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Código Civil de Venezuela 1.1
Libre para más de 2500 dispositivosIntroducciónLos Códigos Civiles son el fundamento legal paracualquiersociedad, en nuestra legislación han existido una seriededistintos Códigos Civiles que han cambiado y avanzado a travésdeltiempo; en la sociedad Venezolana se han presentado una seriedecambios relacionados con la familia, personas, costumbre, etc. Yalmomento de ocurrir estos cambios en la sociedad, las leyestienenque ser modificadas para poder adaptarse a esta nuevasociedadcambiante.A continuación en este informe se presentaran una serie dedatosimportantes relacionados con los Códigos Civiles Venezolanos,suestructura y las modificaciones a las que se han confrontado.Evolución Histórica del Código Civil VenezolanoEl primer Código civil se pone en vigencia cuando lapresidenciadel General Páez en el año de 1861, este Código tieneunainspiración en el Código de Andrés Bello.El segundo Código Civil es el de 1867, este fue una copiadelCódigo Civil del célebre Español García Gayena.El tercer Código Civil fue el de 1896, este trae una seriedenuevas disposiciones sobre el Derecho de Familia, facilitandolacelebración del matrimonio.Sigue el Código Civil de 1904 a principios de este siglo,tambiéntienen algunas reformas y modificaciones que fueronconsideradasretrasadas, pero que representaron algunos avancescomo por ejemplo:se consagra por primera vez la institución delDivorcio en materiade Derecho de Familia en Venezuela.El quinto Código Civil fue en 1916, tiene una seriedemodificaciones de carácter inconveniente en cuanto a lainquisiciónde paternidad ilegitima.En el Código Civil de 1922 se eliminan algunas trabas paralainquisición de la paternidad ilegitima, se establecenalgunosadelantos y algunas reformas en materia de arrendamientoyventa.El código Civil de 1942 que es el que nos rige parcialmente enlaactualidad, introdujo una serie de reformas convenientes,seestableció la comunidad concubinaria que es una regla deDerechoque permite a la mujer que había vivido en concubinatoprolongado,solicitar derechos patrimoniales de su concubino. Sehicieronalgunas reformas en materia de obligaciones, se destacó lallamadatutela del Estado para los menores abandonados. El CódigoCivil de1942 duró 40 años en vigencia y fue derogado parcialmentepor elCódigo Civil que nos rige actualmente que es el de 1982, estees elOctavo Código Civil Venezolano. En este código seestablecierondistintas modificaciones en materia del Nombre,Tutela, Patrimonio,Patria Potestad, es decir, que la reforma delCódigo Civil de 1942operada en el 1982 tiene una serie de aspectospositivos y que serefieren particularmente a la materia defamilia.Free for over 2500devicesIntroductionCivil codes are the legal basis for any society, in our lawshavebeen a number of different civil codes which have changedandprogressed over time, in Venezuelan society have made a numberofchanges related to the family, people, custom, etc.. And whenthesechanges occur in society, the laws have to be modified toadapt tothis changing society.Following this report presented a number of importantdataregarding the Venezuelan Civil Code, its structure andtheamendments which have been confronted.Historical Evolution of the Venezuelan Civil CodeThe first civil code is put into effect when the presidencyofGeneral Paez in the year 1861, this Code is an inspiration intheCode of Andrés Bello.The second is the Civil Code of 1867, this was a copy ofthefamous Spanish Civil Code Gayena Garcia.The third was the Civil Code of 1896, this brings a number ofnewprovisions on family law, facilitating marriage.Following the Civil Code of 1904 to the beginning ofthiscentury, they also have some alterations and modificationsthatwere considered delayed, but that represented some progresssuchas: first enshrined the institution of Divorce on Family LawinVenezuela.The fifth was the Civil Code in 1916, has a number ofcharacterchanges drawback for illegitimate paternityinquisition.The Civil Code of 1922 removed some obstacles to theinquisitionof illegitimate paternity, establishing some progressand somereforms rental and sales.The Civil Code of 1942 which is the part that governs ustodayintroduced a series of reforms convenient, concubinagewasestablished community that is a rule of law that allows a womanwhohad lived in concubinage prolonged economic rights applyherpartner. Some reforms were made concerning theobligations,emphasized the care of the State call for abandonedchildren. TheCivil Code of 1942 lasted 40 years in force and wasrepealed inpart by the Civil Code that governs us today is the1982, this isthe eighth Venezuelan Civil Code. This codeestablished variouschanges in the name, Guardianship, Heritage,parental authority, iethe reform of the Civil Code of 1942 operatedin 1982 has a numberof positive aspects that relate particularly tofamily matters.
Всеобщая история пиратов 3.0
Книга была издана в Лондоне в 1724годуЧарльзом Джонсоном. Хотя нет точных документальныхподтверждений,что под этим псевдонимом скрывался Даниэль Дефо, темне менее,исследователи склонны считать автором именно его.Среди историков пиратства широко распространенным является мнениеотом, что Чарльз Джонсон (Даниэль Дефо) своей книгойсоздалконцепцию пиратства, существующую до настоящего времени,ивсесторонне описал период, получивший позднее название«золотоговека пиратства». Опираясь на его произведение писатели,начиная сВальтера Скотта (роман «Пират») создали знакомый ныне всемобразпирата, сочетающий реальные и вымышленные черты с рядомнепременныхатрибутов: чёрная повязка на глазах, бандана в качествеголовногоубора, зарытые клады, «Весёлый Роджер» и т.п.Серия: Морские историиИщите другие наши издания на Маркете! Выпущено уже более240книг! Каталог всех книг смотрите на сайтеиздательстваhttp://lib.webvo.ruО наших новинках удобно узнавать черезTwitter(!/P_DigitalBooks)Издательство Digital Books занимается популяризациейпроизведенийклассической литературы и поддержкой начинающихавторов. Мывыпускаем книги в виде приложений для мобильныйустройств на базеоперационной системы Android. С помощью простогоменю каждыйчитатель может настроить отображение книги подхарактеристики своегоустройства.Книги Издательства Digital Books обладают небольшими размерамиине требовательны к ресурсам смартфонов и планшетов. Нашиприложенияне посылают SMS с Ваших телефонов на платные номера инеинтересуются Вашей личной информацией.Если Вам понравилась книга, не сочтите за труд - добавьте звездвотзывы о ней.Если Вы начинающий автор и хотите увидеть свое произведениеввиде приложения для мобильных устройств на базеоперационнойсистемы Android, то обращайтесь в издательство DigitalBooks( или book was publishedinLondon in 1724 by Charles Johnson. Although there is noaccuratedocumentary evidence that under this pseudonym hid DanielDefoe,however, researchers are inclined to believe the authorwashis.Historians piracy is a widespread opinion that CharlesJohnson(Daniel Defoe) his book created the concept of piracy thatexiststo date, and comprehensively described the period, later wasnamedthe "golden age of piracy." Based on his work writers,startingwith Walter Scott (novel "Pirate") created the now familiarimageof all pirate combines real and fictional features with anumber ofessential attributes: a black blindfold, as a bandanaheaddress,buried treasure, "Jolly Roger etc.Series: Marine HistoryLook for our other publications in the Market! Issued morethan240 books! Catalog of all books, please visit thepublisherhttp://lib.webvo.ruAbout our updates conveniently learn throughTwitter(!/P_DigitalBooks)Publisher Digital Books popularizes works of classicalliteratureand support new authors. We produce books in the formofapplications for mobile devices based on the operatingsystemAndroid. With a simple menu every reader can choose todisplay thecharacteristics of the book of your device.Book Publishing Digital Books have small size and notdemandingsmartphones and tablets. Our application does not send SMSto yourphone and premium rate numbers are not interested in yourpersonalinformation.If you like the book, do not take the trouble - add starreviewsabout it.If you're an aspiring author and would like to see his workinthe form of applications for mobile devices based on theoperatingsystem Android, then please contact the publisher DigitalBooks( or
Calculator purposes 2 1.8
The application will be anindispensableassistant in the passing game locations The Nords andgetting themthe prize. Additionally, you can calculate the amountof theremaining troops as on the objectives and the enemy (in thecity,cache, store, obelisk) without the use of intelligence(attackbattle).The advantage of the application is that much easier to dothecalculations on your smartphone or on your tablet, ratherthanswitch between windows on your computer (laptop), interruptingthegame. The app works for online gaming in any socialnetwork.This program is an informal guide to the The Nords is notconnectedwith the publishers or developers and is designed to helpplayers.All game content is the property of the owners, and the useof thisguide falls under the principle of "fair use"
California Family Code 2.0
Pocket Topics
** UPDATED TO INCLUDE 2013 CODES **California Family Code by Pocket Topics is the onlyCaliforniaFamily Code reference software you need on your Androiddevice.Designed for law enforcement personnel, lawyers, paralegalsoranyone who needs quick access to California's Family Code. Useinin the patrol car or in the court room. All data is stored onyourdevice so you never need an internet connection.- Now with full text searching. Accurate and flexiblesearchengine allows you to find exactly what you are lookingfor.- Does not require an internet connection. All the data isstoredlocally.- Automatic and free lifetime updates to the codes- Easily bookmark code sections- Install to SD card- Compatible with tablets, including the Xoom- Share codes via email, text messaging, etc.Please do not post comments or problems in the productratings.We have no way of responding. We respond immediately tomessagessent to All issues are takenseriouslyand are resolved immediately, if possible. Please give usa chanceto respond before posting in the product ratings.Permissions required:1. android.permission.INTERNET - Used strictly to downloadtheinitial datafile and to check for updates2. android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - Used to determineifyour device is connected to the internet prior todownloadingdatafile (once)3. android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Used to storethedatafile on the SD card4. - No more stealingourapplication. Sorry software pirates!5. We also use analytics to retrieve non-user specificinformation.This is used to improve the application and can bedisabled in thesettings.Visit us onGoogle+ us at pockettopics.comFollow us on Twitter: pockettopicsPlease visit out site and tell us how you use our products.Wealso love feature requests and requests for additional codes.Thanks for buying our products!!Changes/Updates1.52fixed a bug where the bookmark and search button did not work onthedetail screen for tablets1.51fixed a bug where a search result with only one record causedaforce close1.50- Compatible with tablets, Xoom included- Search now includes full text- User Interface completely updated- Search results show snippets of the code sections- Added "codes in this section" to improve navigation- Browse through record set in section detail screen- Improved navigation- Added Analytics. Can be disabled in settings screen.- Fixed several bugs (thanks Billy!! and others)
The Treasure Island 1.0.3
Publishing House
PlotThe events of the novel take place about the middleofXVIII-thcentury (in the log contains the date Bones 1745).Theybegin inEngland in a small tavern "Admiral Benbow". The storyistold fromthe first-person protagonist, the son of a tavernhostess- a youngJim Hawkins (with the exception of three chapters,wherethe eventsdescribed by Dr. Livesey).Once in a restaurant, a new lodger - a former sailor,whosenameis Billy Bones. To him a strange start to come visit.Thefirst,also a sailor, nicknamed "Black Dog", something likefromBilly,they quarreled and ended, and stabbing wounds. Billyattendsaterrible blind beggar, who gave him a black mark -aformidablepirate leader warning that violate the interests oftheteam.Billy's got a label decides to hastily leave their place,butdiedsuddenly of apoplexy. Jim and his mother, whom Billy owesmoneytostay, search the dead sailor and his belongings. At thebottomofhis chest, they find the money and a package of papers.Fromthesepapers it is clear that Bones was the first navigator onboardthefamous pirate Flint and had a map of the location whereyoustoredthe treasures of his well-known.Jim barely had time to pick up the paper from under thenoseFlintBlind Pew and his thugs, who attack the tavern"AdmiralBenbow" inorder to take possession of the card. Bones,Black Dog,Blind Pew andothers - all former members of the team,"theWalrus," a pirate shipof Captain Flint. Suddenly, to help Jimandhis mother came adetachment of the royal customs. BlindPewtragically killed, and theother pirates hastily flee - theyarethe successful withdrawal ofthe team covers the piratelugger,which are their accomplices.Jim sends the documents and a map to Dr. Livesey andthesquireTrelawney. Wealthy Trelawney begins preparation oftheexpedition,and requests Blendli errand to equip the expeditionasuitablevessel - the schooner "Hispaniola."Captain "Hispaniola" Smollett expresses grave doubtsaboutthereliability team, and especially does not trust hisassistant-Bosun Arrow, but inferior to the persuasion of Dr.Livesey,andTrelawney of condescension. "Hispaniola" is sent fromBristoltothe Isle of Treasure. In a way Jim can eavesdrop onasecretconversation sailor Dick, boatswain's mate and cocaHandsYisrael,one-legged John Silver's, known as Gammon (bornBeacon),also knownas Long John. It turns out that the crew, whohiredTrelawney,mostly composed of former team Flint and Silver -thehead of aconspiracy whose purpose - to capture the treasure...The book is in English!Inside the application is also available in the shop whereyoucanbuy various books in Russian, English, Spanish,Italian,German,French and other languages.