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HKV-15 Internet Radio Player 0.0.21
The app is designed for Wobbitech HKV-001/005 internet radio device
Suara Jati FM 1.0
Radio streaming favorit kita adalah"SUARAJATIFM MAGETAN". Radio ini Hadir untuk melestraikankelestarianbudayabangsa (khususnya budaya jawa) menyuguhkan HiburanAcara 70%Gendingjawa, 20% Dangdut Original Dan full Dangdut koploNews,10%pendidikan Budi pekerti,yang sekarang mulai terkikisolehderasnyaarus kemajuan tehnologi dan perkembangan zaman. Jikaandapenggemarcampursari bisa didengarkan di dengan slogannya "Gumebyaring Budaya Negari",RadioSuaraJatiFM Magetan Bertujuan untuk meramaikan dan melestarikanBudayaJawa.Dengan adanya radio online live streaming Jati Fm ini,mudahmudahanbisa sedikit mengobati rasa kerinduan akan senibudayaJawa,sekaligus bisa menghibur warga jawa timur di manapunberada.kamijuga siap melayani rilay (Pemancar ulang live wayang,mantendanhiburan atau acara lain nya)Loading audio streaming auto playJika mendengarkan menggunakan pc atau laptop,silahkantunggubeberapa saat audio player.Lamanya loadingtergantungspeedinternet anda.Namun apabila menggunakan HP,agar stabil audiostreamingnyasebaiknyamenggunakan jaringan wifi atau jaringan3g.Apabila tidak ada suara ,berarti radio sedang offlineatauterjadigangguan.Ourfavoritestreamingradio is the "SOUND TEAK FM MAGETAN". Radio ispresenttomelestraikan preservation of national culture(especiallyJavaneseculture) presenting Entertainment Events 70%Gending jawa,20%Dangdut Original And full Dangdut koplo News, 10%of educationBudicharacter, which is now eroded by the rapid flowoftechnologicalprogress and development of the times. If you areafan could beheard in accordance with the slogan "Culture Gumebyaring Negari",FMRadioVoice Teak Magetan Aiming to enliven and preserveJavaneseculture.With the online radio live streaming Jati thisFm,hopefully be abit of a taste treat longing for Javanese artandculture, as wellas to entertain the residents of EastJavaeverywhere. we are alsoready to serve rilay (transmitterre-livepuppet, manten and itsentertainment or other events)Auto loading streaming audio playIf you listen to using a pc or laptop, please waitwhileloadingaudio player.Lamanya depends your internet speed.However, when using HP, for stable audio streaming shouldusewifinetwork or 3g network.If there is no sound, it means that the radio isofflineordisruption.
Slovakia radios RadioSCAN free 3.0.4
Play All Slovak Radio Station´s in ONE applications. Free vesion
Radio Swiss 5.5
InternetRadio FM
Listen to the 40 most listened radio Swiss stations in oneclickinstantly.
Radio-App, Recorder, Podcasts 4.50
Radio as you like + Radio-Cloud + Podcasts + Sleeptimer - Yourradioplayer
Radio Internazionale 2.14
Applicazione per ascoltare e seguireRadioIntenazionaleRADIO INTERNAZIONALERisstraat,3 - 3600 Genk [Belgium]http://www.radiointernazionale.beEmail: info@radiointernazionale.beTelefono: +32 893.827.12Il 19 marzo del 1982 a Genk nasce ufficialmenteRADIOINTERNAZIONALERADIO INTERNAZIONALE nasce come organo di informazioneedivertimento degli Italiani del LimburgoLa storia di Radio Internazionale ha inizio nel lontano 1982,unperiodo decisamente glorioso per l'emittenzaradiofonicalocale.A dar vita al progetto fu sopratutto Dario Vanoli, e tantivolontariaccomunati dall'amore per la musica e la voglia difareintrattenimento e informazione via etere.L'entusiasmo si tramutò in popolarità, ottimi ascolti elineetelefoniche sempre bollenti.Programmazione: giochi, dirette telefoniche, tantainformazionelocale e nazionale, musica per tutti i gusti eprogrammi di nicchia(dedicati a generi come il country e la musicainternazionale)trovavano il loro giusto spazio sulle nostrefrequenze, in queglianni i 102,8 MhzOggiSono passati tanti anni, e molte voci si sono susseguite ainostrimicrofoni.La nostra storia è un po' quella della musica degliultimitrentanni e più.Dopo tutto questo tempo dicevamo eccoci ancora qui,lievementeriposizionati di frequenza e con sempre tanta voglia difare radioe tenervi compagnia.Anche i locali si sono rinnovati e ampliati: il nostro studiosié dotato di ampio spazio per regia e messa in onda, per redazioneearchivi discografici; i vecchi giradischi hanno lasciato ilpostoai compact disc e a sofisticate strumentazionielettroniche.Abbiamo ulteriormente migliorato la qualità del nostro segnaleedella modulazione stereo hi-fi, che migliora la qualità del suonoelo rende caldo e avvolgente.La nostra antenna, situata a Waterschei, irradia il segnalepertutta la zona di Genk e dintorni.La nostra radio è sempre più come la vuoi tu.Ascoltaci, chiamaci, interagisci con noi via telefonooweb.In ogni momento Radio Internazionale è la tua radio.Applicazione realizzata da Fluidstream.netRadio applicationtolisten to and follow intenazionaleINTERNATIONAL RADIORisstraat, 3-3600 Genk [Belgium]http://www.radiointernazionale.beEmail: info@radiointernazionale.bePhone: +32 893.827.12On March 19, 1982 in Genk was officially RADIO INTERNATIONALRADIO INTERNATIONAL was established as an organ ofinformationand entertainment of the Italian LimburgThe history of the International Radio began in 1982, agloriousera when the local radio broadcasting.To create the project was especially Dario Vanoli, andmanyvolunteers united by love for music and the desire todoentertainment and information over the air.The enthusiasm turned into popularity, good plays andtelephonelines always hot.Programming: games, direct telephone, lots of localinformationand national music to suit all tastes and niche programs(dedicatedto genres such as country and international music) foundtheirrightful place on our frequencies, in those years, 102.8MhzTodayMany years have passed, and many voices have followedourmicrophones.Our history is a bit 'to the music of the last thirty yearsandmore.After all this time we were saying here we are again,slightlyrepositioned frequency and with more and really want to doradioand keep you company.Even the locals have been renewed and expanded: our studyisequipped with ample space for directing and broadcasting,editorialand archives for record, the old record player gave way tocompactdiscs and sophisticated electronic equipment.We have further improved the quality of our signalandmodulation, stereo hi-fi, which improves the sound qualityandmakes it warm and enveloping.Our antenna, located Waterschei, radiates the signal forthewhole area of ​​Genk and surroundings.Our radio is increasingly the way you want.Hear us, call us, interact with us via phone or web.At any time, the International Radio is your radio.Application made by