1.2.1 / December 12, 2016
(4.0/5) (21846)


客訴電話:台灣專線-0222190701 香港專線-85281990635,85281990647(上午9時~下午21時)

【實時對戰 暢享極速】

【全速漂移 歡樂甩尾 】

【道具激戰 多人比拼】

【個性賽車 炫酷百變】


App Information 全民飛車

全民飛車 Version History

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  • 1.2.1 (16090121) - Latest Version
  • 1.2.1 (16090121) - Latest Version
  • 全民飛車 1.2.1 APK File

    Publish Date: 2017 /5/25
    Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)
    File Size: 72.0 MB
    Tested on: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API: 23)
    File Sha1: e3d6730591109becf85c124d682249146211af50
    APK Signature: 3a4869a140198e4cb9f0af5f1f6d90e61ab4ad12
  • 全民飛車 1.2.1 APK File

    Publish Date: 2017 /3/27
    Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)
    File Size: 72.0 MB
    Tested on: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API: 23)
    File Sha1: e3d6730591109becf85c124d682249146211af50
    APK Signature: 3a4869a140198e4cb9f0af5f1f6d90e61ab4ad12

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Crisis Action-FPS eSports 2.0 APK
Real-time 3D multiplayer FPS eSports game iscoming!=>NEW PVE CHALLENGE UPDATE=>NEW GAME UIFPS fans, Gun enthusiasts, shooting game fanatics, the momentyou have been waiting for has finally arrived!In Crisis Action, you can create your own team and play with yourfriends just like Counter Strike on multiplatforms for FREE now!From the Desert Eagle to AK47 and AWP sniper, you have access to avariety of light and heavy weapons, and even grenade! Answer thecall of duty, pick up the weapons and fight alongside with yourfriends!CRISIS ACTION KEY FEATURES- 3D First Person Shooting eSports- Real-time Online Multiplayer Mode- Superior Graphics, Impactful Environments and Multiple Maps- Realistic Combat Experience, Rich Combat Action and CombatSound- Smooth and Responsive Customizable Touch Controls- Powerful Social SystemTHE MOST DANGEROUS ACTION SHOOTER EVER>Powerful weaponry at your command:Knives, Pistol (Desert Eagle), Assault Rifles (AK-47 / M4A1),Sniper Rifle (AWP), Grenades (Grenade, Flash Grenade) + more tocome!>Highly customizable controls>Dozens of pre-installed and downloadable unique mapsTHE ULTIMATE ACTION FPS WITH CONSOLE-QUALITY GRAPHICS ANDSOUND> Highly detailed, AAA graphics> Dynamic music and voice> Gorgeous shooting effects> Realistic scenesTHE MOST IMMERSIVE AND IMPRESSIVE MULTIPLAYER GAME MODE>Single player mode: Player vs. Customizable Bots>Online multiplayer mode: Player vs. Other players incross-platform environment>Solo Battle>Team Death Match (TDM)>Zombie Survival>1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4Crisis Action is for all fans of action games, FPS games,wargames, multiplayer games, online FPS games, and for all players whowant to dominate the battlefield!___________________________________________Visit our official site at: https://ca.herogame.comLike us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/crisisactionContact Email: crisisaction@herogame.com
時空召喚——5V5實時MOBA競技手遊 2.0.2 APK
地表最強5v5實時MOBA電競手遊超威來襲!海量英雄策略搭配,隨時隨地秒進遊戲即刻開黑連殺超神,盡享極致競技快感!經典5v5大地圖,三路推塔,讓打野、補刀、Gank、超神、插眼更暢快,極致還原MOBA核心體驗!即刻召喚好友掌上開黑,策略團戰收割戰場登頂最強王者!遊戲特色: 隨時MOBA開黑 指尖疾速Gank 實時公平競技 風騷走位carry全場 海量英雄組合 策略團戰登頂王者 5v5大地圖 極限操作收割戰場=======================客服信箱:spaceherotw@gmail.com客服電話:0222190701(上午9時~下午21時)Face Book粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/spaceherotw/======================= 隨時MOBA開黑 指尖疾速Gank——掌上moba競技,隨時隨地手機開黑,秒進遊戲快速開局,讓戰鬥無需等待。怒氣大招一指超神輕鬆五連殺,疾速gank盡享極致純粹moba競技快感! 實時公平競技 風騷走位carry全場¬——无锁定舒暢自在的自由操作不受系統鎖定、屬性強度一致公平的道具裝備不怕有任何差異、拒絕任何副本體力的進度壓力及養成,堅持不縮水的上中下三路大戰術地圖,讓玩家在手機上也能體驗到最純粹PVP團戰對抗競技樂趣 海量英雄組合 策略團戰登頂王者——海量時空英雄隨心選擇,策略搭配組建最強團隊。射手、戰士、坦克、法師、輔助、刺客一個都不少,巧妙組合打出絕佳團隊合作登頂王者榮耀。 經典5v5大地圖 極限操作收割戰場——上中下三路大戰術地圖,三路推塔、還原最純粹的pvp團戰對抗競技樂趣。越塔強殺讓策略更豐富、讓打野、補刀、Gank、超神、插眼更暢快。盡享極限操作收割戰場的激爽MOBA體驗!
포더슈팅——for the shooting 1.9.4 APK
1등 상금 300,000 USD (약 3억 5천만원), 모바일 최대규모글로벌e-sports 리그 HPL전 세계 2억 명의 게이머들과 모바일 FPS 최강자의 자리를 겨뤄라!딱총 놀이는 이제 그만! 진짜 3D 오픈 맵에서 펼쳐지는 리얼 액션, 리얼 슈팅의 통쾌한 타격감을 체험하라!> 전 세계가 주목하는 모바일 FPS포더슈팅은 중국, 대만, 북미, 동남아시아에서 선풍적인 인기를 끌고 있는 모바일 3D FPS 게임이다. 실시간3D맵에서이뤄지는 다양한 모드의 실시간 PVP 와 클랜전 시스템은 ‘포더슈팅’만의 강점이다. 게이머는 ‘포더슈팅’을통해기존모바일 슈팅 게임에서 느껴볼 수 없었던 최상의 타격감과 다양한 전술의 전략적 재미는 물론, 음성 채팅을 통한실시간클랜협동의 재미도 만끽할 수 있다.> 11개가 넘는 실시간 PVP 모드역시 FPS의 백미는 실시간 PVP! 1:1 부터 4:4까지 팀을 이뤄 실시간으로 즐기는 포더슈팅의 다양한PVP모드를통해게이머는 마치 직접 전장에서 총격전을 벌이는 듯 한 짜릿한 쾌감과 긴장감을 느낄 수 있다. 특히,포더슈팅은 런칭과동시에총 11개가 넘는 실시간 PVP 모드를 선보인다. 랜덤 배틀 형식의 ‘레더배틀’, 데스매치 형식의‘섬멸전’.전형적인클랜전 형식인 ‘연대전’, 폭발물 매립, 해체가 주된 임무인 ‘폭파모드’, 여러 게이머가 난전을벌이는‘베틀로얄’, 총기를제외한 근접전 무기만 사용하는 ‘블레이드배틀’, 권총류만 사용하는 ‘권총배틀’, 수류탄만으로원겨리폭격을 즐기는 ‘수류탄경보’, 저격총만 사용하는 ‘생사의 기로’, 산탄총만 사용하는 ‘산탄폭격’모드에, 암흑속에서적의포화만으로 적의 위치를추측해 전투를 진행하는 ‘암흑모드’ 까지, 게이머는 포더슈팅을 통해 총 11개의 실시간PVP모드의 다양한 대전 모드를즐길 수 있다.>클랜전 및 실시간 음성 채팅 서비스포더슈팅은 FPS 게이머를 위한 게임이다. 단순히 슈팅이나 타격감에 초점을 맞추는 것이 아니라, 정말로게이머들이전장에서총격전을 즐기는 듯한 대전의 재미와 협동의 재미, 클랜전투를 통한 팀웍의 재미와 전략적 전술의 재미를느낄 수있도록‘클랜’을 중심으로 하는 커뮤니티 기능과 ‘실시간 전략 전술’을 지원하는 ‘실시간 음성 채팅시스템’을지원하고있다.> 글로벌 히어로 프로 리그 (HPL : Hero Pro League) 는 2016년에도 계속된다!게이머를 위한 진짜 FPS! 포더슈팅의 진수는 모바일에서 뿐 아니라 오프라인 리그에서도 만끽할 수 있다.2016년제3회를 맞는 글로벌 히어로 프로리그 (HPL) 는 한국 게이머들에게도 그 문이 활짝 열려있다.전세계‘포더슈팅’게이머들과 함께, 1등 상금 30만 달러를 두고 펼치는 치열한 토너먼트의 재미는 게임속에서만 즐기는대전과는또 다른승리의 쾌감을 선사할 것이다.관련 사이트홈페이지: Fortheshooting.com페이스북: https://www.facebook.com/fortheshooting/공식카페: http://cafe.naver.com/fortheshootingCS 이메일 주소:fts_cs@herogame.com개발자 : 히어로 엔터테인먼트 HK HERO ENTERTAINMNET CO., LIMITED카테고리 : 게임등급 : 12+First placeprizemoney300,000 USD (approximately 350 million won), thelargestglobalmobile e-sports league HPLLa gyeorwo place around the world 200 million mobile gamersandFPSpowerhouse!Firecrackers play enough! In real 3D map spread open realaction,letexperience a real sense of poignant hit shot!> Mobile ago that the world focused FPSPodeo shooting is mobile 3D FPS game that is being draggedtothesensational popularity in China, Taiwan, NorthAmericaandSoutheast Asia. PVP variety of real-time 3D maps andreal-timemodegoes from strength keulraenjeon system is the only"podeoshooting.Gamers 'podeo shooting' through a variety ofinterestingstrategicsense and tactical strike the best feeling everseen inexistingmobile shooter is, of course, may also enjoy the funofreal-timecollaboration via voice chat clan.> More than 11 real-time dog PVP modeRice is also the real-time FPS PVP! 1:01 from 4: PVP gamersthroughavariety of shooting modes podeo four teamed up to enjoy inrealtimecan feel the exhilarating pleasure and suspense as iftograbyourself a shootout on the battlefield. Inparticular,podeoShooting will introduce real-time PVP mode at thesame time asthelaunch of a total of more than 11 dogs. Battle ofthe randomtype,leather Battle ', deathmatch format of'seommyeoljeon.Typicalkeulraenjeon form of 'solidarity ago'explosives usedlandfill,demolition is the main mission of 'blastingmode', 'BladeBattle'that many gamers using only melee weaponsexcept for the'BattleRoyale', gun grab a melee, books rifle only'pistolBattle','grenade alarm' enjoying the circle gyeori bombingalonegrenades,"the crossroads of life and death, using only asnipershot,"shotgun bombing "mode using only a shotgun that,theenemy'slocation, with enemy fire in the dark to "dark mode"tocontinue toassume the battle, gamers can enjoy a varietyofshooting podeothrough the Versus mode for a total of 11real-timePVP mode.> Keulraenjeon and real-time voice chat servicePodeo Shooting is a game for FPS gamers. Not just focusonshootingor batting sense, really gamers around the 'Clan' inorderto feelthe fun and strategic tactics fun of teamwork throughfun,clanbattles of fun and cooperation of like War to enjoytheshootout onthe battlefield with a 'real-time voice chatsystems'that thecommunity features and support' real-timestrategy,tactics, andsupport.> Global Hero Professional League (HPL: Hero ProLeague)willcontinue in 2016!FPS for real gamers! Shooting essence of podeo can enjoyofflineaswell as on the mobile leagues. 2016 Global Hero ProLeaguematchthird times (HPL) has opened its doors wide to letgamersKorea.The world 'podeo shooting' with gamers, intense funofthetournament unfold with the $ 300,000 first prize, etc.willbringthe pleasure of enjoying yet another victory in war andonlyin thegame.Related SitesWebsite: Fortheshooting.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/fortheshooting/Official Cafe: http://cafe.naver.com/fortheshootingCS email: fts_cs@herogame.comDeveloper: Hero Entertainment HK HEROENTERTAINMNETCO,LIMITEDCategory: GamesRating: 12+
全民爆破王——3V3休閒競技射擊手遊 1.1.0 APK
《全民爆破王》是一款3V3休閒競技射擊手遊,讓您隨時隨地開啓趣味pk競技新時代!熱血的PK戰鬥、豐富的副本挑戰、有趣kuso的社交互動以及華麗的技能特效,讓您從輕鬆簡單中,獲得刺激有趣的對戰體驗。快加入《全民爆破王》,面對面互尬激盪火花,體驗最刺激的轟炸射擊快感!================官網:http://bomblead.herogames.com.tw/Facebook專頁:http://www.facebook.com/bombleadtw客服信箱:bomblead@herogame.com.tw客服電話:02-2219-0701(上午9時~下午21時)======= 遊戲特色 =======☆熱血PVP 王者之戰—熱鬥切磋、2v2、3v3、公會戰,全面而豐富的及時pk競技玩法,讓你的熱血再次沸騰起來,成為地表最強爆破王,盡享富含戰略以及高速的戰鬥!—簡易的操作模式,讓您輕鬆融入競技對抗的刺激快感,60萬種裝備組合,讓妳瞬間變身成為捉摸不透的王者!☆必殺射擊 電翻BOSS—強大能量炮、火力攻擊、槍林彈雨,給你帶來疾速射擊快感,想K哪裏K哪裏,體驗全屏爆破の擊殺快感!—指尖操控、究極奧義火力全開、創造技能的無限可能,致命一擊讓BOSS統統撲街!☆豐富副本 組隊闖關—300+劇情地圖、前景充滿未知挑戰,頭目可不只會乖乖呆再最後一關唷,可能隨時從天而降,給你意想不到の致命一擊!—遇到無法打到の強敵可要快快召集好友,一同組隊ko吧!豐富多樣、趣味無窮の多人遊玩專用冒險等你和小伙們一起挑戰喲!☆全民社交 語音約戰—全新社交休閒手遊,炫酷坐騎、激萌跟寵,豐富武器、時裝、翅膀讓妳換裝根本停不下來,百變時裝個性爆表,拉風稱號制霸全服,邂逅完美TA!—即時語音、kuso表情、逗趣交戰互動,隨時隨地開啓趣味pk競技新時代!一鍵組隊公會世界聊天,並肩作戰稱霸全台!
全民飛車 1.2.1 APK
3D熱血實時競速手遊《全民飛車》炫酷來襲!《全民飛車》以爽快漂移手感、激烈競技體驗與時尚潮流的個性化裝扮為核心特色,全力打造逼真駕駛體驗,營造身歷其境的狂飆快感!3D時尚人物造型、古樸潮流幻想的賽道主題、第三人稱尾隨視角,帶你進入炫目的極速世界,盡享極速狂飆的快感~------------------------------------------------------------------全民飛車粉絲頁:https://www.facebook.com/bombspeedtw/全民飛車官網:http://speed.herogames.com.tw/客訴郵箱:speed@herogame.com.tw台灣客訴電話:02-2219-0701(上午9時-下午21:時)客訴電話:台灣專線-0222190701 香港專線-85281990635,85281990647(上午9時~下午21時)------------------------------------------------------------------【實時對戰 暢享極速】—厭倦無休止的單機循環軌道?全民飛車帶給你實時線上賽車競技體驗!多種網路同步對戰,隨時隨地,想賽就賽!—個人賽、組隊賽、道具賽、競速賽,6人實時在線競速激爽快感!還不快和好友組隊擊敗對手喲!【全速漂移 歡樂甩尾 】—爽到飛起的雙指漂移技術,讓每個彎道都變成超級大秀場,加速漂移氮氣升級,最帥的漂移姿勢由你打造!—連噴、雙噴,花樣加速,一鍵釋放超級奧義盡享極速漂移,自由尬車,體驗極速快感,全速漂移,飛奔街頭!【道具激戰 多人比拼】—獨創趣味無窮的道具戰模式,豐富競速的變化性和趣味性。除了追求速度外,必須善用各種道具並熟悉躲避的操縱技巧,盡享樂趣的競技體驗!炸彈、水泡、飛碟、香蕉皮讓你的飛車更high!—平原、沙漠、海洋、山丘,豐富多樣的主題地圖等你來冒險!還原真實場景,充分享受穿梭在城鎮、沙漠、樹林之間的漂移甩尾的駕駛樂趣,體驗賽道上酣暢淋漓的衝擊感!【個性賽車 炫酷百變】—百餘種賽車品類豐富你的車庫,不僅可以按心情更改車身顏色,還可以進行零部件DIY大改造,六種裝置,不同等級,滿足你親手打造自己獨一無二賽車的願望!精選服裝道具扮出型男潮女,各類主題服飾任你搭配,魅力值upup!和你的ta一起穿上情侶裝組隊浪漫賽車情緣!—全面打造車隊系統,帶上你的技術和志同道合的朋友一起組建車隊,迎接來自不同玩家的挑戰,感受團隊賽車競技的快感!全民飛車賽事即將開催,集結地表最強車隊,爭奪頂級賽事榮譽!和最強實力選手角逐賽事大獎,贏取多重好禮!【基本配備】最低設備要求:Android2.3以上系統,1G以上運行記憶體(ROM)建議設備要求:Android4.0以上系統,1G以上運行記憶體(ROM)
Crisis Action-Free FPS 2.0 APK
Online & offline tournaments arebeingheld, free download to join the tournament and earn cash! Withmorethan 5,000,000 shooters, Crisis Action becomes the mostpopularreal-time FPS mobile game in the world.In Crisis Action, you can enjoy the most abundant gameplay, themostthrilling action shooting game. We have a large number of maps&powerful weapons, create your clan, and then play with yourfriendsnow! Most important, all of these are free!==================-----Game Features-----★ The Frist Free Real-time eSports FPS Mobile GameCrisis Action is the first free eSports First person shootingmobilegame, delicate 3D graphic, massive online multiplayerfighting inreal-time. ★ Challenge the Limit of Your Shooting SkillIn our game, you could experience the different mode and maps,hopeyou will like the rapid response and timely customizedtouchcontrol! ★ Dozens of Battle Mode, the Same Immersive Shooting PleasureThere are a large number of pre-installed maps in the game,andstrive to give more pleasure to game player. Classic modesevokeyour memories of the past, such as Bomb Mode, Hunt Mode, andTeamMode. Enjoy the most thrilling action shooting game! ★ Strategy is Higher than WeaponsMassive online Multiplayer fighting in real-time, join ourclan& kill the enemy whenever and wherever possible! Firstclassclan needs strategy, more need your courage and passion. If wewerebrothers, we would fight together! ★ Countless Weapons, Handful Fun!The most thrilling action shooting game in the history, alsohasmore powerful weapons to use! Crisis Action has prepared arichkind of weapons for you, like Fury Dragon-Striker, AK-47 andsoon. -----The Gameplay------ Single mode: More stages to help you to improveshootingskills.- Multiplayer mode: The more the enemy, the more dangerous.- Solo mode: This is your personal stage, enjoy it.- Team mode: Friends should fight together, join us now!- Biochemical mode: Who will be the next infection? Let’s waitforthe dawn!- Up to 4V4 multiplayers battle mode, more free and more fairtofight!======================== Visit our official site at: http: //casa.herogame.comLike us on Facebookat:https://www.facebook.com/crisisactioninSubscribe our YouTubeat:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmGOjkQdPiEgGeKDpUPcjDwCustomer Service Email: crisisactionsa@herogame.com.tw
Crisis Action- قوات الصاعقة 1.0.1 APK
Crisis Action-قوات الصاعقة هي لعبة إطلاق نارمجانية وتسبب الإدمان حيث تقدم أسلحة قوية جدا وخرائط الضربة المضادةالكلاسيكية. قاتل ضد ملايين القناص في أرض المعركة، فقط مهارة إطلاقالنار والاستراتيجية الاستثنائية سوف تجعلك تبقى على قيد الحياة. لاتراجع، لا استسلام! هل أنت مستعد لعالم يحوي هذا الكم الهائل من إطلاقالنار، أيها الجندي؟ ----- ميزات اللعبة -----★أفضل لعبة إطلاق نار مجانيةCrisis Action-قوات الصاعقة هي أفضل لعبة إطلاق نار مجانية (FPS) ،بمميزاتها رسومها الـ d3 ، المعارك متعددة اللاعبين أونلاين في الوقتالحقيقي ★الأوضاع الكلاسيكية و100% خرائط الضربة المضادةجرب الأوضاع الكلاسيكية مثل وضع متعددة اللاعبين، وضع فردي ، وضعالفريق وكثير من الأوضاع الأخرى. مع 100% من خرائط الضربة المضادة سوفتستعيد ذكريات أمجاد الماضي! ★أسلحة غير محدودة ومتعة لا تنتهيحتى نقول أنها لعبة إطلاق النار الأكثر إثارة في التاريخ، يجب أن يكونهناك أسلحة قوية لتختار منها!Crisis Action-قوات الصاعقة تأتي مع مجموعة متنوعة من الأسلحة المقدمةفقط من أجلك، مثل Knight, Gatlig, AK-47وغيرها الكثير. ★انتبه للزومبي الذي في الخلفتحذير!!! يوجد فيروس بيولوجي غامض تم تطويره وتفجيره على أرض المعركةهذه. لا أصيب بالفيروس، إذا كنت لا تريد أن تصبح زومبي! ★قاتل مع أصدقائك المقربينCrisis Action-قوات الصاعقة تملك نظام اجتماعي قوي. تستطيع أن تدعوأصدقائك وتقاتلوا معاً من أجل الشرف. لا تنسى أن تشارك كل اللحظةالرائعة التي تمر بها. ----- طرق اللعب ------ وضع فردي: يوجد مراحل كثيرة لتساعدك بتحسين مهاراتك بالقنص- وضع متعددة اللاعبين: كلما زاد عدد الأعداء، كلما كان الخطرأكبر!- وضع منفرد: لقد حان الوقت لإظهار نفسك، منفرداً الآن!-وضع فريق: اعمل فريق مع أصدقائك، قاتلوا معاً!-الوضع البيولوجي: من الذي سيصاب بالفايروس تالياً؟ لا نستطيعالإنتظار حتى الفجر! ========================تابعونا على تويتر على الرابط:https://twitter.com/crisisactionmeقم بعمل إعجاب على صفحتنا على الفيسبوك:https://www.facebook.com/crisisactionmeاشتركوا معنا على يوتيوب على الرابط:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmGOjkQdPiEgGeKDpUPcjDwخدمة العملاء البريد الإلكتروني:crisisactionme@herogame.com.tw يحتاج القوات الصاعقة إلى دخول إلى ملفات البيانات لتخزين على هذاالجهاز، يجب أن تمنح الأذونات READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGEوWRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE قبل تسجيل الدخول في اللعبة لأول مرةCrisis Action-Thunderbolt forces are shooting game free and cause addiction,offering very powerful weapons and maps of the classic CounterStrike. Fought against millions sniper on the battlefield, only theskill of shooting and special strategy will make you stay alive. Noretreat no surrender! Are you ready for a world that contains ahuge amount of fire, my soldier?----- game features -----★ best shooting game freeCrisis Action- Thunderbolt forces are the best shooting game free(FPS), the fees Bmmizzatha d3, online multiplayer battles inreal-time★ classic conditions and 100% Counter-Strike mapsTry classic situations such as multi-player mode, single mode, theteam developed and many other situations. With 100% of theCounter-Strike maps will regain memories of past glories!★ weapons are unlimited and endless fun So we say it shooting game the most exciting in history,there must be powerful weapons to choose from!Crisis Action- Thunderbolt forces come with a variety of weaponsprovided only for you, like Knight, Gatlig, AK-47 and manyothers.★ Watch out for zombies who at the backWarning!!! There is a mysterious biological virus was developed anddetonate it on this battlefield. Not hit by the virus, if you donot want to become a zombie!★ fought with close friendsCrisis Action- Thunderbolt forces have a strong social system. Youmay invite your friends and fought together for the honor. Do notforget to participate all the wonderful moment pass by.----- ----- ways to play- Individual mode: There are many stages to help you to improveyour skills hunting- multiplayer mode: the greater the number of enemies, the greaterthe danger was greater!- Solo mode: It is time to show yourself, solo now!-Develop team: team work with your friends, fought together!Biological -aloda: Who will develop Balvyrus next? We can not waituntil dawn!========================Follow us on Twitter at:https://twitter.com/crisisactionmeMake impressive on our page on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/crisisactionmeParticipated with us on Youtube link:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmGOjkQdPiEgGeKDpUPcjDw  Customer Service E-mail:crisisactionme@herogame.com.twThunderbolt forces need to enter the data files to be stored onthis device, you must be granted permissions READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGEand WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE before you log in the game for the firsttime
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