Top 17 Apps Similar to Убойное Резюме

CVMaster – Resume / CV Free 1.2
Alexey Zakharov
Simple resume builder tool for the professional CV creation onyourmobile device. Convenient form, contains helps on fillingoffields, and sending summary for E-mail and find workwithrecruiting agencies. The resume templates for free doesn'tcontainany advertizing and the hidden links! Filling in the formyou getthe ready file of a professional CV on your Android, that isreadyto be sent (with a COVER LETTER if it is necessary). Stepstocreate Curriculum Vitae are very simple ! * fill in the formwithyour info * get and check HTML file of your resume (and/or PDF!) *send it by email to any employer you want free of charge ! *find ajob with the recruiting agencies free for jobseekers! Ourpaidservice for emaling your CV to the job agencies: you can easysendyour CV to the agencies of your city, or several places -nowcities of USA, Canada, UK and Australia are supported ! 11 upto110 companies in each city. Job searching - it's easy !
HR24 Resume Designer 1.12
HR24 Group
HR24 Resume Designer is a FREEresumecreatoravailable for Android smartphones, that helps tocollect allyouruseful skills necessary for your future CurriculumVitae (CV).HR24 Resume Designer app will give you an opportunitytocreate,preview, edit, save, download and even share yourfuturenice andprofessional-looking CV via social networks andcloudservices,installed on your device. For example, Dropbox,Twitter,LinkedIn,Facebook, Google Drive,, OneDrive,Telegram,Gmail, Viber,Skype, Whatsapp, etc.With HR24 Resume Designer creating of CVs hasbecomecomfortable,easy, quick and simple!All you need is to download the app, enternecessaryinformationabout your skills, achievements, education andshareit!For getting access to all app functions just share the postinyourfavorite social network. Or get a premium at aminimumprice.Possibilities of HR24 services are admirable:Resume building in engllish and russian languagesIntegration with cloud services and social networksPossible to save as PDF-document and emailExpert consultation ($, available only on russian)ComfortableEasyQuickFreeDownload HR24 Resume Designer from HR24 recruiters,createyourideal breathtaking resume developed by the bestmarketingandrecruiting experts and get an interview in the companyofyourdream!We don’t keep your personal info and pass it nobody.We are very responsive to get a feedback from appusers,attentiveto recommendations. Ready to solve all thedifficulties -send yourconcerns or questions to us at :apps@hr24.orgWe appreciate your feedback about how CV helped you! Andwishyoua successful career!
My Resume | CV Builder 1.2
Zabuza Labs
Mera resume is one of a kind app that let's you create resumeindifferent creative format. All you need to do is add therequiredinformation, and then select any one resume format and theappcreates a pdf of your resume on the fly for you. Mera resumeMeraCareer is not just a resume builder. It is trying to provideawhole ecosystem for job seekers. The app providesfollowingfeatures 1. Resume Bulder | Resume Creator | CV Maker 2.100s ofaptitude questions to solve 3. Technical questions on C,C++, Java,PHP languages 4. Interview tips 5. Common InterviewQuestions 6.Record Your Answer 7. Job Search More details about thefeatures 1.Resume Builder: This allows you to create PDF copy ofresume in theformat you wish. You need to fill in the followingdetails PersonalDetails, Academic Details, Technical Details,Experience Details,Project Details, Certifications List etc. Onceyou fill this data,you will see few options of resume formats,choose any and a PDF ofyour CV will be ready. You can share it viaemail too. Resume Makeris the most important part of this app. 2.Aptitude Questions: Mostof the companies conduct an aptitude testbefore recruiting acandidate. Mera CV Mera Career provides the mostcommon aptitudequestions that are ofter asked during any interview.We keep onadding more questions to enrich our database. 3.TechnicalQuestions: Since IT is one of the largest recruiter in theworld asof now, it is imperative that you have knowledge ofcomputerlanguages like C C++ Java PHP. Mera CV Mera Career providesaquestion bank on these same topics. These are the questionwhichare asked most often. 4. Interview Tips: Most of the freshersdonot understand the etiquettes & manners to be followedwhileappearing for any interview. These are some common sense tipsandsome not very common tips that you must follow duringyourinterview. 5. Common Interview Questions: Most companies haveHRround. These are the most common HR questions. Practice themwellbefore appearing any HR interview. The most common question isTellme about yourself. 6. Record Your Answer: This feature letsyourecord your answer in your own voice for each of theimportantInterview question. You can replay the recorded answer.This letsyou check if you are confident and fluent enough. Practiceagain,record & replay the answer again till you don't get itperfect.Remember, practice makes it perfect. 7. Job Search: This isasimple list of jobs websites. Doesn't hurt to check themout.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The aim of Mera CVMeraCareer is to be the go to place when it comes to job search. Sowewill be adding more resume formats, more questions to ouraptitudequestions, technical questions, lot of tips &functionalities.Meanwhile we wish you all the best for your career.
Поиск работы на hh. Вакансии рядом с домом 6.53
Вы в поиске работы мечты? МобильноеприложениеHeadHunter поможет вам найти объявления о работе иподходящиевакансии!Не важно, в каком городе или области вы находитесь — вприложении собраны вакансии от проверенных работодателей совсей России,Беларуси и Казахстана.Более 700 000 проверенных работодателей на «Хэдхантер»предлагаютработу по всей России и в странах СНГ.Подработка в Москве, полная ставка в Санкт-Петербурге илиработакурьером в Сочи — вакансии доступны во многих городах иихобластях: Новосибирске, Красноярске, Екатеринбурге,Краснодаре,Нижнем Новгороде, Архангельске, Астрахани, Барнауле,Владивостоке,Волгограде, Воронеже, Иваново, Ижевске, Иркутске,Казани,Калининграде, Кемерово, Кургане, Москве и Московскойобласти, вНабережных Челнах, Нижневартовске, Нижнем Тагиле,Новокузнецке,Омске, Оренбурге, Санкт-Петербурге, Пензе, Перми,Ростове-на-Дону,Самаре, Саратове, Сочи, Сургуте, Тольятти, Томске,Тюмени,Ульяновске, Уфе, Хабаровске, Челябинске, Ярославле!Вы можете выбрать любой график работы: вахта, по сменам,подработка,удаленная работа онлайн, временная работа, гибкийграфик,фриланс.Работодатели ищут не только офисных работников, но иразмещаютобъявления о работе для охранников, кассиров, продавцов,водителей(также работа в такси и подработка на авто), поваров,грузчиков,уборщиц, то есть для всех готовых работать изарабатыватьденьги.HeadHunter уже 17 лет помогает соискателям найти работу,аработодателям — сотрудников в свою команду профессионалов. В99%случаев в нашем сервисе предлагается работа без вложений,дляполучения которой требуются только ваши навыки и желание.Что вы можете сделать с помощью приложения hh:— Найти работу рядом с домом: введите свой адрес ипосмотритевакансии поблизости. Работа близко к дому или в часе езды— личноедело каждого. Но согласитесь, обидно упустить подходящуюработу, докоторой от дома 10 минут пешком. Поищите работу рядом сдомом, покаона не досталась вашему соседу!— Выбрать подходящий вариант, если вы студент без опытаработы.Работа для подростка или школьника также встречается срединашихвакансий. Главное — это мотивация и желание проявить себя.Вслучае, если вы уже проходили стажировки — обязательно обэтомнапишите. Работа без опыта даст вам возможность начатьсвоюкарьеру, расти и развиваться.— Узнать, что такое работа на дому. Существует множествовариантов:подработка в интернете, фриланс, работа няней и многоедругое.Часто бывает, что семья или другие дела не позволяютработать вофисе. Работа дома может стать хорошей альтернативой длязаработка,учитывая, что в последние годы работа в интернете сталанастолькопопулярной.— Создать резюме: расскажите о своих достижениях, опытеработы,своем образовании и профессиональных навыках. Обо всем, чтовысчитаете нужным и важным, укажите в своем резюме!— Найти вакансии: укажите в расширенном поиске вакансийнеобходимыекритерии — должность, зарплату, профессиональнуюобласть, графикработы. Мечтаете работать удаленно? Ищите толькоудаленную работуили проектную с возможностью работать издома!— Общаться с работодателями: в некоторых вакансиях HR указываетсвоиконтакты для оперативной связи. Если указан номер телефона,нестесняйтесь, звоните работодателю и договаривайтесьособеседовании!— Читать советы и подсказки: как правильно составитьидеальноерезюме, общаться с работодателями на собеседованиях,следить заподборками вакансий с высокими зарплатами. HeadHunterвсегдаподбирает только актуальную информацию, которая не один разужепомогла соискателям в поиске желаемой работы!— Откликаться и отправлять свое резюме на вакансию своей мечты:незабудьте написать сопроводительное письмо или воспользоватьсяегошаблоном!Работа и подработка, которую вы уже давно искали ждет васнаHeadHunter. Желаем успехов!Команда HeadHunterAre you in search ofdreamjob? HeadHunter mobile app will help you find job listingsandsuitable job!No matter which city or region you are - in the jobs from trusted employers from all over Russia,Belarus andKazakhstan.More than 700,000 employers proven to "hedhanterov" offered a jobinRussia and in the CIS countries.Jobs in Moscow, the full rate in St. Petersburg or work courierinSochi - vacancies are available in many cities andregions:Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar,NizhnyNovgorod, Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan, Barnaul, Vladivostok,Volgograd,Voronezh, Ivanovo, Izhevsk, Irkutsk, Kazan, Kaliningrad,Kemerovo,Kurgan, Moscow and the Moscow region, in NaberezhnyeChelny,Nizhnevartovsk, Nizhny Tagil, Novokuznetsk, Omsk, Orenburg,St.Petersburg, Penza, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Saratov,Sochi,Surgut Tolyatti, Tomsk, Tyumen, Ulyanovsk, Ufa,Khabarovsk,Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl!You can choose any schedule: watch, shift work, part-time,distantwork online, temporary work, flexible hours,freelancing.Employers are looking for not only office workers, but alsoplacejob listings for security guards, cashiers, salespeople,drivers(also a taxi and part-time auto), cooks, porters, cleaners,that isall ready to work and earn money.HeadHunter for 17 years helping job seekers find work andemployers- employees in their team of professionals. In 99% ofcases in ourservice offered jobs without investment, for whichrequires onlyyour skills and desire. What you can do with the help of applications hh: - Find a job close to home: Enter your address and seenearbyjobs. Work close to home or within an hour's drive away - aprivatematter. But you must admit, it is insulting to miss asuitable job,to which the house 10 minutes. Look for a job close tohome, untilshe went to your neighbor! - Select the appropriate option if you are a student withnoexperience. Work for a teenager or student is also foundamongstour vacancies. The main thing - is the motivation and thedesire toprove himself. If you have already passed the internship -alwayswrite about it. no work experience will give you theopportunity tostart your career, grow and develop. - Find out what is working from home. There are manyoptions:part-time on the Internet, freelance work as a nanny, andmore.Often, family or other things do not work in the office.Workingfrom home can be a good alternative for earnings, given thatthework on the Internet has become so popular in recentyears. - Create a summary: Tell us about your achievements,workexperience, your education and skills. Everything that youthink isnecessary and important, point in your resume! - Find a job: Specify in the Advanced Job Search jobrequiredcriteria - the position, salary, professional field, workschedule.You dream to work remotely? Look for only remote work ordesignwith the ability to work from home! - Communicate with employers: some vacancies HRindicatestheir contacts for operational communications. If youspecify aphone number, do not hesitate to call the employer andmake aninterview! - Read tips: how to make a perfect job, communicatewithemployers for interviews, follow the collections jobs withhighsalaries. HeadHunter always picks up only relevantinformation,which more than once has helped job seekers to find thedesiredjob!- match and post your resume on the job of your dreams: donotforget to write a cover letter template, or use it! Work and part you have been looking for is waiting for youatHeadHunter. We wish you success! team HeadHunter
Работа, вакансии на Superjob 6.23
Найди новую отличную работу сегодня вместесSuperjob!Удвой свою зарплату за три-четыре года! Мы расскажем, какэтосделать.Загрузи приложение прямо сейчас.Мы поможем найти работу по знакомству! Такая функция есть толькоунас! Проверь прямо сейчас!Ищете работу рядом с домом? Качайте приложение, указывайтесферудеятельности и место проживания — и получайте списоквакансийкомпаний, добираться до которых пешком не больше 30минут!Найди свою супервакансию, позвони — и ты на новой работе.Найдивакансию мечты, быстро и легко создай идеальное резюме спомощьюнаших супершаблонов и откликнись на вакансию. Получиприглашение наработу прямо в свой мобильный. С приложением ты непропустишьзвонка своего работодателя. Получай приглашения на работучерез пушили смс!Узнай, где и кем работают твои друзья и сколько они получают!Загрузи приложение и начни новую жизнь с новой отличнойработой!Удачи!Find new excellentjobtoday with Superjob!Double up his salary for three or four years! We'll show you howtodo it.Download the app right now.We will help you find a job through! This function is only forus!Check now!Looking for a job close to home? Swing application, specifythescope and place of residence - and get a list of companies jobstoget to where no more than 30 minutes on foot!Find your supervakansiyu, call - and you're at a new job. Findyourdream job, quickly and easily create the perfect resume throughoursupershablonov, and will respond to vacancy. Get a jobofferdirectly to your cell. With the app you can not miss the calloftheir employer. Received an invitation to work through a pushorSMS!Find out where and who your friends are working and how muchtheyget!Download the app and start a new life with a new job well done!Goodluck!
hh бизнес: поиск сотрудников 3.0.2
Нужен сотрудник? Мобильное приложение «hh бизнес» дляработодателейпоможет вашему бизнесу найти персонал быстро и прямо втелефоне.Неважно, где расположен ваш офис, в Москве илиСанкт-Петербурге, вНижнем Новгороде или Владивостоке! На hh.ruболее 52 миллионоврезюме* соискателей со всей России. С помощью «hhбизнес» выможете: — Искать резюме подходящего кандидата в базе.Расширенныйпоиск резюме позволит вам найти кандидатов по любымкритериям:город, профессиональная область, опыт и график работы. —Разместитьи отредактировать вакансию. Укажите желаемые требованияккандидату: должность, зарплату, график работы иобязанности.Вакансия сделает ваше объявление о работе заметным ипривлечет тех,кто нужен бизнесу. — Приглашать на собеседованиеподходящихкандидатов, отвечать на отклики и следить за новымирезюмекандидатов по вашему поисковому запросу. Найдите сотрудникадлявашего бизнеса на Более 52 миллионов резюме* ждутвас!Успехов в поиске персонала! * С учетом подтвержденных резюмеслюбым типом видимости по группе компаний HeadHunter, заисключением Данные от 01.08.2021 г.
WorldCard Mobile Lite
Penpower Inc.
Wall Street Journal recommends it to all professionals.Grabit,manage your contacts. ◆ Awards and Laurels ◆ - NamedBestMobileApp OCR by 2010 MOBI Awards - Winner of the CTIA 2010E-TechAwardfor Mobile Applications - Pro-sumer/BusinessProductivity -Secureda spot among the Top 10 apps in the Businesscategory in194countries - Ranked #1 Business app in US App Store -Ranked#1Business Card Scanning application in -Thepreferredbusiness card management tool of mobile phonedeveloperslike HTC,telecommunications companies such as CHT/TaiwanMobile andCRMdevelopers like JustSystems - Over 20 million usersworldwide◆Testimonials ◆ - “For scanning business cards ontoyouriPhone,WorldCard Mobile stands out.” – Macworld - “I’vealwaysbeenskeptical about contact capturing technologies…but I’manovernightconvert - [WorldCard Mobile] changed my outlook(punintended).” -Bill French, iPhone CTO - “WorldCard Mobileaccuratelyread andsorted fax and mobile numbers, even when thecards labelsusedshort-hand.” - Bob Tedeschi, New York Times ◆ AppDescription◆WorldCard Mobile, the leading business cardscanningapplicationfor Android Phone, uses OCR (OpticalCharacterRecognition)technology to instantly transfer informationfrombusiness cards tousers' native contacts. With a simple click ofthecamera, you nolonger have to manually input contact infofrombusiness cards oremail signatures. ◆ Why WorldCard Mobile? ◆-Capture businesscards anytime & anywhere. - Capturebusinesscard images withthe Android Phone’s camera. - Recognitionof 26languages: English,French, German, Italian, Dutch, Turkish,Polish,Hungarian,Russian, Swedish, Norwegian, Japanese, Korean,Finnish,Danish,Greek, Czech, Slovak, Traditional Chinese,SimplifiedChinese,Spanish(Mexico & Spain), Portuguese(Portugal&Brazil),Arabic language. - Sort recognized information byname,position,company, phone number, fax number, address orotherfields. ◆Manage contacts easily ◆ - View and manage contactinfowith Cardholder function. Make a phone call, send SMS and emailtoyourcontacts directly. - Merge new business card infowithexistingcontacts. - Select partially and recognize thespecificarea thatcontains the correct data. - Find your contactsonFacebook,LinkedIn and Twitter. Expand your social andprofessionalnetworks.- Provide nearby contacts function help youvisit contactseasily.◆ Smart functions for your business * -Exchange contactdatathrough Mail and File Sharing. Import/export orbackup yourdata onMac/Windows quickly and conveniently. - Share orbackupyourcontacts via cloud services (Dropbox). Manage yourcontacts onalldevices, such as Mac or Windows PC. - Recognize QRcode to getmoreinformation easily. - Copy email signatures and addthem toyourcontact lists. - Support cover flow function inlandscape mode-Provide reminder notification for back up andbirthday
Resume PDF Maker / CV Builder 1.20
Resume is first impression while job hunting. Resume PDF Makerappwill help you to create, make, edit, share professionalformatresumes in pdf format quickly. Professional looking resume isamust have when you apply for any job, going for an interview,jobhunting, job search, applying for jobs on job site etc.CurrentlyApp provides 7 formats / resume templates which aresuitable forinterns, fresher, and experienced job seeker. This appiscompletely free and offline Resume PDF Maker provides youreadymaderesume formats or samples or resume templates. To createresume youdo not need to worry about what format, what informationto putetc, just enter the information and forget about theformatting Itallows you to create, edit, preview the resumes in PDFand then youcan share, email, store on dropbox, google drive, orlocal memoryetc. Build Professional resumes instantly by providingbelowinformation ☆ Personal, Contact Info ☆ Resume headline ☆ProfilePhoto ☆ Objective ☆ Educational qualifications ☆ WorkExperience incompanies ☆ Projects worked upon ☆ Skills ☆Achievements ☆ Hobbies☆ Languages ☆ Declaration ☆ Signature You canmail resume withcover letter directly from app This app can be usedto create/makeResume, Curriculum vitae, CV samples, Professionalresumetemplates, resume editor. Create a resume using this app andgetsuccess in Job Hunting, success in career If you are lookingforjob and want to update your resume just give a try Your feedbackisalways welcome which will be very useful to improve the app Job search app 5.1.2
A job search app with 250k vacancies for seeking a job.Workremotely!
Find job offers - Trovit Jobs 4.49.0
Trovit Jobs finds job vacancies in thousands ofdifferentwebsitesand shows them to you in one place. That way, youcan besure thatyou will find your dream job, no matter how hiddenit is.Easy,convenient and fast. That’s our promise. ♣FILTERS TOFINDTHEPERFECT JOB Trovit allows you to filter your search resultstofindthe jobs that interest you. You can select yoursector,city,publication date, type of contract, workinghours,necessaryexperience, salary and a long list of othercriteria.♥SAVE THEBEST JOB OFFERS IN YOUR BOOKMARKS Don’t you hateit whenyou find avacancy, but somehow you don’t remember where orwhen wasposted?Bookmark any listings you like in the Favouritessection.Even ifyou accidentally delete the app, you will be able torecoveryourfavourite jobs. ♦PERSONALIZED ALERTS, TAILOREDSPECIFICALLY FORYOUWhen you close the app, Trovit Jobs keepsworking for you.Justcreate an alert (or several) and we will sendyou anotificationwhen there’s a new ad that matches yoursearchcriteria. We followthousands of job board websites minute byminuteso you don’t haveto. You can create as many alerts as youwant to,with your idealposition, your favourite companies or theperfectcombination oflots of factors. ♠HOW TO FIND YOUR DREAM JOBINTROVIT JOBS If youare looking to find a new job, searchingonTrovit couldn’t beeasier. 1. Type your search criteria andselectwhich kind ofvacancy are you looking for. 2. If you want, youcanapply filtersto that search. You will find the filters in theupperrighthand-corner of the screen. 3. Take a good look at alltheselectedjobs. Don’t forget to save the ones you like themostinFavourites! 4. Create personalized alerts for everysearchyou’reinterested in. You’ll be able to activate ordeactivatethenotifications for each search, at the bottom of eachsearchresultspage or in the settings section. 5. We will send youalertswhenthere’s a new ad that matches all the conditions thatyouselected.You can check as many listings as you want,absolutelyfree. Itdoesn’t matter if you are looking to work fromhome, agovernmentjob, online jobs, security jobs... you will findit atTrovit. ►WHYTROVIT? You have two options when looking forjoboffers: you caneither try visiting all the websites and servicesona daily basis,typing the same search queries over and over,hopingto find theperfect job before anyone else. Or, you can setupsearch filtersin Trovit Jobs, create an alert, and sit backtowatch the magichappen. Trovit Jobs is your starting point foranintelligent andextensive search. Look for job offers listed in19differentlanguages and in 46 different countries. TrovitJobsincludes amongits sources hundreds of United States basedcompaniesandheadhunters. Find your dream job in New York, LosAngeles,Chicago,Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Antonio, SanDiego,Dallas, SanJose, Austin, Jacksonville, San Francisco,Indianapolis,Columbus,Detroit, Washington DC, Seattle, Denver,Memphis,Boston,Nashville, El Paso, Milwaukee, Albuquerque,Tucson,Fresno,Louisville, Sacramento, Long Beach, Kansas City,Mesa,Atlanta,Virgina Beach, Portland, Omaha, Colorado Springs,Miami,Oakland,Minneapolis, tulsa, Cleveland or a long list of othertownsandcities. OTHER TROVIT SERVICES Remember that, besidesTrovitJobs,you can also use Trovit Homes and Trovit Cars. In TrovitHomesyouwill find all the listings of homes for sale and to rentinonesingle search engine. Trovit Cars will help you findyourperfectcar, searching through several car listing websitesandserviceswith one single search. If you have any doubts,problemsorsuggestions, please do write us an email atandroid@trovit.comandwe will do our best to fix whatever’sbothering you. If youenjoyTrovit Jobs, please leave us a review onGoogle Play: it helpsusgrow and maintain a quality free service!
MDScan Lite 3.9.26
Scan documents and convert them into digital files easily withthisscanner app.
Business Card Reader Pro - Business Card Scanner
ABBYY Mobile
ABBYY Business Card Reader scans and manages all yourbusinesscardsand contacts in a flash. ✓ Recommended by The New YorkTimes,CNN,The Telegraph, Computer Business Review, Macworld. ✓ ‘Ifyourdeskis strewn with printed business cards this could be theappfor you.Throw away your 1980s-style rolodex and download theABBYYBusinessCard Reader (BCR)’ - The Telegraph (UK) ✓ MobileStarAward Winnerof SHINING STAR in the "Contact Manager App"category✓ ABBYY BCR isa Featured App in the Intel® Business AppPortfolio--------------With ABBYY Business Card Reader (BCR) youcan: ✓Instantly transferbusiness card data in 25 languages rightontoyour smartphone ✓ Synccards data across smartphones, tabletsandcomputers via ABBYY’scloud and access your contacts fromanywhereon ABBYYBCR.COM ✓ Savecontacts in the BCR’s own storage–CardHolder- with convenientsearch, sorting andgroupingfunctionality ✓ Share biz contacts datafrom BCR via e-mailor SMSand export to Excel -------------- KEYFEATURES ✓ Forgethaving tomanually enter contact details into yoursmartphone.Unsurpasseddata recognition and speed based on famousABBYY MobileOCRtechnology, eliminate having to correct or re-keybusinesscardsdata, making creating new contacts easy andautomatic. ✓ Synccardsacross smartphones, tablets and computers tomake businesscardsdatabase trouble-free, updated and accessiblefrom all yourdeviceson ABBYYBCR.COM. ✓ Card Holder, the BCR’s ownstorage,providesconvenient business card search, as well assorting andgrouping ofcontacts. You can quickly and easily findbiz contact youneed. ✓‘My cards' group in Card Holder allows tosave your ownbusinesscards in different languages and fordifferent bizoccasions. ✓Text notes to cards easy to make, edit,look through andfind inBCR’s storage. ✓ Quickly verify contactsrecognition results.TheBCR highlights uncertain characters anddisplays the originalimageso that you can confirm or correct theapp's output. ✓Cropautomatically cuts off all the background ofthe businesscard’sphoto, making it looking like a real-lifebusiness card in theCardHolder. ✓ Forward recognized contact datafrom Card Holderviae-mail as VCard and JPEG file or via SMS as aplain text. ✓Exportto MS Excel to manage business cards databaseon your desktop.✓Find out more about your new biz contacts on themost popularsocialnetworks – Linkedln and Facebook right from yourBCR! ✓Search inMaps for the address of your biz contact with justonetap from ABBYYBusiness Card Reader ✓ Backup and restorecontactsfrom savedbusiness cards. ✓ Recognize business cards in25languages, includingmultilingual cards (maximum 3languagessimultaneously): • Czech •Chinese (Simplified) •Chinese(Traditional) • Danish • Dutch •English • Estonian •Finnish •French • German • Greek • Japanese •Indonesian • Italian• Korean• Norwegian (Bokmal) • Norwegian(Nynorsk) • Polish •Portuguese(Portugal) • Portuguese (Brazil) •Russian • Spanish •Swedish •Turkish • Ukrainian-------------------- CORPORATE VOLUMELICENSINGIf you are interestedin volume licensing (more than 100)for yourcompany or anycustomization of the app, please contact ABBYYBusiness Card Reader makes yourbusiness cardsand contacts work. 2.6.12
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WorldCard Enterprise 1.8.1
Penpower Inc.
[Product Information] Designed for companies tobuildbusinesscontact information platforms. By recognizing thebusinesscardinformation, you can collect clients andsuppliers’informationfrom each department and save these datainside theexclusiveserver of the company. Keep the cardsinformation safe andsoundwithout worrying the leakage ofinformation. You can alwaysadd,search for, update and reach thecontacts with iPhone andAndroidPhone. WorldCard Enterprise isdefinitely the optimal choiceforcompanies to manage contactnetwork. [Function Features]“Savecontacts in the Cloud‧Createsustainable network” -Immediately andautomatically recognizecontact information on thebusiness cardsafter capturing the cards’images. Fill in thecontact fieldsautomatically based on theproperties of therecognizedinformation, including name, company,department, jobtitle,address, phone, e-mail, etc. All theinformation will besaved inthe company’s server, and personneltransactions will notcausedata loss any more. - Precisely recognizevariouslanguages,including English, French, German, Italian,Dutch,Turkish, Polish,Hungarian, Russian, Swedish, Norwegian,Japanese,Korean, Finnish,Danish, Greek, Czech, Slovak, TraditionalChinese,SimplifiedChinese, Spanish(Mexico & Spain),Portuguese(Portugal&Brazil), Czech, and Slovak. Make theoperation of your companymuchmore globalized. “Set user accountandpermissionindependently‧Manage departments separately ” - Abletosetindividual account and permission, such as read, writecardinfoand mange category. basing on each departmentorpositionrequirement. Always keep the companies’ contactinformationup todate. - The contact information can be saved in “MyFavorites”areafor quick access. Users can categorize clients’information toworkmore efficiently. “Synchronize local devices withtheCloud‧Manageon cell phone and computer simultaneously” -Whetherthe cardinformation is created on the cell phone orcomputer, userscan useiPhone, Android phone, computer or web pageto view thelatestinformation at any time. - Offer the customizedinterfaceonmultiple platforms. The simple and intuitive operationallowsallusers to easily manage and quickly browse thecardsinformation.“Easy to Keep in Touch‧Link to social networkaccount”- Providephone/video call function, send SMS, e-mails viacellphone tocontact, congratulate or notify contacts. Quick clickontheaddress fields to conduct route planning beforemeetingcustomers.Make the communication between you and yourclientssmooth andboundaryless. - Automatically search forclients’Facebook,LinkedIn, Twitter by name or e-mail address fieldstonarrow thedistance between you and your clients. Note: Thisappneeds to workwith WorldCard Enterprise server. If youareinterested in theproduct, feel free to contact