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Yezema Gize: Protestant Mezmu 2.0
Ardi Soft
Listen to Your Favorite Ethiopian Protestant Mezmur and Sibket.
終極惡女 1.0.4
GTV八大電視台強檔鉅作,終極系列全新故事【終極惡女】APP開放下載囉!SpeXial(晨翔、Teddy、宏正、偉晉)、文雨非、A’N’D(宇宙、Lucia、Sunnee、雨婷、艾莉兒)、陳德修、那維勳、秦楊領銜主演不管是在哪個時空,善與惡的戰爭,永遠都不會結束,有光的地方就有黑暗,在光明遮蔽時,黑暗就會產生...惡女們與黑暗對抗,出生入死,默默守護著銅時空,如果說魔物散布黑暗與絕望,那麼終極惡女就是守護銅時空最後的希望...每周六、日晚間八點 GTV28頻道 八大綜合台【終極惡女】Eight giant televisionGTVthing as the ultimate story of a new series of Ultimate Evil[APP]available for download Hello!SpeXial (Chen Xiang, Teddy, ATEN, Wei Jin), a non-Yu Wen,A'N'D(universe, Lucia, Sunnee, Yuting, Allie children), Chen Xiu,thatdimension Xun, starring Qin YangRegardless of time and space in which good and evil warwouldnever end, light where there is darkness, light obscuredwhendarkness will produce ...Evil and darkness are fighting, fire and water, silentlyguardingthe copper space, if the monster spread darkness anddespair, it isthe ultimate guardian of copper dimension Swept lasthope ...Saturdays, Sundays eight p.m. GTV28 channel eightintegratedplatform [Ultimate Evil]
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AD(x) Inc.
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終極時空 1.0.1
在GTV八大電視台與可米傳媒所創造的【終極時空】內,能帶你跨越時空的界線自在遨遊,共有18個終極角色,運用最新科技AR虛擬擴增實境讓他們活現在眼前。6組經典終極場景,36張終極人物卡牌,以及12張限定組合隱藏卡牌,總計共有150支的專屬互動影片,讓你一次擁有終極世界裡的終極角色,在這裡你就是老大!如何享受AR虛擬擴增實境1. 下載免費終極時空APP2. 打開APP,可選擇虛擬或實體卡牌模式,將卡牌人物傳送至時空場景中3. 終極人物將以生動的3D影像與你互動特色介紹: AR時空之門虛擬卡牌:在APP內選擇你購買的虛擬人物卡牌,讓人物卡牌傳送至時空場景圖,角色就會以3D立體顯影與你近距離面對面互動,還有相框功能,可與終極英雄們一起來自拍實體卡牌:拿出你購買的時空旅人AR珍藏組,使用攝影鏡頭掃瞄人物卡牌,你所喜愛的終極人物,就會以3D立體顯影出現,與你做專屬的互動(注意:兩個模式都先需購買終極人物卡牌才有辦法互動喔)*【終極時空】實體卡牌購買資訊可上「八大 終極系列」粉絲團及「三采文化」粉絲團查詢 時空旅人各時空的人物角色戰力列表 經典重現回顧屬於我們最熱血青春的終極時光///常見問題///Q1:註冊完新帳號後,未收到驗證信A:請先協助確認您所輸入的電子郵件格式是否正確,並至您信箱內的垃圾信件匣搜尋看看,若確認信箱內都沒有驗證信的話,請在登入介面輸入您所申請的帳號及密碼,按下登入鍵後選擇重新發送驗證信,系統將會重新發送驗證信。Q2:忘記密碼,未收到重新發送的密碼信A:請至您信箱內的垃圾信件匣搜尋看看,若仍未收到密碼信,請重新嘗試申請。Q3:一張序號卡是否輸入一次後,就無法再使用了呢?A:是的,一張終極時空的序號卡僅能開通一個終極時空的帳號。Q4:一張序號卡最多可以在幾台行動裝置上開通使用呢A:一張終極時空的序號卡僅能開通一個終極時空帳號,一個終極時空帳號最多只能於三台載具上登錄使用Q5:若沒有註冊新帳號,可以直接輸入序號卡開通嗎?A:是可以的,但該序號卡僅會開通該載具的終極時空APP,也就是說刪掉APP後,所開通的內容也會一併刪除Q6:註冊新帳號與訪客試玩的差別是A:註冊終極時空新帳號可以儲存所有開通內容及購買資料;而訪客試玩開通的資料內容則無法儲存,也就是說,若刪除終極時空APP,所開通的資料內容會一併刪除Q7:請問序號卡的180天使用期限到期後,是所有卡牌的影片都無法觀看嗎?A:對,該終極時空序號卡的卡牌影片將無法觀看Q8 為甚麼畫面卡在資料下載中?A:若第一次開啟終極時空APP時發現畫面卡在更新畫面,請先協助確認手機儲存剩餘空間是否大於1GB,並確認網路環境是否處於正常連線環境。客服信箱
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Efunfun手機平台 1.0.6
MyCard 2.98
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回到愛以前 1.0
曾經,徐海琳是個天之驕女。她有著佼好的外在,對芭蕾有極高的天賦。五年前,她參加完國際芭蕾女伶徵選後,碰巧救出了身陷火場的陸氏集團準接班人陸希唯。希唯對救自己一命的海琳產生了好感,並大膽展開追求,兩人就此相戀。五年後,海琳如願成為國際芭蕾舞女伶。在一場公演後的記者會上,海琳意外暈倒,醫師也告訴希唯海琳有孕的消息…在希唯精心準備之下,海琳接受了求婚,並將未出生的孩子命名為Bliss,意味著天堂來的祝福…正當兩人沉浸在幸福之中,海琳和希唯卻發生了意外!這導致海琳流產,希唯也因此失去了性命。最愛的兩人同時離開,海琳槁木死灰,她回到事發地點決心殉情,用生命獻上最後一支舞後,她跳下了吊橋…本以為就此長眠的海琳,卻在神秘的溪谷間再度甦醒…她碰上了具有謎般能力的人,讓海琳再次選擇她的人生,但必須付出最珍貴的東西作為代價。海琳一心想讓希唯活下來,於是她選擇回到五年前,回到她和她最愛的人不曾相識的時間點…戲劇將故事背景圍繞穿越時間的主軸上,設定主角回到相愛以前,延伸出第二世的故事線發展,APP抓出此部偶像劇浪漫虐新的元素『芭蕾、唯一的吻、挽回真愛』,用動人童話故事的思維設計視覺,並結合偶像主演們的夢幻唇型,打造『唇愛羅曼史』心理測驗。此外,亦設計專屬的『SORRYCARD』時空信,趁著偶像劇熱潮,讓使用者也能擁有一次挽回過去的機會。Once, 徐海琳 isarrogantwoman of a day. She has a handsome good outside, there is averyhigh talent for ballet.After five years ago, she attended an international ballerinalevyelection, caught fire happened rescued Luks Group'sprospectivesuccessor, Xi Lu Wei. The only hope for saving his lifeof Helenehad a good impression, and boldly expand the pursuit, thetwo fellin love on this.Five years later, to become an international balletactressHelene do so. In a press conference after the premiere,Heleneunexpectedly collapsed,Only the Greek physician also told Helene pregnant under theGreeknews ... the only well-prepared, Helene accepted themarriageproposal and the unborn child named Bliss, meaningHeaven'sblessing ...While both immersed in bliss, Helene, and the only hope wasanaccident!This leads to Helene abortion, and therefore the only hope tolosetheir lives. Favorite they both leave, Helene Gaomusihui,shereturned to site of the incident determinedsentimentalism,presented with their lives after the last dance, shejumped off thebridge ...The thought that this resting place of Helene, butre-awakeningamong the mysterious valley ...She hit the man with a puzzle-like ability, so Helene chooseherlife again, but must pay the most precious things inconsideration.Helene bent so that the only hope to survive, so shechose toreturn five years ago, back to the time she and herfavorite peoplenever met ...The background story on the drama surrounding the spindlethroughtime, set protagonist back in love before, extending theworld'ssecond story line development, APP catch the abuse of thisnew idoldrama romantic elements "ballet, the only kiss, restoretrue love."by touching fairy tale visual design thinking, combinedwith theirdream idol starring lip, creating "lips love romance"psychologicaltest. In addition, the design exclusive "SORRY CARD"time and spaceletters, taking advantage of the idol craze, but alsoallows usersto have a chance to restore the past.
法界女王 1.0
NMG2 Limited
◆劇情簡介妳從小就嚮往司法界,一直以成為律師為目標努力求學。可惜好不容易考到執照,卻找不到律師事務所願意收妳……不如就去那個小混混告訴妳的「良心」法律事務所叩門看看吧……?在這裡,妳碰到了死要錢但勝率極高的律師、勝率低卻願意陪著委託人並肩作戰的律師,以及年紀輕輕就能看出事物本質的律師……而且全都是帥哥!◆戲劇化的法庭故事✕戀愛故事工作與戀情……都將隨著妳的選擇,決定能否走向感人的HAPPY END。◆人物介紹BIRD法律事務所的成員【黑心律師】實里司死要錢,不管來者何人,只要願意支付報酬他就肯幫的惡德律師。【潔身自律的律師】城刀央在管教嚴厲的家庭長大的超級菁英。【遊手好閒的男人】羽鳥英路感覺會出現在鬧街的吊兒郎當男。跟這間律師事務所究竟有什麼關係……?【熱血的好哥哥】朝霧德馬凡事都認真以待的好青年。【毒舌的前學弟】宮式凌大學時的學弟,在這裡資歷卻多自己1年。究竟該挑誰當自己實習的夥伴?◆適合以下族群玩・喜歡看戀愛或法庭相關的電影或電視劇・喜歡戀愛APP或戀愛遊戲・看到帥哥就沒抵抗力的妳・喜歡高潮起伏的故事情節◆遊戲方式遊戲玩法非常簡單!1.啟動APP並讀完「序章」。2.選擇自己喜愛的角色。3.隨著故事進行,選擇選項。能不能走向HAPPY END,就看妳怎麼選擇了!※本APP會在每一話結束時自動儲存遊戲進度。◆ SynopsisU childhood longing for the judiciary, has been studyingtobecomea lawyer for the goal.Unfortunately finally test to license, but can not findlawfirmswilling to receive u ......Better to go to the small fry tell you the "conscience"lawfirmknock to see it ......?Here, u met dead money but high winning lawyer, butwillingtoaccompany the client wins low alongside lawyers andyounglawyerswill be able to see the essence of things ...... butalldudes!◆ dramatic courtroom tale love story ✕Work and love ......With the choice of u will decide whether to touching HAPPY END.◆ Who's WhoMembers of the law firm BIRD[Lawyer] sinister reality in the DivisionDead money, to those who matter, as long as he is willing topayareward of evil German lawyer willing to help.[Clean body self knife central city attorney]Strict discipline of the family grew up in a super elite.[Idle] Hatori men Ying RoadFeel slovenly man will appear in downtown street.Contact this law firm ...... what is the relationship?[Blood] Asagiri Eyadema good brotherEverything is carefully to be a good young man.Former school brother poisonous tongue] palace style LingSchool brother college, where his own qualifications butmoreayear.The pick who actually practice when their partner?◆ suitable for the following groups play· Love or love to watch movies or TV related court· Love love love the game or APP· See the guy u no resistance· Like the climax of the story and downs◆ gameplayGameplay is very simple!1. APP and start reading the "Prologue."2. Choose your favorite character.3. With the story, select Options.Can you go HAPPY END, see you high how to choose!※ This APP will be automatically saved game progress at theendofeach word.
星座運程 x 愛情配對 1.1.4
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V – Live Broadcasting App
"V" is an app that lets you watch thepersonalbroadcasting videos of celebs on your phone. You can followyourfavorite celebs, watch their videos, and use comments and‘hearts’to share your thoughts and feelings with others. Youractivity suchas watching videos will affect your "Chemi-beat" forthe celeb; weplan to provide benefits to active users whoenthusiasticallyparticipate in the activity. Scheduled shows willbe listed on Vbefore they start; however, shows that a celebpersonallybroadcasts can be on air without any advance notice.Enjoy watchinglive broadcasts of your favorite celebs on V!* Follow CelebsPick your favorite celebs and follow them. You can receivethenotifications of upcoming broadcasts of celebs you follow on V.Themore you watch the videos of a celeb, the higher youget"Chemi-beat" for the celeb.* Popular ChannelsBIGBANG,SMTOWN,BTS,YGFamily,iKON,Apink,WINNER,GOT7,INFINITE,BTOB,BEAST,AOA,SISTAR,CNBLUE,missA,Girl'sDay,2PM,JYPnation,4minute,VIXX* UpcomingYou can see the schedule for all upcoming broadcasts on V.Don'tmiss the broadcast with your favorite celebs!* PopularIn the Popular tab, you can see the most popular videos on V.Videoscontaining a lot of hearts are automatically displayed inthePopular screen; tab the heart as many as possible if you likewhatyou are seeing.* What does "Chemi-beat" mean?As a short form of "chemistry beat," the V team coined theword"Chemi-beat" to express the relationship index between a celebandme as beat count. Following celebs and watching videos (liveorrecorded) are ways to increase your "Chemi-beat." We plantoprovide additional benefits based on "Chemi-beat" in thenearfuture.When APP could not be installed, device setting ->Selecting Google play from APP menu and retry afterdeletingdata.• Camera (required): This lets you take photos or record videostoshare on the profile or boards.• Microphone (required): This lets you record sound of yourvideosto share on the boards.• Phone (required): This lets V LIVE recognize your device usingthedevice ID when enabling automatic login, sending pushnotifications,or watching paid content.• Storage (required): This lets you publish photos on your devicetothe profile or save them to your device.
I-Jcard 遊戲點數便利購 1.27
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VR Video Player - 360 Videos 1.0
Thanks to Virtual Reality, dive intonewadventure of your environment, explore the things like youarealready there in the scene. Its Amazing! Virtual Realityvideoplayer will amaze you with its growing collection of dynamicvideoexperiences. Using the cardboard and a device supporting VRgames,you can watch your favorite movies of all times, likesnipershooting, hunting, wildlife extreme videos, rollercoasteradventure, Music, Sports, Football, Dance and horror videos.It ismuch easier than it was ever before. You simply have yourmobile inhand and a VR glasses or cardboard, install our app VRVideoPlayer, sync all your videos in mobile with this app and leaverestof video players behind. you are surely going to love this app,andonce you have installed this you will forget all other apps,likesimple media player, music player, video maker,videodownloader.Virtual reality was a dream, but the dream can be visualizedwithOculus VR watching 360 live videos. You can have the joy ofvideoand cardboard used homido Oculus VR. Do watch with yourfriends,and the one you adore, in order to explore thebeautifulcountryside to explore a new location, you have theopportunity toall of the other more interesting things to .The best thing about VR Video Player is that, it can playvideosfrom anywhere, whether they are live, downloaded or alreadyplacedin your SD card. Using internet connection, you can playvideoslive in VR Video Player and land into a new world ofexcitement.There are a number of movies, video clips saved in ourmobiles, andwe are simply too lazy to transfer them to any deviceto watch themin VR environment, but the wait is over now, now youcan play yourdevice videos in VR anywhere you want. You want toenjoy anyspecial occasion's video saved in your mobile with yourfriends,then you are relieved now. also simple videos seem boringonce youhave watched them in HD or VR 360.You might be thinking that what is the video format that canbeplayed in the VR Video Songs Watch &Download App? ShouldtheVideo format be; SBS, 3D, Oculus Rift, Goggle, GoogleCardboard?The quality of headset may also increase or decrease yourlevel ofexcitement.You would have many pictures or videos of your real life, fromyourschool, college and you surely miss your friends, you can makeavideo of those pictures and watch them in VR video player, foramoment you will feel like you are back to that time again, andyouare in the same scene. Bringing what is close to your heart.Stepinside the action.Game Features:Unlimited video length supportedSuperview 360° VR360º 3D: Left and Right eye 360 movie for a full 3D VRsongexperience360° panorama videoSingle videoScreen size optionsImmersive 3D SBSFull HD MP4 VideosMove head up, doen, Right, LeftDownload the song you are playingDownloaded songs are saved in your deviceVR Video Player is the ultimate player for virtual reality and3Dvideos that gives you full control and supports allmodes.Configure any parameter of our VR player with its intuitiveUI andget the most immersive virtual reality experience. Theapplicationprovides simple user interface and head-tilt commands sothere isno need to pull out your phone during watching.Download VR Video Player now. It's totally FREE! and hasmanyexciting features.
Fingerprint Love Test Prank 1.3
Wave of Fun
Is your love story a fairy tale or just ashortromance? Solve this puzzle with the new best "love test"FingerprintLove Test Prank. This best “compatibility test” willadd sweetmoments to your relationship and can be a perfect“matchmaker”! Justgo to Android™ "app market”, download this cool“love calculator”for free and see if your love is worth fightingfor. “FingerprintLove Test Prank” is a perfect “love tester” tosee how compatibleyou are with your crush. This “scanner app” willreveal if you twoare true soulmates or this is just a passingromance. So putyourself and your sweetheart to the test and enjoythis best of free“love games” on your mobile phone. This“fingerprint scanner” willtell if you two are meant to be, so justrelax and enjoy the ride!⋰ * ◠ ♥ ◡ * ♡ * ◡ ♥ ◠ * ⋱ ♡ ⋰ * ◠ ♥ ◡ * ♡ * ◡ ♥ ◠ * ⋱💑 If you don`t know how to approach your “true love”, thisbestof “mobile apps” is a wonderful idea. Check if you are a truematchbased on letters and numbers only.All you have to do is this:☺Enter the name and the date of birth of you and the personyoulove,☺Press your fingertips on the scanner and keep them there for afewseconds,☺Your result will be calculated and will pop up on the screeninprecentages.This fun “love meter” will tell you if you are a perfect“lovematch” or if it is better for you to stick to friendship. Isyour“love story” a perfect fairy tale? Don`t fall for yourlover'swords, check it out for yourself! Are you ready to testyourfeelings and face the truth? It has never been this easy andmorefun!⋰ * ◠ ♥ ◡ * ♡ * ◡ ♥ ◠ * ⋱ ♡ ⋰ * ◠ ♥ ◡ * ♡ * ◡ ♥ ◠ * ⋱💑 Are you in search of a real love? You only have to fall inloveand this “free app” will measure your compatibility in afewseconds. If you love “fun quizzes” you will surely adorethisawesome “scanner software” Fingerprint Love Test Prank. Seehowwell the two of you go together and boast aboout the results toallyour friends! Your heart will melt when your “lovecompatibility”results appear on the screen. Surprise someone on adate and theywill be overwhelmed with passion! You two are a “cutecouple”, butdo you really know each other? With this free romanticapp you areonly a few clicks away from an amazing discovery. If youlike“funny games”, with this free match maker you will have havetonsof fun and enjoyment.⋰ * ◠ ♥ ◡ * ♡ * ◡ ♥ ◠ * ⋱ ♡ ⋰ * ◠ ♥ ◡ * ♡ * ◡ ♥ ◠ * ⋱💑 Before you change your relationship status on Facebook,wesuggest that you do this easy test and see if your love isforever.Use this fingerprint reader Fingerprint Love Test Prank atpartiesand have loads of fun with your friends. This is the best of“gamesfor girls” and boys, adults and couples. Celebrate love everyday!You just have to download this scanner test and let it do allthecalculation. Are you in two minds about which person tochoose?Don`t rack your brain anymore! Just do this free scannertest andmake the right choice. If you are a fan of “dating games”you willget addicted to this cute fingerprint reader.⋰ * ◠ ♥ ◡ * ♡ * ◡ ♥ ◠ * ⋱ ♡ ⋰ * ◠ ♥ ◡ * ♡ * ◡ ♥ ◠ * ⋱💑 If you have the butterflies in your stomach when youseesomebody, try out this love percentage calculator and check ifyourcrush has eyes for you only. But remember! This app is justforentertainment purposes, so don`t take the results tooseriously!Just relax and have the time of your life! Go to Android™appstore, download this awesome scanner for free and enjoyyourcalculation! Try out more of our super cool free apps and youwilllike them all!* Android is a trademark of Google Inc.* This app is ad – supported.