Top 2 Games Similar to Ommm Conductor

Ommm - Taxi with Road Safety 1.7.4
Ommm dreams with the traffic transformationofthe cities, by changing the habits of drivers, passengerandpedestrians. This is why our first step trying to achieve it,istrought the taxi drivers of our city. And you can help usbyreporting from the App the Ommm Attitude key points.Travel safe and secure with our drivers that have been trainedtomake the traffic change in the city, because they drive withtheOmmm attitude in mind:◉ Respects the traffic lights◉ Does not honk the horn◉ Respects the pedestrianYou choose if you want to add your destination to know yourfarein advance or prefer to book your cab with two taps ofabutton.Also, you can make a booking in advance.We count on you to make the change in the traffic ofourcity!Take Ommm and Elevate your trip...
Chapa Taxi - Conductor 1.7.6
(Aplicación para conductores)¡SE TU PROPIO JEFE E INCREMENTA TUS INGRESOS DEFINIENDO TÚTUSPROPIAS TARIFAS!Chapa Taxi es una Aplicación 100% peruana hecha a la medida paraloque los peruanos necesitan. Permite conectar a pasajeros quedeseantener un servicio particular de traslado con conductoresdispuestosa trasladarlos, estos ofertando sus tarifas.Chapa Taxi - Conductor de manera muy simple le permitirá elegir asupasajero, la ruta que le convenga al precio que mejor se leacomodey todo esto en los horarios que usted desee.Chapa Taxi - Conductor traslada la tradicional negociaciónqueocurre en las calles peruanas entre taxistas y pasajeros almundovirtual de los Smartphones para brindarles la comodidad queambaspartes merecen. De esta manera se reduce el consumo decombustiblecirculando sin destino en búsqueda de pasajeros ycontribuye alordenamiento vial al minimizar la congestión vehicularen lascalles debido a las colas de vehículos formadas para negociarconun pasajero la tarifa.Mira los requisitosíguenos en Facebook como "Chapa Taxi Conductor Oficial" your own boss AND INCREASING YOUR INCOME YOU DEFINE YOUROWNRATES!Taxi Chapa is a 100% Peruvian tailored to what Peruviansneed.Connects to passengers who wish to have a private shuttleservicewith drivers willing to take them, offering theserates.Chapa Taxi Driver - very simply allows you to choose yourpassenger,the route that suits you the best price that fits andall this atthe times you want.Chapa Taxi - driver moves the traditional negotiation that occursinPeruvian streets between taxi drivers and passengers to thevirtualworld of smartphones to give them the comfort that bothsidesdeserve. In this way fuel consumption circulating aimlesslyinsearch of passengers and contributes to the system to minimizeroadtraffic congestion in the streets due to queues of vehiclesformedto negotiate with a passenger fee is reduced.Look us on Facebook as "Chapa Official Taxi Driver"