas das empresas atuantesnaárealaboratorial no que tange a equipamentos, produtoseserviços.A Revista LAES&HAES é uma publicação da McWillEditoresIncorporados Ltda.Magazineandtraditionalpioneer for more than 30 years working in the sector:Analysis Laboratories / Clinical PathologyLaboratory of Pathology / CytologyLaboratory HematologyMicrobiology LaboratoriesLaboratories, Hospital, Public and PrivateHemocentersBlood BanksColleges of Medicine, Pharmacy / Biochemistry and BiomedicineMolecular Biology / GeneticsFREQUENCY: Bimonthly (even months).PRINT: couche paper of high quality.MOVEMENT: National (16,117 copies per issue).AVERAGE NUMBER OF READERS FOR EXEMPLARY: 06TOTAL READERS IN ISSUE: 96,702EDITORIAL CONTENT:Papers carefully designed by renowned scientificprofessionalstoday,with an emphasis on practice and researchsector diagnosisandabroad.Latest technological companies working in the area withrespecttolaboratory equipment, products and services.The Revised & LAES HAES is published by McEditorsWillEmbedded Ltda.
Science news 1.5
Escify Apps
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PostNauka 1.4
DaD Soft
ПостНаука - это мобильный интернет-журналосовременной фундаментальной науке и учёных, которые её создают,опопуляризации научных знаний.Бесплатная версия. Включает в себя статьи и видео-роликиобастрономии, биологии, истории, математике, медицине и многихдругихинтересных темах, с полезным функционалом и удобнойнавигацией.Всегда будьте в курсе последних новостей науки, нерасставаясь слюбимым сайтом дома, на работе и в дороге.Мы будем рады вашим вопросам и пожеланиям по развитиюприложения– отправляйте их на dad.remote@gmail.comPostNauka - amobileInternet magazine about modern fundamental science andscientistswho created it, for the popularization ofscientificknowledge.Free version. Includes articles and videos about astronomy,biology,history, mathematics, medicine, and many other topics ofinterest,with useful functionality and easy navigation. Always beaware ofthe latest science news, without parting with yourfavorite site athome, at work and on the road.We welcome your questions and suggestions for the developmentofan application - to submit them to
Nature Today 0.5.0
Nature Today
Nature Today houdt u op de hoogte vandeactuelegebeurtenissen in de natuur in Nederland endaarbuiten.Biologengeven u dagelijks informatie over onder anderevlinders,zoogdieren,amfibieën, libellen, planten, zeedieren envogels.Nature Today isvoortgekomen uit Natuurbericht.Sinds 2008 publiceren biologen vannatuurorganisatiesenkennisinstellingen dagelijks twee berichtenoveractueleontwikkelingen in de natuur in Op 26november 2015 is Natuurbericht.nlovergegaannaar Today heeft net alsNatuurbericht hetdoel de samenleving teinformeren over actuelegebeurtenissen in denatuur door gebruik temaken van:- Resultaten uitbestaandeecologischemonitoringprogramma’s;- Aanwezige ecologische kennis bijnatuurorganisatiesenkennisinstellingen;- Nieuwe programma’s en ICT-technologieën vooranalyse,voorspellingen (live) visualisatie van gebeurtenissen indenatuur.De visie van Nature Today is:Door het publiek en specifieke doelgroepen continu enactiefteinformeren over actuele ontwikkelingen in de natuurwordtdeverbondenheid met, kennis over en waardering voordenatuurversterkt en is men meer gemotiveerd om actief bij tedragenaanmonitoring, beheer en behoud van natuur.Today naturallykeepyouinformed of current events in nature in the Netherlandsandabroad.Biologists give you daily information on, amongotherbutterflies,mammals, amphibians, dragonflies, plants, marinelifeand birds.Today naturally emerged from Naturereport.Since 2008, biologists publish environmentalorganizationsandresearch institutions daily two reports on currentdevelopmentsinthe countryside in Netherlands in, 2015 was Today, like Naturereport the purposeofinforming the publicabout current events in nature by using:- Results from existing environmental monitoring programs;- Present ecological knowledge in environmentalorganizationsandresearch institutions;- New programs and ICT technologies for analysis,predictionand(live) visualization of events in nature.The vision of Nature Today is:By the public and specific target groups to informactivelyandcontinuously on current developments in the nature,theclosenessto, knowledge of and appreciation for natureandstrengthens one ismore motivated to actively contribute tothemonitoring, managementand conservation of nature.