Top 6 Apps Similar to Galicia Viva

Imos? 2.0.1
Smart GalApps
The most genuine Galician social guide!In Imos? you will find the best furanchos, taverns andeateriesin Galicia. Also, the biggest database of Galician beachesin yourpocket: more than 900 lands at just one click. And if youwant togo further, we guide you to the nearest Tourist Info Office.So...Imos?Imos? is the first social network for your spare time inGalicia.The only one with the best loureiros and the besttraditionaltaverns in Galicia, and the only one in which thenumber of placesis always growing.You will be aware of the trendy places, see the pictures andreadthe ratings by other people, and send yours. And when you arein oneof them, take a good picture of it and upload it; and don'tforgetsharing a rating, you will be able to publish it in FacebookandTwitter so that your friends can also discover it!★ The only Social Guide that has the best furanchos andtavernsin Galicia★ Don't get surprises! See the pictures and ratings fromotherpeople to decide where to go★ Discover those places that only the oldest ones in the areaknow,those that you have heard of but you did never know howtoget★ Translated to English, and integrated with TradutorGalego (afreeGalician to Spanish-English-French-Catalan translator iOS app,alsoby GalApps)★ Hundreds of taverns and loureiros, and the number doesn'tstopgrowing★ More than 900 Galician beaches. We've got them all! You willfindsome new ones for sure!★ Share in Facebook and Twitter and the best places to drinkaGalician wine (Albariño, Ribeiro, Barrantes...)★ Imos? helps you to fight the crisis taking you to themosttraditional and economical places, and always ofexcellentquality!★ Do you know any place of good traditional food that you can'tfindin Imos? ? Do you know any other furancho? Upload it toImos?!★ It's not all about eat & drink! Imos? also has theTouristInfo Points, where you will get well adviced about what tovisitaround. And if they help you, provide them with a good ratinginImos? so that the next visitors know that there they know whattheydo★ And if you are in the beach or in the country and your deviceisout of range, no problem, Imos? also works offline!
Parques Naturais de Galicia 2.0.2
Xunta de Galicia
[GL]Esta aplicación oficial da Xunta de Galicia descóbrelle aosseususuarios/as a excelencia do patrimonio natural que agocha aRede deParques Naturais de Galicia, formada por: as Fragas do Eumee oComplexo dunar de Corrubedo e lagoas de Carregal e Vixán(ACoruña); o Monte Aloia (Pontevedra); e a Serra da Enciña daLastra,O Invernadeiro e Baixa Limia - Serra do Xurés (Ourense).Máis de50.000 hectáreas de exquisitos ecosistemas onde habitansingularesespecies de fauna e de flora adaptadas a condiciónsclimáticasúnicas na comunidade.Dirixida a todos os públicos, e dispoñible en galego eencastelán, a ferramenta está pensada para preparar a visita aestes6 espazos naturais con antelación, polo que a meirande partedainformación está dispoñible sen conexión para facilitar asúaconsulta sen consumo de datos.Como novidade, esta versión incorpora a nova imaxe deParquesNaturais, unha renovada galería de fotos ou axeolocalización do/ausuario/a na maior parte dos recursos para quesexa máis doado ocálculo da ruta ata un punto de interese ou aopunto de partidadunha ruta de sendeirismo. Unha lista dosmiradoiros desde os quelevar de recordo as mellores fotos,referencias de ocio, degastronomía, de turismo rural ou activocomplementan o contidoofrecido para continuar a visita.Esta nova aplicación quere ser, en definitiva, unha guíadereferencia 2.0 para quen desexe explorar o legado naturaldeGalicia. O seu coñecemento permitirá que todos os/as galegos/asevisitantes se convertan en gardiáns futuros destaherdanzaúnica.[ES]Esta aplicación oficial de la Xunta de Galicia le descubre asususuarios/as la excelencia del patrimonio natural que esconde laRedde Parques Naturales de Galicia, formada por: las Fragas do Eumeyel Complejo dunar de Corrubedo y lagunas de Carregal y Vixán(ACoruña); el Monte Aloia (Pontevedra); y la Serra da EnciñadaLastra, O Invernadeiro y Baixa Limia - Serra do Xurés(Ourense).Más de 50.000 hectáreas de exquisitos ecosistemas dondehabitansingulares especies de fauna y de flora adaptadas acondicionesclimáticas únicas en la comunidad.Dirigida a todos los públicos, y disponible en gallego yencastellano, la herramienta está pensada para preparar la visitaaestos 6 espacios naturales con antelación, por lo que lamayorparte de la información está disponible sin conexión parafacilitarsu consulta sin consumo de datos.Como novedad, esta versión incorpora la nueva imagen deParquesNaturales, una renovada galería de fotos o lageolocalización del/ausuario/a en la mayor parte de los recursospara que sea más fácilel cálculo de la ruta hasta un punto deinterés o al punto departida de una ruta de senderismo. Una listade los miradores desdelos que llevar de recuerdo las mejores fotos,referencias de ocio,de gastronomía, de turismo rural o activocomplementan el contenidoofrecido para continuar la visita.Esta nueva aplicación quiere ser, en definitiva, una guíadereferencia 2.0 para quien desee explorar el legado naturaldeGalicia. Su conocimiento permitirá que todos los/as gallegos/asyvisitantes se conviertan en guardianes futuros de estaherenciaúnica.[GL]This official app gives Xunta de descóbrelle Galicia yearsseususers / as to excellence do natural heritage agocha RedeParksNaturais of Galicia, consisting of: as Fragas do Eume eoComplexodunes of Corrubedo and Lagoas Carregal and Vixán (A Coruña); orMonte Aloia (Pontevedra); and to Enciña da Serra da Lastra,OInvernadeiro and Baixa Limia - Serra do Xurés (Ourense).Máis50,000 hectares of exquisite onde inhabit ecosystems uniquespeciesof fauna and flora adapted to condicions unique climaticnaComunidade.Dirixida all ublic, and available in Galego and in Castelántoferramenta is designed to prepare visit to these 6 naturaisEspazosin advance, polo that meirande part gives informationavailable senconnection to facilitate súa consultation sen dataconsumption.As novidade, this version incorporates imaxe nova ParksNaturais,unha renewed photo gallery ou to xeolocalización do / auser / a namaior part two appeals to sexa doado máis orcalculation gives routeties a point of interest ou ao point Hikingtrails starting dunharoute. Unha lists two miradoiros from youthat levar of melloresrecalled as photos, references leisure,gastronomy, rural ou activetourism complement or contido offeredto continue to visit.This nova application Quere be ultimately reference guideunhaquen 2.0 desexe explore or natural heritage of Galicia. Oseucoñecemento allow all os / as galegos / as and visitorsconvertanin future Gardians Desta only herdanza.[IS]This official application of the Xunta de Galicia brings toitsusers / as the excellence of the natural heritage that hidestheNetwork of Natural Parks of Galicia, consisting of: the FragasdoEume and the dune complex of Corrubedo and lagoons of CarregalandVixán ( A Coruña); the Monte Aloia (Pontevedra); and EnciñadaSerra da Lastra, O Invernadeiro and Baixa Limia - Serra doXurés(Ourense). More than 50,000 hectares of exquisiteecosystemsinhabited by unique species of fauna and flora adapted touniqueclimatic conditions in the community.Addressed to all audiences, and available in GalicianandCastilian, the tool is designed to prepare the visit to these6natural areas in advance, so most of the information isavailableoffline for easy reference without consumption data.As a novelty, this version incorporates the new image ofNaturalParks, a renovated gallery or the geolocation / a user / ain mostof the resources to make it easier to calculate the route toapoint of interest or the starting point of a hiking trail. Alistof viewpoints from memory to take the best pictures,referencesleisure, gastronomy, rural or active tourism complementthe contentoffered to continue the visit.This new application wants to be, ultimately, a referenceguidefor those wishing to 2.0 explore the natural heritage ofGalicia.His knowledge will allow all / as Galician / as andvisitors becomefuture guardians of this unique heritage.
Sendegal 2.5.0
Xunta de Galicia
Sendegal. Pathways for discovering a country.
Páxinas Galegas
Páxinas Galegas
More than 140,000 companies and places in Galicia in your pocket!
Spain is Creative Galicia 1.1
Gracias a esta app podrás descubrir las mejores propuestasparadisfrutar de las experiencias que ofrece Galicia
Restaurantes Gallegos 1.0.1
System3 Mobile
Best restaurants in Galicia in your pocket!Whether you are from Galicia or you are planning a leisureorbusiness to the area, with the app you canlocateRestaurantesGallegos.ocm over 1000 restaurants where you canenjoythe best cuisine.In it you will find from traditional restaurants andmodernGalician cuisine to the most international cuisines:Italian,Japanese, Brazilian, Chinese, German, grills, kitchenAuthor...You can find the best deals on restaurants Gallegos toaccessupdated information on menus, events, deals and more.Now with more restaurants and more provinces, seekingrestaurantsto sample the local Galician and eat in La Coruna,Pontevedra, Vigo,Santiago, Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Tenerife, Bilbao....With an intuitive and easy to use, the restaurants areorganizedand classified by many filters making it easy to choosearestaurant: nearby, with offers vegetarian with highchairsforchildren s, parking, price, type of kitchen, wifi ....facilitatingthe decision of which one to visit. With geolocation,mobile willtake you directly to the door of the restaurantchosen.The constantly updated information and our innovativeservicesmake us a benchmark for restoration Galician, a meetingpointbetween restaurateurs and diners with obvious advantagesforboth.Find the best restaurants Gallegos, find all the informationyouneed and free reserves at the best restaurant in, you have at your fingertips thebestGalician cuisine and the menu offers highlights.Download our app for free and enjoy good food!We strive every day to give you more and better information.Ifyou want to suggest a restaurant or help us improve ourguide,please contact us.Come eat with RestaurantesGallegos! The flavor of Galiciaiswaiting.MAIN FEATURESSearch restaurants.Browser door to door.The restaurants by style of food, prices, facilities.Quick access to favorite restaurants.Photographs of installations.Virtual tours of the facilities.Best Restaurants (rating)Data updated in real time.Offers.