Top 11 Apps Similar to 1С:Кубатура круглого леса Демо

Кубатурник 6м. 0.2
Простейший кубатурник круглого леса.Покатолько для шестиметровых неоцилиндрованных бревен. В отличииотиных кубатурников не использует стандарнтные контролы(кнопки,выпадающие меню и иные). Просто растягивайте бревновлево-вправо исчитайте кубатуру!The simplestkubaturniklogs. While only six-meter neotsilindrovannyh logs.Unlike otherkubaturnikov standarntnye not use controls (buttons,drop-downmenus, and others). Just stretch the log to the left andto theright and read the cubic!
HAFL Zollikofen
MOTI takes advantage of Smartphonetechnologyfor the simple and convenient capturing of key variablesconcerningthe condition of forests. The Android application isspecificallydesigned for forestry professionals to capture in aneasy, costeffective and reliable manner the key dendrometricvariables suchas basal area, number of trees per ha, tree heightand growingstock, as a single measurement combined in a sampleplot, or at thelevel of a stand inventory with automaticcalculation of the errorrange of the estimations.MOTI thus provides the solid basis for decision making directlyinthe forest. For example, this information can be used fortreemarking or for planning measures in the context of developingaforest management plan.The use of MOTI is not only limited to the stand level. Thankstothe possibility of capturing samples, the app can also be usedinthe context of making simple inventories for a forestmanagementunit.An Internet connection is not required (except for accessingtheHelp page).Advanced features: GPS navigation support, SiWaWa extension(growthmodel), server support for data backup, cameracalibrationsupport
Точковка+ - Расчёт кубатуры 1.6.6
Sergey Ri
Application for accounting logs, construction materials andvariousproducts.
Calculator Lumber & Timber
Allows you to quickly take the volume, number and value of timber/boards
Точковка+ ключ 2.2
Sergey Ri
The activation key for the application Tochkovka. +
60+ building calculators
60+ different building calculators in one app.
Timber calulator PRO 1.6
PRO Version!It is a Timber Calculator- Calculate how many pcs. in the cub.m. of timber- Calculate Timber- Calculate Planks- Calculate Logs- Calculate Cost- Use user profiles to save most using dimensions- Save history
Search engine to ghost 👻 9.0.0
With this real ghosts detector, youwilldiscover if there are spirits in your house.Paranormal phenomena are something that keeps people inthemiddle of the world in the air, and there are facts thatareimpossible to explain, lights that go on by themselves, thingsthatdisappear, noises or just that feeling that We are not aloneevenif no one is in our house. All this can lead us to want to lookforghosts in our home.Many people around the world have had experiences that have ledthemto believe in ghosts and spirits, even many people claim tohavebeen able to see them. For all this, it is normal that onmanyoccasions we have doubts about the existence of the ghostsandspirits and their presence around us. Luckily there is aghostdetector to search for ghosts.If you have noticed strange things happen in your houserecently,you have had the feeling that someone is looking at you,you havenoticed a presence while you sleep or the room simply feelscolderthan normal, it may be because There is a presence nearyou.Many times, when we take a picture and pay attention to itsdetailswe can see shadows or reflections that leads us to thinkthat thereis something strange in the frame with this ghostdetector you canfind ghosts in your photos.The technology of this real ghost detector is based on alargenumber of investigations that have confirmed that suddenchanges inthe electromagnetic field could reveal paranormalpresences.If you want to know if there is a ghost in your home what youneedis a real ghost detector, this will help you locate spirits.Thereare people very sensitive to the paranormal that is why theycanfeel that there is something strange in the environment, ifyouwant to confirm your suspicions use this search engine.If you are looking for a ghost browser the technology withwhichthis application has will be able to detect if there arespirits inthe different places of your house.This real ghost detector 👻 will be very useful whether you wanttoknow if there are presences in your house or in a house you wanttobuy or rent, it is always good to make sure you are clean ofbadenergy before To move to a new place.Ghosts and spirits can be naughty and make yours in our home, ifyouare looking for a ghost app that helps you detect spirits byghostsgames that are happening in your home do not hesitate todownloadThis application.This radar ghosts detector is the technology you've been lookingforto make sure your home is clean of unwanted presences, afterall,spirits and ghosts may find themselves in our home pollutingtheenvironment without Let us be aware of it. Likewise, thisradardetector of ghosts and spirits may help us communicate withtheseentities. This HD ghost app will help you.Do not leave with doubt! Find out with real ghost detector, ifyourhouse is spirit free.
Calculation of the volume of b 1.6
A convenient calculation of the volume of boards and timberisalways at hand
Калькулятор AlinEX и НАШИ 1.1
Калькулятор сухих строительных смесейAlinEXиНАШИCalculator drymixesandAlinEX OUR
Расчет досок 1.0
Calculation of timber