Top 14 Apps Similar to propuesta1vuf tfg

QuimicAR - ChemistryAR 0.7.2
Learn Chemistry by generating fire and water. From 8 years on up.
Play AR 1.0
This app showcases some abilities of Vuforia SDK with UnityGameEngine. You will need image targets in order to use this app.Youcan find download links below. Also you nned to pick either A4orUS Letter size targets since image targets are calibrated forpapersize. There is total of 3 showcases which bound to ImageTargets.1-) Animated Chest <-> Chips 2-) Rotating teapot<->Stones 3-) Failed Video Texture <-> Tarmac RequiredImageTargets: A4 Size: Chips : Tarmac: USLetter Size:Chips : Stones: Tarmac: P.S: This appdeveloped using Vuforia SDK andUnity Game Engine. P.P.S: This appdeveloped as a homework forApplied Augmented Reality Course ofGebze Technical University(formerly named as Gebze Institute ofTechnology).
MGBot AR 1.1
Официальное приложение MGBotпозволяетувидетьнабор Базовый учебный комплект IoTSmartAgricultureиспользуятехнологию дополненная реальность на базеVuforia.Для того чтобы видеть набор в сборе наведите наметкувашеустройство, предварительно открыв приложение.Базовый учебный комплект IoTSmartAgriculture MGBot appletsyousee a set of basic training package IoTSmartAgricultureusingaugmented reality technology based Vuforia.In order to see a set of assembly, place the label onyourdevice,after opening the app.Basic training package IoTSmartAgriculture
propuesta2vuf tfg 1.0
Segunda propuesta deaplicacióndesarrolladapara el Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) deAlejandro FrancoSilva parala UNEx.Aplicación de Realidad Aumentada (RA) desarrollada con elSDKdeVuforia.Esta aplicación reconoce tarjetas de visita y teañademásinformación gracias a la Realidad Aumentada.Targets para usarla:1.- for the Final Project (TFG) WorkingAlejandroFranco Silvafor Unex.Application of Augmented Reality (AR) developed withtheSDKVuforia.This application recognizes cards and will addmoreinformationthrough Augmented Reality.Targets for use:1.
UTAPP-TEH es una app para android quepermitevisualizar modelos 3D en Realidad Aumentada de la carreradeTecnologías de la información y comunicación (TICS) delaUniversidad Tecnológica de Tehuacán, a través de sudispositivo.Con su cámara usted podrá escanear imágenes en tiemporeal y si laimagen contiene información se mostrará el contenido.Su desarrollofue posible gracias a los alumnos TICS.Nota:Las imágenes necesarias para el funcionamiento de la app,seencontrarán en la página oficial de la Universidad TecnológicadeTehuacán ""UTAPP-TEH is anandroidapp that lets you view 3D models in Augmented CareerInformationtechnology and communication (ICT) at the TechnologicalUniversityof Tehuacan Reality through your device. With yourcamera, you canscan images in real time and if the image containsinformationcontent displays. Its development was made possible bythe TICSstudents.Note: The images needed to run the app, will be found ontheofficial website of the Technological University ofTehuacan""
RA-3 1.0
Isidro Navarro
RA-3 Application Augmented Realityfordisplaysculptures1. Print the image found in thefollowinglink: Scan the target with the camera of the device3. View the 3D model and transform with the buttonsonthescreen4. Capture the imageSelect a diferent sculpture using the screen menu*The capture of the image is saved in the SDCARD, inthefolderAndroid/data/com.inarquitectura.ra3/filesThe application has been developed with SDK 2.6andUNITYVuforia.The models have been created in the Department EGA oftheSuperiorTechnical School of Architecture of Barcelona.
Modelos 3D ETSAB AR 1.0
Isidro Navarro
The application MODELOS 3D ETSAB ARshows3Dmodels of simple geometries using Augmented Reality.The models have been created in the DepartmentofGraphicExpression in Arcuitecture from the SuperiorTechnicalSchool ofArchitecture of Barcelona.- Download the images from the following file: Scan the images to see 3D models in Augmented RealityThis app has been built using VUFORIA SDK 2.6 and UNITY.
PTC+FIRST AR Robots 2.1
PTC, Inc
Bring FIRST robots with you wherever yougowiththe PTC + FIRST Augmented Reality Robots app on yourmobiledevice.Instantly be able to show an example of a FIRSTLegoLeague, FIRSTTech Challenge, or FIRST Robotics Competitionrobot.Utilizing theVuforia vision-based augmented realitysoftware, thisapp allows theuser to explore each of the robotmodels from anyangle. The app usesthe FIRST program logos for itsimagerecognition targets. Thevertical program logos are used toprojectthe robot from a table-topor floor, while the horizontalprogramlogos are used to project therobot from a wall. You candownloadand print your own target cardsfrom thislink- 2.0 features a simple FIRST Lego League robot,aFIRSTTech Challenge robot from Team #3486, the TechnoWarriorsAdvanced,and a FIRST Robotics Competition robot from Team#4909,theBillerica Bionics.
Navi Tagajo 4.3
You can get the information of the historical heritage of Tagajo.
SolarAR by Aura Interactive 1.6
SolarAR, an educational app offers you a new and fun waytoexperience Augmented Reality and learn about our solar system.Withour planets flashcard image, this app will transform asimpleplanet image into attractive, animated 3D planets in reallife.Also build a whole solar system by interacting withplanetflashcard. Designed by AURAINTERACTIVE(,the SolarAR app offers you :Interact with planets, learn aboutthem with amazing AR experience.Also listen audio description& text information about planetsand the sun. Apart fromindividual planet AR experience, when youfocus on planet flashcardand meanwhile drag the sun flashcard andyou will see how planetsrotates around sun in real time. Learnabout planet ordering inreal time. If sun is detected and planetsare rotating around itand you place planets in wrong order then appwill guide torearrange them. And its all in real-time!! AboutSolarAR: SolarARis developed by Aura Interactive with aim of makinglearning moreinteractive through Augmented Reality. You candownload planetsmarkers form - How touse? It is veryeasy and fun to use SolarAR. 1. First downloadplanetsflashcard/marker form - 2. Printthedownloaded pdf.(It will also work in black & white print.)3.Cut individual markers from print by cut-marks. 4. Open SolarARappand focus on printed image targets and experience AR. Tips:Whilefocusing on individual planet card you get live 3D planetswithaudio and text description. Focus on Sun flashcard and dragplanetsin app’s view field. You will see they start rotating aroundsun.While rotating around sun if you arrange planets in wrongorder,app will show red ring on wrongly placed planet. And guideyou torearrange them correctly.
FisicAR - Colisão 1.1
EhDucar - Colisão é umaplicativodesenvolvidopara auxiliar no ensino de Física, maisprecisamente noconteúdo deColisão e Conservação do Momento Linear.Foidesenvolvido comrecurso de Realidade Aumentada no Unity 5 eVuforia5.O EhDucar - Colisão é um aplicativo para o sistemaAndroid,comversões iguais ou superiores a 4.0 "Ice CreamSandwich".Foidesenvolvido no programa de pós-graduação doMestradoNacionalProfissional em Ensino de Física da SociedadeBrasileira deFísica(MNPEF/SBF) e tem como principal objetivo fazeruma conexãoentreas novas tecnologias e a sala de aula.Esse aplicativo foi elaborado pelo aluno doMNPEF/SBFEdmilsonSouza Barreto e os conteúdos auxiliares foramdesenvolvidoemparceria com o site EhDucar.O EhDucar - Colisão conta com 9 experimentosdecolisõeselásticas, inelásticas e parcialmente elástica. Oobjetivodoexperimento é determinar se a Lei de Conservação doMomentoLinearé satisfeita. Para o desenvolvimento do experimentoénecessárioutilizar o roteiodisponí - Collisionisanapplication developed to assist in the teaching ofphysics,moreprecisely the content of Collision and ConservationofLinearMomentum. It was developed with Augmented Reality featureinUnity5 and Vuforia 5.The EhDucar - Collision is an application for theAndroidsystemwith equal or higher versions to 4.0 "Ice CreamSandwich". Itwasdeveloped in the National Professional Master'sgraduate programinBrazilian Society of Physics Teaching of Physics(MNPEF / SBF)andaims to make a connection between new technologiesandtheclassroom.This application was developed by the student's MNPEF/SBFEdmilson Souza Barreto and auxiliary contents weredevelopedinpartnership with the EhDucar site.The EhDucar - Collision with 9 experiments ofelastic,inelasticand elastic collisions partially. The goal oftheexperiment is todetermine whether the Linear MomentumConservationLaw issatisfied. For the development of the experimentis necessarytouse the available roteio
Interactive Analytics 1.10
Mit dieser Applikation soll dasLernenundVerstehen des mathematischen ThemengebietsderanalytischenGeometrie unterstützt werden. Dafür können mitHilfevon Markernauf den bereitgestelltenArbeitsblättern,Beispieldarstellungen aufeinem mobilen Gerät(Smartphone oderTablet) dargestellt werden.Für eine Einführung indie Nutzung derApplikation schauen Sie sichbitte das hierbereitgestellte Videoan.(Hinweis: Die für diese Applikation benötigtenArbeitsblättersindderzeit nur für einen geschlossenen Kreis anPersonen zugängigundauch nur für diese Personen sinnvoll nutzbar.Wer dennochInteressean den Beispielen hat, kann mit Hilfe derMarkervorlagen(die ersten12 Marker) der Firma Vuforia, dieseBeispieleeinsehen.)With thisapplication,thelearning and understanding of mathematical topicsareaof​​analytical geometry is to be supported. For thiscanbeillustrated with the aid of markers on theprovidedworksheets,sample images on a mobile device (smartphone ortablet).For anintroduction to the use of the application, pleaselook attheprovided video here.(Note. The worksheets required for this applicationarecurrentlyuseful only usable for a closed circle ofpeopleaccessible and onlyfor those persons who still has aninterest inthe examples, withthe aid of marker templates (the first12markers) from Vuforia ,see these examples.)
AR Music Kit 1.0
Yuri Suzuki Ltd
With the help of a few piece of papers,ARMusicKit turns your device into a DIY musical instrument. Whenthecamerapicks up the patterned sequence, the device willplaybackcorresponding notes in kind.When the code is picked up by the camera,a note is played. when code is presented to the camera,it can play back a sound.This gives a great creative platform to create music inan unexpected and unusual way.
Humanoid 4D+ 3.0
Octagon Studio
Explore the beauty of Human Anatomy in Augmented RealityExperience.