Top 16 Apps Similar to My Colisée

eICU 3.0 3.1.0
The eICU 3.0 app is an Ebook for Resuscitators
Doctolib Pro 4.3.12
The application of health professionals
La Clinique E-Santé 1.3.3
The app for unconstrained therapy, 24/7 monitoring withyourpsychologist
e-BlueInfo - Information for h 2.0.0
e-BlueInfo - Reliable and up-to-date information for healthpracticein the palm
LumApps intranet solution now has a mobile companion,designedforAndroid! LumApps is the only social corporateintranetofficiallyRecommended by Google for G Suite. Ourinnovativeplatform provideseverything you need to work in onecentral hub:corporate news,business tools, essential documents andsocialcommunities.Streamlining communication and collaboration isourgame. A hugesuccess with organizations from all industries,ouraward-winningintranet is now available for customers on-the-go!Sowhetheryou’re travelling or just away from your desktop, youcanfollowrelevant internal news, keep working on team projectsandstayconnected to your coworkers, wherever you go. LumAppsMobileapp*provides two main views, for targeted informationandcommunities.After a short onboarding, sign in with Google,diveinto your newapp and start working better. Thanks to anintuitiveinterface, youwon’t need a tutorial! The LumApps Appincludes manyof our bestfeatures: - Browse listed content,including companynews andpersonalized information streams - Viewdetailed contentandcomments with attached files - React to contentin real time:likeand comment on posts - Like and respond tocomments - Viewallcommunities at a glance and follow your favorites- Checkyourpreferred communities’ activity: posts (includinglinks,images,docs) and comments - Interact with your communities:like,commentand discuss content - Create your own community postwithattachedfiles like images, docs and links - and organizeusingrelevanttags! - Quick access to LumApps Help page *To use ourapp,yourcompany’s active subscription plan to LumApps mustincludethemobile option, with valid login credentials. Do youhavequestionsor need some help with LumApps Mobile? If your organization is searching forwaystoimprove communication and to implementcollaborativeworkpractices, drop us a line at
Ifor Powell
ANT+ certified utility app allowing multiple other apps toaccessANT+ sensors.
Provision 3.197.0
vAuto’s Provision app helps you manage used vehicles when you’reonthe go.
Medical ID 7.16.4
Enables quick access to medical data and contacts in caseofemergency (ICE)
mediQuo PRO - For healthcare p 2.4.4
Take care of your patients no matter where you are
Les ordonnances types 1.0
A Acné Acouphènes Allergie au soleil Alzheimer AmpouleoucloqueAmygdales et végétations Analyse de sang Angine depoitrineAnxiétéAnémie Apnée obstructive du sommeil AppendiciteAsthme BBlessure àl'épaule Bouchon de cérumen Bouton de fièvre(herpès)BronchioliteBronchite et BPCO Bruxisme Brûlures Burn-out CCalculsbiliairesCancer colorectal Cancer de la prostate Cancer ducol del'utérusCataracte Cauchemars Chlamydia CholestérolClaquagemusculaireConjonctivite et autres infections des yeuxConstipationCor aupied Coup de soleil Coup du lapin Crampemusculaire CystiteDDiabète Diabète de grossesse DiarrhéeDouleursarticulairesDouleurs musculaires Décalage horaireDéchiruremusculaireDémangeaisons Dépression Dépression E EchardesEczémaEczémaatopique Engelures aux mains et aux piedsEnrouementEntorseEnurésie nocturne Evanouissement F FatiguechroniqueFibrillationauriculaire Fièvre G Gale Gingivite etparodontiteGonorrhée Grippeintestinale (gastro-entérite virale)Gueule de boisH Herniediscale Hernie inguinale Herpès génitalHyperacousieouhypersensibilité au bruit HypersomnieHypertensionartérielleHyperventilation Hypothermie HémorroïdesHépatites A, B,C ou E IIncontinence urinaire Infarctus du myocardeInfection parle VIHInfection RSV Infections sexuellementtransmissibles (IST)InsomnieIntolérance au gluten (coeliaquie)Intoxication alimentaireJJambes sans repos pendant le sommeil LLaryngite LésionsdentairesM Mal de dos (lombalgie) Maladie deMénièreMaladiescardio-vasculaires Mammographie Maniaco-dépressionMauvaisehaleineMigraine Molluscum contagiosum Mononucléose Mortsubitedunourrisson Mycoses Ménopause N NarcolepsieNorovirus(grippeintestinale ou gastro-entérite virale) OOreillonsOstéoporoseOtosclérose Ototoxicité P Peau sèche PelliculesPerted'auditionPhobies Pierres aux reins Plaque dentaire Poux PouxdupubisPresbyacousie (déficience auditive liée à l'âge)ProblèmesauditifsR Raideur musculaire Reflux gastro-œsophagien oubrûlantRhiniteallergique Rhinopharyngite Rhume Rhume desfoinsRonflementsRotavirus (grippe intestinale ou gasto-entéritevirale)RougeoleRythmies du sommeil Règles douloureuses SSinusiteSomnambulismeSurcharge pondérale Surdité brutale Syndromedu côlonirritableSyphilis Sécheresse buccale T Terreur nocturne etcrisnocturnesTMS : troubles musculo-squelettiques TouxToxoplasmoseTraumatismesonore Trichomonase Troubledéficitairedel'attention/Hyperactivité (TDA/H) Troubles duplancherpelvienTroubles du rythme veille-sommeil Troubles dusommeilTroubles dusommeil liés au travail en pauses TuberculoseTétanos UUlcère del'estomac V Varicelle Varices Verrues VerruesgénitalesVertigeparoxystique positionnel bénin (VPPB) Vertiges
Permis de sauver 2.2.2
Become the next link in the rescue chain.
TravelMate 6.1.2
MyWoWo s.r.l.
The App is specially designed to help you explore the wonders ofthecities!
DAVx⁵ – CalDAV CardDAV WebDAV 4.3.9-gplay
Sync Contacts (CardDAV), Calendars and Tasks (CalDAV). AccessyourWebDAV files.
Booking System 1.0.17
Using this app you can quickly setup a booking systemtoacceptbookings from your clients by answering a few questions.Ittakesonly a few minutes. Afterward you will have a link toawebsitethat you can send to your clients. On that website theycanseewhere you have free appointment slots and can book them.Whenoneof your clients books an appointment you willimmediatelyreceive anotification and you can optionally alsoreceive an email.You canselect at which times of the week you wouldlike toofferappointments, how long the appointments are, if aclient canbookmultiple consecutive appointments and if clients needto signupfirst or if they can just enter their name and other data.Youcanconfigure what they have to enter by adding custom fields.Itiseasy to setup, just try it. If you have any problemsjustcontactthe support. It can be used for free for up to 20 hoursofbookingseach month.
Cozytouch 3.7.0
COZYTOUCH, the revolution of connected comfort
sclak s.r.l.
NOTE TO ENTR USERS: support to ENTR lock isinBeta Testing and may have some malfunctions.Sclak is the safe and smart way to open locks. Works withanyelectronic lock.If you have a Sclak-enabled lock or you have been invited toone,this is the app for you.Never lose your keys again. SCLAK combines simplicity andsecurityto bring you the ultimate personal keyless-entrysystem.Sclak is the ideal way to introduce controlled keyless accesstoapartment buildings, shared residences and office.• Works with any electronic lock• Simple to install and use• Installs in any smartphone iOS 8+ or Android 4.3.1+• One app controls all your SCLAK-enabled locks.• Invite and remove guests directly from the app• Customize access permissions• Bluetooth® connection secured with DeepCover® Secure MemoryusingSecure Hash Algorithm (SHA-256)• Home and advanced business solutionsDon't have a Sclak lock?Come and visit us at www.sclak.comNOTE: Continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life.