Top 18 Apps Similar to EmployeeApp

Employee Productivity App 2.6.1
Soham, Inc.
Empowered employees are happy employees. With this app, yourstaffwill have access to the data and tools they need, withouthaving togo to the front desk or managers. Examples of features inthe appinclude: Access to their appointment schedule in real-time.The appimmediately reflects any new or cancelled appointments madeby thefront desk. Ability to create a new appointment for aguest.Ability to upgrade a guest’s appointment during the guest’svisit.The front desk’s appointment book will immediately reflectanychanges. Retrieve and capture treatment notes as well astheguest’s profile, notes, visit history, etc... Access to theirday’srevenue, tips and more. Staff knows what to expect witheverypayroll. Ability to track performance against goals likeretailsales, rebookings and requests. This mobile app is forZenoticlients only. To use this app you must: Be assigned as anemployeein your Zenoti account Have mobile access turned on inyouremployee profile Have an active connection to the internetAboutZenoti Zenot is an all-in-one, cloud software for salons,spas,medi spas, cosmetology clinics, fitness centers, slimmingcenterswith rich capabilities across appointment scheduling,onlinebookings, billing, built-in marketing, inventory management,CRMand loyalty features and more. Learn more at scheduler app spa mobile application spa booking appbeauty spaapp ipad spa software spa management app spa apps foripad spamobile software spa software apps best spa appointment appspascheduling app spa appointment app spa mobile app Spa employeeappSpa employee management app Spa Customer app salon managementappsalon software apps beauty salon app hair salon apps salonmobileapp salon apps for ipad hair salon app ipad salon softwarespamanager app spa manager attendance app spa mobile schedulingspaemployee scheduling app spa reports app spa marketingspamanagement app salon management app spa loyalty app 3.2.13
X:drive makes managing your staff leave easy! Take controlofyour leave on the go. You can request leave, keep track ofyourcurrent leave and overtime within the system, view theWhosOffcalendar, submit overtime, manage pending overtime andleaverequests(if you are an approver), edit your details and accessallof the relevant help and support pages from within the app.Youmust have a WhosOff account to use this app. If you don't haveanaccount, visit our site to start your free trial.
H1 Employee Scheduling 2.1.6 Inc
The Humanity 2.0 mobile app isacompletelyredesigned companion app to the world-classemployeescheduling andmanagement software of the same name. Havinglistenedto usersuggestions and recommendations, the new versionwasredesigned asan employee-first mobile app.While the focus of Humanity is fast and accurateemployeescheduling,the platform itself offers much more forbusinesses ofall sizes. Itenables companies to manage just aboutevery facet oftheirorganizations; from creating and publishingemployeeschedules, tokeeping track of time and attendance,managing leaverequests,communicating internally, analyzing KPIs,and muchmore.Using the new mobile app, employees are able to stay in theloopandconnect more easily with their workplace andcolleagues.The app has been completely revamped! It’simmaculatelydesigned,fast, highly intuitive and incredibly easy touse.Humanity 2.0 serves the needs of employees withfivedifferentmodules within it: Workplace, Schedule, Timeclock,LeaveandConversations.Workplace: See a list of all your co-workers in oneplace,groupedby their locations and positions. With one tap, youwill beable toview employee details, see who’s working when andinitiatea chatwith co-workers. You also have quick search optionsthatenable youto effortlessly find the co-worker you want tointeractwith. If youhave more than one workplace on Humanity, youcanswitch between themand manage them all within the app.Schedule: See all your shifts so that you always know whenyouarescheduled to work. Get detailed summaries of yourshifts,lettingyou know when, where and with whom you are working.Requestshifttrades and drops and see the status of these requestsin realtime.Request to work open shifts.Timeclock: Clock in and out of your shifts from yourmobiledevice.View your cumulative time clock history and dailyreports.Seewhether you are working overtime. Enter your timeclockinformationmanually if you have forgotten to clock in or outat thebeginningor end of a shift.Leave: Request time off using the Leave Calendar datepicker,whichimmediately calculates and shows you how many days offyouhaverequested and which days are non-working dates. Seeyourleavesummary and follow the status of your requests.Conversations: Connect with coworkers easily.Createcustomone-on-one or group chats with anyone withinyourorganization.While this current version is dedicated to serving theneedsofemployees, be on the lookout for the next iteration oftheapp,which is going to include features for managers as well.Pricing for the full Humanity workforce managementsoftwarestartsat just $33 per month. The mobile app itself iscompletelyfree.
ONtime Employee Manager 3.37
Now-a-days, man-power-cost has become excruciatinglypinchingforcompanies. Wastage of working hours by the employees,theirlessproductivity & conspicuously a lesser output againstthehugecosts spent on them has become the real concernfortoday’scorporate circles. When you assign your sales-teamwiththefield-work, you don’t exactly know about the whereaboutsofthestaff. Or are they really working? You don’t have anyoptionapartfrom going by what they tell you. Do you have anySolution tothis?After a deep-drilling of the problem andunderstandingtherecurrent inconsistencies found in daily-reportingbyvariousoutdoor-employees, Secureye, a global giant insecurity&surveillance has come up with the solution. Amobileapplication,ON-time Employee Manager, coupled with the Time&AttendanceBiometric Machine, is an ideal mechanism for allthecompanieshaving field staff. With ON-time Employee Managerforthefield-staff, let’s see what all it does for you: 1.) Thisisaweb-managed service and you can check the reports byloggingintothe website. A user-name and password will be allocatedtoeachuser as per his designation and he can see his as wellasreportsof his juniors in real-time by logging into the website.2.)Whenyour employees are in the office, they canregistertheirattendance through the Biometric Machine, but whenthey are inthefield, they can simply record their attendancethroughON-timeEmployee Manager accessible on their2G/3G-enabledSmart-phones,right from the location of their firstassignment ofthe day. 3.)As soon as the attendance is registeredthrough ON-timeEmployeeManager, it gets reflected in reports at theHead Officewith theimage of the employee, his exact location andthe specificDate& Time. 4.) Employees can schedule their dailyplanseasilywith ON-time Employee Manager assisting them tonavigatethroughthe routes of daily engagements. 5.) With ON-timeEmployeeManagerin place, you can keep a tab on youremployee’swhole-dayactivities like how much time exactly he spendson eachassignmentand how many meetings he manages to pull off in aday.This enablesyou to assess his daily productivity. 6.)Capturingnotes rightafter a meeting is critical. ON-time EmployeeManagermakes itquick and easy for the employee to put hismeeting-remarksrightafter the meeting and that automatically getupdated inhisreports. 7.) Amazingly if an employee is on the visitto anewclient, he can easily add on a new entry to his data-basebyjustclicking a picture of the client’s visiting card onhisphone.After the back-end people thoroughly scrutinize andvalidatethecard-details, they are uploaded systematically intheemployee’spartner-database. Now this is what a facility is inanapplication.An employee doesn’t have to carry visiting cardsandsundry detailsrelated to clients every time he visits them, hecanextract thespecific details from his partner-database.8.)ThisSmart-phone-based application also keeps track ofyouremployee’sdaily cumulative travel as it automaticallycalculatesthekilometers and shows them in the reports. 9.)Throughthisapplication, an employee can enter the daily expenses,ifany,along with the picture of the receipts which becomeaccessibleforthe signing authorities. 10.) The employee can uploadorders,ifany, in his reports. 11.) Moreover, the employee canalsoaccesshis partner’s database, contacts & leads while beingonthemove. Contact details can be updated on themovewhichsimultaneously get transferred to the CentralLocation.12.)Additionally, employees at higher rung can tracktheirjuniorsworking in any location in real-time. 13.) SinceON-timeEmployeeManager is a quintessential cloud-basedapplication,employees canalso view and review their work andprogress on aregular basis bylogging
Payroll Manager 2.9
Produced for the management of payment,payrollandattendanceinformation of daily working employees.
Bizfocus360 1.2.0
Bizfocus360 - The mobile businessapplicationfor field service, job scheduling and customermanagement. Cloudoperated, smartphone, tablet and web basedsolution for any servicebusiness from one man bands to nationwideIT firms - get rid of penand paper, time consuming tasks and takeback control of yourbusiness.FeaturingTime tracking - instantly capture how much time you have spentona customer job or project maximizing revenue and providingaccuraterecords for both your business and your customers.Job and Billing Consolidation - all jobs and parts can bemergedinto one invoice automatically, save combing throughmultipleemployee time sheets or job reportsReal time - the system is always up to date as soonasinformation is input so everyone shares the same viewBill you customer from the app - as soon as the job isfinishedthe application will generate an invoice that the customercanclick and pay immediately - improve cash flow to yourbusinessEmployee Management - assign your field staff to a customerjob,instantly update their schedule and track where they are andthestatus of the jobJob and Customer History - make notes, upload photos, videosandaudio to catalog a customer job so next time you or acolleaguereturns they can refer to information to aide in providingfasterand better customer experiencesDoc Library - maintain a central repository for all yourmanualsthat is instantly available to all mobile devices so youremployeesalways have off line manuals, guides and instructionsavailable tothem whether it's boilers, HVAC systems, pool pumps ornetworkswitches.Price Lists - deploy company price lists to all your teammobiledevices instantly that’s always up to date so they never havetocarry around bulky binders againEmployee Location - view the location of your employees onthemap screen which helps you keep track of where people are andwhois closest to the next customerNOTE – this application requires a valid subscriptionavailableat
GeoOp - Job Management
Geo Limited
GeoOp is an award winning online Job Management systemforbusinesseswith mobile employees. It streamlines businessprocessessuch as jobscheduling, quotes and time and materialstracking.GeoOp is ajobbing tool which specialises in simplifyingjobdispatch andworkflows. It replaces your current job sheetswithstate of the artjob scheduling using mobile devices ofbothAndroid tablets andphones. GeoOp is also integrated with anumberof incredible productsto supercharge productivity andbusinessefficiency (view detailsbelow). Put simply, GeoOp connectsyouroperations managers and fieldstaff and streamlines yourjobmanagement and business workflow. AppFeatures: * UniversalApp-Supports both Android Phones and Tablets.*Offline-Mode-Create/edit jobs without phone coverage. *Real-timeJobScheduling- Create and assign jobs in real time. *GeoScheduling-Create and assign jobs based on worker’s location. *GPSTracking-Share your location with your colleagues. *IntegrationswithiAuditor, Navman Wireless, Xero, Freshbooks &Unleashed.*Invoicing - Using one of our integrations directlyfromthetablet/phone device. * Job Quoting - Producesbeautifulbrandedquotes instantly. * Job Costing - Know exactly howmuchmoneyyou’re making on each job. * Parts & Materials-Recordwhichparts were used in the job & time spent on the job.*SignatureCapture- Get signatures from your clients and attachthemto thejob. * Photo Capture- Take photos and attach them to thejob.*File Attachments to Jobs- Store your manuals and otherPDFfoldersin GeoOp. * Recurring Jobs- For regular jobs, just setthemasrecurring. * Audio Memos- Record audio notes and attachthemtojobs. GeoOp is a job costing system like no other. Byusingyourexisting hardware and our revolutionary GeoOp webandmobileapplications your business can progress to anotherlevelofefficiency and profitability. Download this App and createafree14 day GeoOp trial account. See details and pricing for otherregions around the world.Freetraining available from
ZoomShift Employee Scheduling
Online employee scheduling software, made simple.
HiApp Technologies 1.1
Customer Management has the following features 1. Lead /InquiryManagement has the following features i. Quickly Create theLeadsii. Follow-up Reminders will be provided. iii. Easily convertLeadto Customer 2. Customer Profile 3. History of Previous Visits4.Appointment Scheduler 5. Documents Organizer EmployeeManagementhas the following features 1. Recruitment Management hasthefollowing features i. Vacancy Requisition Form. ii. UserFriendlyResume Database Management iii. Easy Integration of OnlineResumeSubmission by Candidate iv. Search in Resume Database forkeywords,CVs v. Review, Shortlist and Tag Candidates vi. ScheduleInterviewrounds with automatic alert to candidate and theinterviewer aboutthe location and timings. vii. Track the log ofinterviews atcandidate level viii. Update the status of eachinterview of thecandidate. ix. Online Test for the Candidate x.Share results withcandidates automatically. xi. GenerateAppointment Letters andshare with candidates automatically throughemail. xii. Post/ViewCandidate details, Notes, Emails, History, CVat simple clicksxiii. Bulk Email to candidates 2. Employee Profile3. EmployeeLeave Management has the following features i. DailyAttendance -Easily upload Access Card Log - Easily create the entryfortemporary Card - Easily upload Temporary Card access Log -Easilyupload Visitor Log or create the entries directly ii.LeaveManagement - Keeps track of Leaves Applied - Keeps track ofLeavesApproved - Keeps track of Leave Cancelled - Providesnotificationson each stages - Easy to access - Easily Adjustable toany leavepolicy Vendor Management has the following features 1.VendorProfile 2. Payment transactions History 3. Purchase OrdersandQuotation Organizer Invoice Management has the followingfeatures1. Create invoices, quotes and orders quickly in PDF format2.Customize invoices including logo, heading text, notes and more3.Print / Email PDF copy directly from the software 4. Applypartialor full payments toward recorded invoices when paymentsarereceived Accounts Management 1. Manage Payrolls and Salaries2.Manage accounts payable and paid bills 3. Manageaccountsreceivable Inventory Management has the following features1.Keeping your stock/products organized 2. Add notes, URLs andphotosto item descriptions 3. Import current inventory with a .csvfile4. Scan in bar codes to add new items 5. Group itemsintocategories for organized stock control 6. Set sales units foritemssold by weight or in bundles 7. Multiple Location and SubLocation,Transfer stock between locations 8. Quickly Generate theBar codeswith your own Printer Appointment Scheduler has thefollowingfeatures 1. Easily manage and plan the visits of thecustomers orleads. 2. Google Calendar Integration: Yourappointments will becreated in your Google calendar and can be syncwith your smartphone’s/outlook’s calendar. 3. Appointments can bescheduled by theEmployee for specific Customer or Lead. 4. SMS /Email notificationwill be sent to the Customer’s registered mobilenumber. 5. SMS /Email reminders will be sent to the Customers priorto theappointments.
Papertrail 1.4.4
Make your statutory record keeping simplewiththe Papertrail app for Android.Home to over one million inspection records andcounting,Papertrail’s cloud-based safety management system is theeasy wayto protect your business, staff and customers fromavoidablerisk.Add equipment records and inspections in seconds, and getremindedwhen they’re due to be checked next - you’ll never missaninspection again.Know at a glance what’s been inspected, when, and by who - thebestway to ensure compliance with LOLER, PUWER andPPElegislation.Working without a mobile signal? Don’t worry - just sync theappwhen you're back online.All the features you need to protect your business:Easily add equipment details, risk assessments and othersafetydocuments that are important to youSet inspection schedules and get reminded when the next checkisdueInspection history at a glance - no more rifling throughfilingcabinetsWork online or offlineInvite staff and choose their access rights for effectivestaffmanagementIndustry standard data securityDirect access to our customer support teams across the globeEasy integration across all devicesPrint or export reports at the click of a buttonUpload photos against items directly from your deviceRFID ready - use Papertrail with your RFID scanner torecordinspections instantly“Papertrail makes us more efficient, saves us money and givesmepiece of mind. It’s an essential tool for any responsiblebusinessowner, as far as I’m concerned.”Phil Nelson, Managing Director, Surf-Lines“Papertrail is the perfect solution to our safety managementneeds,as it keeps us compliant with the law and reduces the time ittakesto make vital inspections - meaning we can pay more attentiontothe needs of our customers.”Graham Joyce, Owner, Dartmoor Tree Surgeons“Training staff in how to use the system couldn’t be simpler, andasa multi-site operator the system allows me to monitor how staffateach site are getting on with critical safety checks. Recordkeepinghas always been a challenge to keep on top of during a busyseason,but not anymore. Thanks for dragging us out of the darkages!”Mark Campbell, Activities Director, ALF VillagesThe Papertrail app is free to download and requires a logintoaccess your subscription.Visit to choose the plan that’s right foryourbusiness.
Pay Asia mHROnline 1.2.3
Pay Asia
Welcome to the Pay Asia Mobile App - PayAsiamHROnlinePay Asia mHROnline is a mobile version of Pay Asia HROnlineEmployeeSelf Service Portal, featuring ePayslips, eLeave andeClaims.Similar to the Pay Asia HROnline Portal, mHROnline enablesemployeesto perform the following functions:• Employees View Their Own Payslips• Employees Apply For Leave• Employees File For Claims/Expenses• Managers Approve/Reject Leave Applications• Managers Approve/Reject Claims Applications• Employees/Managers View Status of Applications InTheWorkflow• Immediate Notifications of Leave/Claims Applications SenttoManagers• Managers/Employees can see the status of claim applicationinworkflowThe app is using 128 bit SSL technology for security.To start using the App now employees can simply download the Apptotheir mobile devices and enter their user-id, passwordandverification code.The use of the PayAsia Mobile App is subjected to Pay AsiaPteLimited's Terms and Conditions.
Justworks Hours 3.10.4
Justworks Hours
Employee time tracking & timesheets with GPS, work hourstrackerand time clock!
CIPPL Employee Management
Amrish Methi
ECIPPL App to use by employees for remoteentryfor attendance, imprest and fund request.
EPEAQ: Employee Productivity 1.2.0
Thellion Inc.
EPEAQ is an employee workandproductivitymanagement application where you can track day todaytasks,ratings, attendance, and overall productivity. Theappallowsemployees to rate each other based on their performance,ratethequality of work, pat on the back for a good job done andmore.Theapp also allows the employees to communicate viasecuremessagingfeature as well as add comments to tasks andratings.The application offers the following majorfeatures:ProfileManagement, Project/Tasks Management, RatingsManagement,PresenceManagement, Team, Organization, and GroupManagement,Messaging,Productivity Analytic Features, andIntra-CompanyProfessionalNetworking Features. All these featuresare secure andprivate.This application allows employees to track their day todaytasks,presence, rate colleagues on their quality of work andoverallperformance, and communicate with others employees witheaseandsimplicity. A simple app to communicate and connectwithotheremployees that builds strong working relationship,empowersthem toperform well and get better in their profession.Informationissecure and allows the employees to make all or part ofit aspublicor private.On the other hand, employers will be able totracktheproductivity, efficiency, and quality of their employeestorewardthem as needed. The solution offers employers totrackemployeework behavior using the Analytics and make sure thesystemand theprocess they have is efficient and provides amotivating andgrowthoriented platform to employees. This is anapplication thatwillbring everyone in the organization together tomotivate eachotherby tracking and watching everyone'sproductivity.Apart from Mobile interface, the solution comes withwebinterfaceas well where all functions can be performedwithease.To experience the features this solution offers, usethefollowingcredentials:Username: coo@demoepeaq.comPassword: pass123Domain: (This is already set by default) 2.9.0
Itendi AB when you want to keep track of hours, withstafflieutenant and driving record.
TimeForge Manager
TimeForge Labor
As a busy manager in a fast-paced environment, there isverylittletime to stand still. You need a way to managelaborschedules,employee attendance, and sales data directly atyourfingertips.It’s essential that you quickly make decisionsaffectingyourbusiness, and to do that you need the be able toaccesstheinformation fast. Look no further. The TimeForgeManagerapp,compatible with your smartphone and tablet, is aneasyandcost-effective solution that puts controlled labor in thepalmofyour hand. Features (for managers ONLY): - View adailybreakdownof scheduled employees. - View employee attendance.-Viewemployees who are currently clocked in. - OptionalTimeClockModeallows staff to clock in and out. - View pending ShiftSwapsandBid Shifts. - View pending Employee Requests. - EasilyreadyourTimeForge Messages. - Keep track of your TimeForge DailyLog.-Find employee contact information, like phone numbers,atyourfingertips. - View your own attendance and scheduled shifts.-Seeweather forecasts to adjust your schedule as necessary. -Viewyouractual sales. With the TimeForge Manager App, you havethefreedomto manage your business without being tied toyourcomputer.Whether it’s monitoring your clocked in employeesorobserving yourlabor costs throughout the day, you’ll bepreparedfor rightchoices for your staff. Note: This app requiresthecredentials ofa TimeForge Manager account and is notcompatiblewith TimeForgeEmployee accounts. Need help? Not sure ifthis app isright foryou? Call us! 866-684-7191
Touch & Discover Employee 1.1
Employee Version of the Touch andDiscoverManager App for Small Screen Devices.TND for Employees
busybusy GPS Time Clock Mobile 2023.1.7
busybusy, Inc.
Construction Field Employee Time Tracking & Job CostingTrackerfor Contractors