Top 5 Apps Similar to Charles Perrault. Contes

C. Perrault. Fairy Tales. 1.0.2
The collection includes five fairytalesbyCharles Perrault:"The Sleeping Beauty in the Woods" by CharlesPerrault,CharlesWelsh and illustrated by Michael Bychkov.It is a classic fairytale involving abeautifulprincess,enchantment, and a handsome prince. Written as anoriginalliterarytale, it was first published by Charles Perraultin"Histoires oucontes du temps passé" in 1697.Translated into English by Charles Welsh.Illustrated by Michael Bychkov.=================="Riquet with the Tuft" by Charles Perrault"Riquet with the Tuft", also known as "Ricky of the Tuft",isaFrench literary fairy tale."Riquet with the Tuft", also known as "Ricky of the Tuft",isaFrench literary fairy tale was first published byCharlesPerraultin "Histoires ou contes du temps passé" in 1697.Translated into English by Charles Welsh.Illustrated by Michael Bychkov.=================="Blue Beard" by Charles Perrault, Charles Welsh andillustratedbyMichael Bychkov."Bluebeard" is a French literary folktale writtenbyCharlesPerrault and published in "Histoires ou contes dutempspassé" in1697. The tale tells the story of a violent noblemaninthe habitof murdering his wives and the attempts of one wifetoavoid thefate of her predecessors.=================="Little Thumb" by Charles Perrault, Charles Welshandillustratedby Michael Bychkov.It was first published by Charles Perrault in "Histoiresoucontesdu temps passé" in 1697.=================="The Master Cat, or Puss in Boots" is a French literaryfairytaleabout a cat who uses trickery and deceit to gainpower,wealth, andthe hand of a princess in marriage for hispennilessand low-bornmaster.The tale was written at the close of the seventeenthcenturybyCharles Perrault (1628–1703), a retired civil servant andmemberofthe Académie française. The tale appeared in ahandwrittenandillustrated manuscript two years before its 1697publicationbyBarbin in a collection of eight fairy tales byPerraultcalledHistoires ou contes du temps passé. The book was aninstantsuccessand remains popular.==================«Cinderella» by Charles Perrault, Charles Welsh andillustratedbyMichael Bychkov.All books are in English!Inside the application is also available in the shop whereyoucanbuy various books in Russian, English, Spanish,Italian,German,French and other languages.
Contes d'Andersen 1.0
Français seulement!Demande contient tous les Hans Christian Andersendisponiblescontes de fées.De 57 contes des Hans Christian Andersen!Mots-clés: contes de fées, contes de fées, des histoiresaucoucher libres des contes de fées pour enfants, andersen,HansChristian Andersen conte de fées, contes de fées desfrèresandersen gratuitementFrench only!Application contains all available Hans Christian Andersenfairytales.57 tales of Hans Christian Andersen!Keywords: fairy tales, fairy tales, bedtime stories freefairytales for children, andersen Hans Christian Andersen fairytale,fairy tales of the brothers andersen free
les contes en français mp3 1.0
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Puss in Boots 1.0
Hey children do you love your pets? Enjoy this story of Peterandhis pet cat, Puss...with Story Time. Once upon a time therelived apoor miller who had three sons. When the miller died he lefthismill to his eldest son and his donkey to his secondson.Unfortunately all that was left for his third son, Peter, wasthefamily cat, Puss. One day, while Peter and Puss were restingnear afast stream, a little old lady approached. She was much tofeebleto make it across the water herself and asked Peter if hemighthelp her. Peter helped her to cross and in return, she gavehim apair of boots. Peter tried to put the boots on but they didnot fithim. He was just about to throw the boots away when hiscurious catput his paws in. Then Peter heard someone say, "O thesefit meperfectly. "Peter was flabbergasted! It was Puss! His catwastalking like a human. Puss asked Peter to wait while he wantedtogo to the king to attend to some business at the king'spalace.What would Puss do next? Will he help Peter somehow?FEATURES: -Original music and sound - Exuberant colorfulillustrations -Interactive story-telling with impeccable effects -18 pages forkids to enjoy - Fabulous fun filled activities likespot thedifference, coloring game and card designing - Audio on/off-Graphics and animation adapted for children - Text highlightingandbrilliant narration The tale is sure to give a memorableexperienceto its readers only with Story Time.
I racconti delle fate 1.0
Software Magic
Collection of classic fairy tales translated by CarloCollodi(1826-1090).