Top 19 Games Similar to LMS Workspace пауэрлифтинг жим

Powerlifting 1.1
Andrey Cherkasov
Handy calculator to calculate your maximum limit alleged inthreebasic exercises: bench-press, squat, deadlift. Help to knowamaximum of one-off workers weights and plan your traininganddischarge norms of popular powerlifting federations. Features:-ru/en languages - exact value calculation - Thetime-testedcoefficients - a breakdown of the percentage in thetable
Powerlifting Journal 3.86
Features - Custom exercise names. - Lets you label exercisesfortime eg. Squats 2 second pause x reps - Total setvolumeautomatically calculated and displayed. - PRpercentagesautomatically calculated and displayed - Total setvolume forindividual exercises calculated automatically. - All datastored onphone. - Edit exercises names at any time - View linegraph ofexercise weight progression Want to know what your bestlift was?Want to know how you did in your last work out? Want tosee yourprogress over the last months/year? Want to choose yourexercise?Name it what you want? Want to easily add your weights andsets toyour journal while you lift? Tired of apps that try to forceyouinto isolating body parts? If so, then this app is for you!Thisapp doesn't try to tell you what to do; it just logs yourexercisesand lets you see your progressive overload throughgraphs.Displaying all the information you need to predict yournextweight/rep range. All data is kept on your device.
Powerlifting Calculator Free 1.3
BRL Soft
Powerlifting Calculator is a handy tool allowing youtocalculateyour relative strength and determine the absolutewinneratpowerlifting contests. It includes the followingformulas:-Schwartz and Malone (including Foster coefficients forjuniors)-Glossbrenner - Wilks Powerlifting Calculator willbeusefulregardless of the powerlifting federation you arecompetingin: -use Wilks formula for IPF (InternationalPowerliftingFederation),USPA (United States PowerliftingAssociation) andIPL(InternationalPowerlifting League) - useGlossbrenner formulafor WPC (WorldPowerlifting Congress) - useSchwartz & Maloneformula for IPA(International PowerliftingAssociation) UsePowerliftingCalculator not only for powerliftingbut also forseparate lifts:squat, bench press and deadlift.
Качаем грудь 6.0
В данном приложении собраныосновныеупражнения, выполняя которые вы можете накачать грудныемышцы.Приложение содержит следующие главы:Введение,Жим лежа,Жим гантелей лежа,Жим стоя,Отжимания на брусьях,Разводка гантелей,Полувер дыхательный,Кроссоверы на верхних блоках,Сведения в тренажере,Качаем верх грудных мышц — «Кроссоверы на нижних блоках».В приложении использованы материалы из следующих источников: appendixsummarizesthe main exercises, doing that you can pump up thepectoralmuscles.The application contains the following chapters:IntroductionBench press,Dumbbell Bench Press,Bench standing,Dips,The layout of dumbbells,Pullover breathing,Crossovers on the upper blocksThe information in the simulator,Swing top pectoral muscle - "Crossovers on the lower blocks."The application used materials from the following sources:
Powerlifting Companion 2.1.2
Access commonly used Powerlifting tools, all within one app.
Тренировки дома 3.0
Данные тренировки подобраны для тех, ктожелаетзаниматься спортом дома, не посещая спорт-зал.В приложение вошли следующие главы:Какие тренировки можно проводить в домашних условиях,Преимущества и недостатки домашних тренировок,V- подъемы (пресс),Упражнение "велосипед" (пресс),Подъёмы корпуса (пресс),Упражнение "Мостик" (пресс),Подъём ног в висе (пресс),Программа бега,Выпады (ноги),Приседания без веса,Программа домашних тренировок.В приложении использованы материалы изследующихисточников:http://www.fitnesspersona.ruhttp://muscul.infohttp://www.s-body.comThese workouts arechosenfor those who want to exercise at home without going to thegym.The annex includes the following chapters:What kind of training can be done at home,The advantages and disadvantages of home workouts,V-ups (press)Exercise "bicycle" (press)Lifting the cabinet (press)Exercise "The Bridge" (press)The rise in the legs Wiese (press)The program is run,Lunges (legs)Squats without weightsHome exercise program.The application used materials from the following sources:http://www.fitnesspersona.ruhttp://muscul.info
Bodybuilding Programs
Bodybuilding Programs is an application specifically for peoplewhoare willing to take control of their bodies, thanks to itspersonaltraining courses. If you want to become a true bodybuilderand gainmuscle mass, do not waste your time and follow thebestbodybuilding programs suggested by our best bodybuildingworkouttrainer. Our app offers the best bodybuildingroutines,powerlifting workouts, and gym exercises with adetaileddescription to help you achieve the best possible resultsin a veryshort time (get maximum muscular mass, achieve weightloss, andhave the famous Six Pack Abs). Bodybuilding Programsallows you tocustomize your daily workout plan using differentexercisessuggested for each part of your body. Now getting aperfect body isno longer a dream, everything you need is themotivation andBodybuilding Programs App. -- MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OFBodybuildingPrograms App -- - Personal training courses for everymuscle(Shoulders & Traps, Chest, Back, Biceps &Forearms,Triceps, Abdominals "Abs", Legs...). - Special exercisesfor eachequipment (Barbell, EZ-Bar Curl, Dumbbell, Machine,Cable...). -Detailed exercise instructions. - Organize your workoutseries witha professional timer. - Customize your daily workoutplan usingdifferent exercises proposed. Our personal trainingcourses aresimply the best, it's time to start a new life. Let's go!
НФП 2013 - оценка ИФП
Представляем Вашему вниманию новуюверсиюприложения "НФП".Она была создана по вашим многочисленным просьбам!Самое главное отличие от предыдущих версий - это возможностьведениястатистики и сохранения результатов для их сравнения ввидеграфиков. Это должно помочь вам правильно оценивать и улучшатьвашипоказатели. Для этого необходимо будет пройти несложнуюпроцедурурегистрации Вашего личного кабинета.Включены следующие упражнения: быстрота: бег на 60 м, бег на 100м,челночный бег 10х10 м, плавание на 100 м в спортивной формевольнымстилем, плавание на 50 м, плавание 100 м в спортивнойформеспособом брасс; сила: подтягивание на перекладине,подъемпереворотом на перекладине, наклоны туловища вперед, сгибаниеиразгибание рук в упоре на брусьях, сгибание и разгибание руквупоре лежа, подъем силой на перекладине, рывок гири вес 24кг,толчок двух гирь вес 24 кг, жим штанги лежа; выносливость: бегна 1км, бег на 3 км, бег на 400 м, лыжная гонка на 5 км, лыжнаягонкана 10 км, плавание на 500 м вольным стилем; ловкость:тройнойпрыжок с места (для женщин - прыжок с места), соскок махомназад наперекладине, соскок махом вперед на брусьях;военно-прикладныенавыки: общее контрольное упражнение на единойполосе препятствий,марш-бросок на 5 км, метание гранаты 600 г надальность, РБ-Н,РБ-1, плавание в обмундировании с оружием, ныряниев длину. Привыборе упражнений и расчете оценки учитываетсяпринадлежность ккатегории военнослужащих и категории войск.Мы всегда с большим вниманием и уважением прислушиваемся ковсемкомментариям и пожеланиям!С уважением, команда разработчиков!We present you anewversion of the application "NFP."It was created by your numerous requests!The most important difference from previous versions - isanopportunity to conduct statistics and save the results tocomparethem in the form of graphs. This should help you to properlyassessand improve your performance. To do this it will be necessarytopass a simple procedure of registration of yourpersonalaccount.Included are the following exercises: speed: running 60 m,100m,shuttle run 10x10 m, swimming 100 meters freestylesportswear,swimming 50 m, swimming 100 meters breaststroke sportsuniformmanner; Strength: pulling up on the bar, raising the bar onthecoup, torso forward, bending and unbending hands-ups ontheparallel bars, flexion and extension arms in emphasislying,lifting force on the bar, jerk of the weight of 24 kg weight,thepush of two weights weight 24 kg bench press; Endurance Runningat1 km, 3 km jogging, running the 400 meters, cross country skiingonthe 5 km ski race at 10 km, swimming in the 500mfreestyle;Agility: triple jump (for women - a jump from theirseats),dismount stroke back at the bar, dismount stroke ahead onthe bars;military and applied skills: general exercise control on asingleobstacle, march 5 km, throwing grenades at a distance of 600g,RB-H, RB-1, swimming in uniform with weapons, diving inlength.When selecting exercises and calculation assessment takesintoaccount belonging to the category of military troopsandcategory.We are always with great care and respect for listening to allthecomments and suggestions!Sincerely, team!
Wilks Calculator Powerlifting
Stian Walgermo
The Wilks Calculator is the ultimate tool for comparingrelativestrength.
training diary 1.4.0
This application will help you keep a diary of workouts, andviewstatistics results. You can keep a diary of any trainingexercise,whether it's street or street workout classes in the gym.Pullingup on the bar, Dips, strength exercises with the bar or atthe gym- you can record everything. Any version of Windows (youcandownload it from with the data from your smartphone. Using very simpleneed toconnect your smartphone as a USB flash drive to yourcomputer andrun Windows software - training diary. This trainingdiary is verysimple it is nothing superfluous, just exercise andstatistics.Seeing the statistics for the previous days, you can doevery daymore.
YourMaxBench 5.0.3
Fastly Apps
Best calculator to your 1 rep limit in the bench press. Youcanusethis bench press calculator when you planning trainingforBenchand powerlifting. Very easy to work with benchprogramsforpowerlifters. Internal calculators for Glossbrenner andWilks.
Workout Diary 1.0.1
This application is madeforbodybuilders.Main functions:- data base with basic exercises;- convenient search among exercises;- adding new sets;- showing your results in a graph;- convenient workout history;- adding new exercises.
Powerlifting statistic 1.5
Logical Mind
Powerlifting Statistic - powerful sport tool
Workout Log (Track & Measure) 1.5.3
Train! Exercise! Become Better! This is TOP workout applicationforgym fitness.
Дневник тренировок 1.3.4
- таймер для суперсетовВыполняя два упражнения в сплите (например жим и плечеваяпротяжка),Вы можете контролировать время отдыха между упражнениямисплита(т.е. отдельно между жимами и выполнением протяжки).- интеллектуальная система ввода данных подходаЗначения веса и количества повторений копируются изсоответствующегоподхода предыдущей тренировки или из предыдущегоподхода (еслитренировка происходит первый раз).- создание собственных упражнений с возможностьюприкрепитьфотографии и комментарии- создание программ тренировок с разбивкой по дням- загрузка 100+ упражнений из книги Фредерика Делавье"Анатомиясиловых упражнений"- фиксация продолжительности тренировки- вывод графиков прогресса за любой период- график контроля веса тела и соблюдения диеты- календарь тренировокВ бесплатной версии присутствует ограничение:- демо-режим для суперсетов- TimerforsupersetsPerforming two exercises in Split (eg bench press andshoulderbroach), you can control the rest time between exercisessplit (ieseparately between zhimami and performing pulling).- Intelligent data entry system approachThe weight values ​​and the number of repetitions is copied fromthecorresponding previous training or approach from thepreviousapproach (if the training takes place for the firsttime).- Create your own exercises with the ability to attach photosandcomments- The creation of training programs broken down by day- Download 100+ exercises from the book by FrederickDelave"strength exercises Anatomy"- Fixing the duration of the training- Output graphs of progress over any period- A graph of body weight control and dieting- Calendar of trainingsIn the free version there is limitation:- Demo mode for supersets
Дневник Тренировок 1.0.1
Программа для ведения журнала тренировок, сохраняет данные покаждойтренировке в отдельный txt-файл
Coach Journal 2.6.4
Application for coaches to make trainings registrations.
Powerlifting Cycle Log 1.2.49
Application to record allworkoutinformation.It will help you building your personalized training program.You can found detailed reports, progression chart, fullpomsquestionarie.Any android devices is full compatible.
StayFit workout trainer
Meretskyi Andrii
Street Workout, CrossFit, and Bodybuilding workouts andtrainingprograms...