Top 50 Apps Similar to Inventory management for small business or stores

Stock and Inventory Management System 1.6
Magnetic Lab
Stock and Inventory Management System is an app that managesandtracks your product stock and control inventory. This appmanagesproduct by adding product details like name, product id, buyrate,and description about product. It also manages producttransactions– in (import) /out (export). It shows low stockproducts based onlow product limit set in settings. Low stockproduct list helps youto decide what to buy to control inventory.Stock and InventoryManagement System app features : - A free,simple, and compact appthat manages product stock and inventory. -Manages product detailsby add, update and delete product details. -Manages product importand export transactions easily. - Showssummary of import, exportand in hand stock of each product. - ShowsLow stock products listbased on setting low stock warning value. -Provides QR and barcode scanner for reading product code. - ShowsPie chart report ofproduct in (import), product out (export), andin hand stock helpsyou to analyze the stock easily. - ProvidesBackup and restorefeatures for stock data - Search and filterutilities are availablefor easily search products and filtertransactions. - Exportsproduct and transaction detail reports inExcel or PDF. Thesereports can be opened, shared and deleted.
Inventory Management App – Zoho Inventory 1.2.25
Zoho Corporation
Inventory management plays a significant role indailybusinessactivities. However, doing it manually on aspreadsheet canconsumea lot of your time and delay your otheroperations. ZohoInventoryovercomes this problem by enabling smallbusinesses toeasily andeffectively manage their inventory andnon-inventoryitems fortheir shops and warehouses. Our app has theright mix offeaturesto manage your items, contacts, payments,vendors, andorders. ZohoInventory belongs to the family of Zohoapps, which aretrusted bymore than 50 million users globally. Youcan check outour Homepage to learn more about Zoho. Feel free totake a look atour listof features to see if our inventorymanagement app is rightforyou. Dashboard: Get an overview of totalsales, purchases,itemspacked, and low stock items. Item list: AddSKUs, group items,andcreate bundles easily. Barcode scanning: Useyour phone cameratocapture barcode information from items.Tracking: Monitoritemmovements and expiration dates with serial andbatchtracking.Customers: Maintain your customer information hereandkeep trackof their names, email IDs, addresses, andcontactinformation.Sales orders: Keep a record of all yoursalestransactions withtheir associated customer and item info inoneplace. Invoices:Convert sales orders to invoices, decidepaymentterms, and startaccepting payments. Vendors: Add your vendorandorganization nameto keep supplier details handy. Purchaseorders:Select the item,vendor, and purchase order number to save arecordof the purchase.Bills: Create bills to record thepaymentinformation for apurchase. Warehousing: Monitor stock levelsineach warehouse andtrack inter-warehouse movements.Packaging:Create package slipsthat you can attach to your boxes.Shipmentlabels: Create shippinglabels for USPS, UPS and FedEx.E-commerce:Manage your Shopify,Amazon, Etsy, and eBay shoplistings. More onZoho Inventory: Weburl: Helpdoclink: to help business owners make their inventorymanagementeasy andeffortless. If you have any questions orsuggestionsrelated to ourmobile or web app, then reach out You can also access theZohoInventoryweb app on your laptop and desktop. To get started,youcan sign upfor a 14-day free trial.
Store Manager: sales record & inventory management 1.17.1
Are you looking for FREE sales, stock, and inventorymanagementappsfor small businesses? The store manager serves thepurpose ofordermanagement or sales tracker as well as stockmanagement. Youcancreate lists of products, orders, customers, andinvoices forfree.Additionally, a barcode scanner and low stockreminder willelevateyour experience one step ahead. The storemanager appprovides youthe convenient and compact solutions tomanage storeseffectivelywhich will save time and generates growthin business.Manage orderswith minimum effort while maximizingproductivity.Features: *Create unlimited orders, stocks, customers,andinvoices. * Managestocks and orders using a barcode scanner.*Manage multilevelcategorical products in stocks. * Nointernetconnection required. *Convenient customization settings.*Reminder for low stocks. *Import and export app data(settings,database, images). * Reviewdaily, weekly, monthly, oryearlyorders. * Pin Lock feature toprotect data. * Multiplecurrencysupport. * Customizable decimalformat for fractional part(0 to5). * Sales report generation. *And many more excitingfeaturesyou will discover on the go.In-depth Details: StockManagement:You can manage stocks inisolation or combined withordermanagement. Product listing iscustomizable from stocksettingswhere you can choose which item(images, description, buyingprice,selling price, etc.) should bevisible in the list item. Ifthemultilevel category is enabled fromsettings, then thecategoricallisting will be visible. You can setthe low stock limitandreminder for items that reach the limitaccording toyourpreference from stock settings. Furthermore, youcan createandsearch an item using the barcode scanner.Finally,producttransactions can be done from a different screen toadd orsubtracta specific quantity (whole number orfractional).CustomerManagement: You can create customers byproviding detailsor importcustomers from the contact list. Customeris displayedaccording totheir payment status (All, Paid or Due) andbookmarkedcustomer inthe marked screen. The number of totals, due,and paidorders aredisplayed in the listing. All of the ordersassociatedwith thespecific customer can be viewed and customizedfrom thecustomerscreen. The visibility of specific items on thelist can bechangedfrom customer settings. Order Management: You canmanageorderswith less effort by providing only your requiredinformation.Taxand discount can be used in multiple variations. Theproduct canbeimported in the order from stock by navigating throughthestocklist or using a barcode scanner. However, you cannotaddthequantity of a specific product greater than theavailablequantityin stock. On the other hand, a new product can becreatedonly forthis order without thinking of stock. Order listingisbased onall, due, paid, and marked. The default listing is basedona dailybasis; however, you can change this to weekly, monthly,andyearlyfrom order settings. When you delete an order or an itemintheorder, you will be asked to undo the changes of quantityinstock(If the item is imported from stock). You can savethissettingfrom order settings. Invoice Management: Invoice fromaspecificorder can be created from the order screen in thestoremanager.You can print, share, or save invoices according toyourneed. Thebusiness and payment information can be provided inglobalsettingsto make an impact on invoice generation. We areworkingvery hardto improve the features of the store manager thatmeet theneeds ofusers. Please let us know regarding anysuggestions,queries, orproblems you face while using the storemanager app. Oursupportteam is available to assist you. Do notforget to rate us ifyouenjoy this app.
Inventory, expense tracking and order fulfillment 2.3
Simple & powerful multi user &multi-platforminventorymanagement solution. MAJOR MODULES: 1)InventoryManagement 2)Purchase Order & Sales Order Management3)Supplier &Customer Management 4) Import Data & ExportData5) ExtensiveReporting with export to Excel/CSV 6) InventoryrelatedIncome& Expense Management 7) Barcode Scanning WithInventoryPro, -People from your organization can access companyinventorydatafrom their mobile devices and desktops. - Itofferscompleteinventory management features including barcodescanning,stocktaking, stock adjustments, inventory valuation,inventorymovement,low stock alerts, graphical reports, dashboardsetc. - Youcangenerate, manage and print purchase orders and salesorders. -Youcan manage and communicate with your suppliers andcustomers. -Youcan record partial or full delivery against purchaseorder orsalesorder. - You can also manage other income and expensesofyourorganization. Noteworthy Features: - Create Purchase OrderorSalesOrder and print with your company logo, name, and addressetc.-Get email notification when any item goes into low stock.-LowStock quantity can be configured for each item separately.-Multilevel taxes, item level tax & discount can be addedtoPurchaseorder and Sales Order. HOW DOES IT WORK? With 3simplesteps youcan start using Inventory Pro for your organization.STEP1:Download Inventory Pro App and register as an administratorofyourorganization (You can also registerbyvisiting the plan as per number of users you need. We offer7daysfree trial period. STEP 3: Invite users of yourorganizationfromthe menu. They receive link in emails to join.Please notethat,the invited users don't need to subscribe. Yourplanincludesaccess for the selected number of users. for any questions.UPGRADEFROMINSTANT INVENTORY APP: Our existing subscribersofInstantInventory App can upgrade to this enterprise editionbycontactingus at We will assistinmigratingtheir existing inventory data to Inventory Pro. Feelfreetocontact us via email. We have excellent support recordandnoquestions will be ignored – onFacebook: Follow usonGooglePlus: Proapp now & manage inventory on yourfingertips.Change Logs:Version 2.1 (March 06, 2019) - Addedprintfunctionality. Version2.0.2 (February 21, 2019) -Improvements tobarcode scanning feature.- Updated build tools.Version 2.0(January 05, 2018) - Added supportfor Android 8 andabove Version1.9.1.1 (September 11, 2017) - Minorbug fixes.Version 1.9.1(February 07, 2017) - Added support forAndroid 6 andabove.Version 1.9 (June 01, 2016) - Added inventoryimport withSellingPrice. - Minor bug fixes. Version 1.8 (April 14,2016) -AddedImport Income and Expense feature. Version 1.7 (March27,2016) -Performance & UI improvements. Version 1.6 (March1,2016) -Brand new home page for easy navigation. - OtherminorUIimprovements. Version 1.5 (Jan 29, 2016) - Now supportsAndroid6.0- Auto populate Product ID by enabling it from Settings.-AddedDelivery date in Purchase/Sale orders. Version 1.4 (Dec24,2015) -Search products while adding items in Purchase/Saleorders.- AddedShipping Cost while adding Purchase/Sale orders. -AddedSellingPrice for Inventory Items. - Can choose date forStockIn/Outtransactions. - Company admin can configure who allshouldreceivelow stock emails.
Stock and Inventory Online 1.0.12r4
Chester SW
Multi-user app for stock management and tracking salesandpurchases.Especially useful for small retailers or warehousesbutalso suitablefor wholesale business. You can controlmultiplestores and multipleemployees in a single application. Ouruniquetechnology allowsworking online or offline and syncing datawhen aconnection becomesavailable. Key features and capabilities:-Register Sales, Purchasesand Transfers between stores; -Defineaccess rights for your Users;- Import/Export data throughExcelfiles; - Track general Expenses:rent, salary, and others;-Minimum Stock Level alerts and Reorderreport; - Multipleimagesper item; - Use Barcodes - scan with yourCamera orexternalscanner; - Print to PDF: invoices, sales receipts,pricelists,catalogs, etc. There are more features to makeyourstockmanagement convenient and easy. Use the “QuestionorSuggestion”menu item in the application to send us a messageorsimply sendan e-mail to if youneedany help.
ClearBook - purchase and sales app | Khata Book 1.31
ClearBook (Ledger Account Book/ daily hisab kitab) - Runyourshopusing single App. It is a free accounting app you can useassalespurchase app for any kind of business. It is Tally formobile.WithClearbook app, you can * Record/entry sale * Recordudharbhaikhata book * Record/entry vendor purchase *Record/entrystaffsalary and ok credit * Record/entry expenses likerent,electricitybill etc. * Download and share detailedcash-flowreports *Download and share customer khatabook report *Share yourbusinessreports with your partners * Works withoutinternet * Worksasoffline khatabook and cashbook * Simple cashmanagement app*Manage Len Den / Credit Debit * Manage your businesscashbookClearBook app takes backup of your data to cloudautomatically,sothat even if you change your phone you don't loseyourbusinessdata. You can also attach photos to each transaction.Youcandownload monthly report about your business Any categoryofshopcan use: - Mobile Recharge and Electronics Shops -KiranaShop,General Store, Grocery Store, Provision Store - Bakery,coolbar ,Juice Shops - Pharmacy, vegetable shop - Textiles,Garments,tailorshop - chai shop, coffee shop 100% Safe and Secure -No onecanchange, edit or delete entries without your permission.
Stock Controller - inventories 5.2.1
XNR Sisbi
Need to manage your business inventories? This is the right appforyou.
Smart Inventory System - Mobil
Super simple inventory app for home, small to mid businessesandhobbyist.
Purchase Order Generator -Zoho 4.0.1
Zoho Corporation
Create professional purchase orders and share them withyoursuppliers.
StockApp: M-POS|ORDER|SELL 427
StockApp Ltd
A Simple Cashflow Tool. Effortlessly Track Your Personal&Businesses Cashflow.
Mobile Inventory 4.6.5 - Breithorn - pr
Bino Solutions
*Recommended for Small and Medium-sized businesses Somefreefeatures available: - Stock management - Take stock - Takestockfrom Stock management - Locations management - Import in batchoradd items one by one - Barcode / QR code scanner & Searchtoquickly identify items - Filter items by category / counted /tags/ custom fields / locations - Built-in calculator - Userdefinedtags - Operations history - Custom fields - Change productslistdisplay - Switch Barcodes / QR codes between inventoriesPremiumfeatures: - Export data to .xls / .xlsx file - NFC support-External barcode scanner support - Backup & Restore dataMobileInventory is an easy to use application that helps you tomanageyour inventory and do from time to time "take stock"operations.Why Mobile Inventory? Because it's simple, intuitive anddoes itsjob! STOCK MANAGEMENT: 1) Populate your products list It'syourdecision how to do it: add products one by one, import fromanexcel / csv list or get the products from another inventory.2)Manage stock entries Beside products, inventory managementneedsentries to be added. In a very quick manner you can addinputs,outputs and movements between locations 3) Manage inventorybylocations Your inventory could have one or more locationstomanage. That why Mobile Inventory allows you to definelocations,manage transactions and extract reports by location. 4)Get realtime stocks and navigate easily through transactions Realtimeentries mean real time stocks ... Analyze the entries byusingfriendly tools: filters, sort, quick search, etc. 5)Exportinventory - stocks and entries Transfer your work to an excelfile(locally, on drive, shared via email, etc.) TAKE STOCK 1)Getproducts from Predefined lists / Stock management or Addproductsmanually Populate products list by choosing from thealternatives:importing from a predefined Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .csv)product list,taking over from Stock management at a certain date,addingproducts manually one by one. 2) Count items Addcollectedquantities by using: barcode scan, quick search, categoryfilter,calculator, tags, counting history, batching factor. 3)Exportcounting results (excel file) Capitalize your work andexportinventory list in a .xls /.xlsx format file. The exportedlist isespecially designed for following matching processes and canbesaved locally, on drive, shared via email, etc. Fordetailedinformation visit http://mobileinventory.netand . If you have additionalquestionsabout the application, improvement suggestions or feedbackpleasecontact our support team at
eStock: Stock Manager, Invento 1.6
MS International
A simple utility that manages your product stock andinventoryeasily
Simple Stock Manager 4.4.7
Easily manage your product stock!
Sales Book 1.8.4
Sales Book
SalesBook is free Wapar/Vyapar/Business management software.It’sacomplete solution for small or medium business management.Itcanbe used for invoice, Billing ,inventory management aswellasaccounting app.This Bill Book allows you to handleyourcustomeraccounts, vendor accounts, stock ,cash in hand,multiplebankaccounts and many more. No matter what kind of businessyouarerunning you can customize SalesBook according to yourneeds.Youcan also use it for your daily expenses, andincomemanagement.Below are the key features. You can sell ,purchase,return andedit existing transactions. You can generatereports forDay ,Week, Month, Year or any custom date range. Youcangeneratedifferent reports like Sales, Purchase, Stock,ProfitLoss,Customer Ledger, Vendor Ledger, Investor Ledger,Expense,ExtraIncome, Cash In Hand History You can generate PDFs ofanyreport.By using this business management software you cancreatemultiplepayment options. Like Banks, Checks, Cash etc. Youcanalsotransfer payment from one account to another. You cansetmultipleproduct rates like retail sale rate, whole sale rate.Youcan makeRetail sale, Wholesale translation with one click. Youcanexportall your transactions in a .XLS sheet for furtheroperationsusingyour desktop system. You can print bills/invoicesusing awirelessthermal printer. You can send PDF bills via Whatsapp/emailetc. tocustomers or vendors. SalesBook helps you to manageUdharBook/LoanRecord You can generate Ledger of Customer, VendorandInvestor aswell. Profit Lose on Average purchase and totalpurchasecost bothare available. You have two types of Balancesheets forcompleteinsight of your business. Additional features.LocalDatabaseBackup and Restore. Cloud database Backup andRestore.Filters onTransaction. Barcode scanner. Auto backup to thecloud .Periodicbackup like on every activity, after every hour oreveryday.Manage multiple vendors (need to be enabled fromsettings.)Cashsettlement to and from Customer/Vendors. Send sms tocustomersonnew transactions.
Rapid Inventory 2.7.5
Manage inventories and stock lists with up to 100 itemsforfree!Rapid Inventory was optimized for fast and smoothoperationonsmart phones and tablets; particular emphasis was placedonsimpleand intuitive operation. The integrated dataexchangefunctionsallow you to import existing stock lists or to usethecollecteddata for further processing (Google Drive, CSV, XML).Ifnecessary,the item capacity can be extended at any time.SIMPLIFIESYOURINVENTORY Use Rapid Inventory for Android tosimplifystocktakingand inventory management tasks. Create, manageorcontrol your itemlists, partial lists, inventory, serialnumbers,supplies, CD andDVD collections, etc. in no time Thebuilt-inbarcode scanner andthe integrated support forindustry-gradeBluetooth scanners allowyou to manage your item datain as littletime as possible.FEATURES ◾ Clearly arranged item listwith searchfunction ◾ Customfields (various datatypes, low/highresimages,multiple quantities,multiple expiration date fields) ◾Adjustablesort order ◾ Tagitems with labels ◾ Data import and dataexportfunctions (CSV,XML, Google Drive) ◾ Supports Bluetoothbarcodescanner (BluetoothSPP devices) ◾ Built-in camera barcodescanner ◾Optimized forsmart-phones and tablets SUPPORT In case ofproblems,questions orrequests please,TECITSupport (Skype).Don’t forget to rate theapp. We highlyappreciate your feedback!
ErpLite - Invoice & Estimate 2.27
LITE(Trial) version Key Features * Android Phone, GalaxyTab,Tabletcompatible: 4inch~10.1inch * Simply createinvoices,estimates andpurchase orders. * You can print a receiptfor thecustomer (mobilereceipt printer) * You can print out theinvoiceas a PDF.(preview/share/send email) * You can changetheformeasily.(invoices, estimates and purchase orders)*Accurateinventory management. * Accounts receivable,accountspayablemanagement. * Options for setting the sales price.(LastSalesPrice(By Customer),Retail,A,B,C,Discount) * Banking,income/expense management. (My Credit cards, cash,bankaccountmanagement) * Supported bluetooth barcode scanner.(barcodescannerdevices and camera scanners support) * Product imageandcustomerimage support. * Various reports (excelfile/share/sendemail) *Import data from Excel. / Export data toExcel. * You canenterdata in Excel on your computer. (Data importfrom Dropbox) *ErpProapp is easy and fast. * This lite version haslimitations onthenumber of records you can create.
Pocket Ledger 3.4.6
This app enables a small business in maintainingadebit/creditledger. The following key business process can bedonewith thisapp: Debit/Credit Ledger maintenance InventoryManagementSales andInvoice Management Scan barcodes for productsand storethem inyour app database Create Sales order and Invoice tosend itto yourclients Full data can be exported to excel to be usedin anyothersoftware Party can be imported in Bulk from using excelYoucanprint ledger report, Invoice and Products report in PDFandExcel.You can share the report with your party withText(sms)orWhatsapp. Report creation can be based on weekly,monthlysixmonths or date range. The report can also be vieweddirectly inyouphone too. Share entry with receipt as pdf, newreport for partybycategory Receipts images will be stored inGallery with PinchandZoom is added in the receipt image. You cancreate party fromyourcontacts list now. Set reminders for paymentData backup incloud,File or your own google drive Data is encryptedso that noone canaccess it .
Daily Sales Record 3.25
Kutir Soft
Simple way to Track Unlimited Sales, Profit, Stock,GenerateInvoice, CRM, POS
SalesPlay POS - Point of Sale 107.0
SalesPlay POS
Easy to manage POS app for your restaurant, cafe, food truck,andbeauty salon
Myne Sales & Inventory Manager 1.15.4
Myne App
Manage your sales and inventory of products and services -viewamazing graphics
Stock and Inventory Simple 2.1.12r1
Chester SW
If you need to keep track of your stock of any kind of items -thisapplication can help you to do it. It can be used as astockmanagement tool or inventory tracker at home or in awarehouse. Asmall shop can use it for sales and purchasesmanagement. Even bigcompanies use it mostly as a data collectionterminal to exchangewith back-office through Excel files import andexport. Keyfeatures: - Easy data input (either manually orimporting fromExcel files); - Add pictures to visualize items, takephotos or addimages; - Organize your products in folders (groups)with unlimitedhierarchy; - Scan barcodes to speed up your work(either withsmartphone's camera or external scanner); - RegisterSales andPurchases; - Track Customers and Suppliers; - TrackMultipleStores; - Set Minimum Stock Level and receive notificationswhenquantity drops below the minimum, reorder in time; - Print toPDFwith our sample templates or create your own to printcatalogs,price-lists, sales receipts, invoices, etc. - Run Reportsandcalculate profits, margin, and markup; - Track daily sales,salesby items or customers; - Export and Import to/from Excelfiles; -Use Google Drive for data exchange and backups; We makeinventorymanagement simple and we are always ready to help. Use“Question orSuggestion” menu item in the application to send us amessage orsimply send e-mail to
Grocery Shopping List -BudList 3.9
RMY Studio
Grocery shopping list and to do list app for all your shoppingneeds
Boxstorm Inventory 1.12.1
Cloud-Based Inventory Management System
Sales Manager 7.3.0
The Sales Manager is a powerful tool for producing salesinvoicesinthe field. It is a cloud based, multi-user client serversystem,andVanguard Software provides various server options. Theclientcanrun on an Android or iOS phone or tablet, and it alsorunsonChromebooks. The apps are free. They are not trialversions,andthey have no expiry date. They fully functional, thoughthereare anumber of paid extras. They can also be used as standaloneapps,though various restrictions apply. The Sales Manager isfasterandmore accurate than traditional paper-based methods, andcanhandlelarge amounts of data. Invoices can be printed on aWi-Fiprinter,and barcodes can be scanned from any Android devicewith abuilt incamera. The salesman does not have to lug around aheavylaptop –he only needs the phone that he already carries. TheSalesManageris designed to run on just about any iPhone orAndroidphone, andcan be used even on devices with small screens. Ithas arichgraphical user interface, which makes it easy to learn andtouse.The application uses a highly scalable SQLite database,andallqueries are indexed. It can handle large numbers ofcustomersandproducts, with little or no loss of performance. TheSalesManagercan adapt to match most business situations,andautomaticallyformats dates and prices according to thecurrentlocale. It alsohas a flexible business model that includessupportfor multipleprice lists and variable tax rates. It can beused forreturns andrefunds, as well as invoices. KEY FEATURES •Fastresponse to userinput • Highly scalable database • Easy tolearn •Simple userinterface • Barcode scanning • Invoice printing •Webservices •Multiple price lists • Variable tax rates
POS & Stock Inventory Tracker 0.33.5
Tiny Baobab
Retail and restaurant POS
Order Manager - PocketSell 1.18.3
Collect and Manage your customers orders quickly and on the go!
The Smart Work Order app
Simple Simon (c)
Smart work order app: Easy to use digital work order. Savetime,improve quality
Salesmate - Sales CRM 13.6.6
RapidOps Inc.
Salesmate is an all in one CRM software for sales teams
Storage Manager: Stock Tracker 14.2
Stock Management Made Easy - Manage & Track WarehouseInventoryEffortlessly
Inventory Management Premium 1.67
This application is the best way to manage your inventory (no ads)
Itemtopia 5.5.5
Itemtopia Inc.
The simplest app to keep track of everything you own.
TapPOS Inventry Sales manager 5.3.4
TapStyle Pty Ltd
TapPOS is multifunctional POS (Point of Sales)application.Thisall-in-one package ofPOSregister/InventoryManagement/Statistics/Accounting/Bookkeepingappwill help tomanage your business efficiently and stylishly.-Goods/InventoryManagement - Goods register/search -Goodsmanagement by barcode -Stock number management -Inventory/Goodslist - POS - Paymentregister - Barcode scan onpurchase - Discount(percent or value) -Receipt printing (needbluetooth printer) -Receipt via Email -Payment method selection -Gift Voucher - Creditcard readerintegration - Statistics -Visualized sales data withgraph -Accounting/Book Keeping - Salespreview (Sum or by paymenttype) -Expense management - Expense list- Profit review - Setting- Taxrate - Tax include/exclude - Paymentmethods to offer forcustomer- Data backup/restore - Display dateformat - Displaylanguage(English/German/Japanese/Korean) - Passwordprotection forstatsand accounting - Receipt printer connection -Receipt template
Buy Sell Inventory | Invoicing 0.0.28
Shyam Swami
Keep track your business, Stock, Purchase, Sell, Invoicing,Report,Expenses etc
Employee Attendance Management 10.0.7
Manage Employee Attendance Salary Calculator & getdetailedreport in PDF sheet.
Corez Local Store (Offline) - Inventory & Sales 1.2.4
Corez Company
Unique with integrated keyboard specially designed toregisterproducts quickly, with which you can add or subtract unitsfromyour products intuitively. Completely offline, you will notneedinternet to carry out any action, which ensuresavailabilitywherever you are and shortens waiting times. Lowapplication weightand Material Design-oriented user interfacedesign. Features -Point of sale: Designed to register productsquickly andefficiently, which makes it a solution for small andlargecompanies. Compatible with search and registration withbarcode. -Inventory control: Manage your products in an easy way,know yourupdated stock and add variants for each product, enterpurchase andsale price to calculate your daily profits quickly. -Invoices:Generate detailed invoices of your daily sales, generatePDF filesfor your export or share the invoice directly in theapplication,search your receipts by filtering them for a period ofdates orcancel invoices to return the stock to your products. -Backup:Export your data in a secure file to safeguard yourinformation andrestore it later. - Configuration: Set the data ofyour company toappear on the invoices, establish taxes and how toapply it to theinvoices, correlative numbering and prefix of theinvoice numberand establish the currency symbol with which you wantto work (Morethan 100 currency symbols of all countries included).- Storages,Stock movement. And much more, new functions and newmodules willbe added periodically, to offer you the most completeandattractive app in the store.
Mobile Inventory LITE
Aplication for quick and easy creation of inventory lists.
App4Sales - Sales Rep, Order T 1.2.5
Optimizers B.V.
The perfect mobile sales app!
BoxHero - Inventory Management 3.12.12
The easiest inventory management service in the world.
Onsight B2B Sales App 3.3.25
The Onsight B2B sales app for distributors, wholesalers&manufacturers helps improve sales performance by speeding uptheordering process. Use a mobile device to quickly create ordersandquotes whilst on the road or at a tradeshow, even when youareoffline. In addition, you can give your customers access toyourproduct catalogue so that they can conveniently self-order atanytime. With the Onsight sales app you can easily create your ownB2Bself-service sales channel and impress your customerswithhigh-quality product images and full product descriptions.Onsightis used by manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors withoutsidesales teams to make their outside sales reps moreproductive. Anychanges made to customer contact details get syncedand sharedautomatically. Product and pricing updates are pushed tothe reps'mobile devices. Most importantly, sales orders areinstantly sentto your office or warehouse for quick fulfillment.Industries thatuse Onsight include: food & beverage, homeware,furniture,decor, electronic goods, hygiene products, medicalproducts,clothing and clothing accessories. Onsight also offersBrandedApps. Contact us at Visit our websiteformore information:
finger POS(for Clothing Sales) 2.0.3
Use mobile phones to manage clothing stores. Applicable tosinglestorefront and single salesman. Clothing stores, shoestores,jewelry stores, bag stores and other types of stores,areapplicable. function: 1. Take a photo of the clothes, usethepicture to operate the system 2. Can operate the color and size3.Sales entry can use credit card or cash, automaticallyrecordcredit card fees 4. Query sales, which clothes to sell, howmanyare sold, which customers to sell, when to sell, etc..5.Customer's order and refund 6. Check inventory, Confirm thestatusof the store's clothes. 7. Use the purchase memo to querythereservation of the clothes 8. Automatic statistics and queryforeach customer's consumption and refund 9. Automatically countthesales performance of each vendor 10. Set income andexpenditurecategories, record revenue and expenditure details 11.Purchase,sales, Return to supplier, customer's credit card fees,etc.,Automatically record to revenue and expenses 12. Query salesprofitper month or day There are many features, waiting for youruse anddiscovery. Have found bugs, or suggestions, welcome topropose,continuously modify the system to perfection.
Expense Reporting and Approval - Zoho 3.2.11
Zoho Corporation
Automate expense recording, track mileage and submitexpensereportson the go! Zoho Expense automates business andtravelexpensemanagement. It dramatically reduces the time requiredtorecordreceipts, prepare expense reports and get themapproved.ZohoExpense is a true perk for traveling employees, formanagerswhohave stacks of expense reports awaiting approval. Here'swhatZohoExpense offers: * Store receipts digitally. Drop thepaperreceipts.* Tracking mileage. With an in-built GPS trackerandMaps, Zohoexpenses records mileage expenses for youreverydaytrips. *Automate recording of expenses. Zoho Expenseautomaticallycreatesexpenses from the receipts you upload. Withauto scanfeature, allmajor details like date, amount, etc, arecaptured inthe expense. *Import credit card statements. Connectyour creditcard to ZohoExpense and all your daily card transactionswill beimported. Youcan click and convert the statements intoexpenses. *Easy expensereporting. Tap to batch expenses together tocreate anexpensereport and submit to your manager via email, youcan alsoshare yourexpense reports. You can also print your expensereportsusinggoogle cloud print. * Record expenses offline. Syncthem uplaterwhen you are online again. * Analytics. Get a quickview ofyourbusiness expenditure anytime. Our mobile app is aextension ofourweb application Zoho Expense .Download& Signup for a 28 - DAYFREE TRIAL to manage yourbusinessexpense reports on the go.
ERPNext Mobile
This is a fully featured mobile application for opensourceERP,ERPNext Version 5+. ERPNext is a web based and opensource ERPforsmall and medium businesses. ERPNext Mobile helps youmanageyourbusiness on the go so you can get the latestnotifications,followup on opportunities, orders, invoices, customerissues andmuchmore while you are on the move. Designed grounds upfor mobileuse,ERPNext mobile aims to maintain full feature paritywiththeERPNext web app using the responsive UI and layouts of thewebapp.You can use ERPNext Mobile for accounts on oryourownserver. Awarding winning ERPNext is one of the leadingopensourceERP applications that helps small and medium sizedbusinessmanageand grow their business with systems that wereonlyaffordable forlarge enterprises. With ERPNext you can manageyourAccounting,CRM, Billing, Inventory, Purchasing, Projects,Payroll,CustomerIssues all in one app. For moreinformation,see This app is built and maintainedbyFrappeTechnologies Pvt Ltd, the core developers of ERPNext.
inFlow Cloud Companion App 2021.714.10270
inFlow Cloud is used in over 90 countries to manageinventoryandorders. Our mobile app helps you stay productivefromanywhere.Create and manage orders without a computer. As longasyou haveyour phone you can check stock and finalize sales rightonthespot, or generate new POs when stock is running low. Useyourphoneas a barcode scanner. Use the built-in camera to receivenewstockas it arrives. Scan items mark them as shipped. Noextraequipmentrequired. Streamline work by assigning orders.Workhappens fasterwhen everyone knows exactly what they need todo.inFlow lets youassign orders to team members and filter listsbasedon assignee.Turn your product list into a product catalog.Addimages toproducts so that they’re easier to recognize. Theimagesshow up oninFlow’s web and Windows apps, too. Take the hassleoutofinvoicing. inFlow makes payment easier for you andyourcustomers.Generate invoices from any order and email themstraightfrom theapp. Your customers can even pay your invoicesonline (US&Canada only). Transfer and adjust stock at any time.Need toadjustinventory due to damaged goods? Sending something backtoyour mainwarehouse? inFlow makes these tasks easy and fast.Manageproduct,vendor and customer details. No need to call thebackoffice tocheck on stock. inFlow gives you full access toitemdetails andcurrent quantities. You’ll also have vendorandcustomerinformation you need to get the job done. If youhaveanyquestions, issues or requests, please We’re ready and happy to help!
SelfOrder App 1.0.34
• Smart and user-friendly self-ordering mobile system•Custom-builtshopping experiences • Information regarding sales,newproducts,inventory and more • Fast, all-encompassing, safeandsecureconnection to the database • Insight in relationtocustomers’financial information • Amplified salesandprofitability • Aninnovative method for ongoing updatesandmessages • A progressiveadvertising and product promotingplatform• Develop well-connected,ongoing relationships withretailers • Aswell as many otheradvantageous benefits • Ability toplace anorder at their preferredtime and place • Real time accesstoproduct information, inventory,and special promotions • Fastandefficient ordering via customerbuying analysis • Easilyaccessibledetailed product and financialinformation • Simple andeasy touse: update quantities + add tobasket = sold
Feasibility Study App 1.1
Feasibility Study : Is an integrated application designed tohelpyoucomplete your Feasibility Study for the project As putinpracticalsteps and easy you can accomplish in a short time Anditprovidessupport for the development of the project budgetTheapplicationenables you to post your projects with colleaguesandadvisers Youmay also save your projects and refer to it whenyouneed to updateit Features: - Create a new feasibility study-Saving as PDF - Itcan be edited on the feasibility study andsharethem with supportagency - The ability to print directlyContentsof the feasibilitystudy: 1. Information about the project2.Market Study 3. SWOTanalysis 4. Risk Management 5. TechnicalStudy6. Inventorymanagement 7. Development of the project 8.FinancialstudyFeasibility study for small businesses has becomeeasier andbetterwith this application You can also get moresupport with usby
Team Tracking Plus Ordering 3.51
This app is very useful for monitoring your officers activitiesandSales.
Register of Customers, Orders, Services Budgets 7.12.55
Build Sistemas
Download now completely FREE and have the bestapplicationtoregister and control customers, products, stock,orders,serviceorders, sales, budgets, purchases and schedules. -OrderofService; - Order Control; - Sales order; - Purchaseorder;-Product Inventory Control; - Schedule Control; - Completebudget;-Full Registration of Clients with photo; - CompleteRegisterofSuppliers, Transporters, Business Partners andCompetitors;-Product Registration with photo; - ServiceRegistration;-Registration of bank accounts; - Register of chart ofaccounts;-Bills to receive; - Bills to pay; - Transfer betweenaccounts;-Financial movement; - Reports, Charts and Spreadsheets;-Birthdaysof the month; - Generation of work orders in PDF tosharewith thecustomer; - Generation of PDF orders to share withtheclient; -Favorite records; - Route tool (visit your customerwithjust onetouch); - Import tool for cell phone contacts; -Telephonecallsdirectly from the customer register; - Directmessages fromthecustomer registration to: WhatsApp, Telegram andE-mail; -Exportof registered data to Excel file; - Company logo;-Socialnetworks: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter; - Backupanddatarestoration; - Modern and easy to use application; Whoiseligibleto use: Self-employed, Self-employed,Entrepreneurs,Beautyconsultants, Retail in general, Distributors,Cosmeticscompanies,Mechanics, Manicurists, Hairdressers,Painters,Electricians,Plumbers, Lawyers, Engineers, Accountants,Teachers,Sellers,Barber shop, Small shops, Service providers ingeneral andmanymore. Premium Version Features: No advertising ads,nointernet, nomonthly fees, unlimited technical support,freeupdates, customreports, graphs and spreadsheets. Whenever youneedus, we areavailable through the e-mails
Pepperi Sales Rep App 16.50.3 (513)
Pepperi Ltd.
**This app is only available to Pepperi customers. NotaPeppericustomer? Contact us for a demo at an enterprise-grade sales repapp, a mobile CRM tool forsalesreps and their managers designed topresent catalogs, takeorders,prepare sales reports, manage andtrack sales ordering,performin-store merchandising, routeaccounting, DSD, tradepromotions andmuch more. Pepperi equips fieldagents with the CRMtools they needto make their numbers and presenta professionalimage. Pepperi’ssales rep app offers out of the boxintegrationwith popularaccounting, ERP, and CRM systems includingSAP ERP, SAPBusinessOne, Netsuite, Salesforce, Oracle Sales Cloud,QuickBooks,Xero,MYOB, Sage and more, and fully integrates withleadingpaymentsystems. With over a thousand customers in 64countries,13languages and dozens of industries, Pepperi is the#1e-catalog,order taking and CRM sales rep app serving all sizesofbusiness.Pepperi main modules: e-Catalog that sells for you●e-Catalogincludes unlimited dynamic categories for allyourproducts ●Merchandising is easy with high resolutionphotos,multiple viewoptions and customizable fields Order taking isfast& easy ●Mobile ordering is faster than you can imaginewithPepperi ● Ordertracker lets you track past orders and set upfutureorder dates ●Order management options include flexiblediscountpolicies ●Ordering and selling are easier than ever withourflexible toolsIncrease order size with trade promotionsincludingupselling &cross-selling ● Buy X, Get Y Free ● Buy X,Get Y atZ% discount ●Buy from list X and get from list Y ● TiereddiscountsWin at theshelf with in-store merchandising ● Plan thewhichin-storeactivities are to be performed by your fieldagents,schedule storevisits, and map the routes to take ● Capturein-storeactivitiesusing mobile forms that are completelycustomizable ●Performstock-taking, picture taking, planogram auditsandcustomersatisfaction surveys Sell-through visibilitywithinventorytracking ● Pair Pepperi with a UPC barcode scannertoleveragePepperi as an in-store inventory scanner ●Gainsell-throughvisibility to minimize dead inventory at thestores,and tooptimize manufacturing ● Track sales and purchaseswithPepperi’sbarcode scanner Pepperi CRM tool integrates withPepperie-CommerceStorefront ● Pepperi integrates seamlessly withPepperie-CommerceStorefront, a self-service ordering app for retailstores● Managesales quickly and conveniently - distributors andretailersorderstraight from your website or mobile app ● Salesrepshaveimmediate visibility into self-service orders placed bytheirB2Bcustomers Enterprise-grade mobile salesforce automation(SFA) ●SFAmade easy with mobile apps that are fully andeasilyconfigurable,running on Android mobile devices. ●State-of-the-artsecurity (ISO27001 and ISAE 3402 certified) ensuresthat your datais safe andnever compromised. ● Mobile CRM designedto easilyintegrate withthe existing ERP and Accounting systems thatrun yourbusiness: ●SAP ERP ● SAP ERP Business One ● Salesforce ●NetSuite ●Oracle ●Sage ● Microsoft NAV ● QuickBooks Online ●QuickbooksDesktop ●Xero ● Many more Industry-specific demos ●Mobile CRM toolincludespre-built demos for dozens of industries ●Fully functionalfreetrial available for download with no commitmentBusinessmanagementis easier than ever with Pepperi sales rep app,whetheryou own asmall business or are a large wholesaler. CRM toolsforfieldagents, field sales, mobile ordering, ordermanagement,retailmerchandising, productivity and activitiestracking, salestrackingand more are included. Requirements: 5"screen, Android8.0, Min4GB RAM, 1080x1920 resolution for phablets,1920x1200 fortablets.
Free Business Accounting (Invoice, Tax, Inventory) 210144
Business, Invoice, Accounting, Inventory, Attendance,Tax,Expenses,Reports – all in One App. Deskera is a FREE app thatwillrun yourBusiness with a focus on Accounting, Sales &Purchase,Invoice,Inventory, Returns, Tax/GST, Reports, Expenses,Chat,Attendancewhile maintaining your Financial Reports andstatementsincludingProfit and Loss, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow. YourBusinessOn-The-GoDeskera doesn’t restrict you to a desktop. Runyourbusinesson-the-go. With your phone, you have access topowerfulBusiness,Invoice, Accounting, Inventory and Tax functionslikecreating aninvoice, quotation and expense. Manage Invoice Sendaninvoice toyour business contacts, vendors, customers,partners.Create reportslike Profit and Loss. Manage inventory onthe go andshow inventorydetails on your Invoice. Manage AccountsManagebills, invoice,accounts, payables, purchase orders, salesordersand journalentries on the go. Manage business partners,businesscontacts,business vendors and more. Run Business,Accounting,Inventory,Attendance, Expenses and Tax SecurelyWithstate-of-the-artencryption and cloud storage, your data issafe,secure andaccessible from anywhere. Completely FREE BusinessAppThis businessapp is completely free. Unlike other BusinessandAccounting Apps,Deskera lets you run your business on thephonecompletely free.Easy. Quick. Universal – Run your businessfromanywhere You canbegin with setting up Business directly –sendinvoice or checkInventory or review Profit and Loss foryourbusiness, Deskera makesit easy to get started with yourbusinessoperations. You can createinvoice directly in front ofyourcustomer in just 3 easy taps.Empower Your Business withAttendanceAttendance lets your employeesand members of yourorganisationclock in, from anywhere or at aspecific location orwithin aspecific schedule. What makes DeskeraBusiness,Invoice,Accounting, Inventory different? Scan Inventoryand BarCodesdirectly in the Invoice Group chat lets you shareinvoice andotherdocuments with customers, vendors,orcolleagues.Multi-Company/Multi-Business – set multiplecompaniesand get alldetailed reports Punch in from the field on thego.FlexibleInventory Flexible Invoice Unlimited FREE featuresforyourBusiness. Invoice & quotation for your business Createandsendinvoice with just the press of a button. Create andpreviewtheInvoice before sending it to your customer orvendor.Customermanagement Add, edit and view all customerinformationandtransactions done by a customer. You can even addcustomerinfofrom invoice while creating an invoice. Product&InventoryManage your product details and keep an eye overyourinventoryBills Create and send essential Bills andestimates,quickly. Youcan also convert these to simple invoiceswith just atap of abutton. Reports Automatically generatecomprehensive,customizableand easy to understand reports. BalanceSheet CompleteBalanceSheet, Assets, Liabilities and Equity detailsof yourbusinessProfit and Loss Profit and Loss Report for yourbusinessAttendanceEmployer- Set specific attendance shifts andschedules;monitorattendance & leaves. Employee - Check-inandcheck-outsimplified, and available from any location. Check-inwithaspecified location, wifi network or free check-infromanywhere.Use this app for Your Independent BusinessManagingAccountsInventory Invoice Books Stock Inventory &Invoice BillsTaxFiling GST invoice and billing Free online invoiceand billingappGST Calculator GST invoicing Stock Inventory forSmall BusinessGSTfiling GST recording GST accounting CashbookInvoiceDesignerCustom Invoice Who can use this app?AccountantsEntrepreneursBookkeepers Business Owners VendorsFreelancersInvoice MakerAnyone who wants to create invoices, manageprofit andloss,expenses, journals, and more.