Top 16 Apps Similar to ArduinoPro

Arduin Remote Bluetooth-WiFi 9
A Wireless Remote to control your Arduino project with BluetoothandWiFi.
Blynk - Arduino, ESP8266, RPi 2.27.32
Blynk Inc.
Control Arduino, ESP8266, ESP-12,NodeMCU,Particle Photon, Raspberry Pi and other microcomputers withthesmartphone over the Internet. Bluetooth and Bluetooth LowEnergysupport.Create beautiful interfaces with widgets like buttons,knobs,graphs, displays and many more!Start in 5 minutes: you have any questions, ask on our forum:http://community.blynk.ccYou can even share your project with friends and other makersbysimply sending them the link.Use our Blynk Cloud or deploy your own Blynk Server in a minuteandhave full privacy and control in your hands.Supported boards and shields:• ESP8266• ESP32• NodeMCU• Arduino Uno• Arduino Mega• Arduino Nano• Arduino Mini• Arduino YÚN (Bridge)• Arduino Due• Arduino 101• Raspberry Pi• Particle Core (ex Spark Core)• Particle Photon• SparkFun Blynk Board• TinyDuino (CC3000)• Wicked WildFire (CC3000)Shields and connections:• USB, connected to your laptop or desktop computer (noshieldrequired!)• Ethernet shield (W5100)• Adafruit CC3000 WiFi• Official Arduino WiFi shield• ENC28J60• HC-05, HC-06, HC-08, HM-10, etc.And much much more...
Virtuino 6 6.0.33
Ilias Lamprou
HMI for SCADA & IoT platforms - MQTT, MODBUS, HTTP,Bluetooth,WIFI, Thingspeak
Gadget Controller - Arduino
Gadget Controller helps you controlling your gadgetwiththesmartphone through the Bluetooth, WiFi and Internet.Youcancontrol devices based on Arduino, Raspberry Pi, yourowninventionsbased on microcontrollers and microprocessors orevenPLD. WithGadget Controller you can create beautiful interfaceswithsimplewidgets like button, switch, joystick, display andothers!Specialvideo examples will be available soononYouTube: askdevelopers if you haveanyquestions: Join us and maketheappbetter.
RemoteXY: Arduino control 4.13.4
Control Arduino and other boards via WiFi, Bluetooth, USB,Internetusing GUI
RoboRemoDemo 2.5.0
Interface for DIY projects. Bluetooth WiFi and USB. In-app editor!
ESP8266 SmartConfig
Nat Weerawan
ESP8266 SmartConfig Arduino Code you cansimplycallbeginSmartConfig() like thisWiFi.beginSmartConfig();while(1){delay(1000);if(WiFi.smartConfigDone()){Serial.println("SmartConfigSuccess");break; } } or the easier wayis use library that supportsmartConfigfunction such asWiFiConnectorArduinoLibrary:
ArduDroid 0.155
Hazim Bitar
ArduDroid: A simple 2-Way Bluetooth-based Android ControllerforArduino UNO
IoT ThingSpeak Monitor Widget 1.4.4
Wilice K
Be always up to date with a state of yourIoTdevices connected to Thingspeak!You don't need to start an app every time you want to knowyoursenros' actual readings,cause they will be always on your Home screen in sight!* If you don't know how to create a widget on yourHomescreen,please read a tiny manual below, it is really simple.** If you can't find widget in your device (sometimes it happensinAndroid 5.1),please find solution below.The widget features:Create widgets to monitor actual Fields’ values in your Channel–one or two in every widget.Monitor many Fields from different Channels creating severalwidgetsin one screen.Monitor Private Channels using Read API Keys.Set higher and lower alert thresholds to recieve alerts ifmonitoredfield's value exceeds these thresholds.View and customize charts, set up period or results count,average,sum or median the values there.Set up the URL of your own Thingspeak server instance tomonitordata from it.Tap on a chart icon in a widget to view charts for everymonitoredfield for various periods.Tap on a Field value in a widget to refresh manually.Tap on a menu icon in a widget to configure and customize it.Configure needed refresh time for every widget.Customize widget UI, value rounding and font size, backgroundcolorand background transparency.It is really flexible, simple and nice!* How to create a widget in Home screen.To enjoy IoT Thingspeak Monitor you should create at leastoneinstance of it on your home screen.To create new instance you should perform the followingsteps:1. Long press on any open spot on one of your Home screenpages.You'will see a list of options.2. Touch the option Widgets from the list of choices3. Scroll the list and find IoT Thinspeak Monitor4. Drag&Drop it to any place of your home screen5. After a config screan will appear6. Configure your widget and enjoy!You can create one, two and more widgets with different optionsofyour channels.Also you can change size of widget (make it bigger). To do thatjustlong press on certain widget on your home screen and releasethefinger. Widget bounds will appear. You should move bound pointstochange the widget size.** Widget is not appeared in a widgets page or somethinglikethat.This is known bug of Android 5.0 and 5.1.1. Please reboot your device and check again.2. Check theURL: a couple of another solutions.It should help you to fix the issue!Usage examples:As an example of IoT ThingSpeak Monitor Widget usage ismonitoringof your own weather station.Actually it is so easy and cheap to create it with ArduinoorESP8266.There are lots of blogs where you can find relatedstep-by-stepmanuals.Here are some of them:1. Low cost WIFI temperature (DS18B20) data logger based onESP8266with connectivity Send sensor data (DHT11 & BMP180) to ThingSpeak withanArduino, using cable or WiFi(ESP8266)( ESP8266 Weather Station with Arduino#1Hardware( is an open source “Internet of Things” applicationandAPI to store and retrieve data from things using HTTP overtheInternet or via a Local Area Network.With ThingSpeak you can create sensor logging applications,locationtracking applications and a social network of things withstatusupdates.For more information please visit you have any questions?Please send me e-mail!
NeoPixControl 0.9.1
If you have Neopixel stripes or shieldsfromAdafruit you can control them with an Arduino Mega. With thisAppyou now can control them from your android device with WifiorEthernet. You can set all Neopixel LEDs to one color oracolorgradient (select HSV, rHSV or RGB gradient). You canevendesign your own color pattern and transfer it to theNeopixelstripe. Then cou can applay effects to the pattern: cou canstartit movin on the stripe or make it change colors andbrightness. Youcan save and load patterns.Then, you can set the whole stripe moving, forward, backwardoralternating. Or you can make it change color or brightness,speedadjustable.You can record sequences of commands, save and reload them,andplay them back - fast or in real time. Command sequences canberepeated automaically.This application is not endorsed or supported by Adafruit,theterm NeoPixels used with permission from Adafruit.This is a beta, the development continues and I planmorefeatures for the future. If you have suggestions or bugreports,please mail them to neopixcontrol@aschenbrenner.comPlease note that you need additional hardware to use thisapp:You need an Arduino Mega, Neopixels, a Wifi shield or someothershield for communication between the App and the Arduino. Andyoushould have some knowledge how to use the Arduino IDE totransferan Arduino programm (called sketch) to the Arduino. Youwill findthe sketch and further note further, that the app and the Arduino arenotsynchronozed. That means, the app knows nothing about what'sgoingon on the Arduino, what patterns are being shown, what effectsareactive and so on.
Smart home remote control 1.0
Build your own smart home network based on easy-to-setup components
Relay Remote 1.0
This is a demo application used totoggleon/offup to 4 relays connected to an ESP8266 board orsimilardevice (suchas an Arduino with a wi-fi or ethernet shield,apicmicro or othermcu enabled to access your local network).Once you've got a working interface connected it toyourlocalnetwork and you know its IP address, you can connect toyourboardusing Relay Remote to switch on and off 4 I/Os towhichyou'veconnected relays.A complete tutorial on board specifications and usageisavailableon my blog ( atthisurl: can edit name of relays and IP address tosuityourapplication (in "settings" screen).Warning:this application is for demonstrative purposes only. Isnotsuitablefor toggling devices outside your local areanetworksinceconnection is not protected. Author will notresponsible foranydamage.keywords:domotic,esp8266,arduino,automation,relay,iot,remote
Arduino Wifi 3G Ethernet Web 1.0
Arduino Wifi 3G Ethernet: Web Sensor Automation; Esteaplicativopermite a comunicação via wifi ou 3G entre o Android e oArduino,possibilitando inumeras aplicações de automação residencialourobótica; A instalação é bem simples um Arduino uno r3 conectadoaomódulo ethernet shield faz conexão RJ45 ;com um roteadorwifi;Então podemos inserir um numero de IP dado pelo roteadoraoprograma Arduino; Agora podemos editar o numero de IP e osnomesdos dispositivos no App. Android e pronto já podemosvisualizar ostatus de 6 canais ON/OFF do Arduino(porta analógicaA3, A4 e A5 eporta digital D3, D4 e D5); Quando o botão "Press togo Web!" forpressionado o App. abre uma página da web mostrandodados dossensores instalados; Um programa Arduino fornecido já estáprontopara operar de forma default com: 3 sensores analógicosligados aporta analógica Arduino(A0, A1 e A2); A0= sensor detemperaturaLM35; Unidade: ºC A1= sensor de luminosidade LDR;Unidade: LUX A2=sensor de monixido de carbono (CO) MQ-7; Unidade:Ppm 3 sensoresdigitais ligados a porta digital Arduino(D5, D6 eD7); D2= sensorde umidade DHT11; DHT11: Leituras de: Umidade;Unidade: %Temperatura Celsius; Unidade ºC; Temperatura Fahrenheit;UnidadeºF; Temperatura Kelvin; Unidade ºK; D6 e D7 SensorultrasonicoHC-SR04; Leitura de distância em Cm. Obs.: Estes sãosensores queforam utilizados com o Arduino, que estão acompanhadodo programa.Caso queiram utilizar otros sensores, basta apenasincluir noprograma Arduino; Incluir novos sensores; Incluirnovasbibliotecas; Incluir novos códigos; Desativar sensores oudeixarapenas como comentário; Utilizar apenas sensores que vocejápossui; Funcionamento: Monte o ethernet shield no Arduino; EntrenoIDE Arduino copie o programa fornecido e faça o upload para aplacaArduino; Conecte o cabo de rede(RJ45) ao roteador sem fiowifi;Ligue o wifi do smartphone Android; Abra o App. Arduino Wifi3GEthernet: Web Sensor Automation; Verifique um IP disponíveldentrodo range de seu roteador; No App. pressione o botão Change IPeentre com o novo numero de IP com o servidorexemplo: Servidor para rede interna 80; Servidorpara redeexterna 8090; Pressione IP Save para salvar o IP ou Esc IPparasair sem salvar; Neste instante vocçe deve sair do App eentrarnovamente para salvar no banco de dados, neste momentoapareceráuma notificação dinformando que o App parou, de OK eentrenovamente; Veja na parte superior seu IP que foi salvocomoexemplo:; Pronto se seu wifi doAndroidestiver conectado com o wifi do roteador voce já podeacionar osbotões ON/OFF e visualizar o acendimento dos leds ou nocaso derelés para acendimento de lampadas 110V/220V; Veja também noApp ostatus que te retorna uma mensagem da porta Arduino quefoiacionada; Com o status fica facil saber que uma lampada estáacesaou apagada ou um dispositivo está lidado ou desligado; EditName:com este botão voce poderá incluir ou alterar uma lista comosnomes dos botões; Com o edit name voce pode editar os nomesdoslocais de acionamento exemplo Quarto dos fundos; Sala,Sacada,Fechadura da porta, Abatjour, Esteira Motor1, etcfacilitando comisso a identificação dos comodos ou dispositivos;Pressione SaveName para salvar ou Esc para sair sem salvarNovamente saia do App.e entre novamente para salvar os dados dosnomes no banco de dadosdo Android; Uma notificação apareceráinformando que o App. parou,de ok e entre novamente; Veja ossensores conectados ao Arduino,pressione o botão Press to go Web;Press to go Web: Veja todos ossensores ligados ao Arduino enviandodados de temperatura, umidade,distância, etc; O funcionamento passoa passo no blogger: Esquemade ligações; Fotos Vídeos; Montagem;Materiais; Código Arduino emuito mais...Blogger:
LCDsketcher 4 ARDUINO 3.00
LCDsketcher - generates sketches for your own LCD
Animotech Inc.
TCP/IP,UDP/IP communication test can be easily. The tool hasPINGand IPCONFIG
1Sheeld: The Arduino Shield 1.9.0
What is 1Sheeld? 1Sheeld is a platform for Arduino that allowsyoutotap into your smartphone's sensors and capabilities and letsyouusethem in your Arduino projects. Basically, It is ahardwareshieldthat sits on top of your Arduino board andcommunicatesoverBluetooth to this Android app, to transfer databetween it andyoursmartphone. Instead of buying an accelerometersensor, use theonein your smartphone, want to connect Arduino tothe internet?noneed to buy a WiFi shield, use your smartphone as agatewaytoaccess the internet. 1Sheeld makes you use allyoursmartphone'ssensors and capabilities for hardware prototyping.Whatcan you dowith 1Sheeld? The sky is the limit! You have apowerfulAndroidsmartphone that can be used to control your RC car,tweetwhenplants are thirsty, and have fun automating yourenvironment.Wherecan I buy 1Sheeld? It is available throughdistributorsworldwide,check our website to knowmore: What isthis app? 1Sheeld app isusedalong with our hardware shield toeither control Arduino, readyoursmartphone's sensors in yourArduino sketch, post on socialmedia,or even control your Androiddevice. Does it work with ArduinoMega,Leonardo, Uno and Due? Yup,our shield should work with anyArduinoboard as long as it has theshields’ form factor and arecompatiblewith Arduino Uno shields ingeneral. Is it open source?Yes, all ofthe schematics, firmware,and this app are open source.Check outour Github account : Wherecan I findyour Arduino libraryand its documentation? You will findof all ofthe requiredresources, libraries, documentation andtutorials onour website: What are the shields youare givingme access toright now? Currently, you have access toaround 40shields. Here isa list of them: 1- Accelerometer Sensor 2-Buzzer3- Camera 4-Clock 5- Color Detector 6- Data Logger 7- Email8- FaceDetection9- Facebook 10- Foursquare 11- Game Pad 12- GLCD13- GPS14-Gravity Sensor 15- Gyroscope Sensor 16- Internet 17-Keyboard18-Keypad 19- LCD 20- LED 21- Light Sensor 22- MagnetometerSensor23-Mic 24- Music Player 25- NFC 26- Notifications27-OrientationSensor 28- Pattern 29- Phone 30- Pressure Sensor31-ProximitySensor 32- Push Button 33- Seven Segment 34- Skype35-Slider 36-SMS 37- Temperature Sensor 38- Terminal 39- Texttospeech 40-Toggle Button 41- Twitter 42- Vibration 43-VoiceRecognition Wealso have integrated 2 plugins to Tasker app(Beta),an event and acondition plugins, that will allow you tobring thepower ofhardware into you automation scripts. Note: Youactuallyneed tohave 1Sheeld hardware to be able to use this app,but youcan useour new demo mode to explore its capabilities andmake yourbuyingdecision later. If you liked our app, don't forgetto rateit. Wecan't wait for your 5/5 review. If you have anyproblems,asuggestion, or just wanted to say hi, just drop us anemail atinfo(AT) integreight (DOT) com and we will be very happy toanswer.