Top 5 Games Similar to Engawa Kitty

リア充駆逐-たくさんのリア充からリア充のない世界を取り戻せ! 1.0.1
あなたはイラッとしたことありませんか?誰でも何かしらイラッとしたことはあると思います。でもイラッとしてもどうすることもできずただ悶々と過ごしていませんか?その悶々スッキリさせたくないですか?リア充からみんなを助けてください!◆ストーリー◆毎日何かしらにムカついて(主にリア充)イライラしまくり(原因はリア充)であった主人公の元に謎の探偵が現れた。そして謎の探偵とともにムカつくやつらを駆逐していく…Do not you havethatwasIra'?Anyone something I think is that you have a Ira'.But you do not spend the same simply can not be worryingendlesslyasIra'?Its worrying endlessly Do not you want to clean?Please help everyone from real life!◆ Story ◆The mystery of the detective appeared in the original herowasaboutsuck on something every day (mainly real life)spreefrustrating(cause real life).And continue to destroyer 'em to get suck with the mysteryofthedetective ...
神隱幻姬 2.0.2
◇◇召喚三大國度神靈化身幻姬齊聚一堂,獨創的即時幻陣回合戰鬥進擊玩法,結合RPG角色養成與即時操作戰略,展開曲折離奇的冒險,絕對讓玩家大呼過癮!◇◇【ストーリー故事背景】「神隱幻姬」是由世間的意志凝聚出了『森羅萬象之書』,裡面記載著整個人世間的真理。自古以來,人們相信世間有著神靈鬼魅,終日禱告、敬仰與恐懼參半,然而這些神靈鬼魅的存在,是靠人們的祈願信仰與虔誠畏懼之心支撐著,成為了人世間的『真理』,但隨著朝代更迭、時間流逝,人們逐漸否定了神靈鬼魅們的存在,因此其力量也逐漸減弱中…這時身為凡人的你,不論從哪裡獲得這本書,只要打開第一頁,即能進入森羅萬象之中,窺視『真理』的面貌,當人們再次相信神靈鬼魅的存在,即能尋回被遺忘的『信仰』,漸漸地,秩序也將逐漸恢復平衡,最終世間也就能脫離崩毀的危機。【ゲーム遊戲介紹】▼召喚三大國度的神靈化身幻姬 架空劇情的幻想題材▼穿越時空來自蓬萊(台灣)、天竺(印度)、極東(日本)三大國仙境,超過百位的神靈全部化身『幻姬』與您一同作戰。▼獨具風格的美術畫風 原汁原味的日本聲優親配上陣▼每位幻姬都具有壞壞1頭身Q版及性感冶豔的兩種獨特美術畫風,加上日本知名聲優親自配音,讓你體驗原汁原味的精緻日系手遊大作!▼創新的組合RPG作為核心 前所未見的角色進化展示▼以「前線戰士」、「防衛輔助」、「遠程輸出」三大職業類型相生相剋任意組合,前所未見超華麗進階效果直覺大感動。▼獨創即時操幻陣系統 彈指間扭轉戰局▼戰鬥時前後排角色可隨時調換,幻姬技能也會隨之改變,搭配職業相剋,添加戰鬥時的即時刺激樂趣。▼收服靈珠 施放幻姬華麗大絕▼戰鬥時怪物身上會掉落靈珠,點擊靈珠加速累積SP技能,集滿就可以施放幻姬華麗大絕,瞬間改變戰場局面。▼完整社交系統 玩家協同出戰 組織公會 跨平台遊戲▼與三五好友共遊森羅萬象世界,跨平台iOS、安卓系統通通一起玩,好友協同出戰改變戰局,一起組織幻姬公會吧!◇官方網站:◇ 粉絲團:◇ 維姬百科:◇◇ summon threemagickingdom of God incarnate Kyi gathered in one, the originalinstantmagic circle round battle gameplay attack, combining RPGrole todevelop and operate real-time strategy adventure unfoldbizarretwists and turns, never let players hooked! ◇◇[Su Suites ー an have the background story]"God Hidden Magic Kyi" from the world will gather out ofthe"Book of flowers will", which recorded the whole truth of thehumanworld. Since ancient times, people believed that the world hasaghostly spirits all day, prayer, worship and fear mixed, butthepresence of these ghosts of the gods, is the heart ofpeople'sfaith by prayer and pious fear of supporting, became theearth's"truth", but with the the dynasties, the passage of time,peoplegradually ghosts who deny the existence of gods, so itsstrengthhas weakened the ...Then as you mortals, regardless of where to get this book,justturn on the first page, which flowers will be able to enterinto,peep "truth" look, when people believe in ghosts gods again,thatcan be recovered Forgotten "belief", gradually, the orderwillgradually restore balance, and ultimately the world will alsobeable collapsed out of the crisis.[Ge one woods Game Description]▼ summon three magic kingdom of God incarnate Kyioverheadfantasy story theme ▼Through time and space from the Penglai (Taiwan), Tianzhu(India),Far East (Japan) three countries in Wonderland, more thanonehundred of the incarnation of all gods "Magic Ji" and youfighttogether.▼ stylized art style authentic Japanese seiyuu battlewithpro-▼Each Magic Kyi has a nasty and sexy body Q version Ye Yan twouniqueart style, coupled with well-known Japanese voice actorsdubbinghimself, let you experience the exquisite authenticJapanese handtravel masterpiece!▼ innovation as the core of an unprecedented combination ofRPGcharacter evolution show ▼To "frontline soldiers", "defensive secondary", "Remote Out"threeoccupational categories XiangShengXiangKe any combinationofunprecedented super gorgeous effect intuitive Advancedbigmove.▼ original instant magic array operating systemfingertipsreverse the situation ▼When the battle front row ready to swap roles, magic Ji skillswillchange, with the occupation of grams, add instant funfightingstimulus.▼ rein Lingzhu cast magic Kyi absolutely gorgeous big ▼When fighting monsters will drop Lingzhu, click Lingzhuacceleratedaccumulation of SP skill set is full you can cast magicKyiabsolutely gorgeous big, instantly change thebattlefieldsituation.▼ complete social system of organization Associationplayercooperative play cross-platform game ▼And flowers will swim a few friends in the world,cross-platformiOS, Android system all play together, play friendscollaborativechange the military situation, together with theorganization MagicKyi guild now!◇ official website: http: //◇ fan group: https: //◇ Vicky Wikipedia: http: //
元祖! おそ松さんのへそくりウォーズ~ニートの攻防~ 5.6.3
Over 2.5 million downloads "Osomatsu-san" official game appCollect6 children in various costumes and their friends, defeat theenemyand take away the lie! Full of gag! It's the beginning ofaslapstick battle!
"Kamen Rider Decade" collaboration reprint held! (10/20 - 11/3)Areal-time battle strategy where you can enjoy thrillingbrawlbattles just by tapping the screen!
~Warm Brawl~ POKO POKO Wars 1.0.2
Super warm but full-blown Tower DefenseGame(Line strategy) comes!Pokopoko attack and clear the stages!Profound strategy is hidden in warm atmosphere...?Full-blown Tower Defense Game in which team making and strategyistested.Use skills with additional effect well, and forward questswithadvantage!Team status system is chosen first in tower defense gamesmarket(from author's eye)Team status changes such as mana recovery by choiceofmembers.In addition, it is enabled to increase number to call character atatime,wider strategy system is can't-miss!