Top 50 Apps Similar to iMove Ride App in Greece

My Taxi Ride System 4.80.90
The Ultimate NEMT Dispatch Solution: Best rated applicationtohandleNon Emergency Medical Transportation in NYC. MTRDispatchSystem willconnect via API to any Broker or Insurancecompany.Summary of ENMTFeatures: Electronic Vouchers ElectronicSignatureReal-Time GPS withlocation stamps API access audits withtimestamps and GPS location.Real-Time driver's routes replay.MedicaidBilling MTRnet: Networkaccess to over 10k drivers withthingUnited States. This applicationis base on New York CityLiveryCabs & Yellow Taxis experience.The system is the mostcompletesystem in the world. MTR Group Inc.would provided you acompleteinstallation of the dispatching system.Please email MiguelPieterat for a completeinstallation packagetoyour office and all your drivers. 1-Application wouldreceivedispatched call from the dispatching systemand will be abletoassign a job automatically to the nearest driver.Software canbealso customised to your needs. 2- Clients candownloadtheapplication for all Android, Apple and iOS devisesandrequestdriver directly through the dispatching system. Yes!thesystemwill receive the secured request from your businessclientsorindividuals and automatically submit the job toallavailabledrivers. This system is in complete compliance withNewYork CityTaxi & Limousine Commission. The system hasAutoDispatcher andAuto Pilot for drivers not to touch the tables oranyother mobiledevice while driving, that can help yourcompany'sfinancialsecurity, help all your drivers avoid accidentswhileoperating athe equipment, and keep them putting attention totheroad.Accepting a trip is a one touch button if driverdecidestomanually accept jobs, this is a legal way for drivers toacceptajob as mentioned by the New York City Taxi&LimousineCommission Commissioner. Business clients andindividualcanrequest Livery Cabs or Yellow Taxis using our website.Pleasevisitout page for more detail: 3- Systemwillverifydriver status every 24 hours with DMV and The New YorkCityTaxi& Limousine Commission's public database: a)TLCDriver'slicense Status b) Urine Test Expiration c)SuspensionsandRevocations d) Violations e) Pending Hearings andMore... 4-Systemwould verify vehicle status: a)Diamond/PermitNumberExpiration/Status b) Inspection Status Thisfeatures wereadded asper request of our clients and friends in themarket toprotect thebusiness from law suits against unlicenseddrivers.There is muchmore information about our system. Please callus fordetails212-920-7641 and 646-353-5746 or User Data Collection: We collectuserdata toauthenticate users and provide better experience forourusers.Please check our privacy policylocatedat:
it Taxi
APP “it Taxi”IL MODO PIU’ RAPIDO PER CHIAMARE IL TUO TAXI NELLEPRINCIPALICITTÀ ITALIANE!Hai bisogno di richiedere un taxi e non conosci ilnumerotelefonico per farlo?Con “it Taxi”, la App di URI (Unione Radiotaxi Italiani)puoirichiedere, o prenotare, un taxi in modo veloce e ovunquetusia.In pochi e semplici passaggi “it Taxi” individua la tua posizioneeinvia la richiesta direttamente alla centrale.Con una notifica ti verranno inviati la sigla della vettura eiltempo di arrivo!Come si fa?Dopo aver effettuato la registrazione puoi richiedere un taxiintotale comodità, senza preoccuparti di sapere l'indirizzo esattoacui ti trovi.Grazie alla Geolocalizzazione il sistema rileva la tuaposizioneautomaticamente: se confermi l'indirizzo ed il civicoindicati nelriepilogo, la tua richiesta verrà immediatamenteinviata allaCentrale Radiotaxi competenete territorialmente.Hai bisongo di un taxi presso uno specifico puntodiinteresse?Utilizza Google Places e indica l'indirizzo a cui desideriessereprelevato da uno dei nostri taxi!Ti invieremo immediatamente una notifica con la sigla del taxi ediltempo di arrivo!“it Taxi” ti offre, inoltre, una serie di servizi avanzatiperrendere sempre più semplici i tuoi spostamenti.- puoi annullare la richiesta o la prenotazione se i tuoiprogrammicambiano;- puoi memorizzare gli indirizzi nella sezione “preferiti”pertrovarli più facilmente nel caso debba utilizzarli dinuovo;- puoi consultare in tempo reale lo stato della richiesta;- puoi visualizzare la posizione del taxi in arrivodirettamentesulla mappa;- puoi comodamente pagare la corsa con il tuo Account PayPalericeverai in automatico la ricevuta al tuo indirizzodiposta.- puoi cancellare lo storico dei tuoi viaggiSei un cliente Business convenzionato con uno deiRadiotaxiURI?Cosa aspetti, it Taxi è la App che fa per te e che ti consentedipagare la corsa addebitando il costo della corsa sull'Accountdellatua azienda.Con it Taxi hai sempre sotto controllo il tuo profilo Businessepotrai verificare in tempo reale plafond residuo ecorserimanenti.Alla fine della corsa esprimi un giudizio sulla qualità delservizioofferto, ci aiuterai a migliorarlo ulteriormente!Sei rimasto deluso da uno dei nostri taxi o tassisti? Indicaloafine corsa e provvederemo a non inviarti più quel veicolo.Quali sono i vantaggi di “it Taxi”?La prima e unica App in Italia per una mobilità veloce e sempreaportata di mano sia per i clienti Privati che per i clientiBusinessche godono di una convenzione sottoscritta con uno deiRadiotaxi URIconsorziati.“it Taxi” rappresenta un unico punto di riferimento perlarichiesta taxi in ogni parte di Italia.Le principali città servite da “it Taxi”sono:Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Bolzano, Brescia, Catania,Cervia,Ferrara, Firenze, Fiumicino, Forlì, L’Aquila, Merano,Milano,Modena e Capri, Monza, Napoli, Palermo, Parma, Perugia,Pescara,Ravenna, Riccione, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Roma, RonchideiLegionari, Taranto, Torino, Trento, Trieste, Udine,ValVibrata.“it Taxi” è disponibile anche in moltissime altrelocalitàminori!Quanto costa utilizzare "it Taxi"?Il download e l’utilizzo sono totalmente gratuiti, e letariffedelle corse non subiscono alcuna variazione.APP "en Taxi"THE MOST 'QUICK TO CALL YOUR TAXI IN MAJOR CITIES ITALIAN!You need to take a taxi and you do not know the phone numberforit?By "it Taxi", the app URI (Unione Italian radio taxi) youcanrequest, or to book a taxi quickly and wherever you are.In a few simple steps "it Taxi" identifies your position andsendthe request directly to the panel.With a notification will be sent to the initials of the car andthetime of arrival!How you doing?After you have registered you can request a taxi in totalcomfortwithout worrying to know the exact address to where youare.Thanks to the geolocation system detects yourlocationautomatically: If you confirm the address and streetnumberindicated in the summary, your request will be sent to theCentralRadiotaxi competenete territorially.You bisongo a taxi at a specific point of interest?Use Google Places and indicates the address to which you wish tobepicked up by one of our taxi!We will immediately send a notification with the initials ofthetaxi and the time of arrival!"It Taxi" offers also a number of advanced services to makeyourtravel more and more simple.- You can cancel the request or reservation if yourplanschange;- You can store the addresses in the "favorites" to find themmoreeasily in case you need to use them again;- You can see in real time the status of the request;- You can see the location of the taxi arriving directly onthemap;- You can comfortably pay the fare with your PayPal Account andwillautomatically receive a receipt to your email address.- You can delete the history of your travelAre you a customer business agreement with one ofRadiotaxiURI?What are you waiting Taxi it is the App for you and allowing youtopay the fare and charge the cost of running the Account ofyourcompany.By Taxi it've always control your business profile and you cancheckin real time the ceiling and ran the remaining residue.At the end of the race you make a judgment on the quality oftheservice offered, and help us to improve it further!Are you disappointed by one of our taxi or taxi drivers?Pleaseindicate at the end of the race and we will not send you morethatvehicle.What are the advantages of "en Taxi"?The first and only App in Italy for a mobility fast and alwaysonhand for both private customers and for business customers thathavesigned an agreement with a consortium of radio taxi URI."Taxi it" represents a single point of reference for thetaxirequest in every part of Italy.The main cities served by "it Taxi" are:Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Bolzano, Brescia, Catania,Cervia,Ferrara, Florence, Fiumicino, Forlì, L'Aquila, Merano,Milan,Modena and Capri, Monza, Naples, Palermo, Parma, Perugia,Pescara,Ravenna, Riccione, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Rome, Ronchi oftheLegionaries, Taranto, Turin, Trento, Trieste, Udine,ValVibrata."It Taxi" is also available in many other smaller towns!How much to use "en Taxi"?The download and use are totally free, and the rates of theracesdo not undergo any change.
HOPIN - tap for transport 9.3
HopIN s.r.o.
HOPIN - app for easier transport - taxi, bus, parking, courier
iTaxi - the taxi app 5.18.1
iTaxi is the easy way to order taxis in Poland. Download anapp& travel safely!
mydriver Chauffeurservice
Book a car with your very own driver now.mydriverChauffeurserviceoffers reliable and comfortable ridetransferservices ataffordable rates. - Use the mydriverChauffeurserviceapp to bookyour ride in only a few minutes – forboth rides ondemand orpre-scheduled. - Choose between our range ofcar classesfromEconomy to First Class. - Are you travelling in asmall groupof upto 5 people? Simply book your transfer in one ofourBusinessVans/SUVs. - Thanks to our guaranteed fixed pricesforourpre-scheduled rides, you will never have to pay moreduetounforeseen circumstances like flight delays or trafficjams.Alltaxes and tips are already included in our rates. - Payeasilyandsecurely with your credit card – no need for cash. - Onceyouhavebooked, you will be able to see your driver’scontactinformationas well as details about the car in the app. - Ifyouare booking atransfer from the airport, your driver will greetyouin thearrivals hall with a welcome sign, help you withyourluggage, andshow you to your car. - There’s more to it thanairporttransfers.You can make use of our service to get to andfromconferences andtrade shows, as well as shopping trips andcitytours. We areavailable in many cities around the worldincluding:Rome,Stockholm, London, Dublin, Paris, Madrid,Berlin,Vienna,Amsterdam, Warsaw, Prague, Istanbul, Abu Dhabi,Dubai,Tokyo,Singapore, Bangkok, New York, Miami, Los Angeles, andmanymore!Install the mydriver Chauffeurservice app andexperienceourreliable and affordable car service for yourself!
Forus Taxi 3.2.0
Forus Taxi OÜ
All taxis in your pocket!
appTaxi - one app for all taxi 5.2.3
appTaxi is the best way to call your taxiinItaly, now with a large fleet of green taxi.After a simple registration, discover in a few moments how easyisget a taxi at your address.We find the taxi nearest to you, Always!WHY APPTAXI?- If you want to reduce your carbon footprint you can chooseanHybrid or Electric vehicle**.- If you're a stranger and you don't know your address, appTaxigetyour position and requires a taxi in a few moments.- If you're a stranger and you don't know the cab companyphonenumber, AppTaxi is for you!You can use the phone function and now also the SMS function.HOW DOES IT WORK?appTaxi geolocate your position into Google maps and send it tothenearest cab company.You can ask the taxi depending on your personal needs, alsoa"Green Taxi"**.A push notification will alert you about the taxi found.appTaxi work in 18 italian cities with 4800 vehicles and5700drivers.With apptaxi you can request a cab in the following cities:Milan (TaxiBlu), Rome (Samarcanda), Venice, Turin,Florence,Bologna, Padua, Verona, Palermo, Modena, Monza, Cagliari,Siena,Arezzo, Treviso, Vicenza, Rovigo, Lignano.BENEFITS WITH APPTAXI:- Free, the application can be downloaded for free.- Quick, with a few clicks you can call the taxi.- Versatile, you can cancel the request immediately if the taxidoesnot help you any more.- Green, use appTaxi to choose an hybrid orelectricvehicle**.TERMS OF USE:You can find the terms of use within the app oron* Internet connection are required**The activation of the filters may reduce the number ofavailablevehicles.
Parking Plugin — OsmAnd 1.0
OsmAnd Parking Plugin is a reminder foryourparking position.This is an additive plugin to the navigation app OsmAnd.The plugin offers two functions:- time independent reminder (only a marker on the map).- time limited reminder with alarm upon time expiration(includesalso a marker on the map).To place a Parking reminder on the map:1.Tap and hold on the map until a text bubble pops up.2.Tap on the text bubble and choose Parking reminder fromthemenu.3.Set the type of reminder you wish.Activating/Deactivating OsmAnd Parking Plugin,can be doneinOsmand>Settings>Plugin Manager.
iTaxi Center 3.80.01
Taxi in Chisinau (Moldova),Odessa(Ucraine).Recent modifications:- Notifications about your order status are added into theautosearch form.- The searching panel was redisigned - now regardless ofthelanguage the text was introduced, the result is displayedaccordingto the current language ot the application.- New registration method, no emails. Just enter yourtelephonenumber and press "Enter". The system will register andsend you thepassword via SMS.- New and lite design.- Auto search mode. Now your order will be received immediatelybydefault to all the taxi stations and all taxi drivers.- Contractor and tickets support was added. Attention - autosearchdoesn't work in case the contractor or ticket is indicated,becauseeach taxi service has different tickets andcontractors.- Selected addresses.- Order history.- Favorite taxi service option. If you want to search for ataxionly for a particular taxi service - now you canindicatethis.
Forus Driver 2.32.1947
Taxigo OÜ
Forus app is simple and functional, elaborated and designedfordrivers of all ages. Forus for drivers: - Is a great sourceofincome (main or additional) - Has no monthly/subscription fees-Allows to work in a free schedule Taxigo Driver cooltechnicalfeatures: - Arrival time auto-calculation - Shortcuts toGoogle andWaze navigation - Overview and navigation to clientdestination -Client statistics - Ability to set travel destinationto get taskin advance - Scheduled tasks pre-booking - Overview ofother taxison the live map - Electronic payments support - Driverscabinetwith reports, stats and setup
eTAKSI - get taxi in Lithuania
#1 taxi app in Lithuania. Currentlyavailablein TOP 5 cities: Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda,Šiauliai,Panevėžys.Use eTAKSI app to find a car fast and easy , it is totally free!Ittakes the tap of a button you will reach the largest networkoftaxi companies and private taxi drivers without a singlecall.Enter your trip destination ant the app will calculateapprox.price ant propose optimal route. Choose your fare from Ecocost toPremium.We’re working to make taxi service more efficient and betterinevery way. You can help too by evaluating driver aftereachride.Your feedback is welcome! Get in touch via support@etaksi.ltFollow us on Facebook iškvietimo programėlė Nr. 1 Lietuvoje. Šiuo metuveikiapenkiuose didžiuosiuose Lietuvos miestuose: Vilniuje,Kaune,Klaipėdoje, Šiauliuose, Panevėžyje.Su eTAKSI patogiai ir greitai rasite laisvą automobilįsavokelionei, o iškvietimas jums nieko nekainuos! Vos keliųmygtukųpaspaudimu pasieksite didžiausią taksi įmonių beiprivačiųvairuotojų tinklą. Įvedus kelionės tikslą, programėlėautomatiškaipaskaičiuos preliminarią kelionės kainą bei pasiūlysoptimalųmaršrutą. Kilometro kainą nuo Eko iki Prime klasėsgalitepasirinkti patys.Mes nuolat siekiame gerinti teikiamų paslaugų kokybę,todėlnepamirškite įvertinti vairuotojų darbą po kiekvienos kelionėsarbaatsiųsti savo atsiliepimus el. paštu pagalba@etaksi.ltSekite naujienas Facebook
Taxi-Link 1.5.3
Taxi-Link is an app for taxi calling, fast, safe and reliable.
TAXA 4x35 (taxi booking) 7.1.0
Taxa 4x35
Taxi booking in greater Copenhagen area
Hopin 1.5.0
Hopin Ltd
Attend live events wherever you go. Watch sessions andengagewithother attendees and speakers — whether you’rejoiningvirtually, inperson, or both. Use the Hopin mobile app to:WATCHLIVE EVENTSJoin one of the thousands of events hosted dailyonHopin and viewsessions with high-quality video and sound.ENGAGEWITH OTHERSInteract with other attendees via live chatmessages,polls,private video meetings and even group meetings.BOOKMARKYOURAGENDA Easily view your event’s agenda and bookmarkthesessionsand experiences you want to see. BUILD YOUR NETWORKMeetnew peopleand make connections with Hopin’s one-on-onevideonetworking. Youcan connect with people around the globe —whetheryou’re attendingin-person or virtually. VISIT EVENT BOOTHSGrabdeals, find extraevent resources and learn more aboutsponsorsinside event booths.You can watch live or pre-recordedvideo, askquestions in thechat, and even join the live videostream. JOINFROM MULTIPLEDEVICES Watch sessions from your desktopcomputerwhile you answerpolls and chat with other attendees fromyourmobile device.
Karwa - Official
Beat the traffic and get most affordable, fast and reliabletaxiride in Qatar
Star Taxi 3.3.2
Star Taxi is the most advanced taxi app that you can use toordertaxi.
QAAR 1.0.14
Qaar Inc.
From airport to night out and everywhere in between,Qaar(pronounced“car”) treats both drivers and riders to firstclassservice. Qaardrivers collect 100% of their fare withoutpayingoutrageouscommission fees. There are also extra benefitsforpatrons—likepaying with cryptocurrency, choosing your driver,anda smart,intuitive design. Have a letter? Package? Or furnituretosend? Withthe QaarGo feature, messenger services are as easyasordering a car.By foot, by bike, by van–all at a greatvalue.Here’s how it works: -Open the Qaar app and fill in where togo. -Choose your favoritedriver, or the app can select one basedonyour location. - You’lllearn about your driver, beforeacceptingtheir fare. - Driversaccept credit card andcryptocurrency. Lookout for Apple Pay, PayPaland more in thefuture. - Rate, favorite,and comment on yourdriver’s service–itwill help improve the Qaarexperience. On abudget? Order a QualityQaar. Feeling fancy? Ordera Luxury Qaar.Lots of friends? Order aParty Qaar. Need amessenger? Order QaarGo.Qaar is currentlyavailable in the NewYork Metro Area. For Qaarupdates and location:visit
Taxis Verts 51.5.2193
The most reliable urban mobility partner in Brussels (and Belgium).
HireFare – Free Taxi Meter 3.3.0
Free Next generation GPS powered Taxi Meter to calculate yourfareprecisely
CAR:GO - Go Anywhere 4.0.5
Mobile platform connecting members of the CarGo Association
Bringoz Driver 1.2.477
Empower Your Drivers With Bringoz
Herakleio City Bus 1.0.6
Information for urban transport buses in Herakleio(Crete)
Tallinja - Plan your trip 2.2.17.release
Bus updates in real time, reservation of future trips and muchmoreto discover.
Lyft, Inc.
The official app for BIKETOWN — Portland’s bike share system
Talixo Driver
A brand new response to Drivers' needs.
Quick pickups, low prices
Online TAXI BRAȘOV 3.5.10
Online TAXI BRAȘOV is an application used for TAXI order inBrasovcity.
Moves: Gig App for Rideshare Drivers & Delivery 4.2.0
Moves Financial
Moves is an all-in-one financial app helping 1099gigworkers,rideshare drivers, and self-employed freelancers in thegigeconomycontribute to their financial health and get ahead.It’stime yourgig business gets the attention it deserves. Easilymanageyourfinances, access your money, gain flexibility overyourgigearnings, and unlock new business rewards to get the mostoutofyour gig work with Moves. By bringing gig workers togetheronacommon platform to voice, engage, and create betteroutcomes,weenvision a world where more people choose to pursue thebenefitsofindependent work. “If a company’s goal is to ensurepeople whodowork on their own terms are financially secure - that’ssayingalot.” Leddy - Uber Eats & Grubhub Courier Ourpricingnevertakes advantage of our members, and with a viewtowardsbuildinghealthy financial habits, we’re optimizing forsimpleandeasy-to-understand pricing that encourages quickpayability.Toimprove the financial health of gig workers, we wanttohelpmembers to: - Spend less than they earn - Pay bills ontime-Maintain sufficient liquid savings - Maintain long-termsavings-Keep debt manageable - Have a prime credit score -Haveappropriateinsurance - Have a plan for their financialfutureMANAGE YOURMONEY IN ONE PLACE Moves is eligible for allindependentgigworkers in the United States, who earn money on anyof our15+supported platforms including Uber, Uber Eats, Lyft,Grubhub,andInstacart. Whether as a side hustle or a full-time job,you,themodern-day gig worker, deserve a gig economy platformthatallowsyou to be recognized. We’ve created the firstSpendingAccount withbanking features built for your workflexibility toeasily manageyour finances and instantly access acash advance ofup to $1,000when you need it most. Moves makesaccessing moneyeasy, so you cantake control of your finances, gainflexibilityover your gigearnings, and get peace of mind. No monthlyfees, nominimumbalances, and banking features built for yourworkflexibility.DROP OFF UNPREDICTABILITY AND PICK UPFINANCIALSTABILITY Planforward and build up your emergency fundbefore youneed it - theperfect alternative to loans for Uber andLyftdrivers, Movesprovides access up to $1,000 in cash foryoureveryday businessexpenses that you can withdraw at any time.Wewant to support youon a journey to build confidence inyourfinances with noadditional pressure. Your cash advance isdepositedinstantly intoyour Spending Account, and then over thenext 10weeks, we withdrawequal payments automatically to settleyourbalance. There’s nointerest, only a small one-time service feeof3.5% on advancesreceived. BUILDING A COMMUNITY FOR THECOLLECTIVEVOICE OF GIGWORKERS TO BE HEARD The gig economy issocial. Acrossdifferentfreelancer jobs and gig work apps to makemoney, Moves isbuildinga centralized resource hub for gig workersto sharetheirexperiences and further shape the gig economy. Stay upto datewiththe latest rideshare news, side hustle opportunities,and learnhowyou can leave a positive impact on the gig community.KEEP TRACKOFYOUR EARNINGS Earn cash on multiple gig work apps? Keeptrackofyour different side hustles, all in one place.Movesenablesrideshare drivers and freelancers to maximizeearningsacrossvarious platforms. Keep track of what works best foryou andhowyou should spend your time. Add more gigs and watch yoursafetynetimprove. HOW MOVES WORKS - Sign up for a Moves SpendingCard-Connect your gig apps to verify your earnings - Switchoveryourdirect deposit - Get access to a cash advance, up to$1,000-Improve your financial health and reach your goals Gigworkisunpredictable, but your finances don’t have to be. Movesisyourdependable copilot whenever the road gets rough-accessible,reliable, and hassle-free. Have questions orfeedback?Drop us aline at
Map of Cyprus offline 5.0
Map Apps
Offline map of Cyprus. Works without connecting to the Internet.
Prague Travel Guide 12.1.8 (Play)
The popular travel guide! Inspiration, information and maps.Itworks offline!
mytaxi – The Taxi App 10.38.0
Order a taxi now or book in advancethroughEurope’s largest taxi app – with one simple tap!With 10 million downloads in over 50 cities, mytaxi is thetrustedtaxi app for safe, quick and easy journeys. Track yourdriver’sarrival in real time and share your trip details withfriends andfamily so they know when you’ve arrived safely.Previously Hailo in the UK and Ireland, mytaxi offers you aslicknew taxi app, with the same great team behind the scenes togiveyou a first class cab booking experience.Look no further for a reliable and professional taxi hailingserviceyou can trust. With a number of features to make your tripa breeze,mytaxi gets you on your journey in a matter of minutes.Hail a cabwith us today!OUR FAVOURITE FEATURES• Taxis on tap: Order a licensed taxi instantly with justonetap• Prebook your taxi: Choose the date and time you need your taxiandbook up to 4 days in advance• Cash-free option: Pay hassle-free with your credit/debitcardin-app• Track your taxi: Sit back, relax and watch your taxi arriveinreal time• Share Journey: Keep your friends and family up to date sotheyknow you’re safe• Fare estimate: Get accurate fare estimates before you startyourtrip• Address book: Save your home and work addresses to hail a cabwithminimal effort• Favourite Drivers: Rate and favourite the best cab driversforfuture journeys• 5-star Taxis: Request 5-star taxis and your favourite driversforthe best taxi experience• Multi-seater: Go big with our multi-seater option forlargergroupsHOW IT WORKS1. Open the mytaxi app2. Tap once to order a taxi3. Sorted!Booking a cab with mytaxi is as easy as it sounds. Ouraccuratelocation services will find you the nearest licensed taxidriversyou can trust – for safe, fast pickups.With over 10 million downloads across Europe, you can rely onmytaxito book a fast and easy car service. Find our taxi bookingserviceacross over 50 European cities, including London, Dublin,Barcelona,Berlin, Cologne, Krakow, Madrid, Milan, Munich, Rome,Vienna, Warsawand more. Download the mytaxi app to book localtaxis with onesingle tap!If you’re looking for stress-free airport transfers, mytaxi hasgotyou covered. Prebook journeys up to 4 days in advance and markyourtrip with the destination ‘Airport’ for fast, convenienttransport.Get guaranteed fixed fares for airport trips (in Londonand otherselected European cities). Say goodbye to the pressure oflastminute travel and try our airport pickup service today.Booking a taxi for somebody else? No problem! Just leave thedrivera message under ‘Booking Options’ before you click ‘Order aTaxi’.Our licensed cab drivers will always be on hand to help, andyoucan call the driver once they’ve been allocated to you throughthemytaxi app.Our taxi app provides high quality service with highqualitydrivers. Join millions of users who have helped us establishthebest network of top class taxis across Europe. Rate andfavouriteyour cab driver so we can continue to connect you with thefinestlicensed cab drivers in your local city. For ultimateassurance,set your booking options to 5-star Taxis only!The safety of our cab hailing community is our top priority,whichis why you can share your trip details to friends and familyon themytaxi app.Download mytaxi and experience the best features of our taxibookingapp yourself. We are the ultimate trusted companionwhenever youneed to hail a cab, making your journey from point Ato point B asafe, seamless experience.If you have any questions, please visit the Help and Contactsectionof the app (via your profile) to see our most frequentlyaskedquestions. Alternatively, please get in in the UK, or
Avas Ride: Your taxi in Male' 0.42.01
Taxi booking application in Maldives
Hitch - Rides between Cities 4.15.1
Hitch a ride, give a ride. Matching riders & driverstravelingbetween cities
WeGo Powered by Via 4.6.5
This public vanpool takes you where you want to go, when you wanttobe there
Mapei APP 2.10.16
Mapei SpA
The world of MAPEI in your hands
Potswork: Post jobs. Hire Help 1.0
Find a ride, cleaner, babysitter, trainer, handyman, mover and more
TaxiClick Easy 3.1.1
Press the button and call the taxi in a simple and innovative way.
Valencia Metro Guide & Planner 1.0.17
Detailed Valencia Metro Guide and Subway Route Planner withofflinemap 2.4.0
Every piece of information about your favorite resort in one place.
ezRide Dallas (DART Transit)
Offline trip planning in the public transport system ofDallas(DART)
Carmel - Car, Taxi & Limo 1.11
With more features than anyothertransportation app in the world and without breaking any law,booka car, taxi, or limo in 3 easy taps.When your travel is too important to leave to chance, choosetheCarmel Global Travel Solution!• Book a car On-Demand, your car is around the corner.• Reserve a car for later like no other app on the market.• Quick access airport buttons displaying the three airportsclosestto you• As the Airport Specialist - access best priced airport travelallover the world.• Receive a binding quotation prior to your ride takingplace.• Comes with $6 X $6 Free Car Cash to use immediately.• Earn Airline Miles for each ride.• Easily post your trip to your smart phone calendar.• Watch your car as it approaches.• Receive information about the driver, the vehicle, andtheregulatory body it is licensed by in each city we service.• Use your credit card or your business account with Carmel topayfor your ride.• Select "Auto-Charge" and we will never ask you for yourcreditcard information again.• Select if and how much you want to tip the driver.• Want to pay for the ride now and tip only after servicewasrendered - no problem• Automatically store your favorite addresses for easyfuturebookings.• Automatically store your favorite trips for even easierfuturebookings.• View a comprehensive list of your past rides as well asyourfuture reservations• Provide an In Case of Emergency (ICE) number and be informedofall apps activity by your loved one.• Ask and receive a special discount in any city we service evenifwe are not currently promoting it.• Share the word about Carmel and earn money.• Watch tutorial videos on how to use the app - divided accordingtotopics for easy watchingThe Carmel App gives you access to the best fleet ofaffiliatedvehicles anywhere in the world at unbeatableprices.Need a ride? Just Carmel it! We'll be there for you.The Carmel App - Don't leave home without it!
Yerevan Offline Map and Travel Guide 1.42
Yerevan Offline Map - free maps designed specificallyfortravelers.Advantages of offline maps: - Save money in roaming-Work fast evenwith bad Internet connection. - You can see themapif there is noInternet: in the subway, on the plane Allfunctionswork offline: -Yerevan Offline Map with travel guide - Alltouristattractions onthe map - Wiki descriptions for touristattractions- Address search- Search by category (airports, metrostations,train stations,hotels, etc.) - Save and edit favoritelocations -Automotive andpedestrian GPS navigation in the paidversion
Curb - Request & Pay for Taxis 6.1.1
Ride now or book in advance, and pay automatically all fromyourphone
Potswork Driver App - Set Your Rates Per Mile 1.0
Are you a driver and you’re looking for an app in which youcansetyour own rate per mile? If yes, then you’re at therightplace!!Potswork Driver App is a Free Ridesharing Driver App&CabService App in which you can become a Potswork driverthroughwhichyou can earn money by providing rides to riders inyourcommunityand network. This is the Best Ridesharing Driver Appinwhich youcan set your own rates per miles and minutes foreachride.Introduction to Potswork Driver App: Best RidesharingDriverApp& Cab Service App: Potswork is a free Ridesharing appthatyoucan use for your ridesharing scheduling. This is aPotsworkCabService App in which you can share your profile withpast riderstokeep a steady rider base. We provide riding servicesunderthePotswork rideshare platform. If you’re a taxi driver oracabdriver, you can earn through driving with thisfreeRidesharingDriver App & Cab Service App. Why use ourPotsworkDriver App:Free Rideshare Driver App (Potswork CabService): BE AREAL BOSSDownload Rideshare: Best Ridesharing &cab service andsign upfor it to become a Potswork driver. There aremuch morebenefitsbut the foremost benefit for you is that you canset yourown priceper mile and per minute for all trips, as real abossshould. DRIVESAFE Mask is required for drivers and riders. ByusingPotsworkDriver App services, you should wear a mask becauseour #1safetyporosity in 2021 is to promote a safe ride experienceforbothdrivers and riders. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR EARNING POTENTIALSignupin our app, become a member of our driver communityandtakecontrol of your earning potential. If you are a cab driverorataxi driver, this Potswork Driver App: Best Ridesharing&cabservice is made just for you to increase yourearningpotential.Potswork Cab Service App is here to help you inmakingmoney withyour car. SHARE YOUR DRIVER PROFILE Have you everhad arider thatyou wish you could have them book you again inthefuture? PotsworkDriver App will make that happen. Shareyourprofile with them andget all your ridesharing riders to bookyounext time on PotsworkDriver App. Share your driver profile fromourBest RidesharingDriver App and grow a client base ofregularriders, you love todrive. Join Potswork drivers who aremakingmoney earning in citiesaround the US, including: Albany,Atlanta,Austin, Baltimore,Boston, Bridgeport, Chicago, Dallas,Denver,Hartford, Houston,Knoxville, Las Vegas, Los Angeles,Miami,Minneapolis, Nashville,New York City, Orlando,Philadelphia,Phoenix, Pittsburgh, PalmBeach, Portland, San Diego,San Francisco,San Jose, Seattle, St.Louis, Sacramento, Tampa,Washington DC...and several more. NOTICEThis Potswork Driver App:Free RidesharingDriver App & CabService App is for only fordrivers. Are you arider who wants torequest a ride from driversthat are near you?Download thePotswork - Request a Ride App and getstarted. PotsworkDriver Appis currently available only in theUnited States.Download our FreePotswork Cab Service: BestRidesharing & cabservice, keep itinstalled in your mobile andwe’ll notify you assoon as it becomesavailable in your area! DIDYOU LOVED OUR APP?SHOW SOME LOVEPlease don't forget to share ourapp with all yourtax drivers andcab drivers friends and give usreview with some ofyour kindwords. PotsworkCab Service: FreeRidesharing Driver Appwas builtby drivers for all the drivers whowant to earn money andincreasetheir potential. We will only succeedwhen driversunderstand theadvantages to them and buy into worktogether as acommunity!!CONTACT US ON SOCIALMEDIA
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