1.30 / Dec 28, 2022
App Information Train Like a Ballerina
- App NameTrain Like a Ballerina
- 包名com.alkye.releve
- 发布日期Dec 28, 2022
- 文件大小Undefined
- 系统要求Android 5.0
- 版本1.30
- 开发者Train Like a Ballerina
- 安装5K+
- 价钱免费
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Self-manage Depression: Daily exercise (GGDE) 2.3.4 APK
Do you feel stuck? Wish to feel better, hop out of thenegativecycle and enjoy better wellbeing? GGDE helps peopleself-managetheir depression by learning how to develop healthierinnerdialogue and use this power to improve their mentalhealth.IMPROVING DEPRESSION IS POSSIBLE Throw away your negativethoughts.Accept your positive thoughts. Learn to identify yourinnerconversation and respond to real life thoughts. Train dailyandimprove your thinking and achieve mental wellness. SCIENCEBACKEDNew findings support the effectiveness of the core mechanismusedin GG apps. According to CBT models, negative self talk–individuals’ interpretations of the self, others and the world-maintain psychological difficulties such as depression, lowmoodand maladaptive behaviours. DO I SUFFER FROM DEPRESSION?TESTINGYOUR DEPRESSION LEVEL We all sometimes want to know howoursituation compares to others and where we are located on thegraph.In GG Depression, we introduce an intuitive and quick way forselfevaluation - the Assessment level. Please note that theassessmentis just a guide designed for personal feedback as well asmean forour system to personalise content based on the results.Theassessment test should NOT be used as medical/psychologicaladvice.HOW DO I PREVENT DEPRESSIVE THOUGHTS? The foundations ofhealthythinking and self-talk are built upon beliefs. Our beliefshave thepotential to bias and affect our ability to deal withdailysituations. For example, if I believe that "My choices have tobeprefect", I won't be able to live up to these expectations.Myconfidence will decrease, my mood will become low, anddepressivethoughts will take over. BELIEFS AND SELF TALK Beliefsand selftalk are interrelated. Once we learn to embrace healthierand moreadaptive self-talk, it can change our beliefs and help usget ridof the ones that negatively affect our confidence and selfesteem.IS THIS APP SIMILAR TO PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY? Our appplatform isnot designed to be used as a therapy or treatment,however: 1. Itis being used by CBT therapists as a complementingtool. 2. Ithelps in maintaining self esteem during or aftertherapy. 3. It isfound to relieve symptoms of anxiety, worries,obsessions and more.STATEMENTS (OR THOUGHTS) The basic task in theapp is simple - youwill be presented with thoughts. If the thoughtpromotes negativeself talk - throw it away by dragging iton-screen. If the thoughtpromotes positive or neutral thinking,accept it by dragging ittowards you. The more we train, the moreautomatic this processbecomes. HOW MUCH SHOULD I TRAIN EACH DAY? Tofeel better andimprove your thinking, start today! GG Apps aredesigned to be mosteffective in short training sessions. You areadvised to completeup to 3 levels per day, which should only takebetween 2-4 minutes.LEVELS AND TOPICS The app's many topics andthemes are broken downinto more than 40 levels. Each level has apool of self talkstatements (or thoughts). The topics include:belief in change,self criticism, negative thinking, hopelessness,helplessness,positive boost, being active, loneliness, feelings,self blame,comparing, perfectionism, emotions, social fears, fearofabandonment, trusting and more. You can also test yourself toseehow well your confidence progresses with our self assessmenttool.LEARN MORE ABOUT THE FACTS BEHIND GG APPS Visit ourwebsite:http://ggapps.net Privacy policy:http://ggapps.net/privacy-policyTerms of use:http://ggapps.net/terms-of-use